Another Universe

“That there could be an infinite number of universes each with a different law of physics. Our Universe could be just one bubble floating in an ocean of other bubbles.”

-Michio Kaku (Physicist)

*Fuck I’m hungry, and I’m stuck in this hotel.*

He was so bored, and lonely. Staying in a hotel for reserve military duty, hours from home, hours from his wife, hours from his kids. What a weird dichotomy of feelings. He hated his life…he was ready to admit that to himself now. He did not love his wife…or at least did not love her the way he should. She treated him like shit…maybe he treated her like shit as well…he wasn’t going to live in denial that it probably goes both ways, you really can’t have a failing marriage caused 100% by one party, or at least not often. He really did feel abused though, emotionally, verbally…and trapped, definitely trapped. He loved his kids more than anything in the universe and readily admitted to himself he stayed married for them. He didn’t want a broken family, but god fucking damnit he was tired of the abuse. And so a large part of him enjoyed this time away from his wife to perform his military duty. It was his escape, his refuge from the constant abuse. He just missed his kids…dearly.

He took stock of his pathetic situation. He had almost no money to his name (his wife constantly made sure of that), but he was fucking hungry. It was starting to rain, and the Subway across the street would be closed in 30 minutes. He could find somewhere more fulfilling…but why bother. He just needed some damn food, and it would be filling, and cheap…and he definitely needed cheap.

He committed to the decision and walked down the stairs to the hotel exit.

It was starting to rain harder. Clyde walked across the street to Subway and opened the door…only to find what could only be an entire fucking college baseball team filling the restaurant. His introvertedness quickly kicked in and he was about to turn around to leave, but the rain simultaneously kicked into high-gear and so he tried to push through his aversion to people…and he was fucking starving! So somehow he decided to press on, and proceeded up to the order counter (it looked like the team already had all their sandwiches) and Clyde ordered his usual: “Chicken/Bacon/Ranch on Parmesan Garlic please” he said loudly to be heard over the baseball team conversations.

To his left………he heard an angel speak: “No, no mayonnaise please, just spicy mustard”.

He was slightly taken off guard and turned to look where the voice came from, and was completely unsurprised by who the voice belonged to. She was quite gorgeous, slim, brown hair, wonderful blue eyes, and looked about the same age as Clyde. That voice though…it was like velvet. Soft, calming, wonderfully feminine. *I wonder if she sings or something…Jesus Christ that voice……..*

She looked over at him (probably could sense his staring) and locked eyes for just a second…and………….time seemed to slow down.

Could he hear the baseball conversations getting slower…and quieter?! *What the fuck is going on?! This is impossible!*

Her eyes were so…indescribably…..perfect….Clyde felt an odd upwelling of emotion from somewhere deep within himself. I feel like I know her…he couldn’t look away, he felt……connected. He was starting to panic…no, no not panic…it was…adrenaline? He could feel his blood flowing to his…*What the fuck is going on!?!?* He was absolutely captivated by her beauty…but it was more than that. He felt…….a growing need……for her…..

”Is that everything ma’am?” She startled and broke eye contact, turning back to the counter looking confused. “What?….oh, oh yes that’s everything”. The world seemed to be coming back into focus for Clyde. The sound of the baseball team’s conversations. The sound of Subway paper getting wrapped around her sandwich.

“OK, that’s $7.19” the clerk said to the lovely lady as she fumbled with her wallet to get out her card.

Clyde gave a few short thoughtless responses to the worker making his sandwich:

“Yes, toasted please.”

“Lettuce, tomato, spinach, pickles, peppers, mayo, mustard”. The same thing every time. Whatever, who cares, it tastes good.

She slid her card to pay, and then looked embarrassed. So did the clerk. She tried it again…same result. The clerk started to say something, and she replied quietly “no hang on, let me just look.” She started fidgeting, nervously rummaging through her purse. *Oh fuck*…Clyde instantly came down off his emotional state from a moment ago…I know what’s happening. I have been here too many times.

