The Kiss

First story like this I’ve ever written. Would love to hear what you think. Worth it or not?

The door to the elevator opens and Jackson Adams steps out into the lobby of the local Hyatt. Wandering through the lobby he spots one of the two bars in the place.

“Seems like a quiet place.” he thinks as he enters the room. He stands for a bit and looks around. There are nice leather padded chairs, arraigned into small groups, with a handful of patrons chitchatting. There’s a long bar with a slight curve at the end with a dozen or so stools along its length. A lone woman sits at the far end nurturing a glass of red wine, staring at her cell phone. He approaches her and sits down next to her.

She gives him a glance like, “Really? The whole fucking bar is empty and you’re going to sit there?”

“Hi”, was his reply to the resting bitch face look he got.

“Not interested.”

“Not interested in a little conversation?”

Before she could answer the bartender stepped up, “What can I get you?”

Jackson turned to see a pretty young woman, early thirties he guessed, wiping the bar in front of him and setting a cocktail napkin down.

“Oh” He paused as if thinking about it, “Gin and tonic, please”. He always ordered a gin and tonic, not much to think about.

“Any particular brand of gin?”

“Yes, Tanqueray, if you have it.”

“Good choice. Be right back.”

“Really not interested in a little conversation?” as Jackson turned back to the woman. He took a moment to really take a good look at her. She turned back at him and there was that resting bitch face again. She was beautiful, with shoulder length curly brown hair. Her high cheek bones made her bright blue eyes jump out at him.

“Nope!” with heavy emphasis on the no part.

“Wow, long day?”

“Yes!” she exclaimed. Still with the resting bitch face, she thought, “you dumbass”. “Besides that ring on your finger tells me you’re married.”

“And that rock on yours says the same thing. So…”

“Look”, she interrupted and leaned a little closer to him. “I’m not going to sleep with you or anyone else!”

“Whoa, me either. I’m just away from home and was hoping to have a conversation with someone, instead of sitting alone upstairs in my room watching TV. Besides, you couldn’t handle it if we did.”

The bartender brings the gin and tonic and sets it on the napkin in front of Jackson as the woman smugly looked at him, “Wow, you sure are full of yourself.”

“I might be,” he replies as he leans in a bit closer and nonchalantly says, “But I know one thing for sure, I could get you wet with just a few kisses.”

She burst out laughing so loud that the entire bar stops talking and looks at her. She gave a quick look around and noticed she was the center of attention and immediately stopped laughing.

She turned back to Jackson and leaned in a little closer with a matter of factually tone said, “Well no one has ever pulled that off before. So, no you can’t!”

“Bet me…?”

She sat back on the barstool with a disgusted look and told him, “Hell no!”

“OK. So, you don’t like conversations or simple challenges.”

“Oh fuck off! Go take your fancy gin and tonic and go sit somewhere else.”

“Tell you what, accept my challenge and if you aren’t wet and horny after a few minutes of kissing, I’ll pick up your tab for the entire night and move to a table all by myself, leaving you alone. But if you are, then what happens afterwards, well,” he paused for a dramatic effect. “that’s all up to you. You could still send me to a table all by myself. You have nothing to lose. What do you say?”

“Fine!” “What’s the harm in a little kissing”, she thought, “I guess the only way to get you to leave me alone is to accept your insane bet. But there has to be some ground rules, no grabbing boobs or ass.”

“No problem. We’re in a public place. I won’t touch anything from the shoulders down. Just let me know when you’re ready.”

After a second or two of staring at each other’s eyes, Jackson asked, “By the way, what’s your name? I kind of would like to know who I’m kissing. I’m Jackson.”

“Minuet, like the dance and YES, my dad was a huge Star Trek fan!”

“So am I,” he smiled. “Your name is as beautiful as your eyes.”

They continued to stare at each other until Jackson softly said, “My God, you’re gorgeous.”

Minuet smiled, then lightly grabbed his hand. “OK I’m ready.”

Jackson slowly leaned in a little, raised her hand and gave it a soft kiss. Leaning in a little more, he looked down to her lips with their subtle pink lipstick and back again to her eyes. Inching closer, ever so slowly and keeping the lock on her eyes, his lips finally reached hers, but he didn’t touch them.

“Oh my God! Kiss me already!”, she thought.

Jackson could see it in her eyes, she was ready. He pursed his lips and gave her the softest butterfly kiss she had ever experienced. Then he paused slightly and did it again. And again. As he went in for the fourth kiss, he extends the tip of his tongue and gave her lips a light, soft, gentle lick.

