Friday Night Friend’s Night

Tim and Jamie met freshman year in college. Actually they met in orientation and for a college guy he was surprisingly decent and fairly average. He was 5’8 with brown hair and brown eyes. He had a large group of friends since a lot of the people he hung out with were from his hometown. Jamie had moved away for college as she wanted the adventure of exploring some place new. She was tall at 5’7 and toned, she loved working out and not just cardio. She wasn’t afraid of using free weights and had a good coach growing up that taught her great technique and how to develop different kinds of muscles. Jamie had straight brown hair that highlighted the elegant and subtle asymmetries of her face from which her enchanting piercing blue eyes were nestled. She had lovely petite breasts that were firm and didn’t require a bra. Jamie’s ass on the other hand was a work of art. It looked like it was carved from marble. Every girl she met was jealous of her ass and every guy was jealous of Tim for getting that ass.

They started dating pretty much immediately and despite the odds they ended up graduating still together. They had applied for jobs in different parts of the country and Tim got a great job in his hometown. He asked Jamie to move back with him. He was so excited about their future. College was the best time of Tim’s life. He was dating a gorgeous woman, they had fun and partied all the time and now he was getting his dream job back in his hometown.

Jamie loved Tim. She wanted to make him happy. She too applied for a job in Tim’s hometown but it wasn’t her first pick. In fact, if she was being honest, of all the job offers she had gotten it was probably her 7th choice. That being said, Tim didn’t know, but her job paid significantly more than his and so it wasn’t like she was being left destitute so she agreed and after graduation they moved back to Tim’s hometown.

Almost instantly upon moving into their apartment Jamie felt isolated and alone. She did find a little gym that had all the facilities she needed in between their apartment and her work. After the first three days of living there, it became Jamie’s ritual to get up early and go to the gym. Every morning like clockwork she would get in and get to work. It was the best part of her day. Her job was not entirely stimulating, she was getting the work that was expected to take 55 hours finished in 12 – 15 so by the end of Tuesday she had nothing to do each week. She tried to help others or volunteer for additional projects but Jamie’s boss, an older woman who it took 25 years to get to her level, a fact she never let Jamie forget, quickly put a stop to these activities and since there was literally nothing else that excited Jamie work wise in the area she complied to keep her job.

After being in Tim’s hometown for 6 months she was beginning to get really unhappy. Jamie was always the life of the party in college. Now when they went out with his friends, she seemed anemic. Tim was worried but didn’t know what to do. Tim did notice that Jamie seemed energized when she came back from the gym and so he figured her interests were changing maybe.

It was Friday night, Tim and Jamie were getting ready to go out to meet his friends at one of their common hangouts. Jamie didn’t seem too thrilled but Tim thought he deserved a night out and some fun. He worked all week really hard and wanted to cut loose. They were young and why shouldn’t they enjoy their lives. When they got to the bar, Tim’s friends were already there. Tim asked Jamie to get him a beer and he immediately went over and began to chat with his friends. Jamie walked over to the bar and to her surprise she saw 2 familiar faces. It was Mark and Dave from the gym.

When Jamie first started going to the little gym, every morning she would see the same two guys working out together. They were in decent shape for their age which was easily 30 years older than her. The first couple of weeks, Jamie kept to herself and got her work out finished and didn’t pay much attention to Mark and Dave and they didn’t seem to mind her. After a few weeks, she was going for some heavier sets and needed a spot so she needed to introduce herself. To her surprise, they were really easy to talk to and they had great senses of humor. It was almost like a competition, when one of them was lifting the other would make a stupid joke to try to mess up their set. Jamie didn’t get involved in the sophomoric humor but she did enjoy listening and laughing at their shenanigans. After a couple months they were gym friends. If for some reason one of them wasn’t at the gym, the next day whatever kept them from the gym was the hottest gossip. Jamie enjoyed being fit and active but having “her” friends, even if they were technically gym acquaintances made living in Tim’s hometown a little more bearable.

When Jamie saw Mark and Dave, her eyes and face lit up and they immediately exchanged high fives and greetings. Tim saw this exchange with these strangers and became concerned because they were men old enough to be their fathers plus Jamie never told him about any friends from work or colleagues or anywhere else. Tim’s mind began to race, what other secrets was she keeping from him.

