The Game – Part 1 (Fiction)

**TRIGGER WARNING!!!!! Contains mentions of Consensual Non-consent, Druging (Roofieing), Somnophilia, Hunting or Stalking, Sex and Sexual Content, Sexual Assault, R4pe, Public Sexual acts, and more possibly triggering sexual implications and activities. This work is a work of fiction and any possible connections drawn to real people or places are purely coincidental.**

They came up with it late one night lying in bed naked and high after a particularly intense evening of play. They lay there both breathing heavily still basking in the afterglow of being one with each other in the most primal way. Sweat still clinging to them glistening in the faint dull lights of the room.

“My God!” He choked out through the smoke of the joint he just lit before passing it to her.

“I… yeah… wow!” She replied through laboured breaths as she took the joint and took a hit of her own. Just then an idea came to his head one that he never thought could come true.

“You know what would be interesting?” He pondered aloud taking the joint back from her and hitting it again. While he did she slowly and gently kissed his torso.

“What’s that?” She inquired

“What if we had money like a lot of money and I hunted you!” He looked down at her with a wicked smirk and she smiled back with a mischievous twinkle in her eye.

“What do you mean hunted?”

2 years later

The rules were simple he thought as he found himself exploring the streets of Madrid just after dark had set in. With money being no object she would run anywhere she wanted or could without telling anyone where she was going. She would leave almost, the key word being almost, no trace of her next move only the slightest of clues. No one she talked to or asked for help could know the true nature of the game only they would but wherever she went she must leave at least one small subtle clue as to where she was going next when she left and she wasn’t to stay anywhere for more than 3 days at a time.

His rules were even simpler, find her…find her, and when he did take her in whatever manner and with as much veracity as he could muster and make her his again.

He looked on and watched as a woman in the distance a few streets ahead wandered into a nightclub. He never thought their little game would become a reality when it randomly came to mind on a random night a few years prior but much to their surprise a large prize had fallen into their laps taking them from a somewhat meager lifestyle to one of immense privilege and it was with that privilege they played their little game.


It was her third night in Madrid she had bought a ticket for 11:00 am for a long flight to somewhere in Southeast Asia the name of which she couldn’t pronounce or even remember at that moment. She decided she would spend her night at a club have a few drinks flirt and maybe take someone back to her room. He always liked it when he found her and she had a story to tell him after of some fun she had on her journey.

‘How does he always seem to find me,’ she thought to herself as she walked down a dimly lit street towards the club. ‘It’s like he knows where I’m gonna be before I do.’ She smiled at the thought though she may pretend to be afraid or even fight back when the time came there was no fear in her only passion and desire. Her heart rate became elevated as she thought about it and she felt a familiar dew between her legs as she became more and more excited. Still, she thought maybe she had finally had him this time she had never made it the full three days without being found and used by him and then starting over again but now all she had to do was make it through tonight and she would have her first win. She smiled with pride at the thought but also felt a bit of disappointment as she absolutely adored all the things he would do to her whenever he found her.

The previous day when she was plotting her next move she thought maybe the reason he kept catching her was that she was going to places that he might suspect she would go to. Famous cities with lots to see and experience and explore. So she decided this time she would do something different she quite literally threw a dart at a map of the world like she was a rich college student on spring break in the 80s or something. No Google or anything that he could track or hack a paper map from a local store and a dart. Furthermore, for the hint, she thought of something absolutely genius she bought a second map framed it, and hung it in her hotel room paying off the owner to do so to make it look like a world map was just a random fixture on the wall and then poked the tiniest of holes in the location she was heading next.

‘He’ll never find me this time,” She smirked as she entered the club.


He watched as she entered the nightclub in a skin-tight dress that just barely covered her ass and was cut low enough to show off. She was dressed to impress tonight he thought maybe he should let her think she won this one just to see what she might do. He had already been to her hotel room and found her hint for the next location, an Indonesian town known as Muaralawa. He almost missed it too and probably would have had he not been watching her bring the framed map back into the room he likely would have never thought to even look at it thinking it was just a fixture of the room.

He normally found her on the second day sometimes even the first this time he was actually very close behind her but opted instead to try giving her a false sense of security. So this time rather than corning her or confronting her and having his way with her as soon as he found her instead he followed her as she explored Madrid. She shopped and explored historical sites and had a guest over the second night in her room which he enjoyed listening to through the wall of his adjacent room with her having no idea. He had even taken pictures of her in different places throughout her time there from a distance that he intended to show her at just the right moment.

