Manny’s Trials: Episode 2

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Manny sensed it when the atmosphere in the vehicle changed. They were four houses away from theirs and Tiago turned the vehicle to a purposefully slow glide. The humor and good cheer of conversations immediately dried up when Tiago asked.

“So is your mom any better?”

A sudden quietness had come upon them and Manny hesitated to reply. On the one hand, he was perplexed that he could not measure Tiago’s concern for his mom and on the other hand, he did not really think his mother’s current state was Tiago’s business. The slim chance that Tiago had a sinister veil over his question made his stomach rumble. Manny turned to Tiago and assessed his friend briefly.

Tiago had never shown himself to be the type to betray Manny with Lilianna but Manny felt a reason to be careful. Manny shrugged. Perhaps, Lilianna would not care too much about Tiago as he was not all so dashing to look at.

Tiago had thick, black hair that was always combed into a lick. And when the lick was dry, the hair appeared frazzled at the top of his head. He had the same heavy pair of black brows on each eye which gave an awkward jump to his bespectacled face. Red acne, splotches scattered all over his face from the cheeks and over the bridge of his nose. And he had a wide nose that expanded when he respired. His ears were large enough to stick out from the sides of his heads to hold his glass frames.

The acne also affected his lips causing them to be beetroot red at all times. Under the shade of night light, he did not seem so reddened by his condition but Manny made out all of his flaws from excellent recollection.

“Wow. It’s eight o’clock. We really did a shift, didn’t we?” Tiago asked, turning his hands sideways to reveal the interface of his watch. The car slowed to a halt and Manny offered a nod of thankfulness for Tiago’s help to get him home.

From where she waited, at the window of their home, Lilianna burst into a sharp rapid clap of thrill to see that Manny had finally returned even though so late. She skipped away from the mirror and rushed to the door.

Tiago’s eyes lit up when he saw Lilianna slide through the door with all of the sultry goodness of her contours made bare by the dirty lenses of night. She flicked her large brown hair in one swinging attempt with both her hands and her boobs jiggled at the effort. They bobbed up and down and gave a salacious invitation through the revealing topmost part of her dress. Tiago thought it was disrespectful to leave without offering salutations to Manny’s mom, so he stepped out of the car at the same instance that Manny did.

“Hola, mi hermoso.” Lilianna simpered as she drifted closer. When Manny was within reach, she stretched her open arms wide and pulled him in for a cuddle. Manny wondered if she had been out for dinner because she had such a noticeable amount of makeup on her face with a thick paste of red lipstick on her lips. Tiago’s heart raced in nervousness when she began to kiss Manny all over his face and neck as though he had been gone for years.

Manny squealed and tried to pry himself away from his mother’s overwhelming show of affection which made him sick. She gave him his liberty and he was almost in tears when he took one top to bottom glare at her outfit and choice of behavior in front of his friend.

All of the pain which he felt two weeks ago, when the handyman had visited, returned. And it cut deeper this time because Tiago was a personal friend. He had been hurt for so long since then, days after, and she has always inquired of him what was wrong. There had been no way to put it, Manny had reasoned, if she did not see that dressing inappropriately around men and showing off naughty sides to her personality made him shame. She was fully healed now, yet, here she was in an unbelievably light transparent floral gown which showed off her skin except the parts which were covered by her G- string panties and her tiny nipple covering bra.

“Mom. Can we…” Manny started to speak and his words suddenly trailed off as she spoke, leaving him hanging on to silent awkwardness.

“Qué? Who’s your friend?” She asked and Manny struggled to see how she was bent on feeding Tiago’s gaze with her sultry delicious skin. The fact that she had begun to sweat on the top, causing it to cling to her body made his anxiety worse. He started to stutter but his stuttering was futile because Tiago ambled clumsily around the car and nodded his head slightly at Lilianna.

“Hi, I’m Tiago. I’m Manny’s friend from work.” The bespectacled boy said as his eyes roamed the lubricious fullness of Lilianna’s breasts. He gasped when Lilianna swept her finger over the top of her steamy cleavage slowly and suddenly flicked the hair backwards and away from the top of her voluptuous titties.

A more detailed roundness of her breasts, rubbing against each other beneath the covering of her floral dress was exhibited and Manny saw his worst fear being played out in his eyes. He folded his fingers into fists and slammed them against his leg in frustration. The moment lasted longer than he intended and as though to punctuate a long, painful sentence his mother went in for a hug. Manny felt the world spin under his legs.

“Hello, my name is Lilianna and I’m Manny’s mom. Ven entonces.” She said, anticipating an embrace with her arms open.

Tiago whimpered when he was in Lilianna’s soft embrace and the moan struck Manny terribly. It had been a mistaken expression of pleasure but Manny felt such shame at his mother and embarrassment for himself that she was pressing her body, committing that tender, juicy breasts of hers to Tiago’s body. It made him teary.

