EST: The Outlaw Chapter 2 Highway Men Part 2 of 2 (MF FF Violence)

make some space between my mouth and her cunt. “Ah Eva, Eva.. Eva…” the whisper that came out of my mouth never seemed to move. Exhaling my warm breath on her pussy, watching as once again her tremors trembled her pristine stomach.

“Ahh, away with you and your blaspheme mouth of tender O’s” sliding this between my short breaths and crippling O’s. If there is one thing that Blake can do, well besides me. That would be turning oral sex into one of the most incredible things in the fucking world. I have been to Europe, the middle east, all over the Americas and she has each and every culture beat hands down. I bet she could even blow the chrome off of the Silver Dollar Gambling Saloon. Butt now after what she just gave me! “Ooooh, fuck Blake” yes I broke this daisy chain or I would have been passed out just from the excitement and those wonderful orgasms. “OooohOooohOooohOoooh yesssssssss” cracking my eyes open after that delayed O. Looking at Blake, nostrils flared, “Damn you Blake, Ooo, damn you…” Shuttering from all of this fun, from each and every orgasm I have given.
As I lay down under the bison hide. I raised one end and invited Blake to snuggle with me. Knowing that Marie would take up my back so I would not have to feel the silver tongued fox of the Baja.

Waking before dawn is a thing. Butt with us, Marie, Eva and myself this day called for more than chores of the everyday life. “Today we shall reach our brothers and sisters of the Cherokee Nation” I told my traveling companions. Leaning down so I could hug my horse around the neck. Whispering, “Thank you for your help in our time of need.”
By the time the star had risen we had crossed the halfway point in today’s journey. Butt I was getting an uneasy feeling about what lies ahead. Hoping off of my mount so I could peer down to the cattle trail. Reading the signs on the ground, feeling my stomach going tight. I turned back to my small party and said, “If we continue this way somehow the law is waiting for us before we can get into the Cherokee lands.” Holding my head down I continued, “We could try or” nodding towards no man’s land, “we could always go that way.” Leaving this up for a vote. Knowing that I will and would put my life on the line for these ladies.

This only took a second for me to think. “No Man’s Land it is” looking towards Eva.

Hearing this from my companion only to second her in this cause. “No Man’s Land” I said. Don’t get us wrong we are ladies butt ladies with attitude. Patting my “new” Winchester lever action rifle. These steel creations might be man’s design butt they have played right into our hands all along with ranged combat.

“Agreed then” as I mounted my mare once again. We rode for the border, kicking up all the dust from this entire plane it seemed as we changed course. The three of us, all women riding harder than any man would ever know. Stopping only for a spell so our horses could rest and drink along the last Kansas side river.
Scouting ahead seemed like the right thing to do. After all we were heading into the no man’s land. A stretch of land filled with brigands and bandits. With only three of us though our options were limited. Though a shooting of any of us would seem wrong seeing as how our “trade” is in high demand. What do I mean by our trade? Cooking, cleaning, mending and let us not forget sex. After all sticking your cock into another man’s ass seems all fine and well until you are ousted for being queer.

Following an old riverbed, one that has not seen rain in a few seasons. Now that we have crossed the border into this world. A place that looked like some other worldly place where the green had fallen away to the brown of death. Where even the wind speaks of ill omens while rustling the dried foliage. My horse, barely two winters old started to fidget. With each step further into this new environment I could tell something was about to happen. Patting her on the neck, trying to put her at ease when I heard a single pebble tumble down from above.
Before I could think or speak, the terrain around me erupted. My horse tumbling to her left side pinning me to the ground. My head spinning around trying to make sure that I was the only one to suffer this fate. Feeling her trying to right herself, the mare struggled finally getting a foot hold on the river bottom! Somehow I knew that she was not happy so it better that I stay down on the ground while her hooves cut through the air.
Hearing the thud of one man who was too close to know what kicked him. Sending him flying backwards as his bruised face hit the ground never to be rising again. Hearing the angry snort from my mount I could almost tell of the fate of this boogie man that surprised me and my group. By the time all the dust had settled five of the fifteen lay on the ground. Not moving, nor care from the leader. Thankfully I speak the same language as them, so does all in this trio.

