That Time I Died and Ended Up in an Afterlife Full of Horny Fantasy Women: Chapter 4

If one were to look at the Faerie Arts Academy from a bird’s eye view, most would immediately recognize the shape. A pentagram. Stone brick walkways made up each of the mystical shape’s lines, including the circling border. Most of the campus’ buildings were inside the central star or alongside the roads. Each of the five triangles were known as the “Spears” and contained all the classrooms and teaching areas, the gaps between the star and the outer circular border were called “Sheilds”; these were where the dormitories were located for the students, and they were surrounded by large and beautiful parks and gardens.

The pentagon shape in the center of the star was the “Core” and it was where many of the administrative or common buildings were. It was in one such building that I now stood. I had decided that the best option for earning experience would be to kill two birds with one stone.

Money wasn’t easy to come by in the academy, everyone got weekly allowances based on their performances during the past seven days. But unless you were the perfect student, these were tiny sums that only allowed for the basic necessities. If a student wanted more money, they’d need to do something extra on their own time.

The easiest and quickest method to earning money was through Quests.

So, it was within the quest hall that I now stood, staring blankly at a huge wall of requests pinned to a corkboard. If I took a quest and completed it, I’d get paid, and I’d get experience. Hopefully enough to level myself up and learn some spells. I hadn’t been allowed to take on any quests in the past week thanks to being jobless, but that was no longer a problem!

What was a problem, unfortunately, was that my job wasn’t exactly well suited to a combat role. I only knew the bare-basics of my new fighting style and my stats… well… they sucked. This wasn’t just because I was level 1, but it was also a factor of my job’s basic stats. The only things that were any good were basically my luck and my MP capacity. My intellect stat was okay, but without any spells to cast it didn’t do me much good in these circumstances.

“Gah,” I sighed, no matter how I looked at it, there was nothing here that I could do easily, not without some offensive or defensive capabilities.

“Hmm,” that’s when I heard a similar unmistakable sound of indecision from nearby.

I turned my head to find another student gazing at the board in contemplation. She was vaguely familiar-looking, not a girl from my class but probably one of the other two classes in my Spear. She was a bombshell, without a doubt though. Blonde hair that was done into a half-knot, letting her long hair spill out behind her head; gorgeous blue eyes that reminded me of a sky during a cloudless summer day; full, pouting lips on a face that was just barely touched with makeup that accentuated her clearly natural beauty; and long, pointed ears that betrayed an elven origin.

Not to mention truly explosive breasts! The jacket and blouse of the FAA’s uniform could barely contain them, they were threatening to burst out at any moment. Her rack was truly mighty, and perhaps one of the largest I’d seen. I needed to associate with this elven beauty in any capacity! Before that I swiftly checked her class information, just so I knew what I was dealing with.

**Evelyn Syridissia, Elf Sorceress Lv. 7**

**Prime Weapon: Staff**

**Magic Schools: Fire, Water**

Level 7? That was on the high end for most students, the majority weren’t even beyond 5. As a level 1 newbie, this was pretty appealing news. And if we wanna talk about firepower, how does literal fire power sound, eh? Fire magic was known far and wide for its offensive capabilities, and though we were both lacking in defenses, the support-centric nature of water magic would help to mitigate that. She was perfect!

“Ah, excuse me!” I said rushing over to her and waving.

She turned to look at me curiously. She blinked a few times in surprise, then got a wide and confident grin. “Ohoho, you must be the male student I’d heard tell of.”

“Murasaki is my name,” I said bowing slightly, though this otherwise respectful gesture was just an excuse to peer down into the tall beauty’s massive top.

“I am Evelyn Syridissia, you may freely call me ‘Lyn’,” she declared. “What business might you have with this illustrious and gifted elven beauty?” Seemed this lady was a little full of herself. That could make things complicated. Ordinarily, people with these kinds of superiority complexes don’t like to work with others. And truly, with both fire and water magic she could probably handle most challenges on her own. Not to mention I was actually useless in a fight.

