Meeting in the park

My eyebrow was raised at her, wondering where this was going. A cleared throat later, she was back to the topic. “Anyway, we don’t want to hear the truth about the men we are attracted to. My husband was a dickhead to everyone he knew, and I was warned about him. I was blinded by his looks, his charm, his desire to be the best and earn a lot of money. I wanted security, I wanted the house, the dog, the kids, the car. I wanted it all. I got it, and I lost my soul in the process.”

“Okay then,” I pondered her words, then offered a counterargument. “What about the so-called ‘strong single women?’”

Now she really laughed. “Oh wow, honey! You’re asking for it.” I smiled, rest my chin on my fist, and waited for her response. A deep breath and a moment to think, and she did her thing. “Okay, here goes. I can see you go for strong women, like me. Look sweetie, I’m not strong. I’m actually weak. I got it all, and I lost my soul, like I said. The ‘single ones’ I can’t explain em to ya. All I can say is that single women got their own agenda. They want to do things their way, and look for perfection. But we are all a contradiction; we want to be told what to do by a strong man, but we want control over our lives.”

“That explains a lot,” I sighed. “I seem to go for unavailable women. Unrequited love. That sort of thing.”

Charlene patted my hand and moved in to kiss me on the cheek. “Joseph, I can tell you’re a nice guy. Do yourself a favor; quit trying to understand it. Just go with it. You’re never gonna find love if you keep trying to figure it out. Yeah, I can tell you’re in a bad marriage. You’ve got look of wear and tear on you, but something about you. I can’t put my finger on it. You’re gentle, relaxed. It’s like you have a deep soul to you. I’m not saying you’re a great guy because I don’t know you, but something about you I find…I don’t know.”

Our eyes were just locked on each for a moment, just examining each other. It was as though our essences recognized each other. Yes, I believed in soulmates and that stuff, but Charlene was looking at me as though I was a long lost lover. Suddenly, she moved in and planted a passionate kiss on my lips. I didn’t even question it; just surrendered to the moment. She was barely a half foot above five, but something about her was tantalizing. Seconds later she pulled back and just took a deep breath. “Okay, that was something I never did before.”

“Did you enjoy it?”

She looked at me again, and kissed me again. This time, I relaxed more and returned the favor. Her breathe was coffee laden, but it didn’t matter. I find her intoxicating, but my emotions weren’t about to be enraptured by her. She pulled back yet again. “Joseph, what would you say if I wanted to just take you back to my place and…oh my God, what am I saying???”

“I think I know,” I smiled, this time with an awkward sense of revelation. “It’s okay. I’m in the same mood.”

Charlene couldn’t believe her behavior. “I’m sorry, Joseph! I am. I’m not that kind of girl. I…” It was like she became possessed, kissing me yet again until she pulled back and breathed into my ear. “I want you. Oh my God! I don’t know what’s wrong with me, but I want you!”

My smile turned a bit crooked. “I seem to have that effect lately.” Chuckling, I took her hand in mind. “Look, if you don’t want to I understand. Just say the word.”

“You don’t understand,” she worked to control her impulses. “I haven’t been in bed with anyone else in 21 years. My husband is the only man I’ve had sex with aside from my first lover. I’m scared of what would happened.”

“It’s okay,” I tried to comfort her. “I’m not looking.”

She sighed, held her hands in her head for a moment, and thought it all through. “Okay Joseph, here is the last piece of the cheat sheet. Every woman wants to have an affair at least once, and every woman has their idea of the perfect man they work from. If we find him, we take a chance. I don’t know care who it is. We want the danger, we want a hero to sweep us off our feet. Every women is different. For some, a hero is a man in uniform. Others want an artist, and others want that cute ‘boy next door’ who just they find absolutely….oh hell!”

Grabbing my hand, she stood up and pulled me. “What?”

She wasn’t about to be denied. “You’re my boy next door, Joseph! Come on
