Breakfast and Desert Pt. 4

…I’m awaken by the familiar sound of “ding” someone is texting me but I’m afraid to open my eyes, what if it was all a dream?

Then I hear the shower running and realize it wasn’t a dream, I open my eyes and reach for my phone, but it’s not there, then I hear it again “ding” I remember my phone is in my pants in the living room where I left them, the sound is coming from Amy’s purse it must be her phone.

I then realize that she’s in the shower so jump out of bed to join her. I walk in the bathroom it’s nice and steamy, just the way I like it.

“Care if I join you?”

“It’s your shower, but yes I was hoping you would” She answers.

I grab the shampoo put a squirt in my hand and start washing her hair, we completely wash each other from top to bottom, hands sliding all over each others naked bodies. Amy turns to me faces me and kisses me our naked wet bodies pressed against each other, our hands roaming all over each other.

We stay like this for quite some while till we run out of hot water, we jump out of the shower, I grab us some towels and we dry each other off.

As we walk back into my bedroom we both hear her phone “ding”. “I think someone is trying to get ahold of you” I say, overstating the obvious.

“It’s Suzy” Amy replies.

“Who’s Suzy?” I ask.

“Sorry, you call her Sue, I’m probably the only person that calls her Suzy other than her mom.”

“Rod, I have a little confession to make, Suzy and I are old college roommates that’s how I got the job at the restaurant.” “She told me all about her regulars, and when she talked about you I became intrigued”.

“She told me about your divorce and the hard time you’ve been having, I went through something similar a few years ago so I know how hard it can be.”


“I’m supposed to be meeting her for dinner tonight. She’s asking how my first day went. I’m gonna tell her it was amazing!”

Amy gives me a sweet soft kiss grabs my cock and gives a playful squeeze, “maybe I’ll tell her it was really hard instead.” She giggles, “Will I see you at breakfast in the morning?”

“Of course” I say as i give her a playful pat on her ass.

The next two weeks went by so fast, I’d go to breakfast come home do some work then Amy would come over after her shift, we’d fuck like rabbits. I’d finish my work while she napped, we’d shower eat dinner then spend the evening together.

Jessica joined us one other time before she went back to school to finish her Masters, this time she tied Amy to the bed and sat on her face while I fucked her, then Jessica ate Amy out while I fucked her doggy style from behind.

The next morning at the restaurant Amy was obviously upset, which made me worry.

“Good morning” I said as I sat at my usual booth. “What’s wrong Amy. it seems like somethings bothering you?”

“It’s Suzy, I’m worried about her and the baby.”

“Are they ok?”

“Yes and no, she’s a week overdue, if she doesn’t have the baby by Monday they’re gonna have to do a c-section. She’s tried almost all the old wives tales to induce labor but no luck.”

“We’ll which one hasn’t she tried? She should maybe try those, who knows it might work.”

A few minutes later she brings me my omelet, obviously even more upset. “What’s wrong?”

“Suzy said she’s tried everything except having sex, and that her husband won’t do that, he’s ‘afraid’ he’d hurt the baby or some b.s.”

“She said she overheard him talking to a friend and that he hates how her body looks pregnant, and how it repulses him.”

“What a total asshole” I say. “Sue is a beautiful woman, her husband is fucking moron she’s one of the sexiest pregnant women I’ve ever seen.”

Any totally agrees. “Maybe I’ll go get my strap-on and fuck her for him. That little piece of shit doesn’t deserve her anyway.”

“Fuck that would be a sight to see can I watch?” I say with a chuckle. Any shoots me a sideways grin “you wish” She says. then runs off to take care of another table. I finish my breakfast, pay my bill, “Will I see you later?” I ask.

“Of course Rod,” She blows me a kiss, and gives me a wink as I’m walking out the door.

End of part 4
