‘The Mandate’ – medieval cock sucking lessons for the virginal daughters of the aristocracy.

If you want the extensive Bardcore playlist follow the link below (it is part of the story) but if music isn’t your thing that’s cool too. Stay here and read.


***Medieval times in some far away kingdom…***

‘Come now girls, for tonight thou shalt knowest and learn something of the secrets pertaining to womanhood!’

The young girls tripped along behind me through the torch lit castle corridors, with florid cheeks and excited whisperings upon their lips. Perhaps they imagined what was to follow to be further needlework instruction or may hap, tutelage on raising babes. Twas not the case though. Upon orders of the King himself, these dozen maidens who were daughters of high ranking aristocrats and now of marriageable age, had been put in my charge so that they might come to grasp the basics in relation to the arts of the bedchamber.

It was undoubtedly going to be a challenge, I knew that much. They had led shielded, coddled lives; two had been raised in a convent. But no matter. I had devised a way to introduce them to such wonders in a light hearted and gay manner.

Whence we arrived at the designated hall, I found it pleasingly laid out, as requested specifically of the Household Steward, Nicholas O’Connell. He had followed my petitions to the letter, no doubt with the King’s admonishment to do so ringing in his ears. For these were highborn ladies who would forge alliances both near and far through marriage. This was indeed an important evening.

A large fire crackled and roared brightly and must have been doing so for many hours, for the room was more than adequately warm. Only two guards stood rigid at each door. I recognised the four of them as the King’s most elite and trusted men.

They would never tell what went on here this night, even under pain of death. Richly embroidered settles, dotted with colourful velveteen and silk cushions were arranged for the girl’s comfort. I bade them sit down. Diminutive yet adequate tables were brought in and set within reach. These too were of exquisite craftsmanship. This night would certainly be one of uncommon indulgence – in numerous ways.

In keeping with this mandate, servants submissively filed in bearing crystal goblets to be filled with fortified wines. Various delicacies on little platters were set on each table, such as sparrows tongues, dates from the East, cheeses, breads, slivers of stag meat and various condiments. The girls drank and picked delicately, talking politely amongst themselves as a quartet of the lands finest musicians took up seats in the furthest corner so as to be somewhat screened away from notice. In fact, shortly after they had taken up their places, a literal screen of polished ebony was brought in and set in front of them. It was very large and very artfully inlaid with scenes from the orient in both gold and mother of pearl.

A few of the girls noticed this and fluttered their eyelashes nervously. I motioned for their glasses to be refilled. After a time, they relaxed a little further and a few even tapped their feet unconsciously to the sound of the minstrels playing from behind their screen. It was at this moment that I chose to inform them of the fact we were to have company.

‘As you all already know my dearest ones, tonight is to be a lesson in womanhood – in the duties and knowledge required to succeed as a wife. You have already been taught much under my care and you have all excelled in these matters. So although these next lessons may seem a little strange to you, I, and not only I but also your families and The King himself, fully expect you to be just as diligent in this aspect of training. Do I have your word you will apply yourselves?’

There were twelve earnest affirmations, followed by a tiny hiccup. No more wine for Elenoria Barrington-Dufray…

‘Excellent ladies. So now I must introduce a guest who will help us this eve, a fine young gentleman who will assist me in educating you a little in relation to marital bedchamber arts. I give you, Master Richard Ye Bold Wood…’

And in strode Richard, all six foot five of him. He was forsooth the most handsome man I have ever seen and probably shall ever see. The girls clearly appreciated him too. His dark hair was shining with health, his beard well kept and shaped artily about his chiseled jaw and passion enflaming lips. About his shoulders he wore a cloak of costly vermillion threads. Beneath, a tunic encased his broad chest. Tights expressed to us in full the sheer musculature and manliness of his legs. But what held my attention and as I looked around the room, I could see every other females’ too was his enormous codpiece. It was bigger than two of Eunice of Tinwald’s hands. She must have registered this because I saw her take a deep gulp of her wine, never even taking her eyes from him.