“Did you both have a good day at work?” Lilianna asked as she rubbed her hands over Tiago’s back.

Tiago moaned his response, eyes shut behind his glasses and reveling in the softest hug he had had in his life. It lasted long enough too and by the time Lilianna moved away, Tiago could tell what she smelled like up close. He smiled without cause, spreading his cheer around to Manny who did not seem amused about the episode. Manny’s face was sour and if Tiago was any closer to him, he would have been able to tell how heavily Manny was seething.

“Mama, I want to go inside.” Manny purred, careful not to spill his annoyance over to his mother even though he was struggling with all that he had to contain it.

“Ey, hermoso. We will go inside.” Lilianna responded and acknowledged Tiago some more to see how his red cheeks had become abnormally redder. “Do you think your friend would come in too for a good time with the family?”

Her words dropped like a bomb in the ears of the boys and Manny looked at Tiago to be sure the boy did not hear what he did. Tiago also looked at Manny to be sure the boy did not interpret his mom’s suggestion in the same way that he did. Tiago smiled. He liked Lilianna already because she knew how to work her seduction in such subtle ways.

“Mom, he has to go home. It’s late and we have work tomorrow.” Manny tried to reason his way out of what he sensed would be a more embarrassing evening for him.

“Aht.” Lilianna interrupted him by placing her finger on her lip. Tiago followed the trail of her hand and the curve at the elbow.

Lilianna’s hands moved in a slow, ignorantly obscene manner that allowed her breasts to spill over her sweat soaked shirt. He stifled his gasp when he saw that her poking nipples had become more visible as her dress got wetter from sweat. As though his luck were not enough, Tiago found himself breathless when Lilianna leaned over and pulled his red cheeks gently.

‘I don’t really care what you have for work tonight or tomorrow morning. Ven a nuestra casa. I can give you dinner at least.” She said in a mix of Spanish and English with a present Spanish accent that made Manny fume. “Es bueno entretener a los invitados.”

With that, Lilianna spun around and led the way for the boys to follow. Manny took to the front when his mother began to saunter with her large butt cheeks. Her hips provoked his mind to shame and the few times he turned around to see if Tiago was staring at the sensuous mounds of Lilianna’s ass cheeks bouncing as she walked, Tiago was quick enough to look away. But the image was in his mind.

Tiago etched the reverberation of Lilianna’s massive, elevated butt cheeks into his mind. Each wobble was enough to generate lustful electricity in his body. The fact that her dress had become soaked from her sweating made the material stretch over her skin. Her G-string pant was an entertaining choice because it gave her sinfully flabby ass cheeks so much room in her dress to clap against each other. The thrill of watching her walk and the panic that Manny might catch on to him snatched the air from his lungs which he exhaled once they were inside the house and Lilianna was once again, turning about-face to them with the wobbly quiver of her heavy mounds of breasts.

“You must be starving,” Lilianna said, pulling the straight frizzies of her hair away from her boobs and placing them on her shoulders. “Well, I’ve got more than enough for you.”

Tiago blinked in consternation, not realizing if he was being teased by her racy, peeking boobs. The steam of sweatiness formed beads of perspiration that dropped through her chest in between her boobs and it made him dizzy. To distract himself, he nodded his head and turned his attention to Manny.

“So what would you have? The full course here…” She taunted with her luscious boobs to titillate his mind. Then she spun around to show off the fantastic construction of her soft ass cheeks, “or something a little bit different.”

Tiago swallowed nervously in disbelief of what he was being made to answer. Manny tossed his backpack on the sofa and sat on the edge of the chair with his eyes to the ground and fuming at his mother’s raunchy display. The heat from his breath burned the uppermost part of his lip and he struggled to keep his cool. Tiago saw that Manny was in no frame to help so he answered with the first thing that came to his mind, blushing so intensely that his cheeks hurt.

“I’ll have something for the full course.” He answered, fumbling his words.

“You should take some milk first, mi amor. And lucky for you, I have plenty to offer.” Lilianna’s voice trailed off into a low chuckle as walked away to prepare the meal for Tiago and Manny.

Tiago wheezed to catch his breath when Lilianna was gone. His immediate concern was release from all of the pressure Lilianna had dumped on him.

“Can I use your bathroom, Manny?” He whispered to Manny who lifted his head up from his contemplation to see Tiago standing before him.

“My room. Upstairs.” Manny said and at once Tiago was on his way before Manny could register the huge tent-like bulge in his pants which his erection had caused.

Manny opened his mouth to speak but Tiago had shut the door sharply and clicked it shut before Manny could say a word. Manny fumed when he realized Tiago had gone in to rub one of the thoughts of his mother Lilianna. He flushed and turned pale in exasperation. It was all so embarrassing and it was all his mother’s fault.