“Uh, well, I just barely got a job, so I’m at level one and I don’t have any of my good stuff yet. I was wondering if you might be interested in helping a newbie get on his feet, you know?” God, when I was making this request to someone so beautiful, I couldn’t help but feel like I was asking her on a date or something.

She frowned, looking at me carefully, possibly checking my stats to make sure I was being honest… wait, was it bad that people could just see that I was an “Eromancer”? That job name was incredibly suspicious!

“An ‘Eromancer’? I’ve never heard of such a job before.”

“I think it’s a unique one,” I replied, weakly. I remembered from my lessons that every now and again a person in Melfluere will be granted a unique job that nobody else has. Since my job was literally designed on the spot by a drunk goddess, it was unique in nearly every sense of the word. But wait, she was being really casual about her reading of that job name.

“What does it do?” she asked.

I blinked. Did she seriously not understand the inherent pun? I mean, it was a bad pun, sure, but it was also pretty obvious what it was supposed to be playing at. Was there some kind of illusion shenanigans going on with my class so that nobody would ever assume it was dirty?

“It’s uh, kind of like an enchanter but… different.” I replied, noncommittally.

She seemed to accept this. “Ah, then I see. Enchanters do not normally have very powerful magic to begin with and do work better in a group.” She nodded sagely. Then she brought a hand up to her lips and began to laugh in an almost stereotypically self-absorbed manner, “O-hohoho, naturally a member of the inferior human race would flock to perfection seeking aid. And it is the duty of those who are greater to aid those who are weaker. I shall accept your proposal to work together and split the reward!”

I felt insulted but also grateful? What was this feeling? What was this woman? She just destroyed my expectations of her in one fateful blow. Did she really just use her natural inherent superiority as a reason to help instead of just brush me off?

She then pointed at the corkboard, “Very well, we shall take on this quest! It should be a simple matter and will be an excellent first quest for you.” She tore one of the contracts off the wall and handed it to me.

Surrounding the Faerie Arts Academy on all sides was a vast and mystical forest full of all manner of strange creatures. One of those creatures was our current target, one that dropped the item our quest contract called for. So, we were wandering through the wilderness on the prowl.

“I think I see it!” I said, pointing to something across the river. It was basketball-sized mass of jelly, looking like an oversized dewdrop glistening in the light of the setting sun. It was a slime, the classic JRPG monster.

“Firebolt!!” Lyn, my busty blonde elf companion immediately shouted without any hesitation, sending a condensed ball of flaming energy rocketing through the air to strike the unsuspecting blob of gelatin.

It had barely half a second to react, vibrating intensely before the flame struck it and caused it to immediately explode into a rain of slime.

“Jesus, woman, warn a guy next time,” I said, the suddenness of the spell causing me to nearly jump out of my boots.

“O-hohoho that pathetic slime stood absolutely no chance against my brilliance!” Lyn replied, laughing haughtily as she delicately and gracefully skipped across a line of stones leading to the other side of the stream.

I followed her, albeit significantly less gracefully, nearly falling in several times. I was almost positive the only thing that saved me was my high luck stat.

“Victory! now we just need to gather up what’s left. Your first quest has gone smoothly, Murasaki, and it was all thanks to my help.” She vainly chuckled to herself.

By the time I reached the other side of the river, I was able to get a good look at the carnage. Our quest contract called for “blue goo”, a drop from blue slimes. Indeed, tiny, steaming blobs of goo were scattered everywhere along the ground, just begging to be scooped up. I was about to point out that we might have lost some in the river when I realized that the color was all wrong.

“Uh, Lyn? All this goo is green,” I said.

“Is it?” She asked, looking around, genuinely shocked at this development.

“Yeah, this is all green. I think that was a green slime.” Admittedly, I couldn’t tell at a distance thanks to the amber glow of the setting sun throwing everything off-hue, but now that I was this close up it was clear as day. Was she colorblind? I thought elves were supposed to have sharp eyesight, was it even possible for them to be colorblind?

