A Rekindling Of Desire [F41, M43] [Dead bedroom] [Rekindling] [Watching a Movie] [Cuddling] [Intimate] [Kissing] [Touching] [Oral] [Confession] [Slow burn] [Part 1]

Holly smiled and laid back into Jack’s arms. The kids were finally in bed. They had opened a bottle of wine and had just put a movie on. One of their favourites. One they had watched over and over, but never got bored of. 

Finally, they could relax. Constantly exhausted, their evenings had become routine and predictable. Most evenings they crashed out on the sofa watching TV. 

Tonight, however, seemed different. They both seemed more relaxed than usual, more than content in each other’s presence. Their children had slept through for a few days in a row. They were returning to having uninterrupted conversations for more than a few seconds. Life as parents seemed to be getting easier. 

They had been married for 8 years, together for 15. Their two kids had been their priority for the past 5 years. It felt like their freedom was returning, slowly. 

The elephant was still in the room. It had been there for 6 years. They rarely had sex. In fact, Holly couldn’t remember the last time. it made her cringe when she thought about it. Was it a year, two years? 

She couldn’t believe they had become that kind of couple, but at the same time could see how easily it happened. 

She knew it. He knew it. But they never spoke about it. There was always too much. Too much to do. Too much to say. Too much to explain. Too many moments left untouched. Too many words left unsaid. 

It wasn’t all bad. They still had their intimate moments. It wasn’t unusual for them to cuddle on the sofa, but it rarely led to anything more. Mostly because Holly stopped it or the rare times she did want more Jack didn’t initiate. The timing was always off. 

Lucy rested her head on Jack’s chest and his arm gently rested on her shoulder. They relaxed and watched the movie.

They both sensed a change in the atmosphere. Were they finally in sync? Was he thinking the same as her? Her thoughts were answered. She felt a tickling on her neck from Jack’s beard. She closed her eyes and smiled, enjoying the sensation and pretending to be engrossed in the movie. 

She was pleasantly surprised to hear him whisper in her ear. “Is this okay?” She felt the warmth of his breath turn into a gentle kiss on the back of her neck. Her hairs stood on end as though feeling this sensation for the first time. 

She stirred, feeling a fire igniting between her legs for the first time in a long time. Too many times she had shied away. Too many times had she lacked the confidence to say yes. This time she couldn’t stop herself. She was surprised to hear herself whisper back “Yes.” 

She felt more kisses on her neck and a gentle bite. She looked down, biting her lip and trying to resist turning to kiss him, enjoying him nuzzling her neck for as long as possible. They hadn’t kissed properly for years. A quick peck here and there, but nothing passionate, nothing like the sensual, teasing kind they had when they first met.

She noticed how hard he was through his jeans and enjoyed the feeling for a moment. He was hard because of her. She did this to him. She had this power. She closed her eyes, enjoying the sensation and thinking about how much she wanted to kiss him. 

Voices from the movie she knew and loved melted into the background. She took a deep breath and inhaled his scent, expelling a shuddering whimper as she breathed out. 

Why was the scent she had smelled so often suddenly so intoxicating to her?

The kisses moved onto her ear and then side of her neck. His hand glided from her shoulder to the back of her head and he pulled her closer to him. She was breathing heavily now and could not resist him any longer.  

She turned slowly and opened her eyes. Those familiar eyes she had looked into for years told her everything. There was a mutual understanding as they looked at each other. They were not going to rush. They would take their time. Savor every moment. 

She closed her eyes and leaned in. He responded by brushing her lips softly and cupping her head in his hands. 

He slipped his tongue in, a faint taste of dark fruity wine filling her mouth. She responded, teasing her tongue next to his, searching and tasting more. She was enjoying this. She shifted position and climbed on top of him. 

The feeling of how hard he had gotten underneath her caused a tingle between her legs. 

He moved his arms down her back as he kissed her deeply and passionately. She placed one hand on his face and the other on his chest. She could feel his heart beating fast. 

He slid his hands up her back and stopped at her neck. He slowly pulls down on one strap of her flowery summer dress, never taking his eyes off her. It falls loosely off her shoulder, revealing one breast, her nipple erect. 

