Remembering my (33f) first week of college dorm life (ff)

It’s now been about 15 years since my first week of Freshman year at college but I’ve been thinking about it a lot lately. I remember how excited I was to start this new adventure and even more excited that I was finally going to be living on my own and out of my parents house. At 18 years old having some independence was all I wanted.

My parents helped me bring all of my bags to my room. When we opened the door my roommate Stephanie was already inside and moved in. I remember my first impression of her was that she was really friendly and nice. She smiled right away and offered to help unpack my stuff. She was polite and respectful to my parents and I could tell they both liked her.

To paint the picture of what the room looked like, it wasn’t anything special. Just one of those traditional two person college dorms. Two high beds right next to each other with desks at the end and a couple of dresses next to the door. Shared bathrooms on every floor.

Not long after we finished unpacking my parents left and I got a chance to talk one on one with Steph. We got along great right off the bat. I was so excited. I felt like this was going to be a great year.

Oh, I guess I should also describe what Steph looked like to make this story easier to picture. She was blonde, in super good shape, very flat stomach, and yes for those who are wondering she did have a pretty nice ass. Perfect peach I guess you could say. I could tell that right away when I first met her since she was wearing a pair of skin tight leggings. She also had a perky pair of C-cup breasts.

Real quick summary of what I looked like. I had the same flat stomach as Steph (good genes), B-cup breast’s (not as good genes lol), and a pretty tight plump butt. Oh and I’m brunette. Picture painted.

The rest of the first day of dorm life was pretty uneventful until around shower time. Steph went to the showers first and after about 20 minutes came back with a towel wrapped around her telling me I’m good to go. I figured this made the most sense for us to stagger our showers so that I could leave while Steph got dressed with some privacy and then maybe she would step out for a few minutes when I came back and got dressed.

After about 20 minutes I finished showering and dried off. I wrapped a towel around myself and walked back to the dorm. I expected to find Steph all dressed in her pajamas but that wasn’t the case. She was standing next to her bed facing away from the door in just her bra and underwear! She was wearing a black bra and matching thong.

At first when I came in she was looking down at her phone facing away from me so I had a full view of her thong covered ass. When she heard me come in she turned around and put her phone down and smiled asking me how my shower was. It was like it was no big deal for her to be that exposed in front of me. I just smiled back at her and told her it was good. I did glimpse down at her bra and realized it was slightly sheer so I could see a bit of her nipples poking through.

I turned away from her and faced the dresser. I grabbed my own maroon colored bra and thong. I was thinking maybe Steph would offer to turn around or put a robe on to leave the room and give me some privacy. She didn’t. She just kept talking to me about how excited she was for the school year and how many parties we are going to go too.

I couldn’t just keep standing there in a towel, it would’ve been weird. I thought about it for a second and realized that just because I was a shy prude didn’t mean everyone else was. For most girls getting dressed in front of each other is no big deal. I figured I was in college now and need to grow up.

Even still it was nerve wracking. Sure I had just seen Steph in her bra and thong and seen a glimpse of her nipples but I hadn’t seen her naked. I would have to drop my towel for a few seconds in order to put my bra and thong on. I rationalized that I was facing away from Steph so all she would really see was my bare butt. I decided to go for it. I dropped the towel.

I quickly reached forward and grabbed my bra but just as I did Steph appeared right next to me at the dresser. She was holding her phone up and telling me to look that she had already gotten us invited to a party in a boys room on the floor below ours. I almost couldn’t process anything Steph was saying as all I could think about now was that my bare breasts and pussy were completely on display!

My face got bright red. No one had ever seen me naked before. Of course I was cold from coming out of the shower so my nipples were hard and at full attention. My pussy was also shaved completely bare. Steph snapped me back into reality by asking how great it was that we got this invite. I tried to remain calm cool and collected and just said yeah it’s gonna be great and then reached quickly again for my bra.

Unfortunately my embarrassment was not over. As I grabbed my bra Steph reached out and took hold of it as well. She started saying how nice the bra was and how soft. She was asking where I got it. I was answering while at the same time letting go of the bra and grabbing my thong. I figured if I couldn’t cover my tits at least I could cover my pussy.

Of course as soon as I grabbed my thong Steph reached out and snatched them too. She was fawning over how nice of a matching set they were. All I could do was stand there blushing with my tits and bare pussy on display and my hard nipples pointing right at her. I quickly finished telling her where I got the matching set.

Before Steph handed me back the bra and thong she looked up at me and said “pretty cold in here aren’t ya?” She then reached out and flicked my hard left nipple with her finger. She giggled, I was shocked but made myself giggle too as not to be awkward. I kept thinking to myself, is this how normal girls act??

Steph finally handed me back by clothes and when she did she said, “well what do you expect, without any hair down here to keep you warm.” With that she reached out and gave my pussy two gentle pats with her hand. She laughed afterwards and started to walk back to her bed. I was in shock but forced myself to laugh. I was so sheltered growing up. No one had ever seen me naked let alone touch my nipple and pussy!

I kept questioning myself and thinking maybe this was just how friendly girls act. After all, Steph was super nice and it’s not like she was being mean. She was laughing and having a good time. So she flicked my nipple, they were super hard and noticeable, how could she not make a joke out of it. And yeah she patted my hairless pussy a couple times but it was just for that reason, that it was hairless and it went along with original joke. I figured I needed to stop overthinking things and just enjoy my college dorm life experience. The rest of the night was pretty uneventful and then we just went to sleep.

I’m not sure if this story is interesting or not. I’ll stop there for now. There’s plenty more to tell from my first week with Steph as a roommate and even more from my second, third, fourth week and on lol. Let me know if I should make another post and tell more!



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