“Oh, a shame. Green goo is basically worthless. May as well carry on then!” Lyn announced cheerfully and then began marching forward again. I sighed and tagged along behind. After a few minutes the energetic elf stopped and pointed toward the forest’s edge, “Oho! Another one!” She then launched yet another firebolt toward the poor creature before I could point out its color was green as well.

Just like the first, this one exploded into green slime that scattered around the trees and splatted into the nearby trees. She had to be colorblind, this time there was no plausible deniability, it was extremely vibrantly green, not blue.

“Ah, that one’s green too, Lyn,” I said, slumping my shoulders.


“Should you really be wasting your MP like this?” I asked, “I mean, if you’re out of mana by the time we find an actual blue one that would be a problem, right?”

“Nonsense! I am the most gifted elven sorceress in Melfluere, I need not worry about such trivial matters as mana. Come, Murasaki, let’s continue onward!”

Seventeen green slimes later…

“Uh, that one is—” BOOM “… *was* green too. Are blue ones really rare or something?” I asked as another torrent of green slimy goop rained down on us.

“Yes,” Lyn said at once, without even a moment of hesitation. The only upside to this reaction was that she thrust her chest out confidently and made her huge shelf of a rack bounce thunderously. Honestly, if not for the amazing view, this woman would have driven me nuts ages ago. She was very perplexing in nearly every way.

A colorblind elf, whose tropish superiority complex actually drove her to be helpful, and also a mage-type who was extremely careless with her MP. I wouldn’t deny that these qualities were starting to grow on me though, and did I mention how much of a bombshell she was? Those curves were the stuff of legend.

“Then we really shouldn’t be blasting first and asking questions later,” I said, exasperated.

“Aha! Another one!” Lyn announced and pointed into a clearing. I braced myself for another blast of fire, but nothing came. It looked like I had finally gotten through to her. But that’s when I noticed the color of the slime she was pointing to. It was basketball-sized like all the rest had been, but this one actually glistened a striking neon blue color. We’d finally found one. A blue slime.

“Finally!” I said. “All right Lyn, give it all you’ve got!”

Lyn just stood there in her confident pose with hands on her hips, looking at it with a smile.

“Uh, Lyn? You can blast this one. You’re supposed to blast this one.”

“I’m out of mana.”

I collapsed onto the ground, the exhaustion of this whole venture finally setting in. What were we supposed to do now?

“Guess I’ll just have to pummel it,” I said, getting ready to test out my newfound martial arts skills.

“No good,” Lyn denied, “slimes are immune to physical attacks. Gotta use magic.”

… Son of a bitch.

“Got anything to recover your mana?” I asked.

She shook her head. “You?”

That’s when I remembered, I actually did have something for this. Just before I had entered the quest hall, I made a quick visit to the bathroom. Since my bodily fluids could be used as a mana restoring potion, I decided that it would be smart to always have an “Erolixir” on hand. Not so I could use it myself, because… well… no thank you, but in case some adorable fellow student needed to slurp down some of my goods to get herself ready and energized again. This was exactly the sort of situation I had prepared for.

So, I furiously masturbated in the bathroom to the memory of what Naomi had done with me and produced some mana potions before heading to the quest board.

“Actually, I do!” I announced happily, and then blushed as I realized what was about to happen. I produced the bottle and handed it to her, “Here, my job lets me craft MP potions,” I said, specifically leaving out how I crafted them and what materials were used.

She took the glass bottle and examined it. The potion bottles in this world were pretty decently sized, one of them being able to contain about half a liter of fluid, I guessed. And in one ejaculation I managed to produce three and a half of those bottles. By the way, the Erolixir power also made my bodily fluids fresh forever, so I wouldn’t have to worry about it going… bad. And frankly that was good because I definitely didn’t want to even imagine what that would be like.

With a thoughtless shrug, Lyn popped the cork of the bottle and began to drink the viscous liquid. I watched as my pearly white spunk slowly but surely emptied from the glass container. I had a boner.

