Parents calling

I awoke this morning and rolled over, immediately smiling seeing Alex sleeping beside me naked. As I sit there and look at her a bit I can see my bite marks on her breast and a simple “daddy’s” written on her just below her breasts from the night before. I let her sleep and get up and go downstairs to get a coffee. Kylie Alex’s sister has been staying with is and had Nikki over last night, I walk into the kitchen and pour myself a cup of coffee, hot and black. I walked into the living room so see Kylie sitting there naked with her own cup of coffee, she was sitting criss cross apple sauce like I remember her often doing the first time I dated Alex, but this time it was on my couch naked. I couldn’t help but look and notice how much she looked like a younger version of her sister. I sat down next to Kylie and asked her if she had a good night. She told me yes, and that Nikki was still upstairs sleeping. Nikki came down not long after I joined Kylie, Nikki was already dressed and gave Kylie a kiss and said she had to get to work and left.

Sitting there I dug a little more, asking Kylie what they did and if she wanted to do it again. Kylie told me it was nothing special and really no kink involved but it was nice and she’d definitely want to do it again. Alex came down for her coffee, she had already showered and put on her thigh highs for the day, she went with a simple pair of white ones today that looked very nice against her skin. She came over and gave me a kiss before sitting down and asking her sister about Nikki and their night. Kylie tells Alex as I’m leaving to get a shower about it, I can just hear Alex response as I’m walking away. Alex tells Kylie that Nikki has always just kinda left the morning after, she was never one for relationships or sticking around. Kylie looks back at Alex confused, Alex tells her that we used to both have sex with Nikki and stuff back when we were younger. “Eww” I hear Kylie yell “I just slept with someone my sister and her bf used to sleep with?!” Alex explains to her that yes she did but it’s been years since either of us had done anything other then see her naked. This seemed to calm her a little but she was still kinda disgusted by that fact.

I got out of the shower to my phone ringing, I look and see it’s not a saved number. Assuming it’s a tenant with an issue at their place I pick it up, “Hello?” It’s Alex’s parents, they explain to me that they haven’t heard from either of their kids since Kylie moved in with us and they miss their girls and chatting with them. I told them that I’d try to talk to the girls but didn’t want to make any promises as it was there decision. I enjoy my day with Alex and Kylie just hanging around the house and cleaning things. Preparing ourselves for the next week, meal prepping was something I had been trying to work with Alex on and getting her a little healthier with it. I finally brought up that her parents called me earlier today, Alex looked at me shocked. “What did they want?” She said irritated by the fact they called. I explained to her that they missed them and that they wanted then back in their lives. Alex quickly said “if they can’t accept my sister and I the way that we are, we don’t need them in our lives.” I told her I understood and agreed, but I wanted to tell her that they called.

The calls kept coming from them, leaving voice mail after voice mail. I’d listen to them and they were generally more of the same, we miss the girls, we want them back. As they voice-mails continued they started to change, they’d start making comments about accepting their daughter the way she is. I sat Alex down and made her listen to the voice-mails, she told me she’d think about it and talk it over with Kylie before letting me know. At the end of the week Alex asked me to sit and talk. Her and Kylie told me that they’d be willing to sit down with their parents, but they were not going to church with them, nor would they be going over to their house. After making sure it’s what the girls wanted I told them I’d reach out to their parents and see what if anything I could set up. They thanked me before we all went off to bed for the night.
