Sex Amongst The Spires [Free Use] [Slight CNC] [Ghost] [Oral] [Orgy] [LGBT]

## Paula

As the cool winter’s night deepened from twilight a flowing mist rose up from the cobbled streets, rising ever higher until the ancient citie’s gothic spires were wreathed in it. The city appeared as though waiting for the sun to rise and bring it back to life once more. No sound permeated the mist. The few figures moving along the streets were as shadows. Silent, solitary, silhouettes flitting between buildings. Anyone looking down from above would deem the place devoid of life and feeling.

As with all things though there is always more going on underneath the surface.

= = =

Life, warmth, passion all fill the little room at St Philomena’s college. Paula moaned in delight as her secret girlfriend slipped her hand over her midriff and down towards its sensual destination. As always when those furtive knocks came at her door her heart had began to pound in her chest so loud she could have sworn their erotic little little rendezvous was going to be discovered before it had even begun. Eagerly she had dragged the other woman inside, where they had wasted no time in diving straight into making out on her bed. Paula had been thinking of Diane all day, getting more and more worked up as she had to sit by her in lectures but not touch. Now she needed to make those thoughts manifest. To feel her. To taste her. To love her. Paula playfully pushed Diane onto her back, raising the over woman’s hands above her head and pinning them there. Diane may have been the stronger of the two but like this she was putty in her hands. Paula leaned forwards to plant a deep kiss on her lover’s lips. As she did she felt hands running down her already bare back, hooking in the waistband of her pajama shorts and pulling them down off of her toned ass. She smiled.

“My, my baby you are eager for me tonight ripping all of my clothes off of me…”

Diane raised her head to continue the kiss but stopped as she processed the words. For a moment Paula paused too as she looked up to where her hand still pinned both of Diane’s in place. There was no way that she could have taken them off of her. Different rationale ran through her mind, maybe they had just fallen off? None of the answers quite made sense though. She wasn’t able to ponder these thoughts for long though as she felt fingers that must have somehow been Diane’s teasing her already oversensitive pussy. She collapsed forwards as that much needed pleasure flooded her body. She’d been aching to be touched all day and now here it was. Soon Diane’s moans joined her own.

“Oh fuck that’s perfect…that’s it…”

Paula wasn’t sure how Diane was pleasuring herself and her both at once but she didn’t care one bit. The sensation was just too good to ever want it to stop. She pressed herself against her lovers body, burying her head in the crook of Diane’s neck to softly nibble on the sensitive skin there. Diane’s back arched in response and for a moment her hands came free of Paula’s grasp. Both immediately came down into contact with Paula’s ass, squeezing it and pulling her closer into Diane. Paula could feel the heat coming off of her as she panted and writhed beneath her. She wanted, needed, more though. Wriggling free of Diane’s grip she moved herself downwards, kissing and nibbling as she went. She hadn’t the time to register the delightful pleasure had stopped before her mouth was full of the sweet taste of her eager lover’s pussy. So distracted was she that she didn’t even hear her mini-fridge door slam shut behind her…

= = =

The man popped the cap off of the bottle of Magners cider and took a long drag on it before letting out a long sigh. He had been hoping for a nice threesome this evening but it was clear that he’d been rather pushed out on that one. Still, he mused, Paula did keep her fridge well stocked and a stiff drink made for a consolation prize. Taking the bottle with him he opened their door and stepped out into the corridor. There was a brief shout of surprise at the “wind” shaking Paula’s door from within the room before the moans started up once more. He shook his head good-naturedly before sauntering off down the corridor. Paula and Diane’s relationship was one of the worst kept secrets in the college. They’d hidden it from everyone, something to do with disapproving parents, but the paper thin walls of St Philomena’s college building meant that everyone on their floor knew. All in all the college was home to just under a hundred girls. It was where they slept and rested between parties or lectures. Where they could study in the library or swim in the pool. More often than not though it was where they engaged in their more carnal pursuits. There was just something about the building that seemed to drive people wild. A fact that the buildings only male resident certainly didn’t mind.