“This stuff tastes really good,” she said, stopping partway through, “but it’s really hard to swallow, very sticky.” In spite of the complaint, she went right back to trying to drink the substance heartily. When she was done, an iridescent flash enveloped the bottle and it was completely sparkling clean, as though it had never been used. I remembered that mage-type classes had a lot of little utility spells like this that made their lives a bit easier, regardless of the magical school they chose to follow. She handed it back to me and I made it vanish into my inventory.

“Much better, my MP has been restored!” she announced, thrusting her breasts out confidently. “Time to meet your doom, blue slime!” With this declaration she launched a firebolt at the half-dome of jelly.

The ball of searing flame struck the creature and… nothing happened. The flame sizzled out harmlessly as soon as it struck. The only effect this blast of arcane fire had was causing the blob of translucent goo to vibrate angrily in place.

“Uh,” I blinked.

“Oh, right. Blue slimes are water-aligned, so they are resistant to fire,” Lyn said, chin in hand. This also meant they were likely immune to water, the other school of magic that Lyn had.

“So, you can’t harm this thing,” I concluded.

“O-hohoho, it appears not!” in spite of her words, she laughed haughtily.

Then the slime lurched toward Lyn in a flash, moving faster than I’d ever expect a slime to move. The sorceress tried to dodge the attack but wasn’t fast enough and the slime attached itself to her arm.

“Aaaah! It feels weird!” She whined as she used her other arm to try and shove it away. The blue slime began to spread itself all over her body. “Help me, Murasaki, it’s going to try to break me down with acid damage!”

That sounded bad. But what was I going to do? I had no spells, my weapon was a martial-arts style, and I was level 1 to boot! I hadn’t even been getting any XP from the numerous green slimes that died on the way here because Lyn had been the one to blast them all away. Wait, if blue slimes were resistant to both of the magic types that Lyn could use, why the hell did she suggest this quest!?

Then it hit me. I had an idea, but I had no clue if it would actually help or not. Still, it was my only option. Let’s see what happens.

“*Paradise Shift*!” I yelled and the scene was suddenly enveloped in a pinkish bright light.

When the light faded, not a whole lot seemed to have changed. It actually took me a few seconds of scanning my surroundings before I noticed that Lyn’s expression was different. Rather than having a look of panic, her face was very lewd. That’s also when I noticed that the parts of her school uniform that the slime was covering was dissolving away. She was going to be nude! My spell turned the blue slime into a pervy slime from fantasy hentai! This was amazing!

“Ah! No! Hnnn, Murasaki… aaa!” Lyn moaned at me, panting quite a bit, “It feels too good… nnn… help me.”

I felt conflicted, on the one hand, I really wanted to help so we could get the quest done… on the other hand, a sexy blonde elf bombshell was being molested by a slime. Also, I wasn’t sure that Paradise Shift had actually made it any easier to kill the thing, so what exactly was I going to do? But if an hour passed and the slime wasn’t dealt with, I’d be right back where I started.

As I tormented myself over the situation, I heard a sudden hissing noise. I looked around, worried it might have been another monster wandering into the scene, but then I noticed a plume of vapor rising up from the slime that was engulfing Lyn’s sexy body. Specifically, it rose from a spot on her chin. The rest of the slime body seemed to vibrate in a way that was reminiscent of pain. Something on her chin just hurt it? What on earth could it have been?

I was going to guess it was her saliva, but then as if to completely shatter that idea, the slime formed a pseudopod of a very specifically male shape and plunged it into the elf’s mouth.

“Mmmph!!” she moaned into the semi-tendril being forced into her mouth. Once again, plumes of steam rose up from the tendril and whole gelatinous mass vibrated, but only briefly. By now, her entire uniform was gone, and she was standing with her thighs tightly together and completely nude. Her sexy pink nipples were totally visible to me.