Jackson went in again, a little firmer this time. He backed off and stuck out his tongue and softly licked hers. This time she came to him waiting for more tongue. Jackson gave it to her, quickly, all the way to the back of her mouth and then slowly and gently drug it across the top on the way out of her mouth. Jackson kissed her again and this time raised his other hand to her face. Slowly and lightly, he drug a fingertip across her cheek to her ear. He then gently placed his hand behind her head and pulled her to his lips. A quick kiss and then he softly sucked on her lower lip.

Minuet felt her breath rapidly shorten and thought, “Oh fuck. I’m about to lose this bet. But damn what a kiss!”

Jackson went in again, this time a little more aggressively. More tongue and then he softly bit her upper lip.

That did it. Minute felt her pussy get slightly wet. Her breathing was a little more rapid. Another kiss, a little more pussy juice.

“Oh fuck!” she whispered in between breathes and backed away from him. “OK you win!” She looked around the room and noticed some others were looking at them with a “Get a room” look on their faces.

“Wow that was one hell of a kiss, but we aren’t going any further.” Minute explained. “So go find a table by yourself and I’ll send you the bill for my drink.”

Jackson gave a little smile, since he knew she was lying. “Fine, I’ll go… send the bill to my table.”

Jackson got up and as he passed the bartender, held his drink up slightly and asked her, “Would you please send me another one of these? Looks like I’m going to be alone.” She nodded in reply.

Jackson found a booth by the door and sat down. Almost immediately, there was the bartender with his fresh drink. As he sat there, nurturing his gin and tonic, he couldn’t seem to get Minuet out of his mind. “Damn she is so fucking gorgeous!” he thought.

About ten minutes later, Jackson was contemplating ordering another drink, when Minuet passed his table heading for the door. As she passed by, she dropped a cocktail napkin on his table. He looked up at her as she passed by. Not once did she look back at him. He smiled as he watched her walk away from him and out the door.

When she was finally out of sight, Jackson glanced down at the napkin and noticed Minuet had written, TWENTY MINUTES in bold letters. “Oh great”, he thought, “but what’s the room number?”

He picked up the napkin to see if anything was written on the back side and noticed something was inside the folds. He unfolded the napkin and found a small envelope that the hotel gives you with the room keycard. 555 was clearly written on the envelope and the door keycard was inside. He folded the napkin with the keycard inside and slipped it into his inside jacket pocket.

“Well, I’ll be damned!” he exclaimed, under his breath. He quickly looked at his watch, 8:12 stared back at him.

The next twenty minutes seemed like an eternity, the longest twenty minutes of his life.

At 8:30, Jackson got up and headed to the bar to pay his and Minuets tab. To his surprise, the bartender told him, “The lady that you were kissing paid it.”

“Well fuck me!” he quietly mumbled. The bartender looked him straight in the eyes, leaned in a bit, smiled and quietly said, “I think that’s her intension.”

Jackson couldn’t get to the elevator fast enough. He didn’t want to seem overly excited, so no running, but it felt like slow motion as he walked to the elevator. The ride up to the fifth floor wasn’t any faster. He watched the floor numbers flash on the display, 1, 2, “Come on” he thought, 3, 4, 5. There was the familiar elevator ding at the fifth floor as he felt the car came to a halt.

“Finally!” he mumbled as the door opened to the fifth floor. He paused for a second to glance at the sign, indicating the direction to room 555, around the corner to the left. As he walked down the hall to the room, he could tell it was going to be at the end of the hall somewhere.

“Of course, the last one.” he thought, “As far away from the elevator as it could be.” He stopped in front of the door and he noticed his heart was pounding. “Got to calm down.” he thought as he took a deep breath, and then another, and another. When he felt he was ready, he reached in his pocket and pulled the napkin out, unfolded it and took the keycard out. Taking another deep breath, he gave the door a light knock and jammed the keycard into the lock. The light turned green and he removed the keycard and opened the door, stepped in and let the door shut behind him.

“Holy shit!” he mumbled. “This is a freakin’ suite!”

Jackson looked around the huge living room in front of him. There was a large sofa in the middle of the room, with chairs and end tables next to that. Across the room from the sofa was a giant 70″ tv over a faux fireplace, that was almost as wide as the tv. On the other side of the room was a bar at least 10 feet long, that looked to be stocked with just about anything you might want.

Jackson walks a little further into the room and questioningly asked, “Hello?”

Behind him he heard Minute say, “Go ahead and fix us a drink. I’ll have what you’re having.”

“Gin and tonic?” Jackson replied.

“Sure”, came the answer from down the hall.

Jackson turned towards the bar and heard a door open and close from down the hall.

As he reached the front of the bar, Minuet says, “Wasn’t sure if you would come up here, after brushing you off downstairs.”