Holly instinctively moved her hand to cover herself up, but stopped herself, instead brushing the other strap down, revealing her other breast. She stared at him. He looked at her like she was a Goddess. Suddenly she no longer felt self conscious. She wanted to feel his touch once more. 

Jack did not hesitate. He slowly trailed his fingers down her neck and onto her breasts cupping them gently and teasing her nipples. She exhaled slowly and tilted her head back. 

He leant forward and kissed her passionately again whilst rubbing her breasts firmly. He gently slid his fingers up her thighs, pushing her dress up as he does, barely touching her skin. He whispered, “Are you okay? Is this okay?” Holly nodded enthusiastically.

He reached underneath her dress and lifted it up over her head, never breaking eye contact. He watched her as he moved one hand onto her hip and the other over the front of her underwear. She wavered slightly, trying to remember what underwear she was wearing, before realising it wasn’t going to stay on for long anyway. 

He teased a finger into the top seam, slowly moving it side to side. She was desperate for him to touch her now and was breathing hard and fast. He slipped his hand in and watched as she took a sharp intake of breath. She heard Jack gasp as he lightly brushed her entrance, Holly was just as astonished as he was at how wet she was. 

He slowly brushed her wet and throbbing clit and watched her as she moaned loudly at his touch. He was throbbing underneath her. He took his hand out and lifted her up, placing her gently on the rug. He settled down between her legs.

He took a few moments to look at her. His gaze made her feel at ease. Holly was no longer trying to hide. She felt relaxed, her arms draped over her head. She was still in disbelief that this was really happening. 

He leant over and kissed her hard. A gentle melody filled the room from the film as he kissed her neck, slowly moving to her shoulders, her breasts and her stomach. 

He slid her panties down and she moaned loudly as she felt him between her legs. It had been so long since he had gone down on her. Her desire outweighed the pinging thoughts entering her mind. When did I shower again? What if I make a mess on the rug? What if…

As soon as she felt his tongue on her labia all thoughts disappeared. She was in heaven. She had forgotten just how good Jack was at this. He started off slowly, parting her labia gently, tasting her juices now flowing freely. She arched her back and lifted her hips up towards his face, inviting him further. He took the hint and started licking her clit, lightly grazing it in circles.

She lost herself in the moment, the music increasing in tempo as he kissed and licked her. Powerful notes fill the room, increasing in tempo. She arches her back as Jack’s rhythm matches the music as it intensifies. She called out loudly, her voice lost in the music.

Then all at once, the crescendo and the climax takes her over the edge and she loses herself to him, orgasming hard and letting herself go completely. 

Jack lifted her up and kissed her deeply, before smiling and saying earnestly, “God Damn you are so sexy Holly!” 

She initially smiled with joy at Jack’s words, but then paused, a sad look on her face. She suddenly burst into tears. Jack immediately embraced her, “What’s wrong?” She smiled through her tears, managing to say through sobs, “My body isn’t what it used to be. Hearing you say that means everything to me!” Holly put her head in her hands feeling embarrassed. 

Jack felt his own eyes moistening. He gently pulled her hands away and responded calmly, “You are so beautiful. In every way. You have never stopped being sexy to me. My desire for you has never wavered.” Holly smiled and wiped her tears away, she was full of nothing but gratitude for the love this man showed her. 

They both collapsed back into the rug, snuggled in each other’s arms. Holly laid her head on his chest. They stayed like this for a long while, in a comfortable silence. 

Holly was the first to break the silence. “I want to ask you something and I want you to be truthful.” Jack was alert and paying attention once more. “Okay. Sure.” Holly took a deep breath then asked, “Do you watch porn?” Jack looked a little shocked and wriggled uncomfortably, wondering where this conversation was going. 

He took a moment to compose himself then promptly said, “Yes.” Holly grinned then sat up to look at Jack. “I do too.” Jack also sat up in disbelief. “Wait…what, you watch porn?”

Just at that moment their youngest started to cry. Holly immediately went into parent mode, grabbed her clothes and went upstairs. 

Jack was left amazed and throbbing once more. 

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/12im2c3/a_rekindling_of_desire_f41_m43_dead_bedroom

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