## A Thousand Words [M45 F25][slow][cheating]

*A beautiful woman sent me a picture and I was compelled to write a thousand words.*


My work sent me here to attend another bullshit conference, one of those, “We Love Our Clients” useless affairs where most attendees just want to get drunk and get laid, and then *maybe* learn something. The timing couldn’t have been worse. Aside from a different bullshit conference held in the same hotel, this coastal town also hosted Spring Break and a third-tier comic con. Teens wearing cat ears and bikinis intermingled with polo-khaki boomers wearing corporate pins and tchotchkes on lanyards like it was Mardi Gras. Were they having fun? Who’s to say, but it looked like a circus. People should stay in their lane, my wife was fond of saying.

When I had enough of the fake DJ blasting “Sandstorm” in the lobby at seven in the morning, I stepped outside to clear my head and found a path leading away from the hotel. The next seminar was going to start in thirty minutes and as I looked at the walkway lined with palm trees, I said, “Fuck it.”

The path was mostly empty, except for myself and the random runner, a dog or two. There was a weight and stillness to the cooler air. It made you want to stay inside for a bit longer, I supposed. I heard the surf crashing, growing louder as I approached a long stretch of beach. There, across the boardwalk, sitting alone in morning sand was D.

She was arresting, the way the sea breeze twisted her hair, like she was flying. Her legs, outstretched in the sand, were toned and tanned in the loveliest shade of olive. A loose white linen top billowed, hinting at a pair of voluptuous breasts. She stared at the ocean, silent, unmoving. I can’t for the life of me remember what drove me to take off my shoes and roll up my slacks but I found myself walking up to meet her.

Seagulls joined us in a cacophony of shrieks and food fights. “”Good morning,” I said, trying to talk over the birds. It must have been too loud because she jolted from her spot. “Oh my gosh, I didn’t mean to startle you.”

“It’s alright, I’m fine,” she said, but her necklace told a different story. It rode her heaving chest like a surfer. Taking off her sunglasses, she revealed beautiful almond shaped eyes. I couldn’t stop staring into them. She had to be twenty years younger than me. “Do you need something?”

Need? I needed a job that didn’t chip away at my soul. I needed to get back to the conference to keep my bullshit industry certification. I needed to call my wife before she left for work and wish her a good day. But at that moment, all I really needed was the salty sea air, her voice, and time.

“You don’t look like you’re on Spring Break,” she said.

“I’m not.” I pointed absentmindedly towards the direction of the hotel. “Work conference. I just needed a break. I was wondering if you’d like some company? I’m O-”

“Ah. No names, if that’s okay.” She looked at my ring finger then pointed at her own. A diamond ring shone in the morning light. “Call me D.”

“Alright, D. Are you alone? I mean… I’m sorry.” Her radiant smile broke my brain into a thousand pieces. “What I meant was, can I take you out for breakfast?”

“I’m afraid not. I have other plans. But if you’re free around lunch, I know a great Vietnamese place. Do you like Vietnamese?”‘ D stood up, dusting sand from her generous ass. “Did I get it all?”

She didn’t. Little grains stuck to her bottom and the back of her thighs. Turning her butt towards me, she shot me an innocent look. “Can you help?”

My hands trembled. I haven’t touched another woman’s ass since I got married. Gently, slowly, I put my hand on her lower back and swept it down. I lingered on her smooth, warm skin, perhaps too long before wiping off the errant grains. I caught her looking at me as I cupped the other cheek, massaging more than sweeping. I felt the longing in her eyes as it took my breath and stirred feelings in my groin.

“Thanks,” she said, writing down a hotel and room number. “See you around at noon?”

I was confused. “I thought we were going to lunch.”

D pulled me in for a soft kiss and shook her head. “I asked if you liked having Vietnamese. *I’m* Vietnamese.”


Say what you want about my other terrible qualities, but at least I’m punctual. I knocked on D’s door at noon and she came to the door wearing a gray leotard, the fabric stretching over two large breasts and caught between the folds of her pussy. She pulled me inside and we kissed, her pressing me against the wall. Her lips parted and my tongue joined hers, lapping hungrily for her.

Her hands made quick work of my pants and I stripped off my shirt before picking her up and carrying her to bed. She couldn’t have been more than five feet tall and weighed like a feather but her curves made her look like an angel. D arched her back into me as I grabbed her ass and tits, pulling the strings from her shoulders.

I teased those hard nipples, circling each one until I could feel the wetness between her legs. I wanted to plunge my cock deep inside her. D read my mind and pulled the fabric to the side. “Fuck me.”

She was so tight, like a virgin. We moved like animals joined at the hip. I couldn’t get enough of her scent, her clenching hole, that nimble tongue. She rode me, bucking into my aching cock. We finished together on the floor, panting and sweating. I watched her open the large curtains slightly and her little body glowed in the light. At that moment, at that angle, little D became a giant.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/12epxr7/a_thousand_words_m45_f25slowcheating

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