Terrible memories started flooding in, of his own experiences going to pay for something just to find out his fucking wife had taken every fucking penny from his account…of the guilt he had for hiding a $20 bill in his wallet to make sure he could pay in situations exactly like this. He did not have to think long though…he sprung into action and walked over, quietly saying “I’ve got it ma’am”. She looked up briefly from her rummaging, and he could see the guilt in her face “no, it’s ok don’t worry about it” she said…and of course he gave the obvious response “I insist, don’t worry about it at all”. She tipped her head a little in the cutest fucking way imaginable and said “thank you so much, that is the kindest thing anyone has done for me in….well…forever.” There was an appreciation, but also a sadness in the way she said that sentence, all the more solidifying Clyde’s happiness to help her. “No problem at all” as he handed over his $20 to the cashier, feeling an upwelling of pride.

He got his change, and then immediately handed it back over to pay for his own finished sandwich that was being wrapped up. *Perfect* he thought. *No evidence for his fucking wife to see a debit card transaction and cause any fucking stupid interrogations.*

He got his sandwich and headed for the door…and slowed down as he saw the most torrential downpour he had ever seen outside. He looked around the restaurant and there was not a single open table. In fact the only seat that wasn’t filled was at the table with the gorgeous woman sitting at it. He resolved to walk into the downpour when she looked up from her sandwich and saw the look of defeat on his face as he walked by her table.

“You can sit here if you want” her velvet voice permeated through him. “I don’t think you will make it 10 feet without your sandwich getting soaked”. The thought of eating a soggy sandwich made his stomach lurch. “Are you sure?” he of course asked. “Please, it’s the least I can do” she responded.

So he sat. “Thank you” and started unwrapping his sandwich. “Of course, you kind of saved me from some embarrassment back there” she still looked a bit embarrassed.

“I have been in that position before” he awkwardly said, keeping his eyes down in shame. *Fuck I hate my life.*

“Oh…I doubt that…does your wife spend all your money too?” she said, and then he could see the regret on her face.

His mind reeled for a second.

Guilt. *I don’t want to talk bad about my wife.*

Attraction. *I want to tell her everything!*

Desire. *I want to hear her story too.*

Pain. *I don’t even want to think about my wife.*

Fear. *She will know when I come home. She will see the guilt in my face. She will know I TALKED to someone. “How dare you!” she will say. Fuck this is pathetic.*

*Fuck it.*

“Yes….she does. Why do you think I paid with cash?” He snickered lightly.

She smiled just a little, but it quickly faded. He looked up and could see the pain in her face as she stared at her sandwich. He knew that pain. It was like looking in a mirror…he saw it all…every emotion he hides. *Or am I hiding it? I can see it plain as day on her face! Maybe everyone can see my pain!! I doubt it…no one knows the pain I feel……….except for her…*

“How long?” He asked.

He could tell she was thinking whether to respond….

“10 years” she softly responded.

“You OK?”

“Ya…I can take care of myself. He doesn’t abuse me or anything…”

“Ya, neither does mine. Well…at least not physically. Kids?”

“…….3, you?”

“3, and I fucking love them so much”

“…..I know. I know” she said softly, lovingly.

They stared at their sandwiches in silence, eating calmly, together…but isolated. As Clyde finished his last bite, she looked up at him and smiled slightly. She reached for a napkin and held it out for him. *Fuck me, I’m a moron.* He reached out to take the napkin and his finger touched her thumb.


The world went white, and silent. And then…

He heard Jack Johnson playing. He was cooking something on a stove, *ground pork maybe? How could this be?!* Someone came up behind him and slid their arms around his chest until they were fully wrapped around him in the most caring, sultry way imaginable. It was a beautiful woman (*How did he know that?*) and she felt like a perfectly warm fireplace on a snowy Christmas morning. *Oh my god, she feels amazing!* She didn’t say anything, but just held herself to his back…like she was taking in the feeling as well, and oh how incredible it did feel! He felt…desired…cared for…protective…turned on…mesmerized…every possible positive emotion felt like it was welling up inside him from her touch, from the way she caressed his body, the way she held him tight, as if it might be painful to let go. *Please don’t let go.*

It went white and silent again…and his heart started to drop as he feared losing this feeling…this impossible experience…this magnificent dream.