Edward, his name was all he could remember about himself. Everything else was a bit of a blur. He knew that once upon a time he had been a student here at Oxford University but only because one day he had woken up in an arcane looking circle in the building’s attic. That wasn’t the oddest thing about the ordeal though. He’d swiftly found out a few key facts about his new life. First of all he no longer needed to eat, drink or sleep, he simply continued to do so out of habit. Secondly no one could see him, he could interact with people but their brains seemed to rationalise it away as something else. When combined with a building full of experimenting, constantly horny University students it certainly gave him a perfect way to pass the time. He was always very careful to ensure the women enjoyed themselves as much as he did. Even to the point where, as with earlier, he would tease and arouse someone just so they could enjoy time to themselves. The fact that many of the girls would return to places he had fun with them before certainly showed him just how much they wanted it too.

Sadly though it was now the dead of night in exam season. Everyone would be asleep or cramming for tests the next day. As turned on as he was, he wasn’t about to put people’s futures in jeopardy. With an exasperated sigh he came to this floor’s communal kitchen and dropped the now empty cider bottle in the recycling. Someone else would have to take it to the outside bin for him, whenever he stepped out the front door in the blink of an eye he was back upstairs in that odd circle. He’d often wondered about finding out what the circle was or why his life was like this. In the end though he always came to the same conclusion, his life was good so why ruin it? Apart from those few years near the start where the college had been abandoned (he vaguely recalled it was something to do with a missing student) there had always been something or someone fun to do. As he headed down the antique staircase he noticed that the light was on in the library. With a grin he picked up his pace, perhaps this evening wouldn’t be so boring after all…

## Angela
Angela sighed and let her head fall forwards onto the desk she had been studying at. All week she had been fretting about her upcoming exam tomorrow. She knew as a first year it didn’t really matter if she passed or failed but it was important to her to do well. She couldn’t bear the thought of failing anything. This week really hadn’t been a good week for studying though. There was a guy in her biology class who she could just not stop thinking about. She wanted him so badly. She needed to feel him inside her, to feel his big arms wrapped around her as he fucked her stupid. Every night this week had devolved into her masturbating to the thought of him in her room. It had gotten so bad that one afternoon he had brushed past her in the corridor and just he smell of his cologne had sent her scurrying back to her room followed by her desperately humping her pillow moaning his name. None of this was helped by the fact that during these sessions of need she could have sworn she’d felt his hands all over her, even him fucking her one time. After the mind-shattering orgasm this gave her though she’d always awake alone, assuming it all to have just been a dream.

As exciting as this all was though, masturbating every night away had *seriously* eaten away at her study time.

Paula, one of the older girls from upstairs had told her to just ask the guy out. She’d pointed out that Angela was utterly stunning and that he’d be daft not to accept. She was a little curvier than the other girls in the college, with long mousy brown hair and full breasts. She just lacked the confidence to show it off, hiding behind her glasses and big, baggy jumpers. As such she had no way to get him out of her head long enough to focus.

“Unless…” she mummered to herself, “I’d never live it down if I was caught though…”

The library had been an attempt to stem the need to touch herself given as it was a public place but this late at night it was deserted. So if she was quick she could certainly get away with bringing herself off once. It should give her enough time to get her work done. Eagerly she pulled her phone out and navigated to Reddit. Ever since she’d been introduced to sex she’d always had such a kink for giving blowjobs, as such her feed was full of beautiful women doing exactly that. For a moment a shiver ran up her back, as though someone was watching over her shoulder. In seconds though she felt her legs slowly parting almost of their own volition. Despite keeping both of her hands on the desk with her phone before she knew it her skirt was hitched up around her waist. She’d opted to not wear panties given how sensitive she was feeling, as such should for any reason someone be under the desk they would be treated to the side of her cute shaven pussy.

“Fuucckk…” she moaned as her thumb flicked through image after image.

All she could think of was being down on her knees in front of her crush, his cock in her needy mouth. Without even touching it she knew her pussy would be soaked already, her hand trailed back along the desk. She needed to touch herself, she could wait no longer.

