Sleep over at Mistress’s place! [Femdom]

(Reposting due to change in title. I am trying to create a proper label for all my writings.)

I was at Mistress’s place and we were preparing to sleep. She made me wear hand cuffs and ankle cuffs earlier in the evening while having dinner. I was still wearing the hand cuffs and ankle cuffs. Before I could ask her to remove them before going to bed, she asked me if I brushed my teeth.

I replied, “No, I don’t usually brush my teeth before going to bed. I brush my teeth in the morning.”

She then said, “Well, that is going to change from today. Go and brush your teeth.”

I simply smiled and was about to remove my hand cuffs and ankle cuffs before going to the bathroom outside but she interrupted me saying, “Who gave you permission to remove your cuffs?”

I looked at her in a surprise and said, “How else I would go to brush my teeth then?” 😮

She replied, “Your hands aren’t cuffed behind your back. I don’t think you would have any trouble brushing your teeth with the cuffs on.”

I said, “That’s not what I meant. I am worried that one of your flat mates may see me like this in the bathroom and it would be very awkward to explain, you know.”

She laughed at this and replied, “Well, that’s not my problem now, is it? The cuffs are staying. If they see you like this, deal with it. Now, go.”

I was literally shocked at her response and astonishingly said, “You have got to be kidding me. How can I let them see me like this?”

She shook her head in no and said, “Nope, I am serious. You are not taking the cuffs off. Now, go, brush your teeth and make me proud.”

At this point, I kind of knew that there was no point in trying to convince her. Further discussion would only make the matters worse. So, I started coming up excuses in my mind as what to say to them if they saw me in cuffs like this. After coming up with 1 or 2 stupid excuses as there were no reasonable excuses after all, I slowly made my way to the bathroom outside.

As soon as I went there, I locked the door behind me and sighed in relief for then. I started brushing my teeth faster than I normally do as I wanted to rush back to her ASAP. As soon as I was done, I ran back to her at snail’s pace thanks to the ankle cuffs. 😅

As soon as I entered the room, I locked the door and sighed again in relief for accomplishing the mission unscathed. She looked at me and asked, “So, how did it go?”

I replied, “Luckily, nobody came out and I didn’t have to suffer the embarrassment.”

She gave me that look of disappointment and said, “Damn!” and I showed her tongue. 😛

To this she replied, “Don’t worry my boy. There are going to be so many more such opportunities. Statistics are not on your side. You will be caught sooner or later.” 😏

I gulped at this because she was right. Knowing her, I knew that she would come up with so many evil ideas like this to humiliate me and the chances that I would survive all of them were next to impossible. 😨

Kind of defeated, I made my way to the bed and asked her if I could remove the cuffs then before going to sleep.

To my astonishment, she replied, “No, you are going to sleep with the cuffs on.”

I looked at her in surprise and said, “Please Mistress. I won’t be able to sleep with them on. Let me take these off please.” 😮

To which she replied, “Oh my boy. These are nothing. You are going to sleep with so much stuff on in the future. We have to make you get used to it. So, for now it will be these cuffs only.”

I couldn’t believe what I heard. There was no way I was going to fall asleep with these on but I had no choice.

I slowly tucked myself in facing her. I saw her looking at me and smiling. I could see that she was enjoying my discomfort. There was this spark in her eyes which immediately took all that discomfort away. I was enjoying that she was enjoying my discomfort.

But being bratty, I couldn’t let her win so easily. So, I started exaggerating my discomfort a bit and pleading her to take my cuffs off but at the same time, hoping that she would deny my request every time because I was enjoying her sadistic side way too much. And every time, my pleas were turned down obviously. 🤗

I was having the time of my life. At her mercy, suffering for her pleasure and in turn, getting pleasure. I don’t remember now how exactly it played out but at one point, she threatened me that if I didn’t stop asking her to take the cuffs off, she was going to ball gag me.

In an ideal scenario, I should have got scared and shut my mouth up but as soon as she mentioned the ball gag, I upped the ante as I wanted her to actually ball gag me. Finally, she got up from the bed to get the ball gag and I started pleading her trying to act so innocent saying, “Please Mistress. Please come back. I would shut my mouth now. Please don’t bring the ball gag. I am sorry. I wouldn’t even say a word now.” but craving that ball gag badly at the same time.

But as I hoped, she didn’t budge and brought the ball gag. When she asked me to open the mouth, I pretended to dislike it and didn’t open my mouth. She pulled my hair back and warned me to open my mouth otherwise there would be consequences.

That, I did take seriously and opened my mouth immediately. She stuffed the ball gag in. As soon as she stuffed it in, it hit me that I was at her place and I didn’t want to soil her bedsheet and pillow cover with my saliva. Now, I was outplayed at my own game. So, to keep myself from drooling and soiling the pillow cover, I kept my mouth completely in the upright position facing the ceiling. 🤐

After like 10-15 minutes, she finally showed mercy at me, took off the ball gag and told me, “You acted like such a good boy. I am going to show mercy and take this gag off. One more sound from your mouth and it would be back. Do you understand?”

I immediately nodded and said, “Thank you Mistress. I wouldn’t make any noise now. I promise.”

She smiled, placed the gag away and asked me to turn to my side as she wanted to spoon me. I smiled and turned to my side. She came close and placed her arm over me. I took her hand in my hand and kissed it passionately. I stayed there for sometime like this and eventually fell asleep with the cuffs on. ❤️
