Cammy Caballero in: Old School Bullies

Cammy Caballero was a talented young reporter for a bigtime paper, the Uptown Tribune, and she brought an energy to her work that was scarcely matched by any of her colleagues. At first the prestige and wonder of landing such a great job straight out of college was reward enough for her, but it wasn’t long before she was left feeling somewhat unfulfilled and her current assignment was a perfect example of why. She was reporting at a private highschool, one of the most elite in the country, covering their centennial celebrations at the request of the superintendent, who apparently had connections in high places. What was there to write about it? As it turned out, almost nothing, which is exactly why the paper sent her, the most junior writer and one of the only women on staff to boot. The fact of the matter was they gave her the jobs no one else wanted because they knew she wouldn’t complain.

Presently, she was enjoying one of the very few upsides to a job like this, sipping from a glass of expensive champagne at the senior’s luncheon while the graduating class mingled with the school’s guests and staff. The price of the complimentary refreshments was having to sit through the head boy’s earlier speech about how great his school was and why they were all going to be the next leaders of the world. She knew she had done a bad job of hiding her disdain, rolling her eyes and not bothering to disguise her boredom. Now she swore the head boy was shooting her dirty looks from across the courtyard. His name was Sterling, she had forgotten his last name but of course he was from some insanely wealthy and powerful family. She had dealt with her fair share of rich guys who didn’t earn a shred of what they had in life, she herself had gone to a private school on a gymnastics scholarship and the kids who ‘belonged’ there had given her a hard time to say the least. She ignored the looks from Sterling as she tried to deny the notion that this was opening some old wounds for her. What she was more interested in was something only she had noticed during the speech, one of the senior girls quietly ducking out of the courtyard from the back, seemingly more than a little upset. Maybe someone wasn’t too happy with Sterling representing the graduating class? As she thought about it she slowly got the idea that there could be a story worth writing here after all. So while she should have been getting interviews with the city’s elites she slipped out of the courtyard herself in pursuit of this mystery girl. She didn’t really know her way around the campus but she guessed that the girl hadn’t gone far. After some wandering around she came to a somewhat secluded corner of the school, behind one of the older buildings. Things had a way of working out for her when she followed her instincts and it seemed today was no different, as she quickly spotted the runaway blonde, now with some company. Backed into an alcove behind the building, she was surrounded by two senior boys. Not sure exactly what she was stumbling into, Cammy approached slowly, until she saw tears running down the girl’s cheeks, and one of the guys putting a hand on her shoulder rather sternly. Something felt off to her, so she quickly moved in.

“Hey! What’s going on here?” She called out, the boys turning around like startled animals at first before quickly relaxing their manner. They probably thought for a moment that she was a teacher but ultimately she looked more like a student in her navy blue miniskirt and white shirt with a black neckerchief. Trying to reestablish her authority, she strode towards the group with a judgemental look on her face.

“Shouldn’t you all be at the luncheon?” She asked the boys, who still hadn’t said anything.

“Sure, we were just taking a break.” One of them said sheepishly, leaning back against the wall. They both smiled at her while the girl kept her gaze down at her shoes, trying to hide her face.

“Well break time’s over, off you go.” She shot back sternly, looking him straight in the eye. There were a few moments of tension before he looked away and shrugged, and to Cammy’s relief the two of them started to slowly walk away. She stopped the girl before she could leave as well, offering her a tissue from her purse which she gladly accepted. The thing that really unnerved her about the seniors was that they weren’t boys anymore, they were fully grown men who were capable of doing nasty things. She had never been able to stand up to the boys in her senior year but she was a working adult now with a job and all the confidence she lacked back then, she could deal with these punks, or so she figured.

“Hey… Phoebe? My name’s Cammy. What were those guys doing to you?” Cammy asked the girl, reading off her name badge.

“Nothing. We were just talking.” She replied, her eyes still glued to the ground. Cammy sighed.

“You can tell me, I’m a reporter. They’re friends of Sterling aren’t they?” She pressed on. The girl only nodded.

“Is that why you left during his speech? Do they pick on you?”

“No, ‘picking on me’ is what they did in eighth grade. Now they…” Phoebe suddenly flared up, but just as quickly checked herself and trailed off.