He waited in an ally down the street from the club after she entered letting the crowd grow so he could more easily blend in. He wore a long dark jacket over a shirt and tie and a black fedora so he could conceal himself inside and watch from a distance but still fit the formal attire of the club. Once he knew she had likely gotten fully in and comfortable and a decent crowd had built up he joined the line to enter. Once inside he watched his surroundings closely. If she saw him before he saw her then everything would fall apart. He got to the bar and purchased himself a drink and then slipped through the crowd to the edges of the bar all but clinging to the wall. He was just mixed in enough to not appear suspicious. He kept the hat low and his head down scanning the crowd through the tops of his eyes and he circled from the margins. He felt his heart racing and swelling in his pants. The excitement of the hunt and being so close to the goal was elevating his deepest primal instincts and he had to focus on control not to just take her right there on the dance floor when he was finally able to find her. He continued to scan the crowd. It was a packed club so it wasn’t an easy task to pick her out in the flow of bodies drinking and dancing and touching. However, after a few minutes and mindlessly grinding on the occasional patron to blend in he spotted her. She was near the right side of the dance floor opposite the bar, not quite in the center of the crowd but close enough that she was fully surrounded. A very attractive relatively built man stood behind her grinding against her ass she reached up behind her pushing her body into him and hooking her hands behind his neck. She no doubt intended to take that man with her that evening and the man no doubt intended to go but he had other plans for her. Once he found her it became a game of observation looking for the exact moment to act. As he watched her dance on the man he could see the man’s hands wandering across her body. The man felt her up and down grabbing her ass as he ground into her and even occasionally reaching up and feeling her breasts. Suddenly much to the surprise of the watcher in the shadows a new woman came up to the side and began kissing the grinding man deeply and passionately while he continued to squeeze and play with the woman. Then the new woman shifted and began kissing her as well and she turned into them and they all began touching, feeling, and passionately kissing one another.

‘It’s almost a shame to interrupt where this might be going,’ he thought to himself as he observed the scene transpiring before him. He felt his cock swell with excitement as he watched her with these two beautiful people fully engrossed in passion with then completely unaware he was observing the whole thing. He slipped out a phone and snapped a few photos of what he was watching and then continued to watch his prayer be playfully mauled on the dance floor and loving every second of it.


The hands she felt on her body were intoxicating the desire she felt and this man she had never met groped her and played with her like she was his possession drove her wild she felt herself grow wet with anticipation of how this night would go. When the second woman joined them and appeared to be the man’s partner in some way she realized what had happened she had sent him out onto the dance floor to find some slut that would get into grinding on him and him playing with her and then once he had her hooked she would reveal herself and they would bring her home for an evening of fun together.

‘I am more than happy to be that slut!’ She thought turning her body to look at them for the first time fully and being more than a little happy where this was going as the two gorgeous humans before her made out while both touching her. She leaned in and joined them as they all began kissing and touching each other. Without warning, she felt a delicate hand begin to slide up the inside of her thigh under her dress.

‘I was right,’ she thought to herself, ‘she is definitely the one in charge of this operation.’ Though the man had grabbed her ass and played a little with her tits while he ground his now very hard cock against her he had kept his hands outside her clothing the new woman on the other hand was now sliding her fingers very gently up her dress. The man stepped back and watched a little as the woman focused in on her their lips met in a deep passionate kiss as the woman’s hand found her soaked thong. She was almost dripping from the excitement of what she could already see this night bringing but even more than that she was dripping at the thought of telling her hunter all the details of what was about to happen to her with these two random strangers from some foreign country. As their tongues intertwined she once again felt the man’s hardness against her ass as he ground from behind. The woman’s free hand traced around her body feeling every curve trance and grabbing her tits all while her other hand slowly rubbed her soaked thong. The woman began to kiss and nibble her neck and for a fleeting moment, she almost felt like she was being watched. Her head shot to the crowd around her but they all seemed either unaware or unphased by the scene happening to her and she let the thought go from her mind. In the moment of distraction, she didn’t notice the woman slide her thong to the side, and then very suddenly she felt two fingers slide inside her right there on the dance floor. She could not stifle her moan and both the woman and man smirked maniacally and shared a glance. They didn’t speak but she knew exactly what the glance meant ‘we found our toy for the night.’