Also, it wasn’t just that Jamie was friendly with them, it had now been almost 20 minutes and she was still talking to them and she looked exactly how she did the last 4 years at college. Meeting these men had somehow breathed new life into her. Tim was a little self conscious. Each of these men were at least 4 inches taller than him and had at least 30 lbs of muscle on him. Even though Mark and Dave were his parents age these men were studs and his girlfriend seemed to be drooling over them.

Jamie finally came over to Tim with his beer and her club soda. Tim pulled her aside and asked her who her “friends” were. It was the way Tim said “friends”, it was an accusation of some kind of impropriety and it annoyed Jamie. She snapped back at him, “they are friends from the gym, cool your horses”. The look on her face was complete disgust for him. Tim realized he messed up and quickly apologized. He asked her if she wanted to spend the night talking to them. Jamie softened at the question, Tim was generally inquisitive. Jamie responded, “it would be nice having a little change of pace and spend time with people I know from my own hobbies but they are going to some other bars and stuff so it won’t work out”. Tim quickly responded, “then go with them”. Jamie said, “and do what?”. Tim got nervous at this question but had known for a while his relationship was on rocky ground and the last thing he ever wanted was to lose Jamie. Tim exhaled and responded, “whatever you feel comfortable with, I trust you and want you to enjoy living here as much as I enjoy living here with you. Just be careful and I’ll see you back home when you get there”. Jamie gave Tim a big hug and she seemed alive again for the first time since they moved to his hometown. She practically galloped over to Mark and Dave and he saw her say something to them. Mark and Dave toasted her and finished their drinks. The three of them got their coats on and headed out. Tim tried not to think about it. They had been together for 4 years and there was never even a cheating scare from either of them. What did he have to be worried about.

Jamie, Mark and Dave went to another bar, it was a place she had never been. All the bars Tim and his friends went to were very low key and great for hanging out and talking to friends you already knew. This bar was loud and everyone was dancing and mingling and meeting new people. She loved it, this was her scene. Mark and Dave guided her to a table in the back and asked what she wanted to drink. It had honestly been 5 months since she had an alcoholic drink. She didn’t see the point since she liked to drink when she was having fun and there was nothing fun about Tim and his friends. She hated to admit it but now, she thought a gin and tonic sounded delicious and quickly replied with her order to Mark and Dave. Dave quickly disappeared and returned with their drinks. Mark and Dave toasted Jamie again and this time she had a drink to happily participate.

After the cheers, they put their drinks down and all started dancing together. First it started out with Mark and Dave on one side and Jamie on the other. She giggled to herself and thought…shit this is eighth grade all over again. When Jamie found her chance she slid in between Mark and Dave so Jamie was grinding on both of them and it felt so good. They danced for about an hour and a half while they slowly nursed their drinks. By the time the drinks were gone they had worked up a sweet delicious sweat. Jamie was having the time of her life. Dave suggested because it was a chilly night they should all go back to his place and get the fire going. He told Jamie he had a bottle of The Botanist dry gin back home that made a killer gin and tonic. Jamie was only too eager to join them. She had essentially known these guys for 5 months but didn’t know anything about them.

Dave ordered an Uber and by the time they got their coats on and made it to the door, the driver was there. All three slid into the back seat with Jamie in the middle. Without thinking she rested her hands on each of the nearest thighs next to her and smiled happily all the way back to Dave’s house.

Dave and Mark both lived in the same neighborhood. They moved there after their divorces and became friends through the gym and the golf club. Jamie was impressed. It was a beautiful house, way nicer than the apartment she shared with Tim. When they walked in, Dave took everyone’s coats and Mark walked Jamie to the bar and made her a gin and tonic with Dave’s best gin. He made a drink for himself and Dave as well. With each of them now with a fresh drink they had another toast, again to Jamie and she giggled excitedly. She genuinely enjoyed their attention and was having a blast. They were talking and Jamie asked if she could get a house tour. Dave and Mark agreed and they snaked their way through the home. A lot of the features were the same between their two homes so Mark was just as comfortable commenting as Dave.