“Why haven’t you told someone?” Cammy asked softly, putting a hand on her shoulder.

“Don’t you know who his family are? The Crawfords? Do you think anyone listens when you complain about him? I’m not the first and I won’t be the last.” She said through sniffles. Cammy didn’t know what to say so she just gave the girl a hug, before escorting her back to the luncheon. Upon returning there was no sign of the boys she had just confronted or Sterling himself, it seemed they had run off with their tails between their legs. Feeling a little uppity, she decided she wanted to talk to Sterling. No doubt he would jump at the chance to be interviewed for the Uptown Tribune, and after getting him nice and relaxed she would ambush him with a question about Phoebe. She would have to find him first though, so once again she forwent the comforts of the luncheon to wander through the school on her own instinct. The old buildings were eerily empty, the younger students had been given the day off for the centennial so it was just her and the occasional roaming guest wandering the halls, the sound of her flats against the wooden floors echoing around her. After a while she had to admit she didn’t know where she was anymore, but Sterling and his friends had to be somewhere if she just kept looking. Then suddenly she jumped as a voice called out from behind her.

“Hey sugartits! Over here!” Came a male voice, booming down the empty hallway. She turned to see one of the students she caught harassing Phoebe earlier.

“What did you just call me?” She snarled, half to herself as she started towards him. He had an infuriating smirk on his face and before Cammy knew it he bolted. Without thinking, she gave chase around the corner into another wing of the building, then down another hallway until they must have been somewhere near the back. She was so angry she didn’t realise where she was going and before she knew it she found herself storming into a bathroom. A male bathroom. She suddenly snapped out of it and turned to leave before someone saw her, but just as she did the door slammed shut and none other than Sterling Crawford jammed a chair under the handle, trapping her in. A feeling of deep horror slowly overtook her as she realised what was happening, and the other two boys stepped forward from the back of the room. Their faces were mostly stoic, but had a hint of sick satisfaction to them.

“What are you doing?” She said to Sterling, her voice already panicked as they slowly closed in on her.

“What are you doing? Chasing students around the school? Snooping around the bathrooms?” He replied slowly, before suddenly leaping forward a step, making Cammy jump back in fear. She felt her back press against the boys behind her, which made her quickly recoil, before spinning around desperately to keep an eye on them all. They were close now, surrounding her in a tight circle.

“Listen, you-AAH!” Cammy started, before shrieking out as Sterling slapped her hard across the face. She wasn’t expecting the sudden attack and it left her reeling, making it easy for him to grab her hair and yank it down hard, forcing her to bend over. As she reached up to try and pry his hand off she wasn’t even thinking of the view she was giving the boys behind her as she bent forward, at least not until one of them reached for the waistband of her skirt and dug his fingers in, finding the top of her red panties and gripping them tight. With all the strength he could manage he pulled them up, yanking the fabric up between her ass cheeks and making her scream again.

“You… Little shits!” She shrieked, one hand trying to bat Sterling away from her black hair and the other trying to fend off the boy giving her a wedgie. Both attempts were unsuccessful and her voice echoed higher and louder in the closed room as both of them refused to let go, her panties pulling up painfully between her pussy lips. She simply wasn’t strong enough to fight back properly against them, after all they were fully grown adults, a fact she was reminded of bluntly as her head was suddenly yanked upwards before she took another hard slap to the face, this one enough to knock her to her knees. The boy behind her didn’t let go of her panties, wrenching them up even further until the fabric loudly tore open and she dropped to the floor. Cammy was still reeling a little from the slap, but she reached back to try and fix her underwear as much as she could, a move she instantly regretted as it let the two boys behind her easily grab one arm each and restrain her in a second.

“Alright, let’s teach this whore a lesson.” Sterling announced with a satisfactory smirk on his face. The others knew what to do, dragging Cammy by her shoulders across the floor even as she put her all into fighting back, kicking and struggling, screaming as loud as she could. There was ultimately nothing she could do, they pulled her into one of the cubicles and flipped up the lid on the toilet inside.