“What have we got here?” Sending this obvious question to all who survived. Laughing as he turned around, showing all of his amusement. “It seems that two women and a butch” I, Hernando El Asesino said. Holstering both of my six shooters in a grand fashion. “You know chica that I might have use for your” looking down at this dust ball of a beauty. Growling my sinister growl, “I would like to see you cleaned up before I make my final call” my hand went from this chicas chin to her chest in a flash. “Very nice weight. This will certainly help you with me” shifting uncomfortably as my cock stirred in my pants.
“Take them back to La Rosa and this one back to my chamber.” Calling on the gathered highway men to heed my wishes. One could actually say that this group could be the next old man in the mountains as is told by all of the far off lands.

“I think you should clean up” I said as I walked into my house. Stealing this nice little gem from a wealthy farmer who had no idea who he was looking at or for that matter talking to when I approached. “And do it with me watching” not that I did not trust this strange woman. I do not trust anybody except my two pistolas. Spinning the wheel on my right one. Listening to the clicking of metal as it slowed down. Looking at this chica, I asked. “What is your name” not even trying to spit out that vial language of the white man. My tongue was as pure as it gets in all of the Tierra de nadie. As I waited for this chica to deny the language of her God.

“They call me Blake” shifting as the rope digs into my arms. Despite still being clothed the rough way I was bound with my arms behind my back. Not in the traditional way butt more like a pet or a sexual toy for this guy, Hernando.
Feeling the pain as he lifted me to my feet. Grabbing me by my face and being me to within inches of his own.

“I will only tell you this once, chica Blake. If you try to run I will put a bullet in your back. Your body now belongs to me” groping her meatbag that hung off her chest. “So I want to see you get cleaned up. I want to see your body naked. Stripped down to nothing butt that skin you wear.” Finishing my little speech with my thumb crushing her nipple as I pulled away.
Taking a seat in a chair so I could watch her. Spinning the chambers of my pistola for something to do. The click of metal against metal grew louder as the first button came loose on her shirt. My eyes were glued to the black blouse as her hand lowered to the next button. A pause came to the spinning of the wheel when I could see the upper portion of her breast.
As I shuffled around trying to adjust myself as my cock grew harder and harder. This was not the end of me or my watching. The next button as it was undone, as her hand slid down the fabric cuming to rest on the next button. My cock was throbbing with desire. Desire to bread this chica, to make her my sex slave. “The meatbag, Oh the meatbag” pushing my sombrero up on my forehead. Wondering how I was supposed to fit that plump fat titty into my mouth. I wanted all of it from the nipple to her ribs. From the width all of it in my mouth! And my cock agrees with me!
Grabbing ahold of my crotch and pulling down on my pants. Yes, my cock has grown, it has been… A long time since I had last seen a chica. Much less a live almost naked, naked girl! The next button, Oh how I wanted to rip the rest of that shirt off of her body!
“Hey chica” cat calling from my chair. “Shake those meatbag’s” prompting some action while my crotch just needed to be touched! This was it! The show of a lifetime watching my chica shake her tatas and still unbuttoning her blouse. “One more” my eyes stuck on chica Blake like glue once again. I could tell that this was her last button and then I could watch her titties bound free of any interference.
As I watched things seemed to go in slow motion. From the uncoupling of fabric to the tug she gave to her blouse. My eyes were stuck on her chest! Staring at each of her meatbag’s swayed from side to side. My eyes caught a distraction. Focused in on her shoulder as the blouse was pulled tight and the skin under it slowly, painfully slowly exposed itself.
Rubbing my cock through my jeans. Feeling the bite of the thick denim as I struggled not to rush her. Before I knew it my eyes were watching the black blouse fall to the ground. Watching it flutter to a stand still. Dragging my eyes up her chica body, me being forty five and her looking like a young chica had me almost stripping myself.
Catching my breath in the back of my throat. Sounding like a sex deprived man who has already blew his load. Well not too far off there. Butt the sight of her fingers grabbing the gap between her stomach and the denim. That almost silent pop as brass unlatched the separate sides. The tug on the rest of the brass buttons. The three that remained sounded like gun shots in the far distance as this chica stood there with a full days shadow staring back at me.

