Online Dating Gone Wrong

Trigger warning: this story portrays sexual violence against women

Jenna was 27 and had been in her new apartment for a few months. She was petite and slender. She was 5’1 on a good day and weighed 100lbs soaking wet. She had been a long distance runner (track and cross country) in high school and just continued through college and early adulthood as a hobby. She had short blonde hair and brown eyes.

She moved in when she broke up with her boyfriend. Things had gotten a little rocky with their relationship and then the recession hit and her boyfriend lost his job. After that he didn’t have any confidence and he didn’t try to find another job. This led Jenna to try to be supportive but according to her boyfriend she was being a nag.

On top of all this her boyfriend didn’t step up and help around the house. After 6 months of this Jenna realized she didn’t like her boyfriend and she was attracted to him anymore. Jenna, being a successful woman needed a man that respected her but also took the lead in their life. They agreed it would be best to break up and her boyfriend moved back home to his parents house.

Jenna tried all the dating apps and kept striking out. The dating pool was very shallow and it seemed like every guy she matched either ghosted her while they were chatting or if they did meet gave off serious beta male vibes.

Jenna decided to put the dating app scene on hold but she had needs and started exploring porn to help her take care of those needs. After a little of searching she discovered a BDSM site that focused on women being dominated and engaging in consensual non-consent. She had always been a strong girl boss and as much as she hated to admit it, this really turned her on. Soon just watching other girls participate wasn’t enough. She started joining online forums to discuss and chat with like minded people.

She eventually met a 36 year old man with the user handle dommedaddy36. Dommedaddy36 lived in the same city as Jenna. They shared some really wild chat sessions and it got Jenna thinking. After chatting for a couple months and verifying each other, Jenna asked if dommedaddy36 wanted to meet up but not a regular meet up. Jenna was wondering if dommedaddy36 would pick a time she didn’t know about and “sexually assault” her. Jenna would provide all her information and it would be up to him to stalk her and take advantage of her.

Jenna had some minor stipulations but for the most part she was fair game for whatever perverted desires he had. After much discussion, dommedaddy36 agreed that sometime within the next 6 weeks he would find her and help her fulfill her fantasies. Jenna let him know she would try to fight back but dommedaddy36 wasn’t worried because he was so much bigger than her. He felt confident he could easily overpower Jenna and have his way with her. This turned Jenna on and she anxiously waited for her encounter.

At first she was worried dommedaddy36 would be around every corner. After the first 2 weeks, she began to think he would never show up and her fantasy would never be fulfilled. Some of Jenna’s work friends invited her out for drinks after work. She agreed and met them at the bar. It was in a part of town she wasn’t familiar with but it was nice. Jenna had so much fun. The night was mostly filled with salacious gossip about everybody and everyone in the office and she laughed so hard her stomach hurt.

Jenna was one of the last people to leave the bar. Because she didn’t know where she was going she ended up parking far from the bar and so after saying goodbye she began the long walk to her car still giggling about the evening’s conversation.

Jenna occasionally heard some noises but didn’t think much of it. She saw her car at the end of the street where she left it. As she was coming to it she went to step onto the street to walk to the driver side and that is when it happened. Jenna wasn’t sure what it was but the next thing she knew she was on the other side of the bushes, her head was ringing and her dress had flown up over her head. She tried to stand up but a heavy powerful knee was quickly on the back of her head pressing her face into the mood. She tried to cry out but no noise would come out.

The next thing that Jenna registered was the sound and jerking around of her lower body from her panties being ripped off of her. She then felt very thick fingers inside her. The next thing Jenna registered was her dressing being yanked at and pieces tearing off. Soon the knee was replaced by a hand pushing her head down hard. She had known but didn’t know it was a man that had attacked her just by his sheer force but now she was certain because he was behind her and she could feel his cock searching for her pussy. She tried to fight but he was simply too strong and eventually his cock found what it was looking for. The cock didn’t slide in slowly and passionately, it was forceful and almost hateful. Through all this Jenna realized she was extremely wet but even then the cock was thick and it stretched her pussy.

