Seduced by my Stepdaughter [MF] [18+] [WMAF]

“Happy birthday, Viv,” I grin, snapping one last picture of my stepdaughter as she poses with her cupcake. She gives me a cute smile and blows out the ‘nineteen’ candle in its center, giggling as a round of applause erupts from nearby tables. There may be a storm outside, but here in the restaurant it’s cozy and cheerful as people clap along, joining in our little celebration.

“Thank youu,” she smiles shyly to the strangers, giving them a small wave. She’s so sweet and kind, it’s no wonder people like her everywhere we go. I sneak in another photo, suppressing a pang of regret – she just looks so much like her mother sometimes. It kills me every day that things didn’t work out between us, but at least I’ve got my Vivian again.

She looks back to me, her big brown almond-shaped eyes alight with excitement. A slender young woman of medium height, she wears her silky dark hair long, her bangs swept to the side, her features cute and petite from her Vietnamese heritage.

“Soo, what did you wish for?” I ask, leaning in.

“I can’t tell you, come on,” she scoffs with a scandalized laugh. “If I do then I don’t get my wish. And you’re not costing me a wish, mister.”

She grins, carefully putting the cupcake away in her to-go box.

“Fine fine fine. What are you doing, though – you’re not gonna eat it? I brought the candle so you could have it here.”

“No, I’m full…we can have it later,” she says, sucking frosting off her finger.

“Later? I’m going to bed!” I tease.

“Dad! Come on; we both know you aren’t,” she says with an annoyed tick of the tongue. I laugh. She’s right, of course – it’s been awhile since we could celebrate one of her birthdays, what with her mom and I splitting up and all. Now that she’s living with me for school, though, we have a tradition to reinstate: ‘movies til midnight.’

I shrug and let out a yawn. “Well we’d better get going then, or I’ll be asleep before the first one ends.”

“Fine. I’m driving,” she springs up, an excited, mischievous look on her face.

“What? Viv it’s…”

“I know I know, it’s a new car, you just got it. Blah blah blah. I’ll be careful!” she grins, pulling on her jacket.

“No, Viv, it’s storming out…and dark. The roads are wet, and–”

“And you’re sleepy,” she counters with a winning smile. I’m already mid-yawn again, and I can’t help but laugh. She got me there. I look her over, so happy and full of life. God how I’ve missed her.

“Alright alright, fine,” I agree, gathering up my coat and dangling my keys. “But we’re going slow.”

She rolls her eyes as she takes them, leading the way out of the restaurant. “Yeah yeah Dad, I know…”


Sure enough, it’s windy and wet out as we make our way home. I can’t help but feel tense as Vivian leans over the steering wheel, peering out past the headlights, taking each turn just a bit too fast or a smidge too slow. I know she didn’t get much driving practice while living with her mom…Kim is weirdly overprotective with her about some things, and absolutely absent on other issues. It’s part of the reason for their strained relationship, I think – the two really aren’t all that alike.

She gives me a nervous glance from time to time, and I reassure her with a warm smile, keeping my apprehensions to myself. For six years I was her stability, a break in the revolving door of boyfriends her mom never seemed satisfied with. I suppose things didn’t last with me, either…but still. I stuck around long enough to become ‘Dad,’ even after the divorce, and I’m proud of that.

It’s a twenty minute drive through the woods back to my place, and we pass the time listening to whatever she likes on the radio, arguing about what movies we’re going to watch.

“I don’t want to watch anything *old*, though,” she says, crinkling her nose. “Besides, it’s my birthday, so I should get to pick the first one.”

“Well I don’t want to watch anything that’s going to put me to sleep,” I counter, easing back into my seat. I’m finally almost able to relax; just a few more miles to go.

“How about a musical?”


“Dad! Come on! You can’t just say no to every–”


The deer comes out of nowhere as she takes a too-fast turn; startled, she panics, swerving the car back the other way, losing control of it as we start to spin. She screams, and everything is a blur; all I can think to do is reach across and uselessly grab the wheel as we turn and turn again. My stomach feels like it’s going to fly out of me, and at the same time it all feels so surreal, like I’m watching this happen to someone else.