Finally they got to the deck and backyard and there was a giant hot tub. As soon as Jamie saw it without thinking she asked if the hot tub worked. To which Mark and Dave replied, yes. Jamie feeling a little frisky from the fun she was having and her second drink after such a long prohibition immediately responded, “we have to go skinny dipping, it’s the perfect night”. Before Mark and Dave could enthusiastically agree, Jamie was already taking off her socks and Mark and Dave tried to catch up but Jamie was too quick and agile. Before they were able to get their shirts off (their pants were still on as well) Jamie was completely naked waiting on them.

Jamie felt a pain of guilt standing there naked waiting for her two friends to get unclothed. What would Tim think of her behavior, but then she remembered exactly what Tim said, whatever she felt comfortable doing. She felt very comfortable with Mark and Dave. As quickly as the pain came it went away and finally Mark and Dave were naked. Obviously trying to get undressed while staring at Jamie’s sexy toned body and flawless ass didn’t help speed things along.

Finally all three of them were undressed and they raced into the hot tub to avoid the cold night. Again, Jamie ended up on one side and Mark and Dave on the other. Mark quickly pointed out a large beautiful buck that had galloped into Dave’s backyard behind Jamie. She turned around and propped herself up on the hot tub to get a better look. This brought her ass out of the water and Dave and Mark were mesmerized by how perfect her ass and pussy looked. It was a thick pussy and the best way to describe it was inviting. Sitting there staring at Jamie’s pussy immediately made Dave and Mark hard. After several minutes the buck galloped away and Jamie turned back around and sat into the hot tub. She was still on one side and Mark and Dave were on the other.

Again, Tim’s words echoed in her head, whatever you are comfortable with. Like as if they were in the gym, Jamie began to talk smack. “What the fuck, is this my sixth grade dance all over again? Worried I got cooties?”. Mark and Dave roared with laughter and made their way over to Jamie’s side of the hot tub, but she met them half way and her hands were hidden under the water so when she found their cock both men were pleasantly surprised. She began stroking them gently and both Mark and Dave let out a moan. They gently moved Jamie back to the hot tub bench and began rubbing her body. Mark got to her pussy first and slid a finger inside much to Dave’s dismay. Jamie began to moan playfully and noticed Dave was just sitting there playing with her breasts so she took his hand and moved it to the crack of her ass. She began massaging her asshole with Dave’s fingers. It didn’t take long for Dave to understand and he gently slid his middle finger in and out of her ass.

Jamie sitting in the hot with a thick uncut cock in each of her hands and these two strong men sliding their big fingers inside her was too much. Somehow Mark and Dave were able to sync the in and out of their fingering and this pushed Jamie over the edge. She bit her lip and squeezed their cocks as hard as she could trying to fight back the sensation but it was happening, Mark and Dave knew it to so they started going faster. Jamie gasped for air and screamed a loud excited groan of relief as she came for the first time in over 6 months. Mark and Dave began kissing her and she calmed her body still holding their cocks in a vice grip. She had forgotten that feeling. Tim was an ok lover. He wasn’t spectacular and since they moved to his hometown she participated in the act but it wasn’t thrilling to her and she hadn’t cum since she agreed to move to his hometown.

She eased her grip and went back to gently stroking their cocks as she took turns kissing each of them. Mark and Dave were kissing her more passionately than Tim ever had at any time they were together. Jamie pulled away and looked at both of them as she stroked their cocks and asked if they wanted to go inside and maybe find some other places to play. Both Mark and Dave agreed. They got out of the hot tub and into the house and began drying off. Dave told Jamie to make herself at home and Dave asked Mark to help him with something that would only take a second. Mark and Dave snuck over to Dave’s master suite and without saying a word pulled out a prescription for Viagra. Mark chuckled and looked at both of the men’s rock hard erections and said, “I think we are good mate”. Dave laughed and said, “No shit! This will keep us hard all night, do you want to miss one minute of fucking this angel”. Mark grabbed the pill so fast Dave didn’t even see him take it. They both popped the little blue pills and went out to find Jamie.