And then the music recommenced. Richard, or Dick as he is often known to those closest to him, swung off his heavy cloak and draped it across Lady Arwen Lottie Macgovern’s settle, taking her hand before he strode away, kissing it gently, his eyes burning into hers. She gasped as he turned giving us all a fine view of his firm rear in all its particulars.

I smirked mischievously as I knew what was coming next. Standing before the fire he bowed deeply and began to sway and jig lightly to the music. His energy rose with the tempo and before long he was imploring the ladies to clap in time which they did so, clearly relaxing but still a little bewildered.

‘Whilst thou play ‘Yon Real Slim Shady’ my good men?’ Dick Ye Bold Wood, entreated the minstrels.

Of course those good men complied immediately and Dick began to really make our feminine blood heat. His hips swung, his firm buttocks clearly clenched, he strutted and then to the ladies’ amazement he threw off his tunic and threw it amongst us. It landed upon me. Playing along, I turned and made a show of lifting it to my nose to inhale his scent.

‘Oh my dears…what such man is he? He smells like a divinity.’

They looked at me wide eyed. Hildegard Von Tupello snatched it from me virtually and copied my behaviour, rubbing it wonderingly over her virgin soft skin. Before long every other girl in the room had laid her hands on his garment. The scent of feminine arousal was palpable. Dick was in his element, his movements becoming a little more lusty.

As the music came to an end, he bowed and said teasingly, ‘Shalt that be all Mistress Celine or is more required?’

A few of the girls groaned out loud at the prospect of him leaving. I laughed.

‘Of course not. You and I are charged with a task of great importance which remains unfinished. And you know full well Richard Ye Bold Wood that you are expected to finish.’

He smiled a secret smile and glanced at the girls impishly.

‘That I do. And it should be no difficult task when surrounded by such startling beauty.’

‘Very well then,’ I said. ‘Minstrels, play ‘Thine Hips Don’t Lie.’

They began to play and I got up and joined Richard in his sinuous movements. To the astonishment of the girls, I began to run my hands down his verily appealing chest, tweaking his nipples, pressing my nose to his abundant chest hairs. Richard placed his hands on my hips as I shimmied and swayed. To the shock of the room his hands found their way to my rear and his codpiece noticeably strained. But it was not time for that yet, the build up needed to be very slow. These girls had seen nothing like this before.

Master Bold Wood was cognizant of this as well and danced around the room merrily, stroking the ladies hair, whispering silly sweet nothings into their ears and feeding them items from their dishes. I noticed Merdith, the daughter of the Earl of Rawston, boldly reach out and lightly stroke his chest in wonder. Before long the other girls were getting handsy. After a few moments, Dick cunningly skipped away.

‘With company such as this I may never want to leave,’ laughed Richard when the song ended.

The ladies tittered.

‘Then don’t!’ someone, I know not whom, called out.

Good. They were enjoying themselves. I gave Dick a subtle nod having returned to my seat.

‘Minstrels, if you may, could you play the tune, ‘Moves Like Master Jagger?’

A moment of silence followed. From the corner of my eye, I noticed a sly barely noticeable smirk in the eyes of one of the guards. I scowled and he returned to his rightful stoney faced disposition, staring straight ahead. Oh we both knew what was coming next…but he had to do his duty and I mine.

The minstrels really put their backs into it, with a rousing tempo. A few of the girls were now up and dancing also but at a distance. I motioned to the girl nearest to lean closer.

‘Dearest, go show our appreciation to Master Ye Bold Wood by scattering these upon him.’

She never hesitated when handed the aromatic bowl of fresh roses and rose petals I’d had brought in for this exact purpose. Females of their rank are used to flowers and such. It was a good tactic.

Richard smiled alluringly as she took handfuls and rained them down upon him. He grabbed a fully intact rose and playfully inserted it between her ripe bountiful untouched bosoms. She flushed scarlet and daringly leaned forward to plant a not quite chaste kiss on his cheek. Thoroughly pleased with herself, she trotted away. As she did so, Master Ye Bold Wood demonstrated in full the reason why many thought his name to be so fitting. He unfastened the ties, affixing his codpiece to his stunning body and a girthy fully erect manhood of nine inches sprang out.