Seeing this vaguely half-liquid creature force itself into Lyn’s mouth reminded me of the erolixir she drank moments ago. Then I understood. I knew what had caused the slime to recoil in pain, and it was a substance only I could produce. I considered just grabbing one of the other potions in my inventory and splashing it on the creature, but where was the fun in that?

Paradise Shift just gave me an excuse to shoot my own goo all over this sexy elf woman. Thanks erotic magic! Without any more delay, I wrenched down my pants and began furiously jerking off to the scene in front of me.

“Mmmph! Bllg! Bleh!” through some miracle, Lyn managed to force the pseudopod out of her mouth. “What are you—aaahn—doing Murasaki? There’s a time and place, you know! Haahhh!” Her words held some urgency, but they were interrupted by deep and satisfied moans at several intervals. It was easy to understand why, there was a strange vibration coming from the slime around her nipples. Man, slimes were awesome!

“Sperm dissolves it,” I boldly declared, “so in order to save you, I must do that which only a man can do… and some very specific sorts of ladies… and some other varieties of people… but I am a man, and I’m the only one here right now, so it must be me!”

It seemed like Lyn wanted to respond, but the manhood-shaped tendril reintroduced itself to her mouth, and I could even see a bulge at her neck as it deepthroated her. I couldn’t help but imagine my own cock causing that bulge, and it definitely helped urge me toward a satisfying conclusion. Then I saw Lyn’s legs get forcibly opened, and parts of the slime drooped down to cover her groin.

It was at this point that I noticed something stuck to Lyn’s privates. At first, I had thought it was just a remnant of her underwear that hadn’t been fully dissolved yet, but I now realized it was a pure white rectangle of skintight material stuck to her crotch and completely covering her vagina. In spite of this, the skintight nature meant I could see her ladybits in surprising detail. I wondered what that was and why the slime wasn’t dissolving it.

I had more important things to worry about at the moment, however, so I continued furiously cranking my rod to the sight before me. The air was filled with muffled moans and wet slaps as the slime violated Lyn’s mouth and vibrated her nipples and now her groin. There was a distinctive smell of sweat and heated sweetness in the air wafting from the elf, and that was doing its part to contribute to my impending climax too. It was such a wonderful and erotic scent.

“It’s coming!” I shouted and felt a wave of pleasure shoot through my body, somehow even greater than the sensation I felt in the bathroom earlier. I supposed that having an actual stimulus besides just a memory helped urge an even more powerful climax out of me. Either that or it was a result of the Paradise Shift. One way or the other, I began launching my thick ropes of pearly white cum directly into the jiggling mass of neon blue.

Immediately, plumes of vapor rose up from the creature where the sperm made contact, and it jiggled all over. Interestingly, Lyn’s moans became louder as well. Each long spurt of spunk splattered against the slime, and I noticed it begin to lose its overall cohesion.

“Ah, its working!” I announced in a strained voice, shooting another long line into the mass of blue. I couldn’t help but feel like I was dumping my load directly onto Lyn, and the idea of unloading myself on such a hot elf babe drove a few more lengthy spurts out of me.

By the time my ejaculation finally came to an end, the blue slime had become lifeless piles of blue goo. Without hesitation, worried that something else might go wrong before I got the chance, I quickly set about gathering up all of the goo that I could into my inventory. Lyn began to do the same, gathering up any of the goo that was still stuck to her body.

“Haha! We did it!” I said, grinning.

“O-hohoho, yes, we made an invaluable team!” Lyn declared, standing up boldly in spite of her nudity. Her breasts bounced madly at her exaggerated gesturing as she laughed into the back of her hand.

Instead of replying, I simply planted my face into my palm and sighed. I decided to let her have that one, the only reason this mission had been so troublesome was because of her, and she really didn’t do a whole lot to destroy the slime, unless serving as a visual aid counted.

In that moment, I heard her scream. When I looked up, concerned, I saw that another three blue slimes descended upon her. Oh, that was an interesting development. I suppose the hour-long duration wasn’t up yet. I shrugged and began stroking myself again.

In the end, I destroyed seven more slimes before Paradise Shift wore off.


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