Watching the watcher. Noticing how the further I uncovered what the goddess had given me the harder he got. Dropping my drawers. The clatter to the wooden floor made him jump up in his chair. All that remained on my body was my panties. A thin piece of fabric that actually helps making my muscular booty stay taught along with my lips, Mmm yeah, those lips down there.
Turning away from his eyes. Showing him my back . Hearing him start to yell at my bashfulness from his gaze. I bent over, pulling the fabric down my buttocks. Exposing my full naked butt one inch at a time.
Stopping only once I had cleared my ass. Then pulling on the fabric, tightening up the waistband. I presented my butt to him. The way a true whore should do. Ah, butt not my pussy. No, no for that some more teasing must cum into play.
Glancing back over my shoulder, watching him fidget with the uncomfortable way he was sitting. I could actually read his mind and let me tell you he wanted to pound my body. Put his cock into what ever hole I had and fuck the shit out of me for twenty seconds before he was spent. And I could make that happen. If I really wanted to. Butt no, not at this time.
Dropping my underwear, letting the thin fabric fall to the floor right on top of my jeans. While I dipped my hands into the water. Reaching for the dishrag. The hard piece of material that had not been touched in forever by this macho man. I am assuming that he does not know how to wash dishes, really…
Still with my back to him I drowned the dishrag in the warming water. Pulling it free from its former state of being a hard piece of cloth and now dripping with desire to clean my body. Running it over my arms. Feeling the dirt turn to mud before being cleaned from my skin. Watching the dusty pale hue turn up a healthy deep tan from riding these trails all my life. Letting the water drip down my body. Coating each tit before the rag touched each one of them. Turning only partially so he could see my silhouette and the water dripping down my plump breasts.
Giving him a bashful look as the rag was brought down to my stomach. Sighing however lightly, “Ooo” as the rag dropped between my legs. Hearing him stirring knowing if I did not say a word his cock would be inside me before I could actually moan. “I am not done yet” shyly turning my lower body away from him. Yes, he has seen my full two days growth. Butt this is not how I am prepared to give myself to him.
Blushing as I walked towards him. Still walking shyly. Getting just inside of his arm reach and bending over. My movements were quick, quicker than what he expected. Pulling his knife, a stout hunting knife with a thick blade. Taking a few steps back just evading his hands. Shaking my head no. Still on the retreat back to the water that was cuming up to a boil.
Testing the blade for its sharpness then raking it against my skin. Watching as the two days of growth fell away from my smooth skin. Hearing the timbre in his breathing change once I started to shave my blonde curls. Shaving with the utmost care because there is nothing worse than riding with razor burn.
Feeling the blade as it traveled down my skin. Seeing the aftermath of the barrenly smooth skin. Closing my eyes, yes, I had to because if I was to look at the hole that was appearing would have caused me to orgasm. Feeling the blade as it slid further down my crotch. Slowly opening my eyes and letting out a gasp of air.
“Almost finished” I reassured him of continuing down my lips. What is worse than razor burn is the blood if you happen to knick yourself. Though using a very sharp knife in which only one pass is needed always helps especially when the last quarter of the way, when your cunt just wants to get poked and knowing that he is watching your every move.
Catching him through the glint on the blade. Before I could react, Hernando gripped my arm. I could tell that he was uneasy the way he restrained himself from pulling my skin off as he slid down my arm to my wrist. Gasping, I dropped the knife on the table. Pressing my bottom against his hard cock.
I know a hundred different ways to get out of this place, this relationship butt thinking of the people that I swore to protect. The rocking motion against his cock. The way my butt cheeks wanted to cover his cock. To pin it down against Hernando’s stomach while it teased the length.
Jerking my wrist from his hand. Spinning around right where I was standing. Running my hand down his face. Grazing his neck as I looked down at his trousers. In one swift move the rap that he used for a belt fell to the floor. My hand pressed Hernando’s stomach reaching for his cock!