‘You most certainly have,’ she thought throwing her head back and moaning as this beautiful woman worked her fingers inside of her and she felt the absolutely hulking man’s massive cock grind against her.


He watched everything from the shadows creeping closer for a better view but still staying as out of sight as he could. When he saw the new woman turn her focus on his prey he watched even more closely and his cock began to swell even more as he watched the hand slide up her skirt. He began to grind hard into some random girl he was using to blend in and he felt her react and push back into his now throbbing cock clearly enjoying the feeling and completely unaware that she was little more than a masturbation tool for the real show happening across the dance floor. He saw his pray suddenly shoot her head around and look at the crowd and he very quickly averted his gaze, keeping his head down and grinding hard into the meaningless random crowd member. After a moment he looked back up and he saw his prey head back and though he couldn’t hear he knew she was audibly moaning with pleasure and as he explored further with his eyes he realized the new woman’s fingers must most certainly be inside her as she kissed his prey’s neck and her man ground on her ass. Suddenly he felt a hand begin to rub against his own member. The random girl had gotten into their grinding as well and turned around and began to stroke him through his pants. It felt good but he couldn’t even be bothered to look down completely captivated by the scene he was watching and only really acknowledging what was happening to him enough to appreciate that he didn’t have to stroke it himself. The girl however must have noticed his lack of interest and he faintly heard her scoff and release her grip before slipping back into the crowd presumably to find someone who would be actually interested in giving her the cock she was craving.


After what felt like an amazing eternity of this stunning random woman working her fingers deep inside her with an incredible skill she finally looked back down at her pulled her in and kissed her hard.

“I need another drink!” she yelled with a seductive smile so as to be heard over the music. “But I will be right back.” She smirked with a kiss and then she slipped away to the bar.


As she slipped away from the couple the man watched as they embraced one another smiling at their luck in finding such a perfect toy. Now is the time he thought and he began to slip through the crowd behind her heading towards the bar.


She reached the bar breathing heavily between the effort of working her way through the crowd and still coming down from the pleasure of the amazing fingering she just received. The very busy bartender eventually noticed her and she ordered a drink excitedly, constantly looking back at her new friends so she didn’t lose them. As she was waiting people kept squeezing in and out of the bar on either side of her attempting to get their own drinks. On her left-hand side, a man all in black with a long coat and hat squeezed in next to her with his back to her almost bumping her just as she was about to say something the bartender sat her drink down in front of her and just before she picked it up another man fully bumped into her from her right. He apologized to her profusely as she turned to look at him.

“It’s OK no biggy!” She smiled kindly then turned back to her drink, grabbed it, and took a big sip before heading back toward her new friends. She got back to them and they were making out and feeling each other up but opened up upon her return and let them in between her. They were a little less all over her this time because she was handling her drink but they all took turns kissing and touching each other this time her hand did some exploring as she felt the breasts and ass of the woman who was fingering her and even grabbed her hand and sucked the fingers that were just inside her. She drank her drink quickly wanting to get fully back into the fun she was having before. As she downed the bottom of the drink she got an odd taste for a moment but was too drunk and into the hands all over her to really think on it for long before she felt herself enveloped by them again as she put the glass down on a nearby ledge. The hands began to feel different this time it was hard to focus on them and keep track of exactly whose hands were where and what was happening but she didn’t care she was loving the feeling of being wanted by these two strangers even though she knew it was reckless she didn’t care she wanted out of the bar and to be alone with these two beautiful human beings so they could use her to their heart’s content. It was then she realized she was dancing with her head back and eyes closed almost in a trance at the hands on her. She looked down and opened her eyes looking at the woman with the aim to suggest they go find a place more private. However, as she looked into her new friend’s beautiful blue eyes the room began to spin a little and she stumbled a bit in her dancing. She tried to speak but could exactly figure out how to form words. At that moment she felt the phone in her bra vibrate.


He faded back into the crowd but kept much closer this time and watched her quickly drink her drink while playing with her new friends. After a few moments of her dancing and touching and being touched he noticed her start to stumble a little and then a little bit more and observed a look of mild confusion on her face as she started to speak to the woman with her. Using that as a queue he took a phone out of his pocket and began to text.


