Tammi and the Bully – Part 2 (MF)

[Part 1 Here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/11vq7pv/tammi_and_the_bully_part_1_f_solo_mast_dildo/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)

Tammi woke up to the sound of something stirring downstairs. Footsteps, the shuffling of fabric and the sound of a belt buckle, she thought? She sat up in bed and raised her hands above her head, stretching the sleep out and tried to focus her eyes. Suddenly, a feeling of confusion washed over her.

“What the hell?” she mumbled to herself as she rubbed her eyes, trying to understand what was going on. Her surroundings were different than how she remembered before she went to bed, yet somehow they seemed familiar to her. Then it finally clicked for her.

“Wait, what? How the…” Her head seemed to spin and her sight still wasn’t quite clear enough, but she could have sworn she was waking up in her parent’s bedroom in the house she grew up in. She pulled off the covers, slowly kicking her feet over the side of the bed and she realized that she wasn’t wearing the t-shirt and panties she had remembered wearing to bed. She looked down, feeling around her thighs and tummy to see a tiny black thong that barely covered her pussy with the short trimmed patch of hair peeking out from under it. There was a slight jingling noise she heard when she moved her legs and looking down she saw a pair of dainty gold anklets on each leg.

“Cute.” she thought, though she had never seen them before in her life. Her hands made their way higher on her tummy to grasp her gorgeous mounds, barely contained in an equally small and tight see through black bra. Another glint hit her eye and from between her pushed together tits she took hold of a thin gold chain around her neck with the letter “R” dangling off of it. As she started to wonder what the significance of the letter might be, she heard what sounded like a cabinet door being shut or someone going through drawers downstairs.

She rose out of the bed and made her way to the hallway door, taking in the views of her outfit in the standing mirror as she did. She stopped and turned slightly to get a better view of her backside.

“Mm fuck, look at that fine fat ass,” she said while grabbing a handful of her cheek, wiggling it and letting it go with a hard slap. Tammi was never one to shy away from her own looks. She knew what she had and loved every single inch. The noises downstairs seemed to amplify as she made her way down the flight of stairs, reaching halfway before she heard the stereo come on. Startled, she stopped and tried to recognize the tune that seemed to be coming faintly from the family living room. The always-recognizable “Ride my Pony” was the tune. She knew it well, many a table danced on in her college days. But why would it be playing in her parent’s house? Who the hell was downstairs?

She kept walking down the stairs and noticed the blackish blue hue cast on the trees outside, the streetlamps and porch light the only things illuminating the interior. Finally down the stairs, she crept through the mudroom and positioned herself by the cased opening of the living room. She listened and could have sworn she heard the sound of a shampoo bottle top being opened.

“Finally, you’re awake.” a low, haunting voice seemed to come out of nowhere. She almost jumped a few inches in the air when she heard it, the voice seeming like it was coming from all around, not just from a single point. She could see a shadow on the wall inside of the living room as she stayed hidden from whoever, or whatever, was in there.

“No need to be scared. I’ve got everything you need in here.” the voice trailed off, almost leading her into its atmosphere. Her eyes were still a bit blurry, her sharp vision seemed to come and go but she knew she needed to look and see what was bringing her into its trance. She grabbed the door casing and slowly peered her head around to the interior of the living room. She gasped loudly, covering her mouth but making no effort to conceal herself anymore. She came into full view of the figure as it was sat on the couch, both arms spread on the back and its lean, muscular legs splayed out at shoulder’s width. There was a mat of some kind laid out in front of the sitting figure but then her eyes focused on the face. While she couldn’t see it’s face, blacked out in shadow, she could certainly make out the rest of its body. Tall and muscular but not in the beefcake sense, more like an athlete whose every muscle has been trained to perfection. Her gaze went from the well proportioned pec muscles down to an absolutely ripped six pack of abs. However the part that had all of her attention, and the part that she found herself walking towards, was the long, hard and very thick member it was holding up by the base on display for her.

She felt the familiar butterflies in her stomach as she continued to creep towards it, almost hypnotized by the wiggling piece of meat in front of her. She could feel her pussy getting wet just by looking at the veiny shaft and shiny, suckable head.

“Who…who are you?” she asked but not hesitating to get a better look at it.

