College Hookups #1 (M22/F20/F19)

I hadn’t seen Kelsie since we were kids. We had lots of fun and shared all our little girl secrets but her family had moved away and we had not kept in touch. I was just starting my second year of college and was eager to start back into my favorite subject. Boys.

As I flipped through the pictures of the incoming crop of new students looking for new partners, her name jumped out. She had of course changed a bit but it was definitely her. I was curious to find out more so I asked Carter, my new TA if he could find out what classes she was taking. I had my eye on him as a potential ride so I was happy for a chance to ask him for a favor.

The next time I saw him in the halls, he waved. “Hey Grace, you remember that chick you wanted me to look up? Turns out that she is only going to one of your classes. What’s the deal there anyway? I mean, she’s pretty hot but I didn’t think that you rolled that way.”

Until he mentioned it the thought hadn’t even crossed my mind. I was strictly a dick chaser. Even I had to admit that he had a point though. She had turned out to be quite a smoke show. Doe eyes, full lips, and breasts a little too large for my hands. The school picture stopped at her waist but I could imagine for myself. My boobs were a little smaller than hers. All my youthful wishing hadn’t gotten me past a C cup. Not that I couldn’t use what I had.

“We grew up together. We lost touch as kids and I was hoping to run into her.”
He glanced down at my boobs. I leaned forward knowing that I had some cleavage showing.
“Hey,” he said looking back up at my face, “What do you think are the chances for me and her to hook up?”
Shit, I thought, this is not how I wanted it to go.
“Ahh, I doubt it. I think she’s seeing someone else right now.”
“But you just said that you haven’t seen her since you were kids. How would you know that?”
Shit, shit! This isn’t what I wanted!
“I’ll tell you what,” he said. “I noticed that she doesn’t have a dorm assignment yet. I know a girl in Admin who can pull a few strings for me and get the two of you assigned to room together. I know it’s irregular for a freshman to room with a sophomore but this friend will take various kinds of payment if you know what I mean.”
My body responded in spite of itself as I imagined exactly what positions he would pay her in.

“That way you can get to know her again and also put in a good word for me.”
Shit, shit, shit! This is terrible! Who does this bitch think she is to pull this hot dick practically right out of my aching pussy!
“I may even make it worth your while. You look like a fun time and don’t think that I haven’t noticed your flirting.”
I realized that I had to play along as this may be my only chance at riding Carter.
“Sure,” I said breezily. “That would be fun. And who knows, I may even enjoy your compensation.”

I winked at him as I ran my hand over my hip. I leaned in towards his ear and whispered, “I can’t show you anything here but I know that you know my room number.” As I pulled away, my breast rubbed on his arm. I tugged at his belt buckle and walked away. Hell, a girl has to try.

I doubt that he had felt my nipple rub his arm through my sweater but I sure was feeling it as I walked away. I was in some serious sexual need here. To make it worse just around the corner I passed a guy I had fucked last year. He had been pretty good but I didn’t have sex with someone after I dumped them. It wasn’t good for my reputation.
I quickened my pace as I got closer to my dorm room. I had to get a little privacy and relieve some pressure. My pussy was getting wet from the hope of having Carter’s dick there. I was willing to bet that I could make him forget all about Kelsie given the chance.

Or could I? (To be continued…)
