Revenge – Part 1 – Prelude

A druid is taking brutal revenge on a succubus that killed his parents by torturing her sexually.

This is planned as a multipart story, I’m going to continue in short intervals.

Revenge is going to be brutal and not for the light hearted. The most basic story starter is based on an idea another reddit user suggested for a roleplay that didn’t take place. As I don’t have contact to said person, I can’t ask whether she likes to be mentioned her. Upon her request I’ll submit this source here later.

—–> Part 1, Prelude

Eugene, Oregon, a farmhouse just outside town

January 1999


I was sixteen and my world was still intact. I sat in my room and read a book when I heard strange noises from my parent’s bedroom.

I dismissed them for a while, but ultimately went upstairs to check. Sneaking through the house, I made my way to the door of the guestroom. I knew there as a peephole in wall where once a water pipe had crossed to my parent’s bedroom.

Looking through, I immediately noticed an orange-red light and something like smoke in the room. Beside the bed stood an impressive shape: the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen. Just, that it wasn’t really a woman. A dead giveaway where the large bat-like wings on her back.

She had an unnatural but very appealing olive-brown taint, the nearly waist-long bright red hair bound to a tight ponytail. On the front of her head, I saw two little red horns. She was slim, muscular and extremely well proportioned. Tits just about the right size, not these repulsive giant boobs some prefer and a cute ass with a long tail.

Wearing a G-string, high-heeled thigh-high boots, elbow gloves along with a tiny bra and wide collar, all in black leather there was absolutely nothing left to imagination.

I could see her green eyes glowing mysteriously.

My parents were on the bed – my father kneeling over my mother when she commanded “Don’t just fuck her! She needs more stimulus. Choke her!”

His eyes absent, my father put his hands around her throat and started fucking her at an insane pace.

The woman was derogatorily looking at them and commanded “Choke her harder!”.

After a while my mother went completely limp. My father didn’t react – still fucking like crazy and choking her at the same time.

“Ooops.”, the woman,” said with played surprise, “Too bad, now you’ve choked her a bit too much. STOP IT!”.

He stopped like struck by lightning and obediently looked at her.

After a dramatic pause, she explained: “I’m Drenvynia, Succubus from the third circle of hell, and you, laughable mortal, had the audacity to call me here to serve you sexually? This is so terminally stupid, that it’s nearly cool again.”

“But now I’ve had enough fun.”, she said, handing him a large knife. “You may kill yourself.”

I watched my father die and her disappear into thin air. Somehow, I managed, not to scream while she was still there.

My father had slit his throat and collapsed over the dead body of my mother.

It took me nearly an hour of screaming to come to my senses. I went to the bedroom, and trying to avoid glances to my dead parents collected the book on the floor and the other strange utensils in the room. I had made my decision: No matter, how long it would take – she would pay for what she’d done to my parents.

[Twenty-four years later]

Eugene, Oregon, an abandoned factory cellar

February 2023


I was sitting on the cold floor of the abandoned factory cellar, surrounded by candles and a pentagram in red color in front of me. This was it. This! For nearly twenty-five years, I had studied the dark arts, I had read books, listened to stories, built my lore. Now everything boiled down to this moment.

I had been striving to find a way to summon a demon from hell; THE demon. My research had pointed to the most priced target: Drenvynia. An outerworldly beautiful succubus. She had killed my parents when I was sixteen and I had vowed revenge.

I had travelled the world to gain the necessary knowledge not only to summon her, but also to control her. My father had failed fatally in the controlling part.

This was the moment, my life had been focussed on. “Tenebris, Drenvynia”, my spell ended and I dripped some of my blood into the candle in front of me.

The room changed instantly: it went darker, though the candles were burning exactly as before. The air went colder, then all of a sudden, a lot hotter. The fabric of reality itself changed. And there she was: lying on the floor, nearly unconscious. Wings folded on her back, the slender body clothed in more or less nothing. The most appealing woman, I’ve ever seen. The murderer of my parents.

“What the fuck”, she said, coming to her senses. “Where am I? What happened? Where are the minions?”

“You are with me now”, I said.

“Who are you, worm? How dare you speak to me?” she hissed. “What have you done with me?”

“I summoned you to MY domain for MY pleasure.”, I told her.

Jumping to her feet, she tried to pounce at me, but collapsed with the second step. “Fuck”, she said. Glaring at me with eyes of dark fire.

“Let me explain.”, I said, trying to calm my voice, still not believing that this insanity had really worked. “You’re in the mortal plane. MY spell has called you here. This basement is MY domain; it’s been completely separated from the reality around it. Your powers are null and void here – this is why you feel so weak. My spell will keep you here for a maximum of 4 hours at a time – or as long as I don’t grow tired of you. Then you return to hell, where you won’t remember what happened. You’ll think you were asleep and wonder where your bruises came from.”

<—– End of this part

Coming soon:

Revenge – Part 2 – Bonding

Revenge – Part 3 – Enema

Revenge – Part 4 – The Assistant

Revenge – Part 5 – A Wicked Machine

Addendum: I’m currently writing this story, so don’t hesitate to send me suggestions for plots etc, if you like. Please note, that I can’t take all suggestions into consideration.

I’m very interested in roleplays within the bounds of r/dirtypenpals. So if you like my writing and want to interactively build your own story with me, send me a message with your suggestion. You’ll find my kinks and limits in my profile.

Furthermore, I’m always interested in general talk about the topics of my kinks as loose chat.

Filter criteria: I value honesty, dignity and professional attitude. Don’t contact me, if you

*are underage

*are not capable to communicate in full sentences

*chat mainly with responses like “Yes” and “no”

*are not ready to say goodbye, when you’re leaving a chat ;-)


