My friend from night school and I relieve each other’s boredom and loneliness before class. Chapter 1 (M/F 25) (Masturbation) (Blowjob) (Slow build)

After college, I worked at my first real job for several years and they started a program that would pay for university courses, so I decided to enroll in a Master’s degree program at night. I was 25 years old and I lived in the city, but worked out in a far away suburb. Really, you might call it an exurb. The area was dotted with tech companies, but still had farm fields. So, the landscape was a huge highway, farmland on either side, and occasional, brand new, enormous office buildings. There were a few strip malls, but it was not like a typical American suburb with tons of strip malls. There were just a few scattered about with empty fields and forest between them.

My employer’s building was surrounded by woods on three sides and had a farm field across the road, so I could look out the windows and daydream about being in the outdoors. The building had originally been built for a large tech company, but they downsized that location. So, my small startup was occupying about 1/8th of the building and the rest was empty. There was an almost eerie, lonely feeling in the lobby area, which was dimly lit other than natural light. My company was also occupying more space than it needed and I spent large parts of the day completely alone in empty areas. The building was so empty, I daydreamed about being there in a zombie apocalypse, because that is what it often felt like anyway. The Master’s program I was enrolled in, was an extension of a university, not the main campus, so there was just a little cluster of boring office buildings, as the “campus.” There were vast parking lots for the student parking and other than that, it was surrounded by farm fields.

I typically left my apartment early in the morning and drove to work, since there was no mass transportation to get out that far. I had a reverse commute, so even though I traveled far, it did not take too long, just cruising on highway, watching the cityscape become suburbs and then farmland. I often daydreamed of just continuing to drive on that highway, farther off until it became even less populated and eventually wilderness. Okay, I imagined that every single morning, as I drove to work. One morning, I actually drove past my exit, living out my fantasy briefly, until I snapped back into reality and exited at the next exit to get to work. It was a beautiful few minutes of escapism though.

I typically worked a normal 8 hour day and then had about one or two hours to kill before classes started. There really was not much to do in this area, so sometimes, I just hung out at work or went to one of the few chain restaurants for dinner. But most times, I would just go park in one of the huge parking lots at the university campus and sit in my car. I would usually just eat some dinner that I brought and maybe listen to the radio and read a book.

It made for pretty long, boring days. Usually, on days that I had class, I would leave my apartment at 7am and get home after 11pm. In the summer, there was a uniquely lonely feeling about sitting in my car, having dinner alone with the sun still up. There were fewer students and fewer classes during the summer months, so the campus was even quieter than normal. This was not like a lively undergraduate university – it was for working adults and, as such, it was not designed for fun.

It was mostly the same people for those couple of years that it took to complete the program, so I made a few “friends.” I could tell who my people were – the ones that rolled their eyes if the professor mentioned a group project, the ones who bolted the second a professor ended class. There were four of us, who would do group projects together to avoid the over eager ones. We would not even meet in person about group projects – we just trusted each other to do our individual sections. The four of us all excelled in the program, because we worked directly in the same field. When someone else asked to join our group, we gave them a hard “no thanks.” Very rarely, we went somewhere for beers after class, usually only if we were let out of class early for some reason. I could count on one hand the number of times that happened.

I apologize that none of that is even slightly erotic, but I just wanted to convey the mood. Both my mood at the time and the general sort of boring efficiency of our lives and “friendships” in this program. The person I became the closest to, was an attractive girl my age. The girl’s name was Phoebe and she had long, dark, brown hair, brown eyes and she was tall and thin, with angular facial features. I had a little bit of a crush on her, but honestly I emphasize the word little, because I knew almost nothing about her other than where she worked and that she lived with her parents. She just happened to be the most attractive girl in the program and we were sort of friends or maybe something slightly less than that. We had taken every single class in the program together.

When we did hang out before class or during the break from class, we usually just complained about class or work or the fact that all we did was go to class and work. We had a lot of reading and writing assignments and given our long weekdays, that meant that a lot of the weekend was eaten up with that. We were in all of the same classes from the beginning of the program, so we were always there at the same time. I noticed that she started parking her car near mine in the vast parking lot on campus.

There were tons of empty spaces and I parked far from the building, so that I could be in the shade of a tree while the sun was still up. I also did not want to park close to the building, lest some annoying person decide they should talk to me. We would both sit, eating our dinners, in our separate cars, and then at the same time, walk up to class, chatting along the way. It was really funny. I would finish my sad tupperware dinner, grab my things and walk over to her car. She would get out and we would chat on the way in. Or, sometimes she would finish and come over to my car, so we could walk together to class. At 10:30 at night, when class ended, I would walk her to her car on the way to my car.

We did that for a couple of semesters. I had some girls that I was FWBs with during that time, and I know she saw various guys, but neither of us had serious relationships. There was really no time for that. One nice summer night, I was sitting in my car, having my dinner, the sun was still quite high in the sky and Phoebe walked up to my car carrying her lunch bag. My window was already down to enjoy the nice respite from air conditioning, so she walked up and said, “Can I join you?” with a half smirk on her face and a shrug.