“I am…” the omnipresent voice bellowed, “I am your desire. I am your destiny. Come and stand in front of me.” Still not able to make out the face, she curiously obeyed the voice and stood there on the mat, gently swaying her hips as she reached up to her mouth with her hand and bit her fingertip seductively. This was bizarre, she thought to herself, but passing up a chance at that kind of cock would surely be a mistake.

“Turn.” it gently commanded. She slowly turned her body, being sure to wiggle her ass cheeks when they were in full view.

“Good. Turn.” it said again and she complied happily, staring again at easily the biggest dick she’s ever been in the same room as. She heard the shampoo bottle noise again, but when it held the bottle out for her to take, she realized that it wasn’t shampoo but a large bottle of lube.

“For me and for you” it encouraged. Her eyes lit up. There was nothing sexier to Tammi than getting all slick and slippery, her hand dipped down under the small patch of fabric covering her aching pussy as she took the bottle from him. As she got herself ready to raise the bottle to herself, she couldn’t help but think to herself how strange this whole situation was. It didn’t bother her, she had bigger things to think about at the moment, but it just seemed a bit off to her.

She raised her hand back up from her soaking wet panties and licked her fingers before tilting the bottle of lube up and at her straining tits.

“Mmm, I think I know what you want. And I know what I want” she said, the figure not saying anything, but nodding slowly. She squeezed the bottle and a continuous stream of the slick liquid shot out at her, covering every inch of her lusty cleavage as her perfect pink nipples showed even more through the now doused see through bra. She reached back with her other hand to expertly unclasp her bra. “Let’s get this out of our way, don’t you think?” Again, the figure just nods as the soaked bra hits the ground at her pretty pedicured feet. After rubbing the lube all around her shapely mounds and tweaking her nipples, her gaze focused on the sizable rod in front of her and she turned the still streaming bottle over to it.

It was almost too much for her brain to handle, watching as the slimy rope that was hitting the top of its head turned into slow, painfully sexy drips down the back of his thick shaft and down to his otherworldly balls. She couldn’t take it anymore. Her pussy was on fire and the feeling of her slick breasts brought her into overdrive. She dropped the bottle of oil at her side and dug each thumb under the tiny straps of the thong, pushing it down to fall on the floor next to the bra. She had to have that cock. She had to have it between her tits and in her wet mouth. She needed to spin around and sit herself down slowly on that masterpiece of a cock and before reaching out for it she felt up and down her ass crack, running a fingertip around her tight asshole. “Jesus, I’d probably let him fuck me in the ass” she thought.

But as she started to drop down on her knees, ready to position herself to envelop that hung cock between her perfect oily tits, her vision started to blur again.

“Mom?” the voice uttered. She looked up and around, her focus veering off from the only thing she had been thinking about.

“Mom?” it said again as if coming from some great distance. Her hands dripping with lube, she reached out with both for its massive shaft.

“It’s finally all mine” she thought greedily.


Tammi shot up from her slumber to Timmy standing in the half open doorway, confused by what had taken place and so very angry that he interrupted the greatest wet dream she’d ever had.

“What!?” she snapped back, letting him know she wasn’t thrilled he woke her up.

Timmy lowered his head, clearly still not over what happened the day before and his mother biting his head off wasn’t going to make anything better.

“Oh honey, I’m sorry. Mommy is sorry for snapping at you. What is it baby?” she asked.

“Um…I just wanted to tell you Dad is about to leave for his work trip and I figured you would want to see him off” he muttered, still looking at the floor.

“Oh..oh ok honey. Yes, I’ll be right down” she said, really thinking that that fucker didn’t deserve to get any of her attention.

Tammi shoved the covers away from her night sweaty body and looked down at the front of her blue and white striped cotton panties to see that it was completely soaked through. She got out of the bed and walked over to her closet, stretching her arms along the way and came to her underwear drawer. Before opening it, she shimmied off the pair from last night’s soak fest and briefly felt up and down her moist slit. A slight string of her juices trailed off as she reached to open the drawer, finding a similar pair of stark white panties and stepped into them and bringing them up tight. She wanted to give Jake a peak at what he’d be missing out on when he was gone and the small cut of white cotton being swallowed up by her tanned ass cheeks might just be enough of a tease.

