My best friend is into me? M/F/30

My best friend is into me?

This girl has been my best friend for about 7 years, most of our interactions have been online messaging eachother back and forth keeping close contact. We also play lots of video games and share memes constantly. I can’t help but fantasize about her and what I’d do given the opportunity.

“Hey, lets grab a coffee?” my phone lights up with the new message on my screen. I am caught offguard cause this beautiful person lives out of town. We are close friends but our relationship is almost entirely online, I’d driven a few hours to go and visit her in the past.

“Of course!” I reply.

“Okay meet me at Mean Beans?”


I send the text and put my phone in my pocket, grab my keys and wallet I then make my way to the door slipping my shoes on one at a time. Trying to remain calm and not overthink as I am prone to. Taking one last look at myself inthe mirror by my door slipping on my sunglasses and giving myself a cheesey smile, I cringe to myself and head out the door.

In the elevator down to my car I get a notification on my phone of media from Sam, I open to reveal a top down selfie from her. she is wearing a low cut black and yellow sundress that seems to be struggling to contain her cleavage. She is a small woman standing at 5 foot 2 and a half but she has an enormous chest for her size. I tower over her at 6 foot 3 and usually give her shit about her height. She likes to comment on my height and ask me to reach things whenever I come by to visit.

I crawl into my vehicle and make my way to the coffee shop we agreed upon. Listening to some heavy bass music on the way as is my habit.

I arrive at the coffee shop and see her standing out front expectantly, observing each car that passes keeping an eye out. Her eyes light up and her posture changes when she notices my car and she brings her hand to her shoulder for a very adorable wave. I return with a nod of my head as I turn into the parking lot. Turning off my engine and gathering my wallet I take a peek at my rear view mirror to make sure I don’t look any more ridiculous than usual and get out of the car.

She is waiting right outside my door after quickly shuffling over to my car and hardly lets me get out of the car before jumping on me giving me a playful hug.

“Hey” I say softly embracing her and holding the back of her head with my hand.

I grab her shoulders and push her back and smile

“What are you doing around here?!” I ask

“Oh, just in the area and was thinking of how much I missed you, so I had to see you.”

“Its my lucky day then! I missed you too!” I reach in for another large hug trying not to crush her tiny body in my large arms.

After our greeting we head inside to place our order then return to my vehicle.

“Nice car! When did you get this?”

“Last month! I told you all about it.” I replied.

“Yeah sorry, I have been taking a break from social media.”

“That would explain why I haven’t heard from you in a while.”

I buckle my seat belt and look over to make sure she does the same.

I notice the seatbelt separating her large breasts as it slides over to meet the buckle. I notice her hair playfully falling from her shoulder and her lips shining from lip-gloss and her eyes… staring right into mine.

I nervously break eye contact realizing I was just staring at her body and obviously checking her out.

“uhh, you look great.” I nervously say to my window, avoiding eye contact.

“Its okay you dork, I was hoping you would notice” she says while punching my arm.

“What you didn’t get all dressed up for little ol’ me did you?”

I chuckle while turning back towards her to meet her gaze, but her demeanor has changed. she looks more serious and intent on something.

“You know… I’ve uhh been thinking of you lots lately” she says while playing with her hair and nervously looking away.

“Oh really?” I ask while backing out of my parking spot.

“Yeah. We never really get to spend much time together, so I haven’t really spoken to you about it”

I drive down the road and head towards the beach to the spot I normally enjoy smoking weed and drinking coffee while looking at the lake.

She continues “I’ve been watching your progress in fitness. You have come a long way and… you too look great” she says to her window, watching everything speed by as we make our way downtown.

“Well thank you. That means so much coming from you!” I nervously shout over the slightly loud song that started playing.

I pull into the parking stall at the lake overlooking the beach covered with people soaking up sun and splashing in the water. It’s a beautiful day outside and the wind is flowing through my now open window.

We sit there and catch up for a while talking about the new vehicle, work, and video games as we both share a passion. After finishing our coffee, we head back to the vehicle.

“So, now what?”

I ask while playfully bumping her with my hip slightly pushing her off balance.

“How about we just drive around and find somewhere else to talk?” she says trying to kick my butt with her short legs but failing.

I crawl back into the car and watch her enter, she lifts her leg and the wind catches her skirt and time slows. the sound fades from my ears and all I can focus on is the small black thong that struggled to cover her from what I only previously imagined, perfect pussy. It is right there, just behind a thin layer of fabric and forever burned into my eyes. I feel the blood rush to my groin and I look away as she pushes her skirt down and sits in the car with a blush on her face.

We remain quiet for a little while and I drive to another spot that I remembered up on a hill on the east of town overlooking the lake from a higher vantage point. There is an alley way that has a nice view overlooking the lake between two apartment buildings. I pull into the alley and park the car and turn the engine off leaving the music playing.

I unbuckle my seatbelt and get comfortable in the car and play with my phone for a moment changing the song. I notice she has been quite quiet and I look up from my phone and notice her looking at me again. With that same look in her eye, almost daring me. wanting me to do or say something. I lock my phone and place it back down and clear my throat.

“What’s up?”

“I would like to try something with you” she says looking away nervously.

