Shy girl to bimbo pornstar- chapter 5 (Finale): you shoot a bukkake scene [FPOV][YourPOV][bimbofication][Plastic surgery]

# You are invited to shoot a bukkake scene

You receive an exciting invitation from a famous bukkake porn studio called “Premium Bukkake”. You are ecstatic and immediately accept the invitation.

On the day of the shoot, you arrive at the studio and meet the director, who explains what you need to do for the bukkake scene. He tells you that your responsibility is to swallow as much cum as possible and to make sure that every man is satisfied. He warns you that the number of men he has prepared is 125, and you are expected to swallow at least one cum load from each man.

The director tells you, “We expect you to swallow every load of cum, no matter how much there is. We want to see you satisfied and full of cum by the end of the scene. If you feel sick, just keep going. Do not refuse to swallow any cum. We want all of it to find its way into your stomach.”

The director hands you a contract, and you quickly read through it. By signing it, you agree to swallow every cum load given to you and cannot refuse even if you feel sick. You must catch any semen that might escape your mouth in a large glass bowl provided by the staff.

You sign the contract, knowing that it is your job to satisfy every man at CumStorm. You prepare yourself mentally and physically, ready to fulfill your duty as a bukkake porn star.

# The bukkake

After signing the contract, you’re taken to a large room with a mattress on the floor. The men, all standing naked around you, begin to stroke their erect penises. You open your mouth, and they begin to take turns ejaculating into it.

The first few loads of cum slide down your throat easily, but soon you begin to feel full. The taste is different for every man, but it’s all salty and slightly bitter. The smell is overwhelming, and the consistency is thick and slimy. The more you swallow, the harder it becomes to keep it down.

Your stomach fills up quickly, but you’re not allowed to throw it up. The men continue to ejaculate into your mouth, and you struggle to keep up. Your jaw aches, and you feel a burning sensation in your throat.

As time passes, your thoughts become muddled. You begin to feel like you’re drowning in a sea of semen. Some of the men are rough, and you feel like you’re being suffocated. Others are more gentle, and you find yourself becoming aroused despite the circumstances.

At one point, you just cannot swallow any more cum. You want to throw up. But the staff members react quickly as you start to gag. They forcefully pinch your mouth closed so that no cum can come out. You can feel their hands on your cheeks and chin, holding your mouth tightly shut. You have no choice but to swallow, even though it’s getting harder and harder to do so.

Finally, after what feels like an eternity, the last man ejaculates into your mouth. You’ve swallowed over 150 cum loads and the rest is collected in the glass bowl. The staff members bring out a flexible pipe with a funnel on one end and ask you to look up to the ceiling and open your mouth wide. You comply, feeling helpless and weak.

The staff members push the pipe past your mouth and into your throat. You can feel the cold metal against your tonsils as they pour all the sperm in the glass bowl into the funnel. The cum is flushed directly into your stomach, and you can do nothing but gag as you can feel a lot of sperm entering your belly. It’s a strange and overwhelming sensation, but you can do nothing to stop it.

You start feeling sick and dizzy, and you desperately want to throw up. But you know you can’t. You signed the contract, and you have to see this through to the end. You try to focus on anything else, but all you can think about is the taste of the sperm in your mouth and the feeling of it filling up your stomach. You wonder if the cum from different men tastes different, but you can’t focus on that right now.

Finally, it’s over. The staff members remove the pipe and funnel from your mouth, and you can finally breathe. The director announces that the scene is over, and you collapse onto the mattress. After the intense bukkake scene, you are finally able to shower and clean yourself up. The hot water feels soothing against your skin as you scrub away the remnants of the cum from your body.

However, your relief is short-lived as you realize that you are not allowed to leave the studio yet. The staff members make it clear that you must stay at the studio because they wish to make sure that you won’t throw up the sperm in your stomach.
Your stomach feels absolutely terrible. It is bloated and distended, and you can feel the weight of the sperm in your belly. You groan and clutch your stomach, hoping for some relief, but none comes. You are forced to sit and wait until your body fully digests the cum. The staff members show no sympathy towards you, and you are left to suffer in silence.

