The Cabin [female age:35, male age: 22]

“Come here, baby.”

It was my aunt Susan speaking. Somehow we’d found ourselves alone in my Grandpa’s cabin.

We had needed to get away. Both of us did.

Susan was recently separated, in the ugly process of divorcing from her abusive husband, Mike.

I was on a break from college, maybe a long one. I was tired of the dorms, the jocks, the endless line of rejections from girls who were way too interested in the local Chad to spare an average looking guy like me even the slightest interest.

It was frustrating, and I always felt like such an outsider, a square peg trying to fit in a round hole.

And so, Susan had invited me up to spend the weekend at our family cabin. It was my Grandpa’s property, but all the family was welcome to it.

It was isolated, way up in the mountains, so it didn’t have electricity or running water. We were truly roughing it, but it was a nice escape from my usual anxieties.

Life Hack: when you’re overwhelmed by problems, just find some new problems to deal with. Then maybe your old problems won’t seem so bad.

Anyway, the cabin was pretty well snowed in, but we weren’t really worried about getting stranded because the drive back was almost entirely downhill. Getting in had been fun though.

Almost immediately, I began to explore the land around the cabin, my spirits soaring as I clambered through the snow, feeling like a kid again as I slipped and fell over and over.

By the time I finally made it back inside, I was frozen solid, eager to thaw out in front of the fireplace.

Sure enough, Aunt Susan had kindled a fire and it was blazing hot. At least, sitting about six inches from the flames, it was.

So, there I was. Huddling up in front of the fire, shaking from the cold, when my aunt called me over.

“Come here, baby.”

I glanced her way dubiously.

She was a thicker woman, a tall blonde with silver highlights and a body like a sumo wrestler.

She wasn’t fat. She was just…..big.

Intimidating in a weird way, so that when she called me over, I felt oddly compelled to obey, lest I “get in trouble.”

Aunt Susan wasn’t so much a blood relative as she was an in-law. She had married my asshole of an uncle, Mike, unaware of his anger tendencies.

For years, she had hunkered down and just kind of put up with him.

When someone’s your aunt for that many years, they kind of stay your aunt…..whether your uncle divorces them or not.

She was probably no more than 10-15 years my senior. But she spoke like a parent, and I obeyed like a child.

Susan was clothed in a thick white bathrobe and an even thicker white blanket. It was one of those big blankets, one that stretched on forever, so there was plenty of room for the two of us.

She was splayed out on a sectional sofa that she had scooted in close to the fire, and she was holding the blanket open for me as I came to her.

“There’s plenty of room in here,” she said. “Come warm up.”

I was a little unsure of exactly what she was asking, but I also didn’t want to make her mad, so I laid down with her, allowing her to drape the blanket over me.

I lay with my back to her, and she began to spoon me, flopping one leg on top of mine and pulling me in close to her.

“Don’t be shy,” she whispered. “It’s gonna get real cold in here tonight. We need to take advantage of our body heat.”

The next thing I knew, my aunt Susan began rubbing up all over me, holding me tighter and tighter to her and really rubbing me down with her legs, her arms, even her chest.

I could feel the enormous roundness and plumpness of her huge round breasts pushing up against my back, and it was causing some odd stirring in my crotch area.

“Is that any better?” she whispered into my ear.

I nodded, but I was still freezing, had just barely began to warm up.

She could tell.

“You need to get out of those clothes,” she said. “Skin to skin. We need body heat.”

“Uh, I dunno…..” I started, but she cut me off by hugging me to her.

“Don’t disobey me,” she said. “You don’t think I know what’s best? You’re gonna freeze to death in those clothes.”

She wasn’t entirely wrong. My clothes were actually kind of wet from playing in the snow. In a way, they were better off than on.

So, with her help, I kicked off my pants and pulled my shirt over my head.

She spun me around so I was facing her, and then pulled me into the heat of her big, fluffy, body.

She still had her bathrobe on thankfully, but my face sank right into where her breasts were.

Immersed in the blanket, Aunt Susan began running her feet up and down my legs, trying to stroke me warm.

I wasn’t sure what to do with my hands, but she guided them around her waist, motioning for me to hang onto her.

She held onto me too, and soon we were embracing, separated only by the fabric of her bathrobe.

We lay like that for some time, and, before long, I heard Aunt Susan’s rhythmic breathing as sleep overtook her.

I should have tried sleeping myself, but instead my mind was racing. I was getting lost in the hotness, the curves, the overwhelming Amazon-like qualities of my aunt’s body, especially as she held me to her, refusing to let me go.

I was her prisoner, attached to her body, and there was nowhere I could go, nothing I could do without waking her.

I really didn’t want to wake her either. Partly because she was my aunt and I had a juvenile kind of fear that I’d make her mad if I woke her, but also because I just wasn’t sure what she might do, like she might try and do more than just lay here if I woke her up.

This last part was what kept me from sleep, not really knowing how I’d managed to get in this situation, my mInd starting to go to weird places, imagining my aunt turning me into some kind of sex slave for the weekend.

Dammit! That’s exactly what I didn’t want to think about.

