My (M19) dentist (F25) has a dirty mouth

Just like I had done about a thousand times before, I walked into the dentist’s office and checked in for my 12:30 appointment with Dr. de Vries.
While waiting for the desk worker’s confirmation I realized that the drinks I had yesterday evening sadly were enough to warrant a hangover. Me being 19 and young I figured that my youthly metabolism would figure that out on its own, a miscalculation on my part. Still half asleep and daydreaming I heard the dentist assistant’s last words of her sentence: “… with Ms. Miller.” Confused I repeated: “Ms Miller? I thought I had an appointment with my usual dentist, de Vries?”
The assistant, semi-annoyed, replied: “As I said before, he is currently at home recovering from a bicycle crash, nothing serious though.” Realizing I hadn’t been paying attention the first time of her telling, I awkwardly said “Thanks” and walked away to the waiting room.

Now I have never really been anxious about the dentist and his work but that was only because Mr. de Vries had been my dentist for as long as I could remember. And the name ‘Miller’ made me think of an short middle aged, graying lady. Not exactly providing me with hope for the dentist’s skills. Still wondering about my new dentist and scraping my teeth with my tongue to make sure one more time it all looked good I heard a feminine voice call my name.
“Mr. Reynolds? We are ready for you!”

“God I hate it when they call me mister, it makes me feel old and boring”, I thought while walking over. Turning the corner I saw exactly what I feared: A slightly overweight middle aged woman with just a few hazel hairs left. With all the enthusiasm my hungover voice could muster up I said: “You must be Ms. Miller!”
The woman laughed softly and replied “I wish, no, I am her guide and mentor in her first weeks as a dentist. She just graduated last week.” Somewhat relieved I followed her to the room. While walking over I wondered: “Why would she say “I wish”, when I asked her if she was Ms Miller.”

When the older lady opened the door to the room my thoughts, as if heard by God, were instantly answered.
Before me stood the most intriguing young dentist ever. As soon as I walked in her eyes met mine and I swear something jumped in my body.

She had the most wonderful greenish eyes with a grey tint and her face around it just radiated beauty. Paired with luscious but straight brown hair and an incredibly fit body that was visible through her long white coat and clothes, she was definitely something to look at.
You know some women are hot and good looking while other are just incredibly pretty and gentle-looking? She was unmistakably the latter. She looked so nice and secretly sexy and I immediately became nervous, being the hormone filled teenage boy I am.

Not hearing me say anything she broke the silence and said: “Hey, My name is Ms Miller professionally, but seeing you’re pretty young as well, you can call me Julie. I’m sorry to replace Mr .de Vries today, I saw you have quite a long history with him.” Still a bit mesmerized about her appearance all I could say was “Yes, it’s okay, you’ll do a good job I reckon.”

Laughing, maybe about my awkward tone or mutual nervousness, she asked me to lay down in the chair. After laying down, Julie mentioned that I was her second patient ever, and in the case she had questions she would call over the older lady for help. My teenage ass already forgot the woman that had brought me in and being reminded of her nearly snapped me out of my daydreams. “Yes, the mentor said, I will be working in my office and if Ms Miller needs me I will be here to help.” She left the room and to my dirty minded delight we were alone in the room at last.

Julie asked if I had any problems I needed looking at and I told her my wisdom teeth were about to come through, causing me slight discomfort when chewing. She took a look and quickly said: “I need to get a closer look, the angle in which your laying makes it hard for me to spot them.” As she said it she bent over and grabbed some sort of magnifying glass. However, as she bent to get a closer look her chest pressed against the top of my head, on my hair. Her breasts felt so incredibly soft but also firm on top of my head and I immediately became aroused. After a minute or so I could feel the blood rushing to my penis.

“Please don’t see my boner, please don’t see my boner”, I kept repeating to myself. Her breasts on my head and her eyes looking so focused at my mouth awakened something in me I never knew existed. I had to release some pressure after this appointment for sure. Just as I was about to lose my mind she said: “Mmm, that’s strange, your wisdom teeth are a bit crooked on the left, but I cannot feel them on the right side. We might need to take an X-ray.”

Surprised, I told her it was okay and that my mom didn’t have any wisdom teeth in her mouth, and that maybe I inherited half of my parents teeth. She chuckled and asked me to stand up for the x-ray machine.

“FUCK” echoed through my mind. My boner was still at full force and she needed me to stand up?
Having no choice I tried to adjust my pants with my hands through my pocket before standing up. Seeing me that focused and maybe a bit stressed about a mundane task as standing up she asked: “Are you okay, Daniel? A bit lightheaded?”

“She knows my name!” Knowing I never mentioned my name I immediately drew the conclusion she was interested in me. Almost instantly after I realized that she read my file and that my name must be in there a thousand times. After this brainfart I got up, hiding my boner as well as I could.

When preparing me for the photos, she adjusted and pulled my head to get the right angles. When turning my head for me, after about 20 minutes of awkward silence and a throbbing dick, for the last picture her hip brushed against my still throbbing boner. Immediately she stopped her movement and paused her hands that were turning my head for me in that weird x-ray machine. All alarm bells and went off in my mind, knowing that she brushed my dick and must have recognized what it was. With the limited freedom my head had in the x-ray machine I turned to see her head, and as I feared it had turned deep-red and she was staring at her shoes, probably embarrassed.