Miraculously, we don’t hit anything – thank god for the pullout here. We come to a stop along the opposite shoulder of the road, pointed the wrong way, both of us shaking.

“Oh my god…are you okay sweetie?” I turn to her as soon as I’m able.

She’s trembling all over, holding the wheel in a white-knuckle grip. She looks to me, eyes huge, and slowly nods her head. Then she bursts into tears.

“Oh honey, oh Viv…” I reach out, hugging her across the center console. She leans into me, sobbing against my shoulder; I stroke her hair, muttering reassurances and trying to calm down myself.

“C-could you drive the rest of the way, Dad?” she whimpers after a long minute.

“Of course, baby.”


She’s distraught when we get home, and I walk up the drive with my arm around her, the wind whipping at us, the storm only seeming to get worse. I tell her again and again it wasn’t her fault, that it could happen to anyone, that we’re safe and that’s what matters.

She won’t hear it; she’s devastated, and she starts up anew when we discover the mangled remains of her cupcake.

“We can still eat it,” I say with a small smile, trying to cheer her. It doesn’t work – she hurries back to her room, still in tears.

Fuck. I feel terrible. I shouldn’t have let her be in that situation. I’d wanted to encourage her, to let her try something. I’d wanted to help her grow…I’d wanted to be a better parent than Kim.

The realization hits me, and it makes me feel even wore. Had I put Vivian up to something dangerous just for the sake of my own ego? I have to make this right, I can still save this birthday. Afterall, I’m here and Kim isn’t – she skipped town as soon as Viv got into college. I’m the one who stuck around. I’m Dad.

With a sigh and shake of my head, I go out to the living room and queue up one of those awful teen musicals she loves so much, microwaving a bag of popcorn as I pass through the kitchen.

“Movie’s on,” I call out as I knock on her door.

Silence. I knock again. “Come on Viv. I’m up til midnight no matter what, so don’t make me watch ’em all by myself.”

The door swings open – she’s got a blanket partially over her head, her makeup smeared from tears. Still, she’s stopped crying at least, and she gives me a pouty look and nods her head, following me out to the living room.

I settle on the couch, but she stops in front of me and fixes me with an agonized look. “Dad, I am so, so–”

“Shh shh shh,” I shush her quavering voice, shaking my head gently. “Baby don’t apologize. It was an accident. Like I said, it could have happened to anyone. It was dark, it was wet, the dumb deer just jumped out. It’s okay. It happens.”

“But Dad I could have–”

“No, sweetie. Listen. We are okay. There’s guardrails there for a reason. We’re lucky we didn’t hit anything, but you weren’t going that fast – it was just slippery. It’s a new car, it’s got airbags, it’s got everything. We were gonna be okay, no matter what.”

She drops her chin and pouts again, gnawing at her lip. “But I could have wrecked your new car…”

I give her the biggest smile I can. “Baby that doesn’t matter, I don’t care about that – what matters is that we’re safe. I’m just happy to be home with you; I’m just glad we’re here together. Alright? Come here, have a seat. Let’s watch some movies, okay?”

She blinks away further tears, her mouth perking up ever so slightly. “I love you, Dad,” she says as she scurries over, settling beside me. She nestles against me the way she did when she was younger and I chuckle, putting an arm around her and petting her hair.

“I love you too sweetie.”

With that I finally start the movie, while Viv fusses about finding pillows for me to lay against. “Get comfortable,” she says, nudging me towards the arm of the couch.

Soon we’re lying side by side, watching the opening credits roll. At least, I am; Viv lies facing me, arms wrapped around my chest and eyes closed, breathing deep against me. I think about making a joke of her needing to watch, but I hold my tongue – she’s been through a lot.

When the timer for the microwave goes off I start to get up but she shakes her head, pushing against me. “Mm-mm. Don’t go. Just stay.”

I smile fondly, rubbing her shoulders. “Alright,” I murmur, pulling her closer, wrapping both arms around her. It feels good, laying with her.

The movie starts and it’s just as bad as I remembered; somehow, I don’t mind. Just having her with me like this has me at peace, and it’s with a rueful grin that I watch, unbothered by the cheesy dialogue, the cliched plot and awful acting.