Jackson glances up at the mirror behind the bar and sees the most beautiful woman he has ever seen. His mouth drops open and he stumbles with “WOW!”

He turns to face her and answers, “Well I had to bring your key back.”

Minute smiles and starts moving toward him. Jackson stood in awe of the sheer red laced teddy she had on. It barely covered her magnificent double D’s, that jiggled playfully as she slowly took each step in her bright red stiletto heels. Around her waist was a red lacey garter belt that attached to a pair of red fine meshed thigh high stockings. Covering her outfit was sheer red satin robe with laced full-length sleeves. Jackson looked up to meet her blue eyes, that really stood out with all the red on her. Her hair seemed even curlier than it was in the bar. Her makeup was redone to really bring out the blue eyes even more, with a smokey Kardashian look. Gone was the pink lipstick she wore in the bar. Her lips were now adorned with a bright red lipstick and shiny lip-gloss.

Jackson just stood there taking in all the beauty as she got closer to him. At that point it dawned on him that his cock was hard as a rock.

In what seemed an eternity to Jackson, watching her cross the room, Minuet stood closely in front of him. “Got that gin and tonic?” she asked. “Oh shit!” he barked as he turned to go behind the bar.

Minuet gently grabbed his arm, stopping him midturn, “I…” pausing for a second, “changed my mind. I’m suddenly not so thirsty anymore.” Jackson looked back at her smiling as she reached down and stroked the front of his pants.

Minuet pushed him back against the bar and began undoing his belt, then his pants and zipper. She stepped directly in front of him, placed her hands on his hips. Leaning in she asked, “Would you mind if I get some lipstick on your cock?”

“Oh fuck no!” he eagerly replied.

Minuet smiled and placed her thumbs inside Jackson’s pants. She began to slowly bend at the knees, lowering herself, bringing the pants with her. As her face reached his grouch, Jackson’s cock jumped out of his pants, stiffer and harder than he can remember for a while, right in front of her mouth.

Minuet gave a girlish giggle and exclaimed, “Oh my you have a big one! I like sucking big ones!”

Jackson gave the complimentary, “Thanks”, knowing full well his dick was just a bit bigger than average at seven inches. But he did have more girth than other men, and women seem to like that.

Minuet stuck out her tongue and began to lick the underside of his cock. Then without skipping a beat she ran her tongue in a circular motion around the head of Jackson’s cock. Slowly at first and then a little faster, until Jackson let out a low moan. At that moment she placed the head of his dick in her mouth and gently sucked and flicked her tongue over the end of the head. Jackson felt her place her hands on his hips and pull him forward to her as she thrust her mouth over his cock. Slowly she backed out and started in again. Each time she went down his shaft she went a little faster. Jackson looked down and watched as her curly hair and big boobs were moving with her head in rhythm. He loved what he was seeing and feeling, moaning more, the faster she went. Then Minuet shoved her mouth all the way down his cock, deep throating every inch of it, opening her lips to accommodate the shear girth of his cock. Jackson felt his cock reach down her throat. As she left it there, Minuet seemed like she was trying to swallow his manhood.

“Fuucck!” he moaned, as Minuet kept fucking him with her mouth. Jackson looked down and watched her head some more and then he saw it, red lipstick all over the length of his cock. The sight of the lipstick on his cock just made it harder.

Minuet backed off his cock and grabbed it with her hand. Jackson noticed there was saliva all over his cock, her hands and strings of it reaching all the way to her mouth. She squeezed and jerked him with such a fever that Jackson thought he was going to come. She stopped jerking and went down on him again, this time slowly, letting his cock calm down a bit.

After a minute or so she picked up the pace once again, faster and faster she mouth fucked him. Then she slammed his cock straight back to her throat again and felt his cock quiver a bit. Jackson grabbed the back of her head and held it there. Minute pushed his hand off the back of her head and pulled her mouth off his cock. She quickly grabbed the base of his shaft and squeezed with her finger and thumb. She quickly grabbed around his balls with her other hand and scoldingly told him, “No, no, no, don’t you cum yet, we aren’t done.”

Minuet stood up, unsnapped the bottom of her teddy, flung off the satin robe. She moved in closer and told him to “kiss me like you did in the bar.” Jackson happily obliged and lightly began kissing her. He felt her raise a leg and move in close, grab his stiff cock and pushed it deep into her wet pussy, moaning heavily as she did.