She and Timmy waited by the door as Jake came down the stairs, confidently striding through the hallway with his travel bag in tow. This was a rare occasion where his phone wasn’t glued to his ear and he realized he didn’t have an excuse to completely ignore the two of them and head out on his way. He stopped first at Timmy, and with a half-hearted one hand hug that lasted for less than a second he told him sternly, “Now be good for your mom, and don’t spend too much time inside with your video games. It’s a big world out there and you should try to experience it every once in a while.” Timmy rolled his eyes as Jake turned his brief attention to his mom, “Ok Dad, bye,” he said.

Tammi looked up at the man she used to be proud to call her husband as he stopped in front of her, bending down to give her a peck on the forehead. In that moment, her anger towards him faded slightly and wondered why he couldn’t just see what he had in front of him and think it was enough?

“Bye honey, I’ll text you when I land,” he said softly before turning the doorknob and stepping out onto the front porch, laser focused on getting into his car and driving away. Looking sad and defeated, Tammi spoke to the front door as it was closing behind him, “Ok…have a nice trip…I love you.” She began to feel a familiar emptiness inside her before briefly cheering up, realizing she had her most favorite person here with her. In that split second, she planned out all the fun things they could do to keep busy that weekend only to turn around to see Timmy sprinting two steps at a time up the stairs to his room. The emptiness crept back and a wave of sadness washed over her. Alone again.

It was nearly the afternoon when Tammi made her way back downstairs after getting ready for the day. It was starting to get hot outside that week and she figured that if she was going to be alone, she might as well be as comfortable as she wants and decided on her most form fitting pair of spandex shorts with no panties and a tight pink tank top without the bra. Every glorious part of her body seemed to jiggle and reverberate with every light step through the hallway into the kitchen. She pulled out a stool and sat down at the kitchen island, opening up her laptop and logging into Facebook. Her search for her son’s bully was now underway.

Her plan to initiate her contact with him came after she took a look through one of Timmy’s old yearbooks. She had heard the name Rick in passing from Timmy before she realized he was a problem and ruled out that he was some new kid trying to prove a point, so she started to browse Timmy’s class. There were two Ricks she could see. One was actually a Richard, and he was this small, mousy thing with dark rimmed glasses, so he was out. The next Rick she found was also as skinny as a rail and was also prominently shown in the Drama Club and LGBTQ Alliance Club sections, so as confused as she was, Tammi had to rule him out too. Feeling dejected, she thumbed through the senior year class and after a few pages she jumped slightly with excitement at the single Rick shown in that year’s class. Of course he had to repeat his Senior year, she thought to herself and laughed at the cliche.

“I got you fucker,” she said out loud to herself in victory. “Rick DiPonzio,” she said, looking at his picture. She pondered where she had heard the DiPonzio name before. Tammi couldn’t help but notice that Rick was a handsome guy, even more so compared to the other kids in that class. His confident and wry smile set him apart from the other seemingly insecure guys whose photos surrounded him. He stood out to Tammi and she realized it immediately, not really understanding why.

She typed him into the search bar on Facebook and after a couple scrolls of the control pad, she saw a profile with the name and a familiar looking face, though this photo was no school photo and clearly illustrated all of Rick’s redeemable features. He was tall with lightly tanned skin, his Italian heritage allowed for a deep bronze in the summer and his deep brown hair seemed to sweep back effortlessly. Tammi was stricken by his deep hazel eyes and stunningly white teeth that were perfectly aligned behind his adorably plump lips. She clicked on him and looked at what she could on his profile to get a sense of who he was, other than a testosterone driven scoundrel that picked on her baby boy. Sports photos, gym mirror selfies and pictures from the beach also started to give Tammi an idea of his physical make up and she had to stop herself from ogling too much at his chiseled physique and handsome face.

“Come on Tammi, snap out of it,” she said to herself as she tried to refocus on the task at hand.

“Ok, here we go” she whispered as she clicked the Friend Request button and steeled herself for what might come. She suddenly felt a deep pang in the pit of her stomach and her anxiety about what she had done started to rise. Would this make things worse for Timmy? What if Timmy finds out? He’d no doubt be even more embarrassed. It was all becoming too much for her and she stood up from the stool, but as she began to close the laptop she heard her notification go off. She reopened the partially closed screen and clicked on the alert. “You are now friends with Rick DiPonzio.” There was a new message alert as well and her eyes widened when she saw that it was from Rick.

