The life of a professional hucow: chapter 2- Molly receives her evaluation report and is taken to the hucow auction

**Introduction:** This is the second chapter of my ongoing hucow-focused erotica. The title of the series is yet to be decided but it’s focused on the life of a professional hucow working on a commercial hucow farm. Hope you enjoy it!


# The hucow evaluation report

I woke up a little early the next morning but looking around the room, I found out that I wasn’t the only one who did. In fact, I was the last one to open their eyes even though it was barely past 5:30 AM. A few of my sister trainees were making small talk and the other ones were mostly keeping to themselves. Two of them clearly didn’t get any sleep last night and their eyes didn’t lie. Seeing a girl come out of the bathroom, I got up and went in to get done with my morning routine.

Inside the bathroom looking at myself in the mirror, I actually thought I looked much better than most of the girls in my dorm room. I had a full night’s sleep and had morning puffiness in my eyes, cheeks, and lips. I was a little anxious but I didn’t look bad. I brushed my teeth, took a shower, and got out quickly to let the other girls have their turn.

Soon, it was time for breakfast. I didn’t have much of an appetite so I just nibbled on some toast. Then, it was time for briefing. Our instructor led us out to an auditorium where we sat with all the girls from other groups besides ours and listened to a guy speak. “Congratulations on completing our hucow evaluation program. Thank you for choosing our facility to be evaluated in. After this briefing, we will hand each one of you your evaluation report.

“In your report, you will find that we have assigned you letter grades for different indicators of hucow performance potential. Here, the most important category is milk output potential, but I suggest you pay attention to every category. Next, you will also find your milk production affinities that we have determined based on your genetic makeup. Girls with exotic affinities are highly encouraged to seek the assistance of one of our agents while discussing your contracts.

“Lastly, we have also included some recommendations for your future employers regarding your best use case. Admittedly, our go-to recommendation for most girls is to be used as tank fillers. That is the hard truth in this industry- most of you will spend your years filling milk tanks and not much else. Occasionally, we recommend some other use cases such as adult entertainment, therapy cows, etc. If you receive any such recommendations in your report, again, it is highly recommended that you have one of our agents with you when discussing a contract.

“Now, in every iteration of this program, about half of the participants receive a D or below in milk output potential, or an F in any one of the other categories. I am sorry to inform you that these participants will be rejected from our program today. According to our guidelines, we have determined that such women are not fit to be hucows. Alongside those who are getting rejected, if some of you feel that this line of work is not for you, you also have the choice to leave the program voluntarily. We will be handing back all of your belongings to those who are leaving us.

“And finally, for those of you who remain interested, our staff will take you to the auction, act as your agents to help you find great offers, and will make sure you get the best terms in your contract whichever company you decide to sign with.”

He described a few other things before concluding. I had no plans of pulling out, so I just took my evaluation report and went back to my room. My heart was beating incredibly hard inside my chest as I sat down on my bed and opened my evaluation report.

**Identification details**

* Legal name: Molly Weddell
* Hucow tag number: 20720203-0117

**Potential evaluation (A+ = extraordinary, A= excellent, B= good, C= average, D= below average, E= mediocre, F= fail)**

* Breast size: A
* Breast density: A+
* Milk glands: A+
* Milk ducts: C
* Breast growth potential: A+
* Milk output potential: A+
* Physical fitness: D
* Reproductive health: A
* Physical attractiveness: B
* Intellectual quotient: E
* Docility and obedience: B

**Milk production affinity**

* Vanilla milk- 96%
* Chocolate milk- 18%
* Vegan/vegetarian variations- 7%
* Other exotic variations- None

**Suggested areas of work**

* Competitive lactation
* tank filler

Oh my god! I didn’t get an F! For the first time ever, I passed everything on the first attempt! I was so relieved to scan through my grades and see that I had neither any Fs nor a D in the milk output potential. That meant that I would not be getting rejected from the program. I breathed a heavy sigh of relief.

Soon, an instructor came to our dormitory room. He checked each of our reports and separated 5 girls from the rest of us. Clearly, they were getting kicked out, although I had no idea why. They looked like regular girls. Sure, they were on the smaller side compared to me, but I’m pretty big, easily one of the bustier ones even when I’m in a hucow pre-evaluation facility. So you can’t say someone is objectively small-chested just because they are smaller than me.