“Dad…I’m glad you’re here. I’m glad to be here,” she murmurs against me, at length. “Thank you.”

“Mmm. I’m glad you’re here too.”

She snuggles closer, her face against my neck, her breath warm on my skin. I can feel tears start to fall again, soft and slow; I rub her back through the blanket, comforting her any way I can. Her lips press to me in the ghost of a kiss, and I can’t help but grin a little – she’s awfully affectionate tonight. Can I blame her for being emotional, though, after what she’s been through?

Not just tonight, but the whole ordeal with her mom. A flash of anger flies through me – Kim shouldn’t have left. I mean seriously, what the fuck? She’d transferred to another office as soon as Vivian started school in the fall, like she couldn’t wait to be rid of her. I know it’d already been decided that Viv would move a few towns over to stay with me, so she could be closer to her classes…but still. It felt too much like abandonment to me, and I know Vivian feels it too. It’s why she’s been so attached since she’s been here. She’s a sensitive girl, and Kim should know better.

Just one more thing to be pissed with my ex about, I guess.

My thoughts are interrupted as Vivian shifts against me, getting more comfortable. All of a sudden something feels…off. It was just a slight movement, but now her hips rest right up against mine, subtly locking into place. I’m suddenly aware of things I hadn’t been just moments before: the sweet scent of her skin, the warmth of her body against mine. An unwelcome tingle runs through me as she again puts her lips to my neck, and in the span of a second I start to understand how much my Viv has grown.

A panic runs through me as I start to stir. No no no – no this isn’t right. She lays right up against my crotch, her closeness making me grow.

Fuck. This is *not* okay.

She’s clinging to me tight, and I can’t get away. She kisses my neck again, and I shudder. What the hell is happening?

“Dad,” she murmurs against me once more, her lips brushing softly against my skin. “I love you.”

“I…I love you too, Viv,” I stammer, my mouth gone dry.

I’m hard. I suck in a shaky breath and swallow, trying not to move, trying not to draw attention to it. Maybe she can’t tell. Maybe she doesn’t know what it is she’s doing to me.

Then I feel her hips push into mine as she presses herself against my erection, and it feels like a bolt of lightning goes through me.

*Wh…what the hell?*

Maybe she doesn’t realize–

She does it again.

It’s a subtle motion, tentative and exploratory yet very much deliberate. It stuns me; it empties my mind. I stay absolutely still, hoping she’ll stop.

She doesn’t. She eases against me more and more, slowly grinding herself as my hands lie completely motionless on her back.


I say her name in a hoarse whisper and she appears before me, her big brown eyes half-lidded and full of adoration, her bottom lip between her teeth as she slowly drags her crotch against mine.

“Viv this is…Viv this is not okay…”

I say it, but my cock is absolutely straining against my jeans. She doesn’t respond – she just shakes her head and grinds into me again, exhaling as she does.


My hands wake up and I grab her slender sides, intending to pull her off. Instead she pushes against me again in my grip, letting out a soft moan as she does.

“I Love you Dad.”

It freezes me; I forget whatever the fuck it is I thought I was doing. All I can do is stare as my step-daughter chases her arousal, her mouth half-open as she humps herself against me, the blanket fallen back to reveal the black birthday dress she still wears. The garment feels so thin under my fingers; I can feel her body trembling beneath it.

Her eyes lock onto mine, her expression a mix of wonderment and lust, and my heart jumps into my throat. I want to look away, I want to stop her. But I can’t.

“Vivie…” I say in a low, strangled voice full of apprehension, my own breathing grown more intense as she torments me.

“Daddy,” she leans in and breathes against my neck, her lips at the hollow of my jaw.

That does it. I don’t know if it’s adrenaline or testosterone or what, but a surge of something courses through me, making me feel like a mad man, filling me with feverish thoughts of forbidden things I’d never before considered. It’s been awhile and she’s got me aching, and all I can think is…

No. No no no no no.

“Vivie. Stop.”

It takes a superhuman effort – it really does. I don’t know how I regain control, but I do. I seize her by the waist, holding her from me even as she gyrates against the empty air, as she gives a little whimper of frustration.

