The Babysitter [M33/F19] – Part 6

I was down on all fours cleaning up my mess. I felt shame and disgust, but also clearheaded and relaxed. The pressure was gone. “Dave? What are you doing?”. I jerked upwards and hit my head on the underside of the desk (fortunately that was the first thing I cleaned). “Ow, fuck!”. I heard Lindsey first gasp and then giggle. “Sorry I didn’t mean to startle you. But why are you down there?”. I got up and rubbed the backside of my head “ah, I spilled some water on the floor. I was reading and I didn’t pay attention”. Fortunately I always kept a water bottle on my desk – so my explanation should be feasible to her. She was again clothed and was drying her head with the towel. “Oh, that’s quite clumsy. But I know the feeling. I’ve been many-a-time down on all four cleaning up my messes” she laughed. “Anyways, thank you for the towel! Where can I put it?”. As she asked that question we could hear Leo babbling from a distance. “I got him Dave, don’t worry! Come to think of it I saw a laundry basket in his room. I’ll drop it there”. Before I could say anything she was off, walking towards Leo’s room. I could see her hips swaying and her leggings doing her justice.

“Sure. Thank you.” I whispered to myself. I was hypnotized by her movements. Even if I just came – I could feel a fire burning inside me.

The rest of the day and evening went well. I wasn’t involved at all. Which was truly liberating. I heard that they were playing and saw them going about when I grabbed something from the kitchen. I made dinner for the three of us (pasta bolognese) and we had a really fun dinner. We laughed and talked – Leo seemed so happy. I was happy and relaxed. I felt content. After we had eaten Lindsey and Leo went off to prepare him for bed and I cleaned up. Once they had brushed Leo’s teeth they came over to me. I got down gave him a big hug and kissed his forehead “Do you want me to put you to bed Leo?” – “No, Linsey!”. Lindsey and I have a chuckle. “Fair enough. Sleep tight Leo. Remember that Daddy loves you very much”. We hugged each other tightly and I heard Lindsey say “oh, that’s so sweet”. Leo let go and took Lindsey by the hand. They started walking towards his bedroom. I finished cleaning up. I then took a glass of wine and sat down on the living room couch. Gosh, what a day.

After a while I heard that Leo’s door was closed gently, followed with soft steps. Lindsey came over to the living room. “Wow, that was really quick. It’s usually a hassle to get him to bed”. Lindsey smiled and came over to the other end of the sofa. She sat down, sitting on her chins and leaning on the sofa. She supported her head with one hand. She seemed relaxed. “Haha yeah, well it was a big and exciting day. We played a ton. He’s a really sweet boy. An intense day nonetheless – I wouldn’t mind a glass of wine myself, haha”. I raised my eyebrows and in a jokingly shocked voice said “young lady, correct me if I’m wrong but aren’t you 19 years old?” Lindsey picked up on my tone “oh, HA-HA. Like you never had a beer when you were 19. In Europe they are allowed to drink when they’re 16”. I got up and scuffed “who cares what those barbarians allow. But, okay – a SMALL glass of wine. You’ve earned it, but remember – this is our secret”. Lindsey giggled and a crossed her chest with a finger and winked “promise”.

I gave her a glass and sat down back at sofa. “I have to ask – that yoga thing. Does it really help?” Lindsey was in mid sip and her eyes got bigger. She swallowed quickly “oh god yes! It’s the best. It really relaxes and stretches the muscles. It keeps you limber through the day! I have no pain or ache now”. I responded “well I mean in your age anything is possible. I’d wager youth is the key. For example the position you were in when I came? I couldn’t manage it without a snap-crackle-and-pop”. Lindsey was sipping her wine and had to cover her mouth. “You almost made spit” she laughed. “For your information, it’s actually called child’s pose and is a relaxing position. Tell you what. When I’m here babysitting, we’ll start doing yoga on Leo’s nap. You’ll thank me for it!”. The thought of doing and seeing yoga moves with Lindsey was exiting. I felt the blood rush to my groin. I crossed my legs. “Hmm I don’t know. I’ll have to think about it. Maybe. We’ll see”. Lindsey smiled at me with a glimmer in her eyes “just you wait – you’ll thank me for it”.

We conversed for a while, whilst she finished her drink. We talked about, books, series and other pointlessness bullshit. But I really felt that this young woman had a smart head on her shoulders. I felt secure in knowing that she was taking care of Leo. My reluctance at first for a babysitter had completely been wiped. I was happy that she was involved in our lives now. After she finished her drink, I ordered her an Uber. “Thank you so much for your time today Lindsey – I know that Leo is eager to meet you again”. She gave me a soft smile and tilted her head. “Thank you Dave. I really look forward to it. I’ll see you guys in a couple of days after the weekend”. When she was leaving and walking away, I couldn’t help myself from staring at her ass. Suddenly she turned around and said “next time you better be prepared. We are going to do yoga!”. And with that she was in the car and left. I’m certain that I blushed. She probably saw that I checked out her ass. Well there wasn’t much I could do about it. She probably wouldn’t remember it.

I got back inside. Read my book for a while. No messages from Sofia. Somewhat agitated by her actions today and since she showed no interest in todays activities – I decided go to bed without sending her a message. When I started sleeping I thought of how distant and how out of sync we were with Sofia.



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