Showing a friend my vibrator during our girls trip! 👿

Now that we’re all married in our 30’s, my 5 closest girl friends and I try to have a girls weekend once a year, taking turns which state to have it in.

This trip was to Texas and I ended up sharing a room with 2 twin beds with one of my friends.

The first night when we were getting ready for bed I found a vibrator my husband packed without me knowing. I laughed and showed my friend who said she was impressed my husband takes such good care of me. (From our other girls trip they know we are the horny couple of the friend group).

I text my husband thank you and told him how impressed my friend was. My husband responded by offering me a deal that he’d to the dishes for 2 weeks when I got home if I use the toy with my friend in the room next to me that night!

My friend and I were both raised Mormon so the fact that we even discussed our naughty adventures with each other is a huge way from where we started!

I laughed it off and told my friend about my husbands offer. She said that she thinks I should do it and get the reward.

Long story short… that night I was up until 3am sexting my husband and using my vibrator in my married pussy all night!

My friend asked me in the morning if I won the bet and I told her I did but I can’t help but wonder if she already knew! 😘



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