Jackson reacted by thrusting his hips, slowly at first, moving his cock in and out of her pussy. Jackson reached down and grabbed her ass and picked Minuet up as she held on by wrapping her legs around his hips and her arms around his neck. Jackson brought both arms under her legs so he could swing her out in front of him. Grabbing a hand full of cheek in each hand, Jackson pushed her back and forth, letting her ride his cock in front of him. The more he swung her, the more she moaned. The more she moaned, the faster he went, slamming his cock deep into her wet quivering pussy. The moaning stopped, followed by Minuet yelling, “YES, YES, YES” and got slightly louder with each thrust into her pussy. Finally, she yelled “FUUCCK!” as Jackson felt her cum hard quivering in his arms. Then her pussy let go with what felt like a gallon of pussy juice to Jackson, slowly flowing down his balls and legs.

“Holy fuck!” he said trying to hold onto her quiver and shaking body. He tried to turn and place Minuet on one of the bar stools close by, before he dropped her. Then he realized, his pants were still around his ankles, as he clumsily placed her on the stool. They both began to laugh at the awkwardness of the situation.

Jackson stepped back and kicked his shoes off and stepped out of his pants, as Minuet dropped off of the stool and began to take Jacksons coat, shirt and tie off. Once she was done with his clothing, she grabbed his cock and said, “Follow me” as she headed for the bedroom.

Once in the room Jackson was again in awe at the size of the bedroom. A king-sized bed in the middle of the outside wall, another giant tv across from the bed and a full-sized sofa to one side of the room.

Minuet walked over to the bed and lifted her teddy over her head and sexily said, “What do you say we make a big fucking mess on this bed?”

With one giant step, he was in front of her. “Oh hell yes!” he replied as he grabbed her around the waist and pulled her into him. Jackson jammed his mouth to hers and forced his tongue deep into her mouth. Minuet responded by devouring his tongue and pushing her pelvis forward. They both felt his hard throbbing cock trapped between them.

Jackson grabbed her ass and picked her up, this time flipping her backwards onto the bed. She giggled like a little girl as she bounced on the bed. Jackson started kissing her inner thighs thru the mesh stockings, first one leg then the other, slowly working down to her awaiting wet, shaved pussy. He flicked her clit with his tongue and gently started to suck it. He sucked a bit harder and flicked a little faster. Again, he sucked harder, trying to get her clit to come out of hiding.

“There it is”, he thought, and began flicking it faster.

Minuet started to squeeze Jackson’s head between her thighs and pushing his head down onto her pussy. Faster and faster, he flicked. Minuet began to raise her hips up off the bed as she pushed his head harder, moaning louder at each flick.

Jackson felt her clit start to cum as the pussy juice once again flowed like a river. He quickly jumped up and grabbed her legs and pulled her pussy to his waiting cock. With all that juice flowing, he entered her and slammed it deep inside.

With her clit still cuming, Minuet screamed, “YES!” as he entered her pussy.

Jackson felt her pussy spasming and squeezing his cock. He enjoyed the sensation for a moment and began to fuck her, hard and fast, as if the goal was to split her apart at her pussy.

Minuet let out a low throaty moan, with the words…” Fuucck mee!”

Jackson obliged by pounding her pussy harder and faster.


Minute began to cum, harder than she did in the living room, bouncing, quivering and thrashing about the bed, squirting pussy juice all over the bed. Jackson had never seen so much pussy juice! He just stood there in awe of her cuming all over the bed for what seemed like two minutes.

Minuet finally stopped cuming, open her eyes and looked at Jackson with a big smile.

“Your turn.”

She sat up, grabbed and pulled Jackson to the bed, as she told him, “On your back, my turn to fuck you.”

Without hesitation, Jackson laid on his back and Minute straddled his cock, easing it into her still wet pussy. Slowly she rode him, up and down.

Jackson reached up and grabbed her tits as they bounced up and down in rhythm to her riding his stiff cock. He looked up at her face and marveled at her beauty.

“You are so stunningly gorgeous!”

She blushed. “Awe you’re just saying that because I’m riding your cock.”

“No, I’m not. I really mean it.”

She blushed again. “Well thank you. Now relax as I fuck you and make you come in my pussy.”

“I’m in no position to argue”, he replied.


Minute placed her hands on his chest, leaned forward and began to ravenously twerk on his cock, faster and faster. Then Jackson let out a low moan, she felt his pelvis raise to meet her thrusts. She knew he was close.

Jackson thrust his pelvis up hard. “Fuucck”, he moaned.

Minute felt the hot sperm shoot out and fill her pussy. She collapsed onto his chest, gave him a passionate kiss and whispered into his ear, “Thank you so much. This has been wonderful. Happy Anniversary, Baby.”



  1. Fantastic story, if you hadn’t said it was your first, I would have thought you had a whole back catalogue!

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