Another girl stated that she received a recommendation for adult entertainment and she was not interested in that, so she wanted to leave the program. I expected the instructor to try and convince her to stay, but he respected her choice without question and showed all 6 of them out.

Another instructor soon showed the rest of us to where the buses were waiting to take us to the hucow auction. Considering that there were 2 buses parked together, I mentally did some maths to figure that there should be around 100 of us being shipped out to the auction from this facility. I wasn’t surprised at all though. This was a large, public facility subsidized by the government. It cost very little to enroll here compared to private places, so it’s natural that a lot of girls would choose to come here.

# The hucow auction site

We reached the auction site pretty quickly and instructors promptly came over to take charge of a group of soon-to-be hucows. One instructor lady quickly trotted over to me with a smile on her face and grabbed my wrist, “You’re Molly, right? I’m Pauline, I will be your instructor today…” But her speech was cut off by the appearance of several other instructors. A man in his 40s said, “Pauline, this is unfair. I was in charge of Molly’s room.” Another woman said indignantly, “I was the one who brought her to the bus!” Pauline, however, was unfazed. She firmly dragged me away by my wrist while flashing a bright smile, “Winners keepers, Lace! Bye, Doyle!” I had no idea what was going on but I just obediently followed the assertive middle-aged woman named Pauline who had just adopted me into her group. She brought me over to stand with 7 or 8 other girls. I assumed that Pauline was also overseeing them. She introduced us and said, “I think we will wait here a little for the crowd to disperse and then we’ll get each one of you over to your designated cages…”

The crowd thinned out soon enough and we started walking through the convention center. Pauline chatted away happily as she pointed out everything to us. “Those guys are from the NHFA, the national hucow farming association. That’s the regulatory body for our industry. Those two are journalists, don’t make eye contact with them. They’re the worst.”

We passed by a great display screen that was showing some highlights from the recent Hucow Championships. Pauline explained that last year, Cassie Monroe of Brookhill farms, defended her “greatest milk producer” title against the up-and-coming challenger Janine Pietro of Pine-Orchard Dairy. Cassie managed to produce an eye-popping 6.21 gallons in a single half-hour milking, only a hair off the world record. Her discomfort as she lugged her milk-laden tits was evident and unsurprising. She had lain utterly exhausted strapped into her milking station at the end of the event, grinning across at her coach as the result was announced to the cheers of the watching fans. Her opponent Janine also did well, increasing her personal best from 5.91 gallons last year to 6.09 this year. She, being several years younger than Cassie, was being tipped by many as a future champion.

Apart from raw milk production, there were other events such as the “longest milk spray” and the “hucow beauty pageant”. The beauty pageant was the closing event and got a lot of attention, but the flagship event of the championship was the competition for the largest milk load pumped in a single milking session. The picture of Cassie, smiling in triumph, her face and deflated milk tanks glistening with sweat, was the cover photo of the monthly hucow magazine.

While we walked, Pauline kept talking. “Let me explain a little about how the hucow world works, okay? So those guys we just saw from the NHFA, they regulate and manage the whole industry. Their job is to set the rules and guidelines. They’re also in charge of making sure everyone is respecting their rules.

“We, on the other hand, are the evaluation centers. We evaluate prospective hucows according to NHFA’s guidelines. Our job is to eliminate the weaker candidates, run thorough testing procedures, and publish all your vital data for recruiters to see. We also work as your agent, we help you secure good contracts. We’re on your team!

“Lastly, you have the employers. They’re the ones who own the farms. They will recruit you, offer you contracts, employ you, and put you to good use on their farms. That means making those boobs make tons and tons of milk, of course!”

We passed by a stall displaying some mechanical equipment. Our instructor commented, “Over here we have a lot of upcoming tech being displayed, but don’t be too impressed by the shine. Farms don’t switch out their infrastructure too often, and most of you will probably spend your years hooked up to equipment from the last decade instead of new stuff like this. And I say that’s a good thing, they don’t make them like they used to anymore… Old stuff might not be the most comfortable, but they work. They pump rough and hard, but they drain your tits out reliably without breaking down every week. I’d take rougher pumps over missing milking sessions any day, and you would too once you learn the pain of backed-up milk sitting in your tits for a few days.”