Stopping this chica before she could get any further. Stopping her by lifting her body up. Grabbing ahold of each of her temptingly tight cheeks for my craving for something a lot closer. The way I lifted her, feeling the way she wrapped her legs around my waist, jacking up my desire. The noise of my sombrero hitting the floor as my lips descended on that cleavage. The feel of her soft caramel flesh against my lips!
Taking a step forward, followed by another. I was so caught up by the softness of her breasts I stubbled after hitting the table with my thighs. Holding on to that ass of hers with one hand. Squeezing a little harder to make sure that she was secure. I brushed off anything that was on the table. Clearing it for my fuck feast that I needed more that anything!
Popping her ass down at the edge of the table. Pushing her back as my lips protested against. Protested so much that for each of the places I kissed her chest I left a dark spot to mark my territory. Pushing her down and ripping off her boots, not booties like the others butt real boots that matched mine. Listening to them clatter to the floor while my cock was begging to be released. Feeling the hands that were much smaller than mine tugging on my pants. Tugging on the cross pattern that secured my britches to my body.
What gave away the fact that she, this chica Blake has succeeded is that my cock brushed her wet barren plane. Had actually slipped in between her lips! “Ah, fóllame” tumbled from my mouth as my hips slammed forward. Rearing back, my gaze slipped down her body. Leaving that face, traveling down to her graceful neck. My cravings are growing as I order my hand to stay on her thigh. My thoughts of the way I could…
I could actually feel my eyes widen when it came to her chest. Watching, drooling over the way they are so big. So big and perky that my pre-cum escaped from my cock! Shaking my head, trying to clear out the nasty thoughts of what I would do to this poor helpless creature that I was about to nail down on my kitchen table.
My gaze fell further down her body. Further as I see the bottom of this chica’s rib cage where it intersects with her stomach. Her thighs, each one muscular yet soft and supple. Her calf muscles as they stretch down to… “No puedo soportarlo” just from the look of one. My mouth began to water. I seized her ankle releasing her thigh as my mind fantasized over each of those tiny toes. How I could bite them off or suck on them! Slamming my cock forward one more time! It’s curve still hugging her wet cunt! I, I.. swallowing hard as I sucked on chica’s big toe. My tongue caressing over the pad on her foot.
Rearing back again, this time far enough so that my cock felt free from her pussy! No, no, no… Slamming it back hard! Feeling her skin, her clit as my cock continued to force its way back into her hairless box!

“A foot fetish, Umm…” finally something that I can work with. Flexing my hips, adjusting to his forceful cock while it crashes into my body. While it splashes into my pool of wetness. Wiggling my toe, faking a minor O. Urging Hernando to take my next toe into his mouth. “Oh Ohh Hernando” fainting a small curve in my spine. “Suck on my big toe. Yes Yesss!” Folding down my other toe, scraping the side of his mouth until… Until he accepted it.
This.. this caused a real orgasm. I know, I am not kidding. Something that he wanted had actually caused a reaction in me. Something that he wanted, I want something for me. Something big and hard that I can wrap my!
My breathing was getting rapid. I soaked his cock in my juices! Using his foot fetish, his cock as it came crashing into my cunt once again. The feel of him pulling back, the rapid way my breathing was getting. Feeling his head as the skin rolled along his shaft started to bunch up. The pull of the enlarged head. I, I am cuming! “OooOoooOoooo fuck!” I screamed out!