“Vivie we need to…Vivie we can’t be doing things like this.”

Her forearms rest on my chest as she leans against me, her heart in her big beautiful brown eyes. She chews her lip and leans in close…way too close.

“Why not…” Her voice is a whisper, her mouth just inches from mine, her body still subtly writhing in my strong grasp.

My mind is sluggish; all I can think about is how goddamn good she smells, how sweet she looks, how pretty she is. I know there are reasons – obvious ones – but still it takes me several long seconds to think of them.

“Baby I…I helped raise you. I took care of you – I still do. I…I treat you like a daughter. You *are* my daughter. I can’t, we can’t…God Vivie, it’s so wrong.”

She shakes her head slowly, always watching me with those big, trusting eyes. “Daddy I don’t care.”

I feel like I’ve been stabbed in the chest – I feel like I’m spinning around in the car all over again, except this time I’m hurtling off a cliff.

“Daddy you’re the only man for me.”

“Baby don’t…don’t say that.”

“It’s true.” She breathes the words out, leaning in and kissing my cheek, her lips so, so soft. “It…It’s you. It’s always been you. You’re the one who cares, you’re the only one. You’re the one I want to care for. The only one.”

“Vivie no. Please, no.” I’m shaking, I’m sweating. I’m harder than I’ve ever been in my life. “Your…your mother, she–”

“*Fuck* her.”

She says it with venom, a flash of real anger flickering through her eyes, something I’ve never seen before. “Dad she drove you away…she drove me away. That’s what she does. She wasn’t good enough for you – but I can be.”

I’m thunderstruck; I’m speechless. An eager smile blooms across her face as she puts her lips to my jaw, as she nibbles at my skin. “Daddy I want to be your woman…I want to make you happy. I want to make you happier than you’ve ever been. Mom didn’t know how, cause she can only think of herself. But all I think about is you.”

*This can’t be happening.*

Her hands start to rub up and down my chest, her slim fingers greedily digging into my pecs, her mouth moving to my neck again. Suddenly she’s undone the top two buttons of my shirt, pressing her face to my chest hair and inhaling deeply.

I’m shivering. I’m freezing, I’m burning up – I’m covered in a cold sweat and I don’t know what the fuck to do. Two more buttons come undone and she purrs amorously against me, kissing the top of my stomach.


I struggle to get her name out and then she’s there, summoned by the sound of my voice and staring me in the eyes once more, love and lust and hope and fear writ across her features. She purses her lips, seeming frightened of what I might say.

God…god she’s so pretty. My heart aches – I just can’t stand to see her looking scared like that.

I pull her to me, and I kiss her.

I kiss her hard; I kiss her like I’ve never kissed anyone. I take her lips between mine, I push into her with my tongue. I kiss her like I mean to devour her, smushing her slender body against mine, holding her like I never intend to let go.

Once she’s in my arms she absolutely melts. She moans against me, her little tongue dancing with mine, her mouth hot and desperate and full of the same aching need that I feel as well. He hands run through my hair, her hips press back into mine. She mewls against my lips, quivering with joy. I know it’s wrong, I know it’s fucked…but somehow it just feels right. So, so incredibly right.

I make out with her, I kiss her again and again and again. I can’t breathe and I don’t care. It’s the most passionate thing I’ve ever experienced; the whole time she’s grinding against me, whimpering in arousal, her little body needy and in heat.

After an age I break away for breath, both of our chests heaving. I roll us onto our sides, her face held in my hands, still so close. She watches me lovingly and nibbles her lip, a delicate hand descending my chest, sneaking in under my half-unbuttoned shirt. Her palm plays across my abdomen, and then suddenly she’s tugging at my belt.


My breath hitches and I freeze up; unthinking, all I can do is dumbly nod my head.

She comes at me again, attacking with another series of feverish kisses as my buckle springs open, as her little hands part my button and pull down my zipper, and suddenly it’s just my briefs between us.