With more effort than it should have taken, she pulled the phone from her bra and saw that she had some images sent to her from a number she didn’t recognize. First, they were of famous locations around Madrid all of which she has been to visit during her trip. Eventually, however, she realized that some of them weren’t just of the locations but of her visiting them. They were taken from a distance but there was no mistaking that it was in fact her in the picture. As she continued to scroll she realized it was getting harder and harder to see the phone and her breath became rapid and her heart rate increased slightly. She didn’t even notice her new friends asking her if she was ok. Eventually, after going through pictures featuring her in almost everything she had done during the trip, she found more pictures taken from inside her empty hotel room. Her open bags with her belongings proved it was while she was there. There was even a picture of her strategically hung map with a very clear focus on the pinhole she made. Then the next picture almost made her fall over, it was her, sleeping in her hotel bed naked and completely vulnerable. She took some back steps in reaction to seeing this that ended up more to the side as her vision became more and more blurry and her movement became harder to control. Another buzz of the phone, this time it was a video just a short few-second clip of her being fucked mercilessly by the stranger she had brought back to her hotel room the night before. It was grainy and at a bad angle but it was without question the events of the previous night.

‘Had he been here the whole time!’ She thought of her vision and strength both failing and she fell to her knees. Another buzz of the phone came and with all the strength she could muster she looked again, four pictures appeared on the phone one of her entering the club, the second of her grinding on her new male friend, and another of her head back as her female friend’s fingers were buried inside her. Finally, the last picture, taken just a moment before, was her looking at these messages on her phone. She tried to look up trying to find him but it was fruitless she slipped to the ground and rolled to her back as her vision darkened she looked up for a final moment. The last thing she remembered seeing was the man in the black coat and hat from the bar his back to her talking to the couple she had been dancing with and showing them something on a phone and everything went dark.


Suddenly she felt herself gasping and moaning light burned her eyes as her vision came back. She felt lightheaded and with a faint headache and was completely unaware of where she was. As the light returned and her vision expanded to the world around her she was able to recognize the ceiling of her hotel room.

‘How did I get here?’ She thought to herself ‘I was at the bar did I drink that m… wait.’ Suddenly it all came flooding back or pictures of it did most of it was likely gone forever. The last thing she could recall clearly was the pictures she received and collapsing on the floor of the bar. Waking up now she could remember other small things like being carried out of the bar and put into a vehicle. Then carried out again but nothing was clear. She was still very hazy feeling the room was spinning a little and she wasn’t sure exactly what was happening and her vision was still very blurry. She felt herself let out an involuntary moan again as she suddenly became very aware that she was completely naked she tried to lift her head and speak but both were useless she was still very much under the influence of whatever was in her system.

“Shhhhh little one don’t try and speak.” She heard a calm and familiar voice utter from just out of view. It was at that moment she could feel that she was moving slightly almost rocking.

‘Wait I’m not moving I’m being moved’ The realization hit her as more feeling came back to her slowly and another uncontrolled moan slipped from her lips. There was a force pushing her up from between her legs she tried to pull her hands in but realized they were restrained to the corners of the bed. She became aware of the sounds around her and could hear laboured breathing and the sound of wetness and that’s when she finally felt it sliding in and out of her. Suddenly as if queued by the putting the pieces together she felt waves of pleasure wash over her with each thrust as she felt his cock sliding gently in and out of her dripping pussy. She moaned loudly this time her body and mind finally in sync as she shut off her inhibitions and gave into him using her and all the pleasure it brought her to be his again to be used and owned by him. She was a fool to think she had beaten him this time he had toyed with her and let her believe she had a chance but he was there every step of the way he would find her anywhere in the world no matter where she went and he would show her time and time again that she belong to him he owned her and he would use her when he wanted and there would never be anything she could do to stop it or anywhere she could go to escape it. This thought didn’t bring her fear however instead it only served to increase the pleasure of his cock slowly increasing the speed at which he was filling her wanting pussy.

“Oh fuck yes!” She choke out as he took her her voice still cracked and broken from coming to again

“Ummmmm there’s my little one welcome back baby” he gasped between thrusts. Finally, he fully revealed himself as he let himself come forward and placed his hands on either side of her head and looked her dead in the eyes mere inches from her face. The relief at seeing him and feeling him inside her was almost too much to handle and all she could do was nod excitedly but still with sleepiness in her eyes and in her smile as he continued to work himself in and out of her. “Now let’s wake you up!” He exclaimed excitedly as he very suddenly shifted and began to slam into her violently and aggressively!