Angela’s hand however never reached it’s destination.

A bolt of pure bliss blossomed in her core and spread throughout her like a tidal wave. Instead her hand shot out to balance herself against the desk, her phone clattered down onto its hard surface. She could feel a pressure on her upper thighs as a sensation like someone eating her out flooded her body. She clamped her hand over her mouth as her back arched and the pace of the feeling intensified. Her mind flooded with the images of her crush’s tongue working magic between her thighs. Already she could feel her legs shaking as an orgasm barrelled its way closer. She didn’t care anymore for anyone discovering her, all Angela wanted was *more*.

Her wish was not to come true, almost as though it knew her personally the sensation slowed to a tease just before she went over the edge. Only the gentlest of pleasure it still left her panting and moaning. Her mind was spinning, unable to comprehend anything but pleasure. With shaky hands she reached for her phone once more…

= = =

For a moment Edward brought his head up to breathe. Of all of the girls in the college Angela was most certainly one of the horniest. Anytime not spent in lectures or studying she’d be shut away in her room watching porn and getting herself off. Every other week she’d had a new crush she’d obsess over until finding the next one. Unfortunately for her though she was simply too shy to actually capitalise on her libido with her stunning body. The trick with her though was edging, only a leg shaking, mind-blowing orgasm would satiate her for long enough to actually focus. As needy as she was it was something she had never been able to achieve alone, as such Edward had taken it upon himself to help her many a time.

“Fuck little angel you are in quite a state tonight aren’t you?” he muttered to himself.

Five times he’d brought her to the edge and back, she was only just starting to show the signs that she was ready for the big one. Alas though Edward could feel his jaw beginning to ache. As he took a moment he could hear her panting and moaning softly above him. At this point even the slightest touch would send her spiralling over the edge. It was then that an idea occurred to him, he’d been rather enjoying what she had been looking through on that little light box of hers. If he wanted to rock her world then he’d need to bring those fantasies to life. As he shuffled out back from the table he could here Angela desperate groans. His own cock was already throbbing in his pants from eating her out so he certainly needed no warming up for the next stage of his plan. Swiftly he clambered up onto the desk she had been trying to work at. Already he could see that Angela had one of her hands between her legs as she continued her scrolling.

“Bring that cute little mouth here for me…”

For a moment it was like she had heard him, her eyes registered shock as she followed his instruction. In the end though no actually ever responded to him truly. Not that it mattered right now, he’d freed his cock from his pants and waited for her to moan again. Unsurprisingly he didn’t have to wait for long. The moan turned into a muffled gag as his cock slid forwards into her already drooling mouth. The woman really did have a love for this he chuckled to himself. As if to prove his point Angela moaned once more around his cock, her fingers beginning to pleasure herself even faster. With a grin he placed a hand either side of her head to keep her still and began to move his hips. Slowly at first, not just to warm her up but because her mouth felt so warm and tight he didn’t know how long he’d last otherwise. All the while Angela continued to moan and play with herself, her leg had begun shaking under the desk again, her eyes had closed in bliss. Edward increased the pace of his fucking, the both of them moaning in response. Whether she was aware of it or not Angela had begun to press her tongue against the underside of his cock. It felt like heaven on his cock.

“Well I’ll be dammed you must really like this guy,” he muttered between panted breaths.

As though she had heard him Angela started to flicker her tongue back and forth along his cock. Edward let out a low groan. He’d supposed to have been helping her get off to help her focus but at this rate he’d be the one finishing first. His hands gripped her head a little tighter as he tried desperately to make himself last a little longer, slowing his pace until she finished. All in a vain attempt to resist her talented mouth.

It was a good plan, but not one it seemed that Angela approved of.

