
About 6 months ago I started dating a much younger girl. I’m [M48] very dominant and Kate [F23] very demure and submissive. We have had a great sex life that includes a lot of light bondage and domestic submission. So we have collected a few pieces of restraint gear and some toys.

I particularly love when she wears an apron and nothing else and cooks for me then stands next to me smiling while I eat, or climbs under the table and sucks my cock while I eat the meal she’s prepared. Her mother taught her well that, the way to a man’s heart is to keep his belly full and his balls empty.

We bought a maid costume and she’ll flit around me when I work from home, dusting and hoovering the carpet. Sometimes she’ll wear a pair of short shorts, but mostly she knows I like summer dresses, stockings nice lingerie and all manner of treats. Anyway she’s the apple of my eye and I’m very protective.

So a few weeks ago she comes home from work and she doesn’t want to play, or look after my needs and I can tell she really needs it, so I pull her over by the wrist and sit her on my lap and she just balls up in my lap and starts sobbing. I kiss her head and hold her in my arms.

When she’s done weeping, I take her by the hand and lead her out to the car. The whole ride to the ice cream shop she just looks out of the window and never once tried to suck me so I know there’s something really wrong. I left her in the car and went and bought her a caramel milkshake with whipped cream.

Needless to say I was calm outside but seething with murder in my heart that someone has done this to my crumpet. But it would do no good to anyone betraying my emotion or getting upset, she needed a pillar of stone to hold her up.

Later that evening after I cooked her some spaghetti bolognaise and warm crunchy garlic bread. She told me about the girl at her work Victoria and how she had been calling her names and insulting me, even though I’ve never met her, saying I was a dirty old man, Kate was a slut etc. It sounded like Victoria was about 35 and jealous, she was also in a team leader position so Kate couldn’t defend herself.

I told her to quit the job and we could start our family so she could be a full time stay at home wife. She cheered up immensely, but I know scars from words can be deep and last a lifetime, so I knew what I had to do.

I did a linkedin search for the company they worked at and soon found Victoria, a kind of plain girl, a little chubby I could see she wouldn’t be the first pick at the dance. Then I searched her on Facebook and saw the gym she goes to and that she’s into horses and art. I could see from her incessant need for social media validation that she went to gym Mon, weds, Saturday.

On the Monday I went to the gym and joined her yoga class. I kept looking at Victoria and would hold her gaze, I’d let her catch my eyes looking at her body. Absolutely terrible compared to my crumpet so I understood why she was so cruel. Anyway I’ve always been good at approaching women. After the class I briefly chatted to her and left quickly.

I knew from her Facebook selfie trail that after gym she’d get a bubble tea so I went to the cafe and ordered the same drink. I pretended to not see her come in and it worked perfectly, she came over and touched my shoulder and I invited her to join me. I got her number and touched her just enough to leave her wanting more.

That night Kate and I took turns sending her flirty text messages and she was clearly turned on. We arranged to have a drink the next night and I managed to bring her home. I took Victoria to the restraint room and started slow with a silk tie around her eyes. Moved on to a ball gag. Touched her all over with a feather, put some rope around her wrists, arms and legs, till she couldn’t move.

I went out and got Kate and she was jumping up and down, I was so happy to see her spirit return. She pulled off the blindfold and Victoria recognised her straight away, a second later it all dawned on her. I pushed Kate over and fucked her deep and hard, making sure every drop of cum was inside her. Then untied Victoria, and threw her out of our home. She’s lucky I left her clothes on before throwing her out.