Too late, I felt myself growing erect.

I was petrified that my aunt would somehow feel my boner through her bathrobe, so I adjusted slightly, tried to turn my body so my dick was facing away from her.

Aunt Susan stirred around me, her great, hot body squeezing me to her. For a second, I had the odd image of a dragon pulling in a teddy bear as it slept.

That was me. I was the teddy. Helpless as she moved around me, snaking her arms and legs around mine and pulling me in closer.

In her attempt to get comfortable, her bathrobe slipped open, and suddenly her bare breasts flipped out.

They were enormous and mesmerizing. I couldn’t take my eyes away. Huge, pale melons tipped with perfect, juicy nipples that begged to be sucked.

Shit! I had to cover her up!

I tried to pull her robe back closed again, but this only made her stir more, and suddenly she was pulling my face to her breasts, holding the back of my head with one hand while she guided my mouth right to her nipple.

I froze there, her tit in my face, my lips pressed around her bulbous nipple, not daring to breath.

That could only last for so long though, so at last I chanced an exhale followed by a slow, ragged inhale.

My lips clamped around her nipple. I couldn’t help it.

My aunt Susan moaned, and I tried my best to figure a way out of this. My tongue had nowhere to go though.

Maybe it was an accident. Maybe it was curiosity. But I gave her a lick with my tongue. Then another one.

Her body responded at once. She moaned deeply as she pulled me into her, held me more securely to her breast.

I began working my tongue over nipple, really tasting her, sucking at her tit like a kid trying to breastfeed.

Her nipple swoll under my tongue, growing hard and pointed.

What the hell was I doing?!

And then, my aunt shifted again. She passed my head from one breast to the other, plopped her other tit in my mouth, and just lay there.

I began sucking at once, and my aunt’s whole body responded. My head was spinning. I couldn’t think straight. My dick had gone rock hard, matching the erectness of her nipples.

What the hell was this?!

“Are you comfortable?” my aunt asked suddenly.

I immediately pulled away, slipped her robe shut.

“Uh…..yeah….sorry,” I tried to say, but my aunt didn’t respond.

Her eyes were still closed, and she was breathing softly. Had she been talking in her sleep?

I immediately felt a sense of relief wash over me. Whatever had just happened, it was all just an accident. And nobody had to know about it.

I pulled away from my aunt, real casual like, and turned around on the couch so I was laying opposite of how she was, with my feet up near her head and hers near mine.

Problem solved!

Or, so I thought.

I was just starting to drift off to sleep, when I felt something hot and wet and electric at my feet.

It continued, and I just kind of let it happen, wondering exactly what it was that I was feeling. But, I already knew.

I dared a glance at my aunt, and, sure enough, she had begun kissing my feet, wrapping her lips around my toes, sucking and licking on them, her eyes still closed.

Before I could think what to do next, she began massaging my face with her feet, pressing her toes into my cheeks, and working then toward my mouth.

Her big toe went in first, pushing into my mouth and forcing me to suck on it like a lollipop.

Susan moaned and began kissing my feet more intensely, really going at it.

I tried to mimic her movements, giving as much as I was getting. My erection was screaming, begging for attention.

“Ohhhhh……” I moaned, and Aunt Susan moaned too.

She pulled her feet from my face, and slid them lower, rested them on my stomach a moment, then brought them to where my dick was.

Oh no!

Aunt Susan clasped my meat between her soles and toes, and suddenly she was working my dick over, running her feet up and down my length, causing my breath to catch in my throat as I did my best not to cum.

“Ohhhh…..” I moaned, and suddenly my aunt pulled away.

I didn’t dare move, terrified I’d be caught.

Aunt Susan repositioned herself, turned so she was facing me again.

“Where’d you go?” she asked.

Before I could answer, she slipped back under the covers and dropped down to my middle.

Suddenly, her mouth was on my cock, hot and wet and sucking. The blanket was bouncing from the motion of her head bobbing up and down on my rod.

“Aunt Susan…..” I tried to say, but she wasn’t stopping.

She cupped my balls and squeezed, and I groaned involuntarily, her mouth still working me over. I was getting so close, so close to cumming.

And then, suddenly, she was climbing on top of me, mounting my dick, pushing me up, deep inside her.

What the actual fuck?!

I was in shock. Ecstasy.

My aunt was fucking me?! How the hell did this even happen?

She rode me hard and fast, her body hot and heavy as it impaled my dick, plunged up and down on my meat.

I cried out. So did she. And then, she pulled me into her breasts, planted my mouth around her fat nipples, and I resumed sucking.

She fucked. I sucked. And soon, we were both cumming. Exploding around each other’s privates, bursting at the seams.

We cried out together, a love song, our bodies refusing to stop as we slammed into each other repeatedly. Crashing into one another. Inside one another.

Her mouth found mine, and I was lost in her kisses, her tongue wrapping around mine as she devoured my face hungrily.

I’m not sure how long it lasted.

But in the end, we lay together naked under the blankets, the fire crackling nearby.

“I needed this weekend,” Aunt Susan whispered.

So did I, I thought. So did I.