*Holy fucking shit.*

She runs her palm lightly over my shape, her eyes lighting up. I’m so hard I feel like I’m gonna punch a hole in the fabric; I know it’s gotta be absolutely stained with precum, but Vivian does not seem to care. She kisses my jaw and my neck, purring luxuriously, starting to make her way down my body as she pulls open the last of my shirt buttons.

“Oh Daddy…oh Daddy, oh my Daddy…”

Each and every little impact of her lips sends a tremor though me, sets me straining and struggling beyond belief. Suddenly her face is nuzzled against my crotch, one of her arms looping around my waist, the other falling between her legs as she starts to touch herself.

“Oh my god,” I groan. “Oh my god Vivie, oh my god…”

She gives me the look – that same look of eager mischief, the one I’ve seen a thousand times before. But this time it means so, so much more.

She bites her whole lower lip, her eyes flashing at me as her hips buck into her own touch. Then she’s pulling down my Hanes, her mouth falling open in wonder as my hardness springs forth.

I’m so aroused, I’m so goddamn bloated – I’m hard like a marble statue, every vein etched in relief. My pre-seed oozes out, a neverending stream of it already coating her hand in quicksilver. She just looks at it in awe, still working on herself down below.

She leans in and smells my oversized cock, inhaling deep, her eyes rolling back in her head. I gasp at the sight, at the feel of her face against me. I half-convulse, and she just rubs her forehead and nose and cheeks and chin all against it, over and over, lost in bliss and touching herself all the while. “Oh my god, Daddy…oh my god this is all I think about. This is all I want,” she moans, breathing heavier and heavier. My jaw sags, and all I can do is stare as she nuzzles me again and again, precum glistening in place of her dried tears.

She breathes faster, her pitch goes higher; suddenly it dawns on me that she’s about to cum.

“Oh my Daddy…oh my Daddy…” she gasps, gazing up at me from my girth as her whole body starts to shake, her mouth falling open. She pants and moans against my shaft, her hot breath making me twitch, her high mewling making me lose my mind, her hand still working furiously at herself. In what feels like a fever-dream state I see my stepdaughter lose control, I see her start to climax hard with my cock pressed to her face.

The sight is unreal – it’s something I’d never even thought to imagine. She writhes against me, red-faced and wriggling, her chest heaving, her slender body trembling all over. Overcome with arousal she squeaks out little half-voiced squeals of exhilaration as she cums and cums, her body wrapped around my legs.

I’m on the edge – holy shit I’ve never felt anything like this. It takes a little while, but when she finally finishes she just stares at me from the far side of my dick, a blank pleasure-filled smile on her face, eyes heavy-lidded and thoughtless in her afterglow.

I can scarcely breathe her display has me so worked up, her taunting and tempting making my manhood flex constantly. I’m hard and I’m huge; I’m almost bursting. But as I gaze at her, glowing with the heat of her orgasm, a different need fills me. A more fervent desire. All I can think of is the place where her hand had just been. I need release so bad that it’s starting to hurt – but somehow I need this more.

“Now it’s your turn, Daddy,” she pants. “I’m going to–”

“No, baby,” I say quietly, shaking my head. I reach down to her, taking her hands. “No baby, I want something else right now…”

I’m shaking. It’s so goddamn wrong, what I want – I don’t even know how to say it. Still, I make myself stop thinking and just blurt it out.

“I want to…I want to see it. Let me see it – I know you just went baby but Daddy wants to see it. Daddy wants to…Daddy wants to take care of you too.”

She gazes at me adoringly and slowly nods her head in response, a crooked grin forming across her features. Eagerly she climbs back up my body; I take her head in my hands as she kisses me, bringing both of us back upright on the couch.

“You want to see it Daddy?” she asks breathily, her fingers drifting to the hem of her dress. My cock is huge and hard and red and sticking straight up, impossible to ignore; still, I try, while her eyes dart back and forth between me and it.

“I want to see it, baby,” I growl in a low voice I’ve never used with her.

She hisses an intake of breath at my tone and leans back a bit, her eyes alight and heated; she lets out a soft hum as she pushes her hips forward, pulling up her dress, looking to me for approval. Underneath are a pair of tiny pink panties that are absolutely soaked through – there’s not a dry spot on them. Her shape is visible behind them, the small mounds of her soft lips showing through the sodden cloth.