*Hey* the message read.

She was breathing harder and deeper as she sat back down on the stool, hands to her face while she decided what her next move would be. “Ok just be cordial and nice, explain to him who you are and what you want,” she said as she tried to calm herself, hovering her fingers above the keyboard.

*Hi. Is this Rick DiPonzio?* she wrote. Her breathing was still elevated as she saw that he was typing.

*Haha, yea. You friend requested me, why wouldn’t it be Rick DiPonzio?* Tammi winced and shook her head to herself. “Great start Tammi” she thought.

*Ohh, yeah, haha right. Anyway, are you a senior at Anytown High?*

*Uh yeah. Is there something you need from me?*

*As a matter of fact, I wanted to talk to you about Timmy Blaire.*

*What about him? Little shit is sending his big sister after me now?*

Tammi couldn’t help but be at least a little flattered by the confusion. She smiled and proudly typed back.

*Timmy doesn’t have a sister. This is his mother.*

*You’re his mom?!* Tammi chuckled as he typed more, *Damn, Timmy never said what a fox he had for a mother.*

Tammi watched for a while as he seemingly took the time to put together a detailed response.

*Yea. So what?*

Her blood was boiling as she slammed her response into the keys of the laptop.

*So what?! You assaulted my child. Did you not think there would be any repercussions for your actions?*

She was seeing red and had to pull herself back from her infernal rage before responding.

*That’s no way to treat someone, even if they wronged you in some way. I’d like to speak with your parents. Could I please have their phone number so I can speak with them?* She waited and watched her screen, the impending excuse or apology on its way she thought.

*Fine, you can have my dad’s cell phone number. But you have to do something for me first.* Tammi looked confused, but responded.

*I can’t believe I’m asking but I suppose I’ll humor you. What do you need?* She knew he wouldn’t give her anything for nothing. Like they say, you catch more flies with honey.

*I need a picture of you.*

Tammi couldn’t believe what she was reading.

*There are plenty of photos of me on here, just look at them.*

*Yea, those are ok. But they all have your doofus son or Mr. Blaire in them. I want one of just you.*

“This motherfucker,” she whispered. She sat back and considered her options, realizing she didn’t really have another one.

*Fine. Hold on. You better give me the number.*

She stood and pushed the stool away and walked into the mudroom with her phone. Facing the full body mirror in the hallway, she took her hair out of the ponytail and rustled it into place before making sure her modest makeup looked good enough to send. Tammi knew this might come back to haunt her, but it was the biggest thrill that she had felt since the dream from this morning and thought it was just a bit of harmless flirting for the benefit of her son. She pulled up the tank top a bit above her navel to show her light brown skin and her hands traveled up to cup her breasts to adjust them into perfect position. After kicking off the white flip flops she had on, she positioned herself with her hip stuck out and her ankle turned up to display her flawless feet and toes. She bent at her hip a bit towards the mirror to accentuate her beautiful mounds and before pressing the button she tilted her head down slightly and gave a devious smile, the glint of her wedding ring reacting with the flash. After taking a few so she had options, she wandered back into the kitchen while staring at her phone and chose the perfect one. She uploaded it to the chat and pressed send. After a couple seconds, she watched her screen. “Rick is typing…” She waited in gleeful anticipation.

*Holy fuck. I need more. Send another one.*

*No no no, that wasn’t the deal. The number please.* She smiled to herself, she’d soon get this mess straightened away and he won’t bother Timmy after speaking with Rick’s father. A couple seconds passed when Tammi heard the ding.

*Fine. Here you go. Text him first, he’s a busy guy.* And the number flashed on the screen. Tammi punched it into her cell phone and before closing her laptop, she responded.

*Thanks. And have fun with that photo ;)*

Tammi waited a half hour or so before sitting herself down on the couch in the living room and raising her feet up onto the coffee table. Looking at her phone, she started a new text message for the number Rick gave to her.