“Sure, it’s unlocked.” Phoebe went around to the passenger side and sat down to start eating her dinner.

She sighed and said, “It’s so depressing doing this in the summer. The sun is just coming up when I get to work. We eat dinner in this sad parking lot. There’s like fucking tumbleweeds around campus it’s so dead. When we are done with class it’s dark out. This is getting to me.”

“I know. I feel like the summer semesters are harder than winter even. At least in winter it’s dark out anyway. But you know that right now, our friends are out having happy hour on some bar patio or playing in a kickball league or anything other than going into that fucking cold building.” The building was pretty new and just very boring. It looked like any office building, nothing interesting at all about the architecture or the interior. The interior had that industrial, thin grey carpet. There was a tiny “cafe” in the lobby that was way too brightly lit and sold shitty coffee, premade sandwiches and salads, and stale desserts. There were some gray cubicles available for studying. It might as well have been an office building.

We bitched some more and ate our dinners, then went off to class. The next night, she just automatically came to my car and did not ask, but just sat down in the passenger seat.

She let out a heavy sigh and said, “Here we are again.” She looked at her sandwich and just kind of put it away. “I don’t even feel like eating this fucking sandwich.”

“At least it’s Thursday.” We did not have class on Friday nights, so this was Friday for us. We sat there quietly for a bit. I put away the remnants of my dinner. There was no tension in the car. Just two friends, friends seems to strong a word, acquaintances hanging out together. I would say we had that exhausted confidence of just not giving a fuck anymore, so we were completely comfortable together. It was a sort of intimacy that was strange, since we had known each other more than a year and knew almost nothing about each other’s personal lives. It was like we wanted to keep our real, personal lives totally locked away from this boring parallel universe of work and school. We worked, we studied, who has time to worry about what anyone thinks.

Out of the silence, she said, “Do you want to make out?” It was funny how she said it, not at all timid and just sort of deadpan. Like, she was really just so bored, she wanted to make out. And, she was attractive enough, that I am sure she knew I would not say no to that.

I shrugged and said, “sure.” We made out with me in the driver’s seat and her in the passenger’s seat. We just started kissing and it was nice. Just some nice, soft kisses on the lips, at first, but then I felt her tongue dart in my mouth, as we got more into it. We just kissed for a long time.

She stopped kissing me and looked around the mostly empty parking lot, “Do you like blowjobs?”

“uhhhh…yes, yes I do,” I said awkwardly while looking at her. She still had a sort of blank expression. She did not give a flirty smile or look nervous at all.

“Unzip your pants.” I unzipped my pants and pulled them and my underwear down slightly to release my boner. I was already hard from kissing her and her telling me to unzip my pants really made me hard. She reached over and grabbed my dick, stroking it, as she looked around the parking lot. Then, she leaned over licked around the head of my penis and then put it in her mouth. Her head bobbed up and down on my dick and she sometimes twisted her head as she pulled her mouth up. She was using her hand too. I could tell she liked sucking dick, she was taking her time and I enjoyed the feeling of her lips as they moved up and down my shaft. I was making short, quick exhale noises from the pleasure of her warm, wet mouth.

After she sucked me and stroked me, edging me for a long time, I said, “Phoebe…I’m about to cum…” and she just bobbed her head a little faster and sucked aggressively, as I came in her mouth. She kept sucking for a bit to make sure she got all of it and then slowly pulled her lips off my dick. I was sitting there breathing heavy for a second and kind of in shock. She pointed at a coke can in my cup holder and said, “Can I have a sip?”

I just nodded yes and she took a drink from the can. Then, she pulled down the sun visor on her side of the car to look at herself in the mirror and sort of wiped around her mouth with a napkin from her lunch bag. It was time for class. We got out of my car, stopped at her car to grab her things, and then chatted about work and class, like the blowjob never happened.

When class ended that night, we walked out to the parking lot together, as usual. I was not sure if I was supposed to hug her or kiss or something. I really did not get what had happened in the car before class. I had hooked up with girls before and had FWBs, but this was very different circumstances. And yet, I had this vibe from her, that all she wanted was the kissing and blowjob before class and that now, we were back to normal. So I just said, “goodnight,” as she climbed in her car and she replied the same and waved to me, the same as always.

The next night was Friday night and we did not have class. I lived alone in my apartment in the city and I had a lot of reading for class, so I holed up in my apartment to study. My mind kept wandering to that blowjob, but I did not want to masturbate. It was too easy living alone, to just go down a rabbit hole of masturbation. No, I decided to save it. I was hopeful that she would blow me again next week. So, I went outside for a run to distract myself. At night, I went out with friends. I threw myself into anything to keep myself from masturbating. I allowed myself a few strokes in the shower, when I accidentally got hard, but stopped short of cumming.