“What’s that?” I ask playfully, expecting something fun or game related

“I’ve always wanted to, but you’ve never tried so I’m worried it’s a bad idea”

“What is this about?”

“Will you kiss me?” she says expressively like a weight has lifted off her shoulders.

I gasp and try to find words to say. “uhm… I … well…. of course!” I say after she starts to question herself.

She shifts from nervous to almost excited. “Really?” she asked.

“I uhh… I have wanted to for a long time.”

“Well why haven’t you!?” she yells while punching my arm again.

“You are like… WAY out of my league.” I say while laughing.

“I thought you didn’t like me like that.”

“That is absolutely not the case.” I say grabbing her hand in mine.

The air leaves the vehicle. the music still thumping rhythmically.

I can hear my heartbeat alongside the bass.

I slowly lean in and feel my throat tense and begin to close. My heart thumps in my chest and time stands still.

“Holy shit this is happening” I think to myself.

She starts to lean forward our eyes locked together. Her beautiful blue eyes looking right through me. in a way she has never looked at me before. Her soft lips meet mine and we hold there for a moment breathing each other in before our tongues meet and start to swirl and dance between our meeting mouths.

We kiss there for a while with the sound of the city surrounding us and vehicles driving past us in the alley.

My hands slowly find their way to her body and hers to mine. I gently follow her arms up to her shoulders and my hand caresses her face and I run my hands through her hair.

She feels my chest and collarbone while her other hand unfastens her seatbelt. We adjust our setting and she sits almost on my lap feeling my chest and reaching under my shirt my hands explore her body feeling her back and hips. feeling her ribs and small frame in my arms, I feel like I’m going to faint. My heart is beating out of my chest as we heat the air in this car breathing each other in passionately kissing while struggling to get our hands on each other in the awkward situation of the vehicle.

I enter the bottom of her sundress feeling her legs and slowly raising my hands higher and higher up her thigh and to her hip feeling the string of the thong that was exposed to me just moments before. I roll the string in my fingers playfully before continuing along her skin up her ribs. Meanwhile she plays with my hair and her fingers enter my belt line of my jeans, she runs her hands left and right along my belt line feeling my boxers and skin meet. I feel my throbbing dick poking her in the thigh as she is practically sitting right on it.

she shifts her position and starts playing with the button of my jeans and playfully makes eye contact with me while biting her lip. her eyebrows raise curiously as she starts undoing my pants revealing my throbbing boxers underneath. I gulp and let it happen as she slowly pulls my boxers down revealing my shaft. slowly pulling the boxers down until my cock springs out and almost catches her by surprise.

“Whoa” she says looking at my cock for the first time, studying it.

I nervously try and cover it and giggle, and she says “No.” and reaches out and wraps her hand around it.

My cock throbbed in her hands as I muttered to her “a-a-are you sure about this?”

“Yeah.” She says calmly, “I’ve wanted this for a while now.”

She starts stroking my cock gently with her small soft hands. I lean back in my chair and press my head into the seat, I’ve dreamt of this moment many times and all the things I’d do in this situation. But in this moment, all I could do was sit there and probably make a stupid face.

I’d completely forget that we are sitting in an alley off of a busy street if it weren’t for the occasional honk and vehicle driving by the end of the alley causing me to get nervous and thrust my hips forcing my cock further into her mouth causing her to let out a cute moan and gag sound.

I’ve never had this feeling before. I could die right now happily the sound of slurping and the thumping of the bass the feeling of her soft hair running through my hands and her lips wrapped around my cock. I’m not sure how much longer I can last. It has been years since I’ve had any human contact, I’m impressed I’m lasting this long.

I reach down and pull her sundress down exposing her breasts. They are even more perfect that I could have imagined. I reach and play with her nipples and grab a nice handful of her while she moans and reacts to my touch.

She gyrates her head while moving it up and down with great skill I never expected from her. She starts using two hands on the shaft and focusing her mouth on the head of my cock popping it out of her mouth like a loli pop and smiling up at me.

My other hand explores her ass and legs feeling under her dress. Cupping her ass and slowly reaching and groping her pussy through her thong i listen to her gently moan and press her hips into my hand.

“Oh fuck” I mutter while grabbing a handful of her hair and matching the rhythm of her head with my arm assisting her in the movement.

“Mhhmmm” she mutters and moans while slurping me down.

my legs start to get weak; I start to feel lightheaded.

“I’m gunna.. ” I start to say.

She then switches up and goes back to one hand and deep throats my cock and holds her head at the base of my shaft and the entirety of my cock in her throat. “UH FUCK” i yell out over the thumping music and shoot a load in her throat. “MHMMMM” she moans as i fill her throat with my cum.

“Holy fuck” i moan and gyrate my hips while she slurps up anything that remains.

She giggles and says “I’ve always wanted to do that.”

in complete shock leaning back in my now reclined seat looking at my long-time crush who just drank my cum.

“I … uh…. you… just…. whoah…” I struggle to find words.

Haha “You’re welcome” she completes my thought and starts to clean herself up.

“THANK YOU” I cry out trying to make her smile or laugh.

She giggles and helps me cover my member.

We start the car and slowly back down the alley. She places her hand on my thigh and looks out the window.

“How about we go back to my place?” I suggest while driving out of the alley.

“I’d like that” she says, while tightening her grip on my thigh.


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