“No… No, please don’t!” She pleaded, trying to hook her legs around the door as they pulled her in closer, bucking her body back like a wild animal. She watched in horror as she was dragged closer and closer to the bowl, knowing exactly what they were about to do to her.

“You think you can just come here and stick your pretty little nose into my business? Do you have any idea who you’re dealing with? You think I can’t get you fired with one word to my dad?” Sterling went on, gathering her hair up in his fist as the other two held her shoulders in an iron grip and lowered her down to the bowl.

“Please… Ple-GLUWH!” She started to plead again, before her head was dunked down into the toilet water, instantly making her gag and her entire body wrench in panic. She struggled but they held her head firmly under the water before pulling her up a few seconds later. She spat out a mouthful of it and took a panicked breath in as her hair plastered itself to her face.

“Stop!” Was all she got out before they dunked her in again, one of them lifting up her skirt and smacking her hard on the ass as they held her under. They pulled her up again, her makeup smeared down her face, tears welling in her eyes as she looked at her tormentors with a mix of fear and hatred. She barely had a moment before they dunked her again, this time one of them flushing the toilet on her, sending a torrent of water over her head and making her panic even more. The torture continued for another few minutes, the boys dunking her under slightly longer each time, giving her a few seconds to catch her breath and then dunking her again. By the end she had stopped struggling, only sobbing in fear as they pulled her up.

“Let’s put that mouth to good use, it’ll suit you better than all that annoying whining.” Sterling said to her. By the time Cammy had blinked the water out of her eyes she could see that his belt was undone and his pants were around his ankles. She saw the outline of his cock through his briefs, and when he pulled them down his semi-hard member flopped down in front of her face. Of course he had been getting off to her humiliation, this was all about him getting his gratification after she had dared to cross him. Suddenly, the boys still gripping her shoulders from either side shoved her forward, and her face was pressed into his crotch right under his shaft, his balls forced over her lips. He smacked his cock down against her face as he stood above her, slapping it down repeatedly against her delicate features with one hand.

“Start licking bitch.” He sneered, stroking his cock while the others pressed Cammy’s face against the underside. Perhaps forgetting the ordeal of the last few minutes Cammy shook her head, murmuring in defiance. The boys didn’t need to be told what to do, they immediately turned her back towards the toilet and dunked her in again, making her scream before she went under. They made sure to keep her submerged until she really started fighting back, and then for a few seconds more, before pulling her up and letting her breathe. She was given no time at all for respite before she was shoved back into the Sterling’s crotch and given the same order. She wasn’t stubborn to the point of stupidity, doing as she was told was better than going under again, not to mention her genuine fear that they could actually drown her. Slowly, she extended her tongue from her lips and licked his balls, like a cheap whore. She tasted his sweat as he moaned loudly and she was pressed in tighter.

“Come on, like you mean it.” One of the others ordered her, reaching down with his free hand to grab her left ass cheek and squeeze it hard. She didn’t need to be told twice this time, extending her tongue and licking the underside of Sterling’s manhood like she couldn’t get enough of it while he stroked himself off. She must have been doing it right because a few moments later he grabbed her hair again and shoved his cock straight down her throat, making her gag, then splutter as she unwillingly deepthroated him. He used her head like a sex toy, fucking her mouth hard and fast while she made humiliating noises and struggled to breathe through her nose, black hair still sticking to her face and tears pouring down her cheeks.

