Twisted [M18 F20] [long] [angry/rough sex] [d/s] [degradation]

*This is a short from a longer story of mine. Hence, it’s very narrative-driven and heavy on character development. If that’s not your thing, feel free to skip to about the halfway-mark to get to the actual sex. In any case, enjoy! I’d love to hear what you think.*

Azure sat in a tavern. This is not the start of a mediocre joke, no. He sat in a tavern to drown his pain and hatred in strong Cuban rum. Azure was a young guy, almost a kid still. He had turned eighteen a couple days ago. Despite that, he felt like having lived three lives already: both his parents had died, his first girlfriend had cheated on him and then tried to murder him, akin to the countless murders he himself had committed. He was a paid assassin and thief. This very profession of his was the reason for even more than the obvious sorrow. He had been paired up with a British assassin from Athens to take care of some local affairs. Azure wore his heart on his sleeve. Despite the many times that led to misery and should’ve taught him a lesson, he hadn’t learnt one thing. And so he unfortunately happened to fall in love with the British girl. What was even more unfortunate was that she did not return the feelings. She did show interest in him, but it was purely physical. And the most unfortunate event of all was that time the two held a little duel to practice their fighting, during which the Brit’s anger issues got the best of her, making serious blood flow. One thing led to another and Azure kicked her out of his house, not caring she didn’t have anywhere else to go. She had been gone for a while now. Azure didn’t know whether she was still in Cuba or had left back to her home. He didn’t care.
The memory made Azure raise his hand to his right cheek. Pain. Hatred. That’s all he wanted to feel about the other assassin. Yet, he couldn’t just stop loving her.
He wanted to scream and shout at her, let out all his rage.
He wanted to take her hand.
He never wanted to see her again.
He never wanted to let her go.
He wanted to hurt her.
He wanted to kiss her.
Soon he should learn that his feelings were not as conflicting as they seemed.
Oh, how much he wanted to hate her. How desperately he wanted her.
For now, however, a generously filled glass of rum was set in front of him. He reached for it like it would lead him out of his hurtful life. Soon after, the forgetting set in.
In the meantime, Valerie sat on a rooftop and stared at the starry sky above her. The moon was round and large, hanging low above the horizon. A cool breeze tugged on her dark hair and sent a shiver down her spine. The last two weeks had been hell. She never thought she could miss someone this much. She mourned the loss of Azure as if he was dead. He seemed so far out of reach after what she had done to him. And she would never have him back, because she had mistreated him and abused his generosity one too many times.
I don’t love him, she reminded herself, He hates me. He never wants to see me again.
Then why was she still here? Why didn’t she just leave with the next best ship heading back to Europe? Perhaps because what she was telling herself was not entirely the truth. She knew she had to see Azure once more before she left, to make sure he was alright. And because she selfishly missed him and would miss him forever if she just went her own ways again without ever bidding a goodbye.
Her attention was drawn from the sky above her to the street below when she heard light footsteps that seemed all too familiar. It was him. It had to be. She didn’t follow him.
He doesn’t want to see me.
She heard a door go when Azure entered the very house she was sitting atop of. She grabbed the roof tightly, trying to swallow the desire to follow him. And the pain she felt by not doing so. To think he was so close to her drove her insane. She wanted to jump down there and be enclosed in his arms once more, but she knew it would remain nothing more than a wish.
Azure turned his head to the right. How he hated this sensory impairment. He kept turning his head to the side to piece together his field of view, then he stared back at his glass. It was the second one already, and slowly but surely the alcohol was settling in, making his hands feel heavy but his head light. He thought back to that one night. Valerie let him love her, almost as if it was real. It was the best sex he ever had, but it made him so very sad.
Someone sat down next to him. He barely noticed and didn’t react. He just wanted to be with himself for a while.
Valerie had failed to contain her desire. It was her who was next to him, and it gave her an eerie feeling how little she recognized him. He just stared down blankly, a heavy hood shrouding his face in darkness. Where was his smile that he always wore? Where was the glint in his eyes when he stubbornly flirted with her despite her cold demeanor? Where was his childish behavior that almost managed to cover up all the hurt that he carried? Now that seemed to be all that was left of him. He was hurting. And she was at fault.
“Azure?” She whispered so quietly that the business of the tavern almost drowned it out. But he had heard. His head whipped around to her but she still couldn’t make out his face. Only his lips which trembled in shock.
“Valerie?!” He exclaimed and jumped up from his seat, “What are you doing here?!”
“I came for you.”
“I told you to leave me alone! Go back to Greece before you do more damage than you already have”, Azure said. Surely his reaction would’ve been more extreme if it weren’t for the dizziness his drinking caused.