“Oh sweetie…Oh my god. Oh yes…”

My mouth starts to water, tantalized by the puffy skin I see peeking out from beneath. I’ve never seen her before. I’d never meant to – it just wouldn’t have been right, me being her stepfather and all.

Yet here she is, grown and eager and ready to show me her nineteen-year-old pussy.

“Baby…let me see it sweetie,” I whisper. “I need to…I need to see it.” She gives me a shy, excited look and pulls her panties aside.

It’s perfect. Holy shit it’s perfect. She’s waxed and smooth and slick, the pretty folds of her neat little kitty still sensitive and quivering from her climax. She gazes from me to it, her breathing labored. “I…I’ve touched it so much Daddy. Thinking about you.”

I’m fucking entranced – I’m already reaching for it, barely able to process what she’s just said. “You shouldn’t have done that sweetie,” I say absentmindedly, able to focus on little else but the sight of my stepdaughter’s cunt before me. Her skin is so smooth, so taught, the scent of her sex filling the air. It’s so fucking intoxicating, and without another wasted moment I slide my hand to it, trailing my fingers over her.

“Ohhhh Daddy…” she shudders.

“Oh my Vivie, oh you’re perfect sweetie,” I groan at the feel of her nubile skin, her needy whine filling my ears. She tries to touch my dick too but I brush her hand away, unable to take any more lest I explode.

I pull her into my lap, peeling away her undergarment and starting to pet her, three thick fingers sliding across her lips, smearing her arousal everywhere. She’s so hot and sticky I can feel her nectar between my digits instantly, more and more of it gushing out of her little slit. I press her back against me and now it’s my turn to put my lips to her ear, to nibble at her little lobe and give voice to these most forbidden desires.

“Mmm you’re perfect baby, just perfect,” I purr, collecting her goo and rubbing it across her mound, teasing her little clit out of hiding as her whimpers get higher pitched and more heated. “Daddy loves you…Daddy loves you so much. Daddy’s gonna take care of you, always…”

I lose track of the shit I’m saying to her – I’m lost in the erotic act of pleasing her, of making her young body shiver and squirm. It only feels like a few more moments before she’s tensing up again, her toes curling, her head falling back against my shoulder. I kiss her cheek again and again, I tell her how much I love her, and then with a wail she’s cumming once more, jerking about in my arms, her little hips thrusting greedily against my fingers. I can feel every spasm of her shuddering little body, her juices dripping down my thighs. It’s heaven, being able to please her like this. I’m elated. I’m content.


My cock gives an angry throb from beneath, no longer okay with being ignored. She feels it too, and as she leans back against me, huffing in post-coital bliss, she shifts so she can reach under and grab it. My breath catches and she gives a squeeze, smiling evilly at me as her other hand holds my bulging ballsack.

“Vivie…” I groan, feeling so, so close.

“It’s okay Daddy,” she whispers with the most loving look. “It’s okay. I can take care of you, too.”

I can’t do much else other than nod. Her grip is firm, and she strokes it – once, twice, thrice.

That’s all it takes, that’s all it fucking takes and then I’m there, I feel it all coming out in a rush. My head falls back and I gasp; it feels like every bit of my essence is leaving my body, pumping into my crotch and out of my cock as I start to ejaculate all over Vivian’s hand and thighs and belly, across the carpet and couch and table and pretty much everywhere else. She strokes me eagerly, cooing in my ear as she sprays me all over, making a mess of the living room, coating it in my seed.

I go and I go and I go and then I’m spent, finally. Able to breathe again I just lay there with my eyes closed, the last of my seed dribbling out, feeling so thankful for her warmth against me.

“Oh Daddy,” she exhales, planting a kiss on my neck. “That was…”

I crack an eye and look to her smiling face – her makeup smeared, her hair astray, her face flushed in the glow of the long-ignored TV. She’s so, so pretty.

I return her smile. “I know, baby…”

God damn I just love her so much. My heart feels full; I could sit with her like this forever.

As we lay there in each another’s arms though, covered in one another’s liquids, I just can’t shake an uneasy feeling.

*What the hell happens now?*



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