“Ugh, fuck yes. Get her tits out.” Sterling moaned, one of his friends quickly doing as he ordered, kneeling behind Cammy and reaching forward for her shirt. She winced as he tore the garment open, sending buttons bouncing across the white tiles and revealing her ample, heaving breasts in her red bra. He quickly yanked it down to reveal them, before gripping them painfully tight, kneading her flesh and playing with her nipples while Sterling’s cock rammed the back of her throat. He forced himself all the way in and held it there, leaning forward and bending her head back, putting his thumbs on her eyebrows and forcing her eyes wide open to stare at him as he towered above her. She knew she must have looked pathetic, and no sooner had the thought crossed her mind than he spat down on her face, the glob of saliva hitting her eye and adding one extra humiliation. Her earlier bravado was long gone now as she was reduced to a pitiful mess, her face covered in tears and saliva and running makeup, her body being massaged by a horde of unwelcome hands, one of his friends groping her tits and the other rubbing his fingers between her legs. She wailed around Sterling’s cock, trying to plead for mercy, but it did no good, he leant in harder and buried the whole length of his cock in her, slowly rocking it back and forth to push himself over the edge. With the three seniors holding her down against her will and Sterling’s hands balled up in her hair, pressing her lips to the base of his cock, he started pumping his seed inside her. With his manhood buried so deep in her throat she had no choice but to choke it all down, spluttering and coughing all the way as she flexed her fingers and toes out before tensing her entire body. The brute pulled out halfway through his eruption, moaning loudly while he shot the rest over her face. Once he was finally done they all stood up and let her collapse against the side of the toilet bowl, sobbing pathetically and trying to wipe the cum off her face with her hands. Just as she was starting to tell herself it was all over one of them grabbed her by the hair again and held her head up, turning to Sterling.

“What do you think, has she learnt her lesson?” He asked the head boy, dangling her abused body like a sick trophy.

“Maybe… But that’s no reason why you boys shouldn’t have your fun anyway.” He snarled, grinning.


When Cammy was finally left alone in the bathroom she was beyond a mess. The only clothing left on her body was her torn up pair of panties, her bra sitting around her stomach and her soaking wet neckerchief. Her shirt and skirt were both sitting in the toilet bowl next to her as she sat splayed out on the floor of the cubical. There was dried cum plastered over her face, her chest and her back, and she still had the salty aftertaste in her mouth left by all three of the guys’ cocks. With her legs shaking, she got to her knees and fished her shirt out of the bowl, using it to wipe herself down, sobbing fresh tears of humiliation. Just as she started to think she’d have to stumble out of there practically naked, a familiar voice called to her from the bathroom door.

“Hey… Cammy? Are you in there?” Phoebe called out. Cammy couldn’t find the words to express her gratitude or even try to explain what had happened, but Phoebe seemed to understand, and managed to find a spare uniform Cammy would fit into after she cleaned herself up. The girls at the school might have been too scared to say anything about Sterling but she couldn’t just forget about what he did. She had to go to the superintendent. It was of course a further humiliation to face him down wearing a school uniform that was a size too small with no panties and Phoebe’s makeup covering her bruised face.

“What do you mean there’s nothing you can do? You run this place, at least expel him or something!” Cammy demanded, slamming her fists down against the superintendent’s desk, startling the mostly unassuming, slowly balding man.

“Look, I could go after him as a school matter but I’d lose this job in a second and my replacement would reverse anything I did.” He protested from behind his hardwood desk in the dim and ornately decorated office. Cammy scoffed, just as she suspected he only cared about covering his own ass.

“Well how about this, if you don’t do anything I’ll write all about it in my story and you’ll lose your job anyway. Either way everyone will at least know what a monster he is, only I’d rather not have Crawford kill my career before it even starts.” She said, trying to sound authoritative.

“Sounds like a lose-lose from my perspective. Let’s say I go after Sterling and you get to keep your job, what’s in it for me?” The super asked, clasping his hands together. For a moment Cammy thought he might be asking her for a bribe, and indeed in a sense he was. It was only as his eyes wandered down to her breasts straining against the buttons of her uniform that she realised what kind of bribe he was after.


“You’ve been a naughty girl haven’t you?” The super moaned, pulling Cammy’s hair and arching her back, making her wince both from disgust and pain. Still, she bit her tongue and moaned back.

“Yes daddy… Please punish me.” She whimpered, rocking her hips against his crotch, her skirt splayed over them as she sat facing him in his lap. He buried his face in her exposed breasts, sucking on her nipples as she rode him hard. With one of his hands in her hair and the other gripping her ass cheeks, Cammy was once again being used like a sex toy, clenching herself tight around his cock, hoping desperately that he would finish soon. She closed her eyes and focused on the fact that when all this was through at least some semblance of justice would be done, and the school would be a little safer because of her. It was a questionable victory compared to the day’s events but one thing was certain, she would never again tell herself that there wasn’t a story before she was sure.