Monday, we were right back to the grind. So, I pulled into the parking lot, as usual. It was a really hot evening, but I had been in very cold air conditioning all day and was about to head into a cold, soulless building for the night, so I sat with my windows down, just feeling the heat. Phoebe pulled up after me and walked over to my car with her dinner. We sat, eating dinner together and chatting about work and school.

I said, “Did you do the homework?”


“I finished it at work. My employer does not care if I do homework during the day.”

“Me too.”

We finished our food. She leaned over and used her hand to turn my head to face her and just started making out with me. It was really pleasant. There was something strange about it though, like we both enjoyed it, but it was not like making out with someone you love, it was just this nice thing we were doing together. Since I had not masturbated all weekend, I had a raging boner, as soon as we started kissing. She stopped kissing me after awhile and moved her hands to start unbuttoning and unzipping my jeans, while looking down at my crotch. I helped her shove my pants down, so that my boner was accessible and she went right down on it.

I leaned my seat back, so I could see my dick come in and out of her mouth, as she sucked me. I held back for a long time, until I said, “I’m about to cum…” and she sucked it faster, then I exploded in her mouth. She swallowed it, but she struggled slightly, as she sat up with a mouthful of cum. She grabbed my beverage to quickly wash it down and laughed a little as she said, “that was a lot of cum.” Phoebe once again, pulled down the sun visor on her side of the car, to wipe around her mouth with a napkin. We went into class together. I couldn’t help but look at her face every now and again, looking at her pretty mouth and imagining my dick between her lips. I walked her to her car after class, and we just said goodbye as always.

The next day, I was at work and it was the end of the day. It was a nice, summer evening, so my coworkers all left early and I was going to lock up, before heading to class. I went to use the bathroom and as I washed my hands, looking in the mirror, I smirked a little, thinking about the blowjob I hoped I was going to get that evening. I decided to wash my dick in the bathroom sink. It seemed that Phoebe was happy with my dick, but I thought it would be nice to get it all fresh and clean. So, I pulled down my pants and soaped up my dick. Of course, that made my dick slippery and I got hard. I couldn’t help but stroke it a few times. I liked seeing my own hard dick in the mirror. But, I did not want to jerk off, so I just stroked it a few times, rinsed the soap off and then tucked it back into my pants, laughing a little to myself at the obvious erection in my pants.

There was no one around, so I set the alarm on the building and walked to my car, with my dick poking the crotch of my pants out. I pulled into my usual parking space in the shade and got my dinner out. It occurred to me that it might be funny, if I just had my dick out waiting for Phoebe. So, I pulled out my boner and covered it with my lunch bag. Phoebe came along soon after, and as soon as she sat down, I casually moved the bag out of the way, so she could see my erection. She looked down, laughed a little, and then said, “Sorry, I got a filling today, my mouth is still numb,” and she had that funny sound in her voice from her numb tongue and cheek.

I was embarrassed and said, “I’m sorry. I feel like kind of an asshole for assuming we would…you know…”

“Don’t worry about it…I would have.” She paused and then said, “You can jerk off, if you want.”

I hesitated. Here we were, in broad daylight, in a parking lot. I laughed nervously a little and then thought, “fuck it,” and I started jerking off. I saw her stare at my dick, as I stroked it. Then she leaned the passenger seat way back. She was wearing white denim shorts and her long, thin legs looked great. She unbuttoned and unzipped her shorts, and then she shoved her hand down into her panties and started masturbating too.

It was so hot. I was watching, as her hand moved under her panties, moving faster as she was getting closer to orgasm. She was staring at my dick, as I was stroking it. I held back from cumming for a long time. I think we masturbated for about 30 mins. I wanted to see her cum first. She finally started whimpering a little from her own hand movements. Her hand had pushed down the front of her panties, so that I got a little peek at her manicured little patch of bush.

I grabbed a napkin and shot a load of cum into it. She groaned in pleasure and squeezed her hand between her legs, as she watched me jerk my thick, white cum into the napkin. I cleaned up my cum and she pulled her hand out of her pants. I leaned over and placed my hand just above her panties, on her soft, flat abdomen. I slowly moved my hand down below the waistline of the front panel. I felt her soft little patch of neatly manicure bush, just above her vulva. I moved my hand further down and inserted my middle finger into her soaking wet vagina. She made a slight moan into my mouth, as my finger went in.

I pulled my fingered her for a bit and used my thumb on her swollen clit at the same time. She was making more noises and she stopped kissing me to breathe in and out a little heavier. I looked down at her as she bit her lower lip, then opened her mouth, as I continued touching her. She had another orgasm with my hand down there, as I pulled my middle finger out and rubbed her slippery, swollen clit. I reluctantly took my hand out of her pants. We both zipped up our pants and rearranged ourselves.

We stopped by her car to pick up her things for class and we walked in talking about a journal article we had been assigned for class. As I sat next to her in class, I kept staring at her long, thin legs. I wanted them spread wide, so I could eat her out. I was sniffing my fingers that had been in her pussy, as I pretended to just be holding a pen up to mouth. Really, I was putting my fingers near my nose, so that I could smell her scent and imagine licking her pussy.


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