Jamie was standing in the master room and had flipped the switch to turn the fireplace on and she was standing near it warming up. Mark sat at the end of the sectional and Jamie took this as an opportunity to get on her knees and crawl over to Mark like a sleek sensual cat. When she got to him her mouth attached itself to his cock and she began to suck it passionately. Dave kneeled behind her and began licking her pussy and asshole. It made Jamie so excited that she disengaged from Mark to groan with pleasure. As she continued to groan her mouth found Mark’s cock again and her beautiful face began bobbing up and down. Her warm soft mouth felt amazing on Mark’s throbbing dick. Dave’s tongue work was driving Jamie insane. After another 3 minutes her mouth popped off Mark’s dick again and she said, “Jesus Christ Dave are you gonna fuck me or what? You’re driving me crazy!” Dave didn’t need to be told twice. As Jamie returned to sucking Mark’s dick staring into his eyes with her piercing blue eyes, Dave slid up behind her, grabbed her ass and plunged his cock into her pussy. She was so wet and tight, he didn’t think he had ever felt anything so wonderful. The sensation was so intense for Jamie that she swallowed Mark’s cock into her throat and began violently gagging before pulling off with a painful groan of pleasure. Dave crashed his body into her toned thick ass. With Jamie disengaged from Mark’s cock, David took the opportunity to grab her shoulders and begin feverishly pounding his cock into her body and with each stroke his body would slam into her ass making a loud crack like a whip. Jamie couldn’t control herself, all she could do was stare at Mark with her dazzling blue eyes and grip his legs with her hands as her groans of pleasure turned into groans of pleading and finally groans of desperation. Her body convulsed violently as she came and she kept coming harder and harder with every forceful plunge of David’s cock into her body. While Jamie was coming it made her pussy squeeze David’s cock even tighter. The sensation was too great to hold back and he pumped harder, faster and deeper which caused Jamie to cum even harder until David made the final plunge as deep as he could into her pussy and released a torrent of cum deep inside her.

David pulled out and a stream of cum leaked out of her as well. Jamie was exhausted but had the energy to stand up and turn away from Mark. She reached back and squeezed his cock and pushed it against her ass. Mark couldn’t believe it, Jamie took a deep breath and pushed out with her asshole and she slid down on his cock. Mark’s cock stretched her in a way she never felt before and she ended taking the entire cock in her ass more because he collapsed then it was her intended plan. She let out a groan saying, “what the fuck Mark? That’s a huge fucking cock in my ass!”. Jamie tried to push herself off of Mark but he grabbed her hips and began thrusting his hips violently underneath with such a rapid pace that she was constantly having Mark’s entire cock forcibly filling her asshole once every two seconds. It was a mixture of pleasure and pain at first but soon the pain was replaced by pleasure and it forced Jamie to hunch over. David walked up to her with his rock hard cock and put it into her mouth. Jamie wrapped her arms around his waist and her lips and tongue around his cock allowing Dave to thrust his cock at his own pace into her mouth.

With Mark rapid fire fucking her ass and Dave thrusting his cock into her mouth, Jamie desperately tried to breath through her nose but it was not enough and she began to feel light headed and then euphoric. Her pussy was quivering from the action her asshole was getting. With her tremor in her pussy it was like she was being shocked with minor orgasms that were building into a grand lightening strike that would destroy her. It happened and her entire body, ever muscle fiber she trained was contracting and the pleasure Mark had been feeling became amplified and the stimulation ramped up like a runaway train and he pulled Jamie as tight to his body as he could and came as deeply as he could inside her ass. David backed away and Jamie rolled off of Mark’s cock but her body was still convulsing violently. David and Mark helped Jamie to the master bedroom. When they got to the bed she was still coming and David slid his rock hard cock into her ass which seemed to send a lightening bolt through Jamie’s body making the orgasm even more tortuous. Jamie was still cumming hard but now she was laying with her back against Dave and on top of him. With Dave’s cock in her ass, Mark crawled on top of Jamie and slid his cock into her pussy. She tried to look at them and plead for help but her body kept erupting in violent luxurious pleasure and all she could do was be consumed by it and cry out in primal ecstasy.

Mark and Dave began to time their thrusts inside her simultaneously. They got faster and faster and faster and finally they both felt the sudden rush and knew they would be cumming again. As Jamie continued to cum her brains out her friends, her gym rat buddies were dumping giant loads of cum in her ass and pussy.

