Finding the one [Bondage]

We sat in the restaurant, we had been here since the early evening and now the waiters had been cleaning up around us. Too caught up in each other we hadn’t noticed the passage of time.

This was our first date and we had a lot to talk about. Of course we had spoken at length over email and IM but nothing can quite compare to that first meeting, the first rush of excitement when you realise that the reality matches the fantasy or at least seems to so far.

She is sitting across from me, slightly away from the table with one leg crossed over the other. Her short dress riding up her thigh and her long bare legs ending in a pair of heels. To say I was captivated was an understatement.

As I said, we had talked at length over email. Discussing our likes and dislikes, our wants and desires. She had told me everything I had wanted to hear and from the fact that she was here I had said the right things too. As the time drew closer to paying the bill I felt that I needed to test what she had told me.

In a momentary lull of conversation I told her to remove her shoes. She quietly gasped, her bottom lip being bit as she considered what I had said. My request was no surprise however it is always a shock to consider the reality of it the first time. The looks that pass over the face are exquisite and beautiful to watch.

She thinks for a minute, unconsciously she lets the hanging shoe dangle from her toes before flexing it back onto her foot again. Eventually she reaches the inevitable decision though. She has told me that she is submissive and that what I like is acceptable. To avoid making herself into a liar she has to comply. Slowly she slides her hands down her legs and slips her shoes from her feet, placing them together next to her handbag.

Her cheeks flush, despite there being no one in the restaurant she is suddenly very nervous. She has crossed the line from a mere date into something more, something darker and she wouldn’t be human if she didn’t feel anxious about it.

I smile, softly, gently. Not in a predatory way but in an open and caring way. Trying to set her at ease even knowing that a mere smile will in no way achieve this.

>I tell her I am going to get the bill and that now would be a good time to powder her nose as she may not have the chance later. She looks unsure for a moment as I wave the waiter over. She stands and you can see on her face that she is torn between going and putting her shoes back on. Eventually her hunger wins over and she scampers off leaving her heels under the table.

I settle the bill and wait, finishing the last of my coffee, waiting for her to return. She takes a while and uncertainty goes through my mind. Is she having second thoughts? Have I not done enough to convince her that she is safe with me? But soon she is coming back to the table, a sexy prowling walk, who says girls need heels to look sexy. She has a little half smile on her face which tells me all I need to know.

I stand as she reaches the table, asking if she is ready. She grabs her shoes and dangles them from her fingers before giving me a little coy smile and saying yep. We head out into the square. Walking through the throng, a couple of guys giving her the once over, a couple of girls looking shocked at her bare feet. But with my arm around her waist I guide her out of the square and into the dark car park.

I lead her over to my car. Unlocking it I open her door for her. As she turns to get in I stop her, taking her shoes from her hands I put them in the boot, along with her handbag before returning to her. I lock handcuffs onto her wrists before her and another pair onto her ankles before helping her into the car. Once she is seated I lift her hands over her head and by removing and replacing the headrest lock her hands into place. Then putting the seat belt on her I close the door.

We drive into the night, I ask her how she is, how she is feeling? The general response is nervous and very horny. I ask if she wants to continue, no matter where it might lead and with another bite of her bottom lip she nods.

I tell her to spread her knees and she complies. As I drive I trace my fingertips up her thighs, feeling the heat and dampness between her legs, confirming just how horny she is<

We arrive at the motel I have booked for the evening and I park in a dark corner of the car park, far from the entrance. She looks at me quizzically, there are lots of closer places to park. I just smile at her and tell her to trust me.

I release her seat belt and then the handcuffs. Leaning her forward I lock her wrists behind her before Getting out of the car and moving to help her out. As she stands I get a bag and a coat from the boot and lock the car. Slipping the coat over her shoulders, hiding her bound hands, I put my arm around her waist and guide her to the hotel.

Now she realises why I parked where I did, as her feet feel the coarse gravel and the cold puddles from the earlier rain. A little involuntary shiver passes through her as we walk. Finally reaching the lobby and crossing straight to the lifts.

As we get into the lift I tell her to kneel, lifting the coat from her shoulders as she sinks to her knees and the doors slide close, wondering if the receptionist saw this little episode.

She kneels quietly as we ascend to our floor, her head bowed but her eyes occasionally peeking a look up at me, wondering what will happen next.

The doors open and as I guide her back to her feet we both notice an old couple waiting for the lift at the same time. She grins at them before skipping off towards our room, her cuffed hands obvious behind me. I smile at the look of confusion and disgust from the pair before setting off after her, a grin crossing my face as I realise that I am with a girl who likes to have fun.

I catch up to her waiting at the door and she grins at me, I lean in to kiss her and she responds in kind until finally she leans back.

Looking at me she finally asks “are you going to open the door so you can get me naked or do you want me to blow you here first?”

Oh, decisions decisions……