And then he was sitting at a restaurant with a gorgeous woman, a wonderful eclectic restaurant with beautiful high-back wooden booths. She was messing with her beautiful dress though, it seemed to be getting caught on the booth backrest. He asked her something and she looked up. *It’s her. HER!!! Good GOD she is gorgeous!* She smiled the cutest smile imaginable and nodded her head. She got up from her side of the booth and came over to sit next to him. They continued chatting…he couldn’t make out what they were saying…he could just tell it was a wonderful conversation. He could feel a beautiful connection forming. *A first date.* They talked and talked, and laughed and talked some more. She held out her hand to show her one tattoo…he gently took her hand and ran a finger across the tattoo………….he could feel the connection form, the bond, timeless, dimensionless, the unbreakable, unbreaking, invincible, wonderful, perfect, connection. He did not let go, he would never let go. He caressed her hand, looked into her eyes. *Those EYES!!* They did not look away from each other again. The experience felt timeless, not sped up, yet going faster than real time. *This is me…I know it’s me. How is this possible? Is this the future? Will I leave my wife and find happiness with her?* As if in answer, the man glanced over to his phone and checked the time…and date………….*That was two weeks ago!!* He didn’t understand. Maybe this wasn’t him. Maybe this wasn’t his life. It was definitely HER though. Maybe this was her husband? That somehow seemed…..unlikely. He didn’t understand why he knew that either though…

It went white again, and he silently begged for this insane, impossible experience to continue.

He was in a forest, hiking along a trail in almost pitch blackness. It was silent…except…he could hear something in the distance….water? A LOT of water. As he walked on…no not “he”…they! She was here again, he was helping her down a difficult path in the trail…well, difficult in the extreme dark anyway. They walked hand-in hand, he led the way. P*lease, never let go.* They turned a corner and there it was, illuminated by the moonlight. A massive waterfall barely visible in the dark. *Why would they come here in the dark, they can’t see anything?!* They walked to a wooden viewing station and looked at the waterfall. She again came up behind him and wrapped her arms around his chest. He firmly grabbed her arm this time and slowly pulled her around so she could see, but kept her wrapped up in his arms now. They looked around, taking everything in, and eventually their eyes found each other and inevitably their mouths found each other. Their tongues danced together and refused to separate. Sometimes their lips would wander away and they would breath into each other, but never their tongues. It was the most erotic feeling he could have ever imagined. Their hands were everywhere, he could feel his insides roiling with desire. He could feel the blood rushing to his growing cock. He suddenly slowed down, broke the kiss, and slowly, methodically, slid her dress straps off her shoulders. One at a time. He was taking in every inch of the movement, it was so sexy, so revealing, so erotic. She looked into his eyes with an indescribable combination of sexuality, submission, and eroticism. She non–verbally gave herself to him, fully and completely.

Another white flash and then he was dancing…*in a living room?!* Slow dancing to Jack Johnson playing again. *I love Jack Johnson.* Who was he dancing with? *FUCK this feels good.* He looked down and saw her again. She was magnificent. She was glowing, and staring up at him….with desire!. There was no question about it, but he could tell it was new, exciting, comforting, wonderful, perfect. She hadn’t been with him very long, he somehow knew. *My god, this was only their….2nd date? 3rd date? How do I know that?* He held her tight, leading her in perfectly wandering circles across the wood floor…in their socks. “This is perfect” she said. *He could make out the voice now! GOD, that voice of an angel!* Eyes closed, they kissed. Their tongues danced together and refused to let go. It was perfection. It was…pure passion. He felt himself getting excited. He felt his manhood growing against her body. She moved against him, moaned lightly, wordlessly begging for it. They kept dancing though, for what felt like hours, it felt like it would never be enough time, not in a thousand lifetimes. He couldn’t take it anymore. He stopped kissing her and looked into her eyes. He saw the same passion in her eyes. He wanted her so bad, there was no other choice.

