The Appointment [MF] [Fiction] [Medical Kink]

She was eagerly waiting for her appointment at the doctor’s office, fidgeting nervously and looking at the clock. It was not hard to see that Leah was struggling with something. The TV barely offered her a distraction – on the screen, an old lady cooked a pie or something of the sort. She couldn’t tell. All she could think about was last night.

“I know you fake it”. Were the words her boyfriend of 7 years said to her.

And that hurt more than anything she could hear.

How could he possibly see her as someone who would pretend to enjoy sex with him? She looked at her phone wallpaper, a photo of them eating ice cream cones at an amusement park. She was smiling, wide blue eyes staring at the lens like it was the best day of her life. Now that enthusiasm seemed to have faded.

Her mom had already told her it was all a waste of time. Leah’s best friend, Kayla, nodded in agreement. It seemed like her love life was surviving against all odds. Something had to change, but she didn’t know what.

And that brings her to that polished office, with eccentric paintings of birthing women and pale green walls.

“Leah Williams”, announced the blonde woman at the desk. “You can go in”.

Leah got up, adjusting her black pencil skirt. She hated the formal attire she had to wear at work, but she had no time to change before getting there. Even her beautiful brown hair seemed boring in a neat bun. Normally she’d wear all kinds of colors – rainbow sweaters and pink overalls – But work comes first, she said.

She sighed heavily and walked clumsily to the office door, being greeted by a tall, bearded man with tan skin and dark brown eyes. She was really taken aback by that.

“Doctor…Grant?” she asked, eyes widened.

“Oh, sorry.” The man in a white coat smiled, taking his hand to his forehead. “I’m his son. Doctor Grant is sick so I’m taking his patients today.”

He extended his hand to shake Leah’s. A few moments passed with her staring at him. He looked nothing like his dad. The doctor kept his hand in front of her, expecting something to happen, but she took a few seconds more before she noticed what was happening.

An awkward hand shake later, Doctor Grant the son pulled a chair and invited Leah to sit down. She did, while still staring at him intently.

“So what can I help you with today?” he said, in a polite but friendly manner.

“I…” she sighed. “I’m in pain.”

His kind smile quickly morphed into a worried frown.

“What kind of pain? Is it during your period?” He inquired.

“No, it’s…” Her pale skin started gradually transforming into shades of red. “Pain during sex.”

“Pain during intercourse?” Dr. Grant started writing things down. “Since when?”

“Since always.” Leah mumbled.

The doctor looked at her, half concerned, half surprised, and took out some papers. She was staring at the floor now, trying to contain her embarrassment.

“Miss Williams, I looked at your records. My father was your gynecologist for a long time. And it says you first came here seven years ago, to get orientation about a contraceptive pill. Is that correct?”

“Yes.” She answered.

“And were you in pain since then?”


His eyes exuded a calm and loving glow as he told her how troubling that was. Leah tried to explain herself.

“It’s not like a physical pain” She said. “I feel like crying every time…Because as much as I like to have sex with him, it’s never enough.”

Doctor Grant looked around the room, as if trying to figure out what to say next.

“He keeps saying I’m frigid and that breaks my heart every time” She concluded.

A few minutes of silence passed in that small room before anyone could say anything else. Meanwhile, the bearded man’s eyes gazed upon that young beautiful woman, like he had just noticed how absurd it all sounded. Her face was gorgeous, with little freckles, her turquoise eyes bright as a diamond. Her lips, soft and inviting. And her body… He could see she took care of it, to say the least.

“Leah…Can I call you Leah?” Asked the doctor.

“Sure.” She replied, a little flustered.

“You’re…26 years-old right?” he questioned, while looking at her records again. She nodded affirmatively.

Suddenly, the dark in the doctor’s eyes seemed to get a little darker.

“I think I’ll need to do some examinations before I can diagnose you with anything.”

He stood up and told her to go to the bathroom on the right:

“You’ll need to take your underwear off.” He instructed, in a seemingly cold way.

Leah closed the door to the bathroom behind her, feeling her heartbeat fast inside her chest. She didn’t know why, but the idea of being in that position in front of him made her really nervous. She just told herself it was part of the check-up though, and slowly took off her pink cotton panties. After all, maybe her boyfriend was right – maybe something was wrong with her.

She left the bathroom and was requested to sit on the bed. He took a stethoscope and placed it gently on her chest. Leah started to calm down, thinking to herself this is just another doctor visit. After that, he told her to lie down.

As she rested her back against the mattress, she looked at her feet and noticed the stirrups.

“Please put your feet over there.” He said, while putting on some white latex gloves. “Oh, and pull up your skirt.”

She blushed as her hands reached her skirt, pulling it up until her shaved intimate parts were exposed. Her legs shook slightly as she put them up, bending her knees in the process.

Dr. Grant moved to the front of the bed with a serious look on his face. His eyes locked in between her open legs. He breathed out slowly, and proclaimed:

“I’m going to be looking at your vulva now, ok?”

Leah shivered as he said those words, with his lowered raspy voice. It made no sense but she was starting to get anxious again.

He got closer to her, gently placing his fingers on her pussy. She closed her eyes in embarrassment. The feeling of the cold latex against her skin was strangely enticing, as hard as it was to admit it.

Then he used his fingers to open her up slowly. His breath sounding heavier and heavier as if he was nervous as well. As he examined her he could hear her wetness increase, and her delicious scent get stronger.

“Now I’m going to have to insert a finger in your vagina” He said.


“Don’t worry. It’s part of the exam.” He told her.

Leah started to feel that something was off – or at least, different. But she noticed something awful, something she was almost afraid to admit: She was into it.

As he slowly put the middle finger inside her, she let out a soft moan. He kept it there for a while, as he mumbled things to himself that she couldn’t understand.

After a few minutes of an in and out movement, Dr. Grant felt that it was enough and took his finger out. Leah was holding back her moans the entire time, blushing violently in the middle of it all. He looked deep in her eyes and coldly stated that she seemed fine and there was no need for further examination.

“Wait!” She exclaimed, panting. “I…”

The man in a white coat raised his eyebrows.

“I think… I haven’t done a breast exam in a while.” She blurted out.

“Well… I guess if that’s a necessity…” He said, as he stared at her half-unbuttoned blouse, revealing part of her white bra, and trying to hide a smile.

Before she knew it, Dr. Grant’s hand was caressing her small breast and playing with her stiff nipple, as his mouth sucked gently on her other one. Yeah I guess this wasn’t just another doctor visit, she thought.

Minutes later and his lips were on her thighs, moving toward her glistening hole. She was covering her mouth with her hand to not let out any loud moans.

Suddenly, a knock on the door. Dr. Grant immediately stands up straight and asks what it is. The secretary’s voice can be heard on the other side, telling him that his last patient for the day called in saying they won’t make it.

He looks at Leah, with her open blouse revealing her boobs and her skirt up high, legs spread with her drenched pussy just waiting for him.

“Ok, Sarah, you can leave then. I’m just finishing here!”

He licks his lips as Leah breathes heavily. She knows this appointment will take a little longer than expected this time.

But the best part… is that she’s completely okay with it.



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