Her orgasm was no longer causing every muscle fiber to contract uncontrollably. It was now tearing ever fiber apart. Throughout her entire ordeal Mark and Dave were thrusting their cocks violently into her inviting, sensual, toned body. All Jamie could do was cry out the desperate cries someone makes for mercy against an act of god from which there is no escape.

Mark and Dave took pity on Jamie and after filling her body with their cum, they laid next to Jamie gently caressing her as she worked her way through her orgasm. This process took her about 25 minutes. When she finally came to her senses she seemed disorientated as though she been drinking excessively.

Jamie looked at these two men that had demolished her and amazingly their cocks were still very hard. Mark and Dave both asked her how she was feeling. She couldn’t answer, not because she couldn’t speak but because words didn’t exist to explain it to someone who couldn’t experience it themselves. Jamie said, “I’m sorry your both so hard but I don’t think I can take both of you at once and my ass is completely wrecked. I’m really sorry. Would you both be ok just fucking me one at a time in the pussy”. Both Mark and Dave looked at each other and smiled. They leaned forward and starting kissing different parts of Jamie’s body whispering that they would be more than happy with that arrangement.

Taking turns actually worked out better for Mark and Dave because they got a breather while Jamie was constantly getting fucked. Jamie rested on her stomach straddling the edge corner of the bed which was perfect for Mark and Dave to get the optimum leverage for fucking her hard. At the culmination of each fuck, Jamie had at least three more orgasms to add to her collection and a pussy filled with cum. Jamie would then clean the freshly cummed cock with her mouth while the other man slid deep into her pussy This continued for another 5 hours after which Mark and Dave were completely spent and Jamie could no longer move her body. She had cum so much her muscles were screaming. She worked out really hard in the gym but she had never worked out hard enough to experience the type of muscle fatigue and exhaustion she was feeling now. She was pretty sure even walking would be impossible. She wanted to try to clean at least some of the sperm that saturated her body inside and out but she opted to just leave it until tomorrow.

All three of them passed out together in Dave’s giant bed. When Jamie woke, it was bright and sunny and she felt like she could move again but her muscles were extremely sore. It was as if each muscle fiber had experienced a short circuit tearing itself apart and now was trying to mend itself. Jamie walked to where she had left her clothes and purse and saw it was 4pm. She found 100s of text messages from Tim and dozens of voicemails. She sent a quick reply to Tim, “Sorry we got a little preoccupied hanging out and I lost track of time and then passed out, see you soon”. She found Mark and Dave watching TV, waiting for her to wake up. Jamie said hi as she was holding her clothes still completely naked. Mark and Dave got up to greet her with passionate kisses while gently caressing her skin.

Jamie said, “Hey guys I need a favor”. Both Mark and Dave replied, “anything”. Jamie responded, “I need a ride home but I need you to stop at the drug store so I can get plan B. You guys came in me alot and I’m not on birth control”. Mark asked curiously, “what do you and your bf do?” Jamie responded, “oh we have always used condoms”. Both Mark and Dave giggled, “so he’s never fucked you raw?” To which Jamie giggled back, “yeah and I doubt its going to happen anytime soon”.

Mark and Dave asked if she wanted to get cleaned up first, Jamie said she couldnt because Tim was having a meltdown. So she got dressed as best she could and Mark and Dave took her home stopping at the drug store on the way. When they got to her apartment, Mark and Dave got out and walked her to her building and when they got there they each took turns kissing her deeply and passionately as Tim looked on.

When Jamie got into the apartment Tim was bewildered. He looked at what was once his sweet and beautiful girlfriend as she collapsed on the couch. Tim asked, “Where the fuck where you and what the fuck were you doing?”. Jamie smiled and spat back, “what I felt comfortable doing”. Tim didn’t say another word and sat next to Jamie who was completely disheveled. He could see dry cum on her face and neck. Jamie leaned her head back, closed her eyes and said, “I think Fridays should be friend’s night. You can hang out with your friends and I will hang out with mine.”. Tim silently shook his said and meekly responded, “ok”.

Jamie excitingly texted Mark and Dave to let them know the new arrangement Tim and her had reached. Both responded with thumbs up and heart emojis. She told them she would see them tomorrow at the gym and went to draw herself a much needed relaxing bath leaving Tim shocked on the couch.