“OH FUCK!” She cried out as her eyes sprung open she was still fucked up from the drugs and unable to really control much but she was now fully awake. He pounded her hard and fast, wrapping her legs in his arms and driving his cock deep into her with all his strength. “YES USE ME PLEASE MAKE ME YOURS!” She begged as he used her pussy like his personal flashlight as he always did when he caught her. He was her hunter and she was his prey and this was exactly what she was meant for to be hunted used and owned by him to please him in whatever way he desired and nothing ever felt more right. Suddenly she felt him begin to lose control and he slowed down a bit. She looked up at him now able to move ever so slightly and he smiled and slid out of her. She whimpered uncontrollably the feeling of emptiness inside her was powerful and she needed to feel him filling her more. Before she could protest he buried his face between her thighs and she coed with ecstasy as his tongue worked her clit. He didn’t always please her on a hunt it was about taking what was his but when he did it was like taking her to a whole other world. She felt his tongue working vigorously and then she felt two fingers slide inside her. “HOLY FUCK YES!” She screamed with pleasure as hit her g spot and worked her clit in tandem. Sometimes he would go slowly, take his time, and tease her but not this time this time he wanted to devour her, and he did. In what felt like seconds she could feel her legs shaking and her back arching. The drugs and grogginess made her feel almost like she was observing what was happening from outside her body while simultaneously feeling like her every nerve was on fire as he brought her closer and closer and closer to the edge. “CAN I CUM PLEASE!?” She heard herself scream out as if it was coming from someone else. He didn’t even bother to answer he just worked her clit even harder with his tongue and started slamming his fingers in and out of her with everything he had. “OH FUCK YES IM CUMMING!” She screamed out so loud half the hotel surely heard her as the climax exploded through her body. She felt her eyes roll back and her back arch so much her ass lifted off the bed. She felt wetness spray all over her and the bed and likely his face as she felt the squirting orgasm erupt from her. Before it even subsided or she even knew what was happening he was inside her again this time there was no gentleness or build-up he thrust in her deep and hard filling her with every bit of his throbbing cock. She felt one hand wrap around his throat and the other hold up one of her legs and suddenly his face was right in front of hers. His expression was one of fire and passion and possession.

“MINE” he growled glaring directly into her eyes as he pounded her harder and harder over and over he growled it as his grip tightened and she struggled for air and he used her completely and thoroughly slamming into her hard and fast over and over again.

“YES SIR!” She was barely able to cry out through desperate breaths. “USE YOUR PUSSY AND FILL IT WITH YOUR CUM PLEASE!” She pleaded. As if on command she felt him begin to shake and convulsed and he gripped down even harder on her to the point she began to see stars but the pleasure as he slammed into her was only expanded but his hand around her throat!

“OH FUCK YES LITTLE ONE!” He yelled loudly and his cock erupted inside her. She gasped as it pulsed over and over again and she felt her pussy fill with his cum. He jerked and shook and growled as he exploded inside her before collapsing on top of her. “Holy fuck!” He gasped after finally catching his breath. He rolled off and lay beside her breathing heavily as she too tried to regain her composure still not fully out of the effects of the drugs used on her without her knowledge. She could feel the warmth of his cum beginning to drip from her and it made her moan again ever so slightly. He let out a mild giggle knowing exactly what she was reacting to and he sat up grabbed his phone and snapped a quick picture of her cum drenched pussy. She looked up at him and smiled happily before laying her head back down and gasping with satisfaction.

“You doing ok little one?” He asked calmly and he began to remove her constraints.

“OK!?” She said in an asking tone. Blinking rapidly to try and unblur her still distorted vision. “I’m a hell of a lot more than okay!” She replied excitedly with a glowing smile. He quickly did something on his phone and laid down beside her and wrapped her in his arms as she heard it ding again beside them a moment later.

“I love you!” He whispered into her ear “your amazing my love!”

She smiled shyly as her cheeks flashed red.

“I love you so much!” She exclaimed in reply positively buzzing from the afterglow of the night’s events. “Now the only problem is what am I gonna do with those tickets now since you clearly know where I’m going next.” He looked at her with a sly smile and grabbed his phone again.

“You should go.” He smirked and showed her a text conversation on his phone. There were two pictures one was of her still tied to the bed and unconscious POV style with his cock in her from just before she woke up most likely. The other was a reply, a picture of another couple’s POV-style photo with the other woman on her knees with a cock in her mouth. Underneath the photo was a simple text that told a powerful message.

*I think it’s time to swap!*