As he tried to pull back the woman pushed her head forwards, taking his entire length in one go. The sounds of his groans mixed with her gags as she held him there, shaking in his own bliss. With one final moan Edward’s own orgasm overtook him, causing him to pump his load into the beautil woman’s mouth. Clearly this had been exactly what Angela had been waiting for. As soon as he began to cum, Angela started to shake like a leaf. She threw her head back, strands of drool spanning the gap from her lips to his now spent cock. Her whole body shook as the pleasure ravaged her, her moans filling the once silent room. After what felt like a eternity she stopped, slumping forwards in her seat to rest her head in her arms on the next, softly snoozing.

Edward had hung around for a while after Angela had finally had her much needed release. It wasn’t uncommon for her to become sleepy after putting her body through the sheer amount of bliss she required but he still felt a duty of care. Sure enough, after five minutes or so she roused, her hair a mess and sleepy eyed.

“Shit!” she exclaimed as she saw the time on her phone, “what a fucking dream though…”

Edward smiled as he watched her busying herself in her work, her focus having now apparently returned.

## Hecat
The cool water flowed over her bare skin as Hecat pulled herself along underneath its surface. It felt divine, one of the most freeing experiences ever. Before exams she had come down here every morning before the sun rose to swim naked in the pool. It kept her fit whilst clearing her mind for the day. With her tomboyish looks and boundless confidence she spent most of her days, chatting, flirting, enjoying the company of others. This morning routine had always been her alone time and she was glad to be able to start the habit up once more. Each morning she’d roll out of bed, grab only her towel and head downstairs to the pool. She’d never bothered with putting any clothes on, few were awake at this hour and those that were never seemed to mind the sight of her going past. Despite the apparent emptiness of the college though each morning she couldn’t quite shake the feeling that she was being watched. Her brazen exhibitionism, the phantom eyes and the feel of the water against her skin had swiftly caused another facet to develop in her morning habit.

Some alone time.

Hecat grinned as she pushed herself up out of the pool with ease. Feeling watched may have just been a trick of her mind but part of her was tempted to make it a reality. She knew how some of the girls in here looked at her, especially her neighbour Diane. That could certainly be a fun warm up before this weekends big party she mused as she dried her hair. Hecat took a moment to look at herself in the changing room’s mirror. Short black hair, athletic with an ass and back toned by the pool. Diane should be begging *her* to come watch, not the over way around. Still slick with water she threw her towel over her shoulder and headed through the door. Odd though, she hadn’t remembered leaving it open when she entered earlier.

To her secret disappointment no one had spotted Hecat’s commute back to her dorm room. That was until she was just about to push her door open and the sound of someone trying very carefully not to be heard reached her ears. Hecat turned and leaned against her door frame in time to see Diane ducking out of Paula’s room looking flushed pink. Diane was easily the most well built of any of the girls in the college, toned muscle born of hours lifting weights. Hecat had no doubt Diane could snap her in half should she wish. Which is what made it so much more delightful to see just how flustered Hecat made her.

“Hello there Diane, must have been a late night helping Paula study…” she teased, her eyes glinting with mischief.

Diane didn’t seem to know where to look. Her eyes were as wide as a deer caught in the headlights as she tried and failed to not stare at Hecat’s bare body. She stepped forwards, leaning in close to whisper in the shorter girl’s ear.

“Maybe *I* could help you both… Study one day.”

With that Hecat winked at the brightly blushing Diane and slipped into her own room. Now she *really* needed her alone time.

= = =

Edward stood for a moment, almost as dumbfounded as Diane. He and Hecat had experienced a lot of fun togther, with her even returning to locations they had fucked in before. Craving more whether she realised what had happened or not. He would never quite get used to just how fucking sexy her brazen confidence could be. He’d already been turned on watching her ass as she went up the college’s many steep stairs, now though he could feel his cock pressing hard against his pants. Diane was clearly faring just as well, he watched as she stammered something incoherent before rushing into her own room at the other side of Hecat’s. Edward paused for a moment, a choice now presenting itself to him. Should he help Hecat with her morning habit or enjoy the now very flustered Diane? He waited a little longer and sure enough moans had begun to emanate from both of the rooms. With a grin he made his decision and stepped towards Diane’s door.


= = =

*Due to Reddit’s word limits the rest of the story is continued at the following link.*