When the man’s body crashed into her petite little body making a loud clapping sound, Jenna didn’t moan or make some other verbal announcement of pleasure, instead all she could do was grunt like some kind of barn animal. The man put his forearm on the back of her neck and began to very aggressively pound Jenna’s pussy. It seemed as though the man was in a competition with himself to make sure that every time he drove his cock into Jenna it was harder than the time before and all Jenna could do in response was grunt.

Jenna’s mind was racing and she kept trying to fight but she couldn’t move. Then it happened, she felt with just as much violence as the cock was being drilled into her, a wave of sensation starting in her pussy. She fought it as hard as she could. She refused to let this disgusting animal give her an orgasm. Unfortunately for Jenna, she didn’t have a choice and as she was unsuccessfully attempting to fight her orgasm, she began to quiver. The quivering started in her pussy and it quickly spread all over her body. The man began to laugh at her as he continued to pound the life from her.

Jenna’s quivering turned into trembling and then full on convulsions. She was biting her lip and squeezing her eyes as tightly shut as she could. She was continuing to grunt in unison with the thick cock smashing her pussy but now it was through labored breathing. She couldn’t believe her orgasm was continuing. It was humiliating. Jenna was a successful confident woman that found men who respected her, attractive. However, she had never came this hard or long in her life.

Then she felt the warmth fill her up and knew instantly that the man fucking her had just cum inside her. It wasn’t enough that this vile violent stranger had his uncovered cock inside her, enjoying her tight, soft, moist pussy. He had just done what she had let no man ever do before, unleash a tsunami of thick sticky cum inside her. To Jenna, a man coming inside her was the most intimate and loving act between her and a partner. She was saving it for a man that she saw a future and shared life together. Jenna was on birth control but that was besides the point.

After the man had emptied his balls inside Jenna, she felt his weight come off her and then her purse was dropped next to her head and she saw the man walk away. At least she saw the military green rain poncho he was wearing move away. Jenna laid in the dirt completely dazed and disorientated. She then began to think, was that dommedaddy36. Had she just had her sexual assault fantasy experience.

She was amazed at how well he played the part. She was extremely sore head to toe but especially her pussy. Her dress was all torn up and it didn’t really cover her anymore. She got up very slowly and took her purse and walked to her car. It was very challenging to perform these basic tasks. She got into her car and began to drive home very slowly hoping no one saw her or noticed her.

When she got to her apartment and got out of her car there was a large cum stain on her seat where she had been sitting. She couldn’t believe it but was in no condition to clean it now. She made her way into her apartment stripped out of what remained of her clothes throwing them into the trash and then crawled into a hot bath. She took her time to scrub herself from head to toe. When she finally looked and felt clean she got her phone from her purse and crawled into bed. Before she fell asleep, she messaged dommedaddy36 thanking him for everything.

Jenna woke up the next morning and got cleaned up, threw away the trash and took some time cleaning the cum stain from her car seat. When she finished, she sat on her couch and remembered to check if dommedaddy36 had responded. She opened her phone and saw that he sent her a message:


I don’t know what you mean, I was planning something in 8 days. Were you talking to other guys, maybe it was one of them. I had cancelled all my plans until I hear back from you. If you are getting cold feet, it’s totally ok.

Ttyl, dommedaddy36”

Jenna read this over and over again. She couldn’t process what it meant. She got up and began to go through her purse dumping all the contents on the floor. All her items were there, nothing was stolen. She breathed a sigh of relief. Then she realized that was not true, all her items were there along with a geolocation tracking tag.

As she held the tag in her hand she began to tremble but didn’t know why. Just then a loud thundering knock crashed against her door. Jenna jumped and startled she dropped the tag. Then the thundering knock came again.

Jenna stood up, still trembling, and walked to the door. Looking through the viewing glass, Jenna saw a large man in a military green rain poncho. He slammed his large fist against the door again. The rattling of the door caused Jenna to jump back and it seemed as though the door would splinter into a million pieces. Jenna trembling with fear walked to the door and unlocked the locks. Jenna took three large steps back and yelled out, “it’s open!”


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