
Alex and I had been dating a few weeks now, and she mentioned about having Nikki over for dinner again. I happily agreed to the idea because I enjoyed spending time with Alex and Nikki. Alex prepared a fantastic ranch chicken with potatos and veggies, a good healthy and filling meal. Nikki arrived dressed a little nicer then the last time as she came directly from work, Alex asked her to only leave on her black stockings and heels. Nikki did as she was asked and sat down to join us, she noticed Alex was tied down to the chair. Nikki looked confused and asked about it, Alex explained this was to help with posture for her as well as she knew I personally enjoyed the way it looked. Alex offered to have me tie Nikki to her chair as well. After a moment of hesitation Nikki agreed to be bound to the chair. I got up and grabbed some more rope to tie Nikki to the chair.

I started with Nikkis legs as that was among the easiest things to tie down, I noticed Nikki toes were painted nicely and matched her finger nails so I paid her a small compliment that they looked nice. Nikki said thank you as I moved up her body to tie her hips down to the chair. Tieing her hips to the chair was again pretty easy, I then got up to her shoulders and tied them back to the chair to help keep her posture while she sat and ate. Nikki immediately commented that it definitely made eating harder as she couldn’t lean forward to get to the plate. I smiled at her when she said this knowing that I was the case. I had been tieing Alex up like this for weeks now and enjoying it. After dinner we all went and sat outback for a bit and enjoyed the fire and the evening. Sitting out back enjoying a drink I noticed my front door swing open. Confused I went to investigate.

To my surprise it was Alex’s sister Kylie, she was crying and distraught. She saw me and immediately ran over and hugged me, I asked her what was wrong. She asked if her sister Alex was home and I said yes, I went to get Alex as Kylie sat on the couch and tried to calm herself down. I came back in with Alex and nikki, both still wearing only their stockings from dinner. It was clear seeing Alex like this bothered Kylie so I asked Alex to please put on a dress for her sister and Nikki seeing that something was clearly wrong exused herself as she hadn’t had too much to drink yet and was still capable of driving herself home. Now sitting on the couch next to Alex, Kylie began to express what was wrong. She explained to Alex and I that she told parents that she was bisexual if not likely a lesbian and was still working that out on her own and their parents being the religious people they were began to lose it. Saying things like there’s no way they could raise a lesbian ect ect. So she left and came to see us.

Alex told Kylie that she was also bi herself but never told their parents out of a fear of something very similar happening. Both of us knowing Kylie can’t go back home tonight offered to let her spend the night, Kylie expressed she didn’t bring any clothes. Alex told her not to worry about it, she can borrow some of hers until we can get her set up with a new wardrobe or something better that works out for her. Alex showed her sister what room she’d be staying in, Kylie hugged Alex and told her thank you before shutting the door for the night and going to bed. Alex and I sat up, talking about what had just happened. Knowing we have to help her sister and get her set up on a better course. Alex agreed and thanked me for never telling her parents that she was bi, I looked at her and told her it’s not my job to tell others, it’s hers. Smiling she leaned in for a kiss, telling me it’s been a long day and maybe we should head to bed. I told her that sounds good we will deal with the rest in the morning here.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/123on5m/dinner