Finally, we reached our destination. There were many large, steel cages with women locked inside. Pauline turned around to face us. “Now, from here to further back, these are the cages for hucows like yourselves… There’s a cage here for re-enlisters- girls whose contracts are up and they want to work again, and transfers- girls who have an ongoing contract but want to transfer from their farms to other farms. Seems to be only 3 such women here this time. Notice how much bigger and more developed their tits are compared to even Molly who’s the biggest out of this group… That’s because they’re professionals. You girls will have matured tits like them too soon enough…

“Here’s the cage for women who are just here for the ride, experience the hucow life for a few days, get off on that… Ugh, spoiled rich bitches with money to burn, is what I called them,” said Pauline with a bit of contempt.

“After that, we have a little cage for those with pretty faces. Every year we get a few girls who might, and I say might, make more in adult entertainment rather than in regular production… I personally don’t support our policy of recommending this to the pretty girls. The only pretty side of the adult industry is the side they show on videos. The rest of the time, you’ll be treated like garbage. Anyway, it’s not up to me, it’s up to the management. If they want you in this cage, my job is to put you in there. Let me see if any of you have pink QR codes, pink QR codes mean you were evaluated to be pretty enough for this cell… Oh wow, we do have one among us! Raya, was it? Alright, Raya will go into this cage.”

Once Raya had climbed in and Pauline had locked the cage door behind her, she walked us to the next cage, “The rest of you are headed for the pumps, I’m afraid. Firstly, in this cage, we will leave the ones who have been evaluated to have a natural affinity for producing chocolate milk, the most common variety after regular milk… Usually, the black and brown girls go here, as you can see,” our instructor nodded at the inhabitants of the cage who were mostly black girls with some brown girls mixed in, “but we do find the occasional white or Asian girl who’s suited for this. Brianna, Jasmine, and Toya will go here, I guess, but let me scan your necks just in case… and would you look at that! Toya actually doesn’t have an affinity for chocolate milk! Now I have to check if any of our white or Asian girls actually have this affinity… Doesn’t seem so, okay. Brianna, Jasmine, up you go into this cell…”

We walked to the next cage. “Now, this one is for girls who have affinities for some kind of vegan milk. So we’re talking Soy milk, Almond milk, Coconut milk, Hemp milk, etc. There’s a lot of market for it, but sadly, this affinity is a bit uncommon. It’s usually only found in Asian girls and in a small percentage of brown girls while white and black girls almost never have it. I assume Yumi will go here, but let me check… Yes, up you go…”

By now, we had walked to the last cage. This one was huge with at least 300 girls already in it. Pauline said, “Alright, and finally, here we have the cage for girls who are meant to make just regular vanilla milk. It’s usually white girls but as you can see, our Toya is breaking the mold! Everyone except Molly will go here. Up you go girls…”

After sorting everyone out, only I was left standing with our instructor. She walked me away and said, “Don’t worry, you’re not in trouble. You are headed for the specialized cage, and even girls from all the other evaluation centers will be there. If they have anyone suitable for putting in there, that is… I’m getting a nice commission for luckily finding you!”

After a couple of minutes of walking, we arrived at the specialized cage. “And here we are, this cage is for special girls like you. Extraordinarily beautiful ones that are meant to become models and beauty pageants… Girls with very rare affinities for patented varieties of milk… Such as the Nakazawa milk from Japan that goes for $75 per ounce, that’s $9,600 per gallon. Imagine being a hucow that makes nearly $20,000 worth of milk each day! Girls with other specialties… but you are here because they have determined that you have an extraordinarily high potential for milk production. They think that a farm could run you in the annual milking competitions! Competitive lactation is the main sport for hucows and the top contenders are practically celebrities! I’ll be so happy if one of my girls could get to compete at a high level!”

I clumsily climbed into the specialized cage and Pauline locked the door behind me. “If anyone comes to talk to you, don’t forget to call me! Being able to put one of my girls in this cage is a first for me and I’ll personally make sure you get a great deal, okay?”


**P.s.** If anyone has comments, suggestions, ideas, etc. please let me know. I love feedback!

Also, if anyone wants to collaborate with me in writing this story, feel free to approach me in my DMs with your ideas and an example of your previous work.

Love, Vikky!



  1. Great story, I just have some questions.

    Where the girls naked while beeing in their dorm and on the auction?

    Will breeding and pregnantcy be a thing in the story?

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