“Take out my cock, sweetheart.” She slowly but immediately started undoing his belt, unbuttoning his jeans, unzipping…slowly…always looking into his eyes with pure, unadulterated lust. Reached inside with one hand and wrapped around his semi-hard cock, carefully extracting his pleasure tool out of his boxer-briefs. He shuttered with ecstasy at her touch, reveling at the feeling of his cock steadily hardening and growing in her hands, quickly becoming a double handful that she slowly and methodically stroked as she looked up at him with the most erotic eyes and said “I’m yours Clyde”. In response, he reached up with one hand and wrapped it around her neck. She immediately tipped her head back and let out a moan of pure, submissive ecstasy. With his free hand, he grabbed a throw pillow and lightly dropped it to the floor. He put his mouth close to her ear and whispered “I want to watch your gorgeous lips slide over my cock until I am satisfied”. She replied with “I will do anything for you” and slowly sank to her knees.

Another white flash and they were somewhere else again. In the back of an SUV….his car, he could see that now, it even had his reservist uniforms in the back. A hand touched his face and gently, as if only a request, lightly pulled his face to hers and they kissed deeply as they lay on the back seat, hands roaming and exploring each other with desperation.

“I want to taste you” he said. She smiled, a different smile this time. One of pure excitement, elation even! She let out a momentary giggle, unable to contain herself. “Take off your clothes” he requested. It wasn’t a request. She started undressing…very quickly with an air of desperate excitement. He helped her, running his hands along her legs, pulling her jeans off her body. She had no underwear on…and she was perfect. Smooth, shaved, clean, perfect. He kissed and nibbled along her legs, her stomach, her thighs. Every fold, every line in her body was a path to explore. He couldn’t get enough, he felt like a vampire, kissing, licking, biting, sucking, desperate to taste every inch of her body. He worked his way up to her womanhood and started licking ever so slowly. She gasped in delight. He could taste her getting wetter…extremely wet even. She was really enjoying this. *OMG she tastes incredible, smells incredible!!* He was in heaven. Licking, sucking, swallowing when it was too much, but it was never enough. He was tongue-fucking her and she was moving her hips in desperation, moaning in ecstasy. She came, and he drank, and it was the most delicious fucking thing he ever tasted. She moaned and moaned and he refused to stop, refused to slow down. Every movement she made, he followed with aplomb, desperate and determined to continue, to bring her to satisfaction again….and so she came again…and again…..

Another white flash…and they were back at the waterfall. Their clothes were in piles, she was bent over, hanging onto the railing. His cock was buried in her pussy and it felt incredible. Not a single article of clothing remained on as they fucked in the moonlight, with her on her tiptoes, and him hanging onto her hips, fucking her with abandon. The feeling of her pussy lips perfectly sliding over the outside of his cock was exquisite as he listened to her incredible moans, it sounded like she was in a constant state of ecstasy, not quite orgasmic but……then he realized he was grunting like a fucking barbarian. He felt like a barbarian. He had no control at all. She had given herself to him and he was using her body as a pure sexual tool for his pleasure. He was going to fill her pussy with as much cum as possible, there was no doubt about that. He wontonly fucked her hard and fast, and he had to admit his only meaning in life at that moment was to build up the largest amount of cum possible to fill her pussy with. Nothing else in the universe mattered but filling her up. He started to speed up, he started fucking her even harder, so hard it started to hurt just a little from ramming his thigh bones into her thigh bones, and it was literally the only thing controlling just how hard he was slamming his cock into her repeatedly. He had never been so turned on in his whole life, being outside, completely naked, loving the sound of their bodies slamming together, looking down at her gorgeous body in the moonlight, her perfect hair, listening to her ecstasy over the sound of the beautiful roaring waterfall. He grabbed her hips as hard as he could and buried his cock as deep as possible as he started to cum what felt like gallons. She moaned in approval and pushed her hips back into his as he shot rope after rope after rope inside her.

Another white flash and they were back in the living room, mostly undressed, she was bent over the couch and he was fucking her brains out again. This time she was begging him “cum inside me! Fill my pussy with your cum!”.

Another white flash and they were outside again…on a river boardwalk right in the middle of town, but in a shadowy corner. She was bent over and he was fucking her again. He reached down and wrapped his hand around her neck from behind while he fucked her. She said “oh fuck ya” as he fucked her with abandon again.