*Hello Mr. DiPonzio, this is Tammi Blaine. Your son goes to school with my son Timmy. Do you have a moment to speak on the phone regarding an incident between them?* She held her breath before seeing the three gray dots appear.

*Hello Mrs. Blaine. I’m a terribly busy man, but I’ll answer any questions over text.* “Uhh, fucking rude but Ok,” she said to herself as she typed back.

*Well I just wanted to let you know that your boy Rick has been bullying my son Timmy and sent him home with a black eye yesterday. I also wanted to know what you’ll be doing about it.* She sat back, proud of herself for taking charge.

*Hmm. Yes. Well that does sound a bit like Rick and I apologize if he hurt your son. He’s the apple of our eye, but a bit of a rascal.* Not satisfied, Tammi quickly wrote back.

*And what are you going to do about it? At the very least you need to speak with your son.*

*Yes absolutely Mrs. Blaine, first thing I’ll do when I’m home tonight. We’ll get this straightened out, don’t you worry.* Tammi smiled a bit, the first bit of reassurance she had received.

*Thank you so much Mr. DiPonzio. I appreciate your time and willingness to cooperate.*

*And I appreciate you…* Tammi looked at the text, confused as to what he could mean by that as they’ve never met before. She waited and watched as she saw he was typing back. At that moment, Timmy came bounding down the stairs, heading for the kitchen, and Tammi looked up adoringly at him before returning her gaze to her phone. She let out an audible gasp when she saw the text that completed the previous one.

*…with my dick between your tits!* and accompanying the text was a picture of a massive, semi erect shaft resting on what appeared to be the zoomed in image she sent of her boobs on a tablet.

She covered her gaping mouth as she stared at the photo in front her, Timmy poked his head in, “You Ok mom?”

She quickly held the phone to her chest, “Oh..oh yes my baby, just something I saw on Twitter was really shocking.”

“Ok..” he said suspiciously as he went back to doing what he was doing. Tammi furiously typed.

*Mr. DiPonzio! How did you get that photo?!*

Her phone buzzed with another image. This time it was a selfie of Rick with his tongue between his two fingers in a V.

*You said have fun with the photo, lol* She didn’t quite feel the rage she had before, but she was still pissed and the only thing keeping her from finding his address and knocking on his door was that hefty piece of meat from the picture. It was enormous and perfect she thought briefly and it wasn’t even hard. Tammi snapped out of it.

*You little shit! You think this is some kind of fucking game?*

*Is it not? You looked like you were having fun in the picture.* She realized he was at least partially correct. There was an amount of thrill in this back and forth and it coming to an end might not be as satisfying as she had thought.

*Look. What do I have to do to get you to leave Timmy alone? I can’t have him being so upset all the time. It’s affecting his life.*

*A lot of things come to mind…*

*Just fucking tell me, you dick.*

*Tell you what. Why don’t I come by your house tonight and we can have a discussion about moving forward. How does that sound?*

It wasn’t exactly what she had in mind, but Timmy was going over a friend’s house tonight and she didn’t want to pass up an opportunity to tamp down any sort of future aggression towards Timmy.

*Fine. Be here by 9:30 and come to the back door.*

*You know I will, lol. Also, I’m going to send something over. A token of my sincere apologies. An olive branch.*

“Whatever,” Tammy thought to herself and put her phone down.

A couple hours later, Tammy heard a knock on the front door. She had a feeling that it was the delivery from Rick, so she braced herself and opened the door. A pimply faced teenager looked up at her, “Tammi Blaine?”

“Yes, that’s me.”

“Have a nice night,” he said and handed her a small package with a notecard attached. Timmy almost knocked her over as he screamed out the front door. “Bye mom, I might stay over but I’ll text you.”

She grasped the box tight, “Ok honey. Have fun and be careful.” Closing the door with her foot, she began to unwrap the package to find a simple, white cardboard box with the letter R on it that looked curiously familiar. Before flipping it open she read the small note card. “Looking forward to tonight,” it read.

She scrunched her face in confusion and flipped open the lid, her eyes widened when she looked inside. A sheer black bra with a neatly folded tiny black thong underneath. Tammi bit her lower lip and headed upstairs to take a shower.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/11vqe5g/tammi_and_the_bully_part_2_mf