I heard gasps behind me.

‘Remember now, this is part of your education ladies,’ I reprimanded.

Unphased, Dick continued to dance, his edifice jousting invisible enemies.

After a few minutes I encouraged the young women to all go up and at least look or touch even if they were bold enough of heart. This was part of their learning. As much as they had been diligently protected from the realities of carnality, it was now time for those walls to be lowered somewhat.

Nervously, all the girls did go examine Master Bold Wood I am pleased to say. And when Norma Constantine-Tibaldt-Whitley dared actually touch him and they saw his member bob sharply and grow larger still, they all timidly began to explore him to the point where he could no longer dance. He merely stood there looking down from his great height at the many intricately braided heads kneeling before him, his mouth open, panting.

It was time for me to intervene.

‘Minstrels, play ‘Despacito’. And ladies, stand back and let me through. You must watch this next bit very carefully, as you will only get one chance to see this important womanly art shown here.’

With that, I took Dick Ye Bold Wood in hand showing the girls how to wetten him using my natural mouth water.

‘Tis for your man’s comfort and pleasure that you must do this.’

I stroked him firmly from root to tip, revealing his bright red helmet by gently pulling his skin back.

‘This must be done carefully. God has hidden and shielded this place on a man for good reason. Tis most sensitive. If you are artful in how you treat him here, it will please him greatly. Behave indiscreetly with this ruby treasure, it will have the opposite effect and may cause him great discomfort. Isn’t that so Richard?’

He breathed deeply, ‘yes my lady.’

‘Now watch carefully as I show you how to treat your Lord’s unique and most bountiful fleshly fortune well. You will only see it this one time.’

With that I extended my tongue and lapped at his tip. When the girls had noted that sufficiently, I gripped Richard’s legs and applied a light suction, my lips enclosing him in the warm haven of my mouth. His legs were shaking. I looked up at him theatrically so that my charges would note and then began bobbing up and down, sometimes fast, sometimes slow. Richard threw his head back and groaned. Moving slightly so that it could be seen, I cupped his sac, rolling the contents, kissing his beautiful lightly haired balls and licking them now and then. Occasionally, I’d pull back and use just my hand to pleasure him, spitting my warm saliva onto him as a sultry balm.

By now Richard was a complete mess and literally in the palm of my hand. All around, eager eyes watched as I pulled his skin back to reveal his fine cock weeping its honeyed precum.

‘This is a good sign,’ I informed them.

‘By gods it is,’ moaned Richard.

‘Minstrels, ‘Ye Bad Guy’ please if you would.’

They obliged. I grinned and resumed my activities, swirling my tongue, lightly dragging teeth even, introducing my tongue tip a tiny way inside the little orifice at the apex of him. And then I did it. I flattened my tongue, closed my eyes and sank all the way down to his root, then slowly withdrew and then repeated. And again. All nine inches down my throat. My eyes watered. I drew my mouth away just as the pulses began, so all could see the great white milky jets of passion issuing from his now drawn up sizable testes up through his shaft. On the second jet, being aware that they had seen, I returned him to my mouth as he roared and struggled to remain standing.

I worked him still, even though my jaw ached. When he was done, he looked sweaty and pale. I showed all the little pool in my mouth and then gave a pronounced swallow.

‘That is his seed. Although he may want to often put it in other places – which we will discuss in further lessons, this one is an art advantageous to both parties if done well for two reasons. You will not get with child this way and as you can see, the male, your Lord will be well sated. Isn’t that so Richard?’

Richard nodded. ‘Yes m’lady, he said wearily.

‘Good, now you may go.’ I patted his left buttock and he started to put his clothing back on and then made his way out of the room past the guards.

‘The lesson is over for you too this evening girls.’

No one moved.

‘I said you may go. Any questions will be answered tomorrow.’

Heads bowed. ‘Yes Mistress Celine.’

I nodded, pleased that I had discharged my duties well.

I wondered what questions I might face in the morning.

And… if Dick might be waiting in my bed…

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/123sycl/the_mandate_medieval_cock_sucking_lessons_for_the