Another white flash and they were in a bathroom, fucking again with her bent over. She looked up into the mirror at him and they locked eyes. She said “holy fuck, look how hot that is” as he fucked her hard and fast. The sound of his cock slamming into her pussy, the sound of his balls slapping against her clit every time he buried his cock inside her, her moans of desperation. He looked at himself in the mirror and saw pure, unadulterated, angry, lust! It was almost scary, but he looked back into her eyes and saw the exact same thing. Then he realized…in the mirror…*It IS me! How can this be!?! It’s ME fucking her brains out!* The look on her face was too much for him though, and he started cumming.

Another white flash and they were in bed. Fucking again of course….

No….this was not fucking. She was laying on her back with her legs wrapped around him, pulling him in with an oddly patient desperation. He was moving inside of her with the same controlled abandon. It was…different. Every thrust inside of her was….a singular focused effort to fill her with himself…and at the same time a desperate attempt to make it last forever, to never let this feeling end. They looked into each other’s eyes but with a slight haze…*they’re drunk!* And yet, they spoke so clearly…so profoundly…

“I love you with every fiber of my being” he said. “I loved you since the moment we met, since the first time I heard you, the first time we touched. I can never be without you, I am nothing without you. You are my center, you are my world, my universe. You make me the person I want to be, every terrible thing I have been through has only been to prepare me to find you” he said as he continued to desperately make passionate love to her, almost in tears with this outpouring of emotion.

“I love you too. I always have. I think we were created for each other. I think I was put on this planet only for you. I am made for you, I have only been waiting my whole life for you. I am yours forever”. She said through tears as they breathed into each other.

He moved in her with a purpose. As if his entire body was created to love her. Every single muscle tensed up as he thrust inside her. Her hands running along his chest, up and down his arms, holding his face as he thrust. They locked eyes as he felt his balls start to boil, releasing everything possible inside her, both of them moaning in indescribable ecstasy.


He took the napkin from her hand.

It felt like hours had passed. He sat in stunned silence and slowly looked around and took his bearings. *What am I doing here? This isn’t real. What I just saw was real!* Subway was still filled with baseball players, seemingly undisturbed and still talking away to each other. He looked across the table to Bonnie. *Bonnie…that’s her name.* She sat with a stunned look as well.

“Clyde” she gasped. *She knows my name…………She saw it too…it’s the only way. It was real. In another universe, or timeline, or whatever the fuck………it’s real. I did it. I got away. I found her. I loved her…..I…love her.*

“Bonnie” he said in the same exasperated tone.

“What just happened?”

“I have no idea…..are….you ok?”

“I don’t….think so. What……….what are we supposed to do now?” Her angelic voice was shaky now.

*In another universe…another timeline…I ended up with this woman. Somehow something happened that ended my marriage and I got away…and she got away…and I met her…and I fell for her…………..and she fell for me.*

*But not this place, not this time. I am still married. I have children…..I can’t endanger them….I can’t….I can’t…..*

Fear rose within him. She saw the look on his face.

“It’s ok…I can’t either.” She said. “My kids need me, I need them. I can’t do anything to endanger them.”

“But somehow we….”

“I know…but obviously not here…not now….not……….this time.” *It’s like she was in his head. She knew….she understood.*

They sat there in silence for what felt like an eternity, and just stared at each other. The baseball coach proclaimed loudly “alright kids, let’s get this show on the road!” and it broke the spell. She blinked forcefully a few times. “I….need to get going.”

“So…this is it?”

“I think it has to be.”

“Ya…that’s…….true” he relented.

Neither of them moved.

“I can’t do it” she said. “Can you please be the strong one? Be my strength?”

He knew what he had to do….. *I have to do the right thing. The same fucking thing I do every fucking day.*

He took a deep breath and said: “It was an absolute joy to meet you ma’am.”

He gathered his trash, got up, and joined the sea of baseball players filing out of Subway. He did not turn around, he did not dare. He walked across the street in the pouring rain and did not feel a single drop as it soaked him to his core. He walked into the hotel building, rode the elevator to his floor, walked to his room, unlocked the door and stepped in. The door automatically closed behind him. He walked over to the bed and sat down…and started crying…and smiled.