Finally, after what feels like hours, you feel a sense of relief as the last of the cum is digested. You can finally leave the studio, but you are still feeling the after-effects of the bukkake scene. However, as soon as the director hands you your payment of $8,500, you feel a sense of satisfaction and victory. The cum diet was worth it, and you know that you can’t wait to do it all again.

# Ms. Cumpire, a cum-obsessed pornstar whore is born

As soon as the bukkake scene is released, you become an instant sensation among porn fans. They are amazed by your performance and the amount of cum you swallowed, which earns you a new nickname- “Ms. Cumpire”, a female vampire who lives and feeds on cum. The name quickly spreads across the industry, and people start recognizing you by that name.

The fans are captivated by your persona, which perfectly fits the nickname. They say things like, “Ms. Cumpire is the perfect name for you, you really sucked the life out of all those guys” and “I can’t get enough of Ms. Cumpire, she is the queen of cum”. They are impressed by your ability to swallow so much cum without throwing up, and some even suggest that you must have a “cum stomach” specially designed to hold all that sperm.

Your fans also admire your dedication to the art of porn, as you are willing to do anything to satisfy your viewers. They say things like, “Ms. Cumpire is the ultimate cum slut, she is willing to do whatever it takes to please her fans” and “I love how Ms. Cumpire embraces her inner slut and isn’t afraid to show it on camera”. They appreciate your willingness to push boundaries and explore new fetishes, which makes them even more eager to watch your future performances.

Despite your personal distaste for semen, you continue to be cast in bukkake and other cum-centric porn scenes. Your willingness to swallow large amounts of cum has earned you the nickname “Ms. Cumpire,” a moniker that you do not particularly enjoy. However, you cannot deny that it has become your main selling point, and every shoot you do involves you taking massive loads of cum.

At first, you feel conflicted about your persona. You never thought of yourself as a cum obsessed whore, but the fans seem to love it. They praise your ability to take so much cum and make it look so effortless. “She’s a true cum queen,” they say. “No one takes it like Ms. Cumpire.”

As much as you try to distance yourself from the nickname, it follows you everywhere. Directors and producers only want to cast you in scenes that involve swallowing copious amounts of cum. It becomes clear that if you want to stay relevant in the industry, you have to embrace your persona.

Slowly but surely, you start to embody the nickname “Ms. Cumpire.” You begin to enjoy the attention and the praise. You start to take pride in your ability to swallow so much cum. You even start to experiment with different ways to take the cum – sometimes you use your hands to scoop it up, sometimes you let it drip down your face and into your mouth.

Despite your initial reservations, you come to accept that “Ms. Cumpire” is who you are now. You have become famous in the porn industry as a cum obsessed whore, and you wouldn’t have it any other way.

# Conclusion

Ms. Cumpire’s career has been a rollercoaster ride from start to finish. You started off as a regular girl who stumbled upon the porn industry, with no idea of what you were getting yourself into. At first, you were apprehensive and unsure about swallowing semen, but the more you did it, the more you realized that it could be your selling point.

You went through various surgeries to enhance your body, including a boob job, a nose job, and lip fillers, which further cemented your status as a sex symbol in the industry. Despite not liking the nickname, you accepted your persona as Ms. Cumpire, and it became your main selling point in every shoot.

Currently, you are one of the most sought-after performers in the porn industry, with a large fan base that adores you for your cum obsession. You have made a name for yourself as a woman who can’t get enough of the sticky white fluid, and you have earned the respect of your peers in the industry.

From here, the possibilities are endless for Ms. Cumpire. You can continue to dominate the porn industry, or you can branch out into other ventures, such as writing or directing. Whatever you choose to do, you know that your fans will be with you every step of the way, cheering you on and supporting you through thick and thin. You are a true icon in the porn industry, and your legacy will continue to inspire future generations of performers.