Yes, it has been awhile since I had a chica in my house. And even longer since I had one that was into my type of a fuck. Butt despite all of this my cock was not super by any means. I could tell that my ending was cuming faster than I thought.
“Do.. do not moan, Oh padre” butt hearing her moan. Feeling everything rush right to my head! My final pull spelled the end of this conversation. “Oh padre, Ooh yes fuck, Ooooh padre! I.. I… Fuck!” My final pull just reversed itself. Slamming so hard back into that wet fucking cunt! Feeling the way it swallowed me, my cock all the way to my nuts! And, and I am cuming! So hard in this chica!
Pulling out, leaving a white trail of seamen that dripped from her pussy. That dripped from my cock. Pulling out and leaving her toes. Abandoning my lust for feet!
Searching for something to look at. Searching for something to do. Because with chica Blake in the room, laying there just makes me want to fuck her over and over again. Makes me want to be a chica myself so I can cum multiple times! No. No! “I am Hernando El Asesino” I announced before leaving my house so that chica could get cleaned up for tonight’s fuck-a-thon.

“Eva. Eva!” Stressing my whisper. For the ambush she had been thumbed pretty hard on the head. Ever since then she has been passed out. I know she is still alive, breathing and otherwise unhurt but the swelling in her brain has yet to reside. How do I know all this you ask? Well you do not becum a priestess by just looking pretty. In my culture I am part of an order that not only leads the “gospel” as they call it butt also heals the injured.
Feeling the spit of a man on my asshole. His rough thumb rubbing it in while having me suspended over a rail. My booty is exposed to whoever has the urge to fuck it. My focus is on Eva as everything else is…
“Ohh” I choked back on. The feel of that rough thumb entering my asshole made my legs tremble. I know it has been about sexteen hours since any of my holes were penetrated butt. “Ohh yea…” escaped my lips.
The whole religious beliefs of my people. Have always been on the sexuality. From cunts to tits, from assholes to balls everything that we believe in revolves around… “Oh Ohh yes” spilled from my mouth as my asshole tightened around this man’s cock!
To say that any in our culture is without sin. Taking the taboo and putting it right next to the thing that gives us all pleasure would be like one or two fingers. “Ohh Ooooh yesss! Fuck my ass” barely wheezing that out as my next orgasm was right on the rim of my asshole!
Having a circumcised cock plundering my hole vs. an uncircumcised cock banging my brains out. The feel as if they both exited the same hole, no, not at the same time. Though that would be worth some further reading and a toy or two to stretch open my asshole. Wait? What was I talking about?
“Oh my” feeling my juices becoming a real thing. “Ooh Mmm” as my asshole hugged his cock. So good that it made my legs jerk once again. Reaching forward and taking Eva by the hair. Pulling this little tramp up even in her unconscious state so I can lock lips with her. It worked in fairy tails why not now?
Letting go of the next urge to cum as his cock slammed back into my butthole fully. Till I could feel his boner tickling my insides so deep, so deep! “Ooooh yesss OooohOooohOooohOoooh yesssssssss” as my orgasm reached its fevered pitch! This is something that gave me regrets from the moment it happened. As I slammed my mouth over Eva’s. As I latched my lips over hers . My tongue invading her tender hole with it looking for a playmate.
It only took a few strokes of my tongue. A few deep thrusts from the priestess of pleasure. I could feel the tug on my hair, the twist of my tongue as his cock battered its way so deep in my ass!

Pulling Marie from my lips. Although her taste on them drove me insane. Feeling the board under me. Knowing that I had to move, move now if I wanted to ravish this priestess. Forcing myself forward and abandoning my skirt in the process. Hearing the metal rings hit the ground sort of called attention right to me.
Squatting down, bringing my head down so that Marie and I could lock lips again. Fuck these highway men. I wanted the taste of a woman on my lips not some unwashed cock.
Grabbing ahold of her hair. Watching the contrast of my caramel skin against her raven black hair. Watching the way a few strands fell from my fingers as I jerked her head up. “Marie” I cooed. Looking into those deep blue eyes, the same depth that was flowing through her pussy. “Marie” as my cooing turned into a moan. As my fingers impaled my fucking cunt and I came instantly.

Chapter: 2 Highway Men