Thinking of something to say to ease the awkwardness I turned towards her and opened my mouth: “Anything wro-“ As if we both tried to move on from this awkward moment, she also talked, however as she talked louder, I stopped talking myself. “Daniel, we are almost done with the photos, please stay focused and you will be able to go home quickly.”

Slightly disappointed that she did not immediately got on her knees like in all the pornos I watched, I silently waited for the photos to be done while feeling deeply ashamed and embarrassed.

After the x-rays were done I suspected we were also done and I could go. I wanted to get out of there as quick as possible and I grabbed my coat.
Suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder and Julie’s head came towards mine. In an instant my guilt and shame was gone and my horniness was back as her head was right next to mine.
As she leant over I got a good look of her back and arch and it caused my blood to rush even faster to my dick.

“I never said it was a bad thing what happened, I just wanted to get the photos done before I lost all control over myself.” She whispered in my left ear.
Her sensual whispering caused my entire body to shake and my senses were sharpened to the maximum. While I was staring in her gorgeous eyes she said: “I saw your bulge as soon I forced my breasts on you, I just wanted you to realize that I will always be in my control, as I am a doctor and you are my patient”

Confused, horny and honestly a little scared I asked: “You put your chest on me on purpose?”

She grinned and told me: “How do you think I became a dentist at 25? I am a simple slut, if I see a man I can fuck for a promotion I do it.”

Thinking about this something dawned on me. I am not someone she could fuck to climb the corporate ladder, I am just a patient. Intrigued I asked what she wanted to gain from seducing me.

Julie then came even closer to my ears and whispered: “Ah, you are a quick learner. Indeed you cannot help me in that way, but a prospect dentist needs clients, and you, young horny stud, are gonna recommend me to all your friends after this.” And after saying this she licked my earlobe, causing me to nearly, damn, faint.

She stood in front of me again and took her lab coat off, revealing a short, but professional black shirt that covered her chest. As if she read my mind she slowly took her top off.

I tried to undress her even further with my eyes. Her bra was a nice broken white color and it were two perky averagely sized, but amazing tits, that sat perfectly on her chest.

She got on her knees and ripped her bra off, showing me her perfect pinkish brown pointy nipples, and then looked up and said. “Are you gonna get me new clients or what?”

Being mesmerized by her pretty eyes and face I looked her up and down and stared at her tits.

I moved closer and took my pants and my boxers off. My cock jumped up, having been hard for nearly half an hour now.

She looked at it, and without waiting a millisecond she took my throbbing dick and put me in her mouth. Her warm lips caused my knees to shake and her tongue twirling around the tip of my penis immediately put me on edge.

She noticed me squirming and asked me: “Coming close to finishing already, aren’t you?”

Unable to speak I nodded and starting thrusting into her mouth and back.

“You are a horny fuck aren’t you?” She asked in between thrusts, spitting and spilling saliva everywhere.

Suddenly my cock started to tingle and I started grunting. I could feel my cum building up for the explosion.

Julie, being the slut she is, noticed me cumming and instantly got my cock out of her mouth and told me: “Not yet, Daniel, I need to take it all before you can come.”

She waited for a couple seconds and then cupped my balls while her warm delicious mouth descended on my dick.

Choking and gurgling and my shaft she grabbed my asscheeks and started thrusting herself on my cock.

I understood the hint and asked: “You want me to fuck that mouth you little dentist slut?” She made a sound that must have meant yes, well I interpreted it as yes, and starting fucking her mouth.

Choking and drooling warm hot spit all over my dick I felt I was about to cum for real this time. Her warm mouth and begging-for-cum eyes were too much for me to handle.

As if she felt my doused dick tingle, she took my cock out one last time and said: “I want you to come all in this slutty dentist’s mouth. Fill me up with your warm cum.”

Needing no further advice, I thrusted my dick down her amazing throat and grabbing her head and neck I came down her throat, shooting rope after rope in her little mouth.

Coughing and smiling she pushed me pack and rubbed her nipples with the saliva that had fallen out her mouth when blowing me. She swallowed and gave my dick a little slap.

Still warm and fuzzy I just stood and watched.

She took some paper towels, cleaned up and got dressed.

“Get dressed, I’m going to call Angela, my mentor.”

Shocked and honestly thinking she was lying, I slowly started to get dressed. All of a sudden I heard, “Yes we’re done, the appointment went well.”

As if hit by a whip I dressed as fast as I could, and I just buttoned up my shirt when the old lady walked in.

“You look worn out, Mr. Reynolds, was she kind to you?” the mentor, now knowing her name is Angela, asked.

“Yes, I uh… uh.. yes, she was very professional.”

A bit confused Angela turned towards Julie who had assumed her professional posture and looked at me as if nothing ever happened.

Julie turned towards Angela and said: “Yes Angela, Mr. Reynolds is a bit flustered by the painkillers I gave him for his wisdom teeth, something I chose to do based on your advice. I would like to discuss this appointment for feedback with you.” Immediately after saying this to her unknowing mentor, Julie looked at me and said: “Mr. Reynolds, thank you for coming and I wish to see you again soon for a follow-up prognosis regarding your wisdom teeth.”

Bewildered I turned around and left. Looking back one more time right before closing the door, I saw Julie winking at me, as Angela was taking a close look at the x-rays.

“Come back soon” I saw her whisper without making a sound, and in that moment I realized that I was never going back to Mr. de Vries again


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