Sister moving in

Alex and I awoke, she rolled over and gave me a kiss and said thank you. I looked at her confused as to why she was saying thank you. She told me she was thankful for me being understanding and defending of her sister coming our as bisexual to us and letting her stay since their parents were far from understanding. I told her of course, someone sexual preferences are not a reason to throw them out or anything like that. She then asked me what she should wear today since her sister would be spending the foreseeable with us. As I was leaving the room I told her whatever she felt comfortable in. I went out and poured myself a cup of coffee and went out to the deck. To my surprise when I got out there I saw Kylie sitting there in her jeans and t shirt she came over in from the night before sipping on her own coffee. I told her good morning as I sat down and started drinking my own coffee and listening to the creek my house back up to it was just a calming experience.

Kylie broke the silence first, she thanked me for being understanding and letting her spend the night. I told her she was welcome here anytime. She then asked why her sister and Nikki were both naked last night. I explained to her that her sister and I had a mutual Dom/sub relationship and that was technically part of her sister’s rules was to be naked around the house and be sexually available to me. Kylie didn’t fully understand but said she’d try to be accepting of our lifestyle choices as we obviously were being accepting of her coming out as her true self. Alex opened the back door to tell Kylie and I that breakfast was ready, we went on inside and I wondered what Alex put on for the day. Walking in I was pleasantly surprised to see she was wearing just a pair of gray knee high socks and nothing else. We all ate breakfast before Alex asked what Kylies plans were. She told her sister she honestly wasn’t sure, but she definitely wanted to get a shower and get changed. After breakfast I went off to work and the girls stayed home.

Alex and Kylie sat around talking about what to do, and Alex suggested that they try and go back to their parents house and get some of her clothes so she’d have something to wear. The girls got into the car and went for a ride, upon there arrival they each tried there keys to find out that earlier that morning believing Kylie would return they changed the locks in an effort to keep her out. This upset Kylie and she Bagan to cry, Alex explained to her that their parents did the same thing to her when she moved out, within days she was unable to access her childhood home freely. Kylie wasn’t sure what she should do, all of her stuff for college and everything was in there. Alex told her we’d work through it. “What about my clothes?” Kylie asked… Alex again calmly told her we’d work through it. The girls went off to get lunch, while sitting there Alex suggested to Kylie they’d use one of my credit cards to get her enough clothes to make it through. Kylie promised Alex she’d repay us, and Alex told her not to worry as the drove off to the store.

I got home from work and Alex was very upfront with me and told me she bought her sister some clothes with my credit card. Alex told me she bought things that I’d approve of and things like that with it. Trying to be understanding I told Alex I understand why she did what she did, Kylie spoke up not long after that to thank me for the clothes. I told her I’d love to see her model them all for me, she smiled and told me she’d be happy to. She went and told Alex what she was going to do and Alex told her it was an excellent idea, and came and sat next to me to watch the show. Kylie started out with some of the dresses, they were nice but nothing super crazy. Alex then spoke up and told her to try on the thigh highs, I looked at her and smiled. Kylie came out first in a simple pair of black nylons, then pink socks, then red fishnets. It was clear Alex had picked out clothes Kylie could wear around the house and fit within the rules. Lastly Kylie came out in a pair of rainbow striped socks and stood there smiling. She then asked me if I would find it acceptable for her to become a submissive of mine while she lived with us. I told her as long as her sister Alex was okay with it I was, and we would work out the exact details of what I’d expect from her tomorrow as it was getting late. Alex turned to me, smiling and told me she’d love to have another sub in the house.


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