“I know what I did, but I won’t leave. I’m ready to finally face my actions’ consequences. Your anger, hatred, whatever you have to offer. I deserve every last bit of it, but I will not go. I won’t make another mistake.”
Azure looked back at his glass. “You’re unbearable”, He muttered, “Please let me be. You can’t even leave me alone after breaking my heart and crippling me. What is your next plan? Want to take off my hand as well?”
“Please don’t say that, Azure”, She said, tearing up a bit, “I never wanted this, do you understand? I want to apologize. I’m so incredibly sorry for everything.”
“Oh, that helps”, He hissed angrily.
“Azure, please-”, She began, placing a hand on his shoulder.
“Don’t you dare touch me!” He shouted and swatted her arm away, not caring if it caused Valerie any pain. She could hear the rage in his voice, but there was something else. Something far worse. Valerie couldn’t be sure, but it almost sounded like… fear. Was he scared of her? Of the pain she caused?
Azure pushed her out of the way and went to leave the tavern, but Valerie wasn’t about to give up. She swiftly followed him and managed to grab his sleeve shortly after he had stormed out.
“I’m not letting you go, Azure! Let everything out what you have to say to me, but don’t go!” She called out and gripped him tighter when he attempted to break free from her grasp.
“Why can’t you just leave me alone?!” He snarled at her, but she was stubborn, and soon, his shoulders and head dropped. He stepped into the light of the full moon that fell before him and pushed his hood down.
“You know”, He said while doing so, “I want you to see what you’ve done to me. I hope this causes you just the slightest bit of pain. That shall be your first punishment.”
His face was aglow with the silver slivers of moonlight, and Valerie was petrified. The dull gray of his right iris and the violent scar that ran from his forehead to his cheek silenced her. She remembered the utter terror she felt after her sword cut his skin while she was too enraged to stop herself, and then realized what she had done. She felt tears rise to her eyes.
“That was me”, She then whispered.
“It was. And I will never forgive you. Even if I wanted to, I couldn’t. You can’t fix this, Valerie. You broke me. For good.”
“I… I…”, she stammered. Her gaze was empty, not moving from the ugly scar. The tears finally spilled over, running down her cheeks.
Azure hated how she was staring at him, but he did not turn away. The obvious pain in her face filled him with bitter satisfaction.
Suffer, he thought. Suffer from your mistake.
“I’m so sorry”, She whispered.
“I don’t care.”
Valerie remained silent and stared at him, her heart beating so hard she thought it would break free from her chest. Guilt ate her up from inside. She never thought it would be this bad.
Azure’s eyes glazed over. “I hate you so much”, He groaned, “Yet I can’t stop loving you. I just want you to be mine, but you’re so horrible.”
Valerie could hear the slur in his voice. “Do you want to talk about it tomorrow? You’re drunk.”
Azure looked up and stared into her eyes. He moved swiftly, quicker than she could react. She found herself with her back against a wall and him pressed up against her. He buried a hand in her hair and tugged her head to the side so he could bury his face at the side of her neck, taking in her scent. The sudden contact made Valerie’s breath hitch and her legs shake.
“I missed you, Valerie”, Azure whispered, his lips grazing her skin.
“Azure, you’re out of your mind”, She said nervously.
“I’ve never been more in my mind than right now”, He disagreed and raised his head to her eye level. It was just the slightest touch of their lips at first. Then Azure crashed into her and made her experience a kiss unlike any other. The feeling that spread in her was wonderful and heavy at the same time, but it didn’t last long. Azure pulled back way too soon and gripped her chin roughly. Valerie could see the war he waged with himself. How much he despised her and yet wanted to make her his.
“Azure”, She whispered breathlessly and licked her swollen lips. Azure’s head fell on her shoulder again. He spread kisses around the side of her neck, stopping suddenly. Valerie sighed. The sound turned into a shriek as he suddenly sank his teeth into the soft skin of her neck, biting down so hard that she was sure the marks would be visible for a week at least. He could barely hold himself back. Valerie gripped his shoulders tightly and tried to push him away, but she could do nothing against his strength and body weight.
“Azure, stop! This really hurts!” She whined.
“Oh, I’m so sorry”, She heard his voice, rough and full of spite, “I just felt so angry all of the sudden. I can’t help myself. Think this pain, but a hundred times worse. Then you might get close to what I’m feeling.”
Valerie blinked the tears away that had formed in the corners of her eyes and raised her hand to the fresh wound at her neck.
Azure suddenly seemed to lose interest and withdrew, making his way into the night.
“A-Azure”, Valerie stammered and stumbled after him, “Wait!”
“What more do you want?” He asked exasperatedly but remained still. She gripped his hands tightly, which he didn’t seem to care about.
“Do it”, She said.
“Bite me a hundred times if it makes you happy! I’m ready to accept your all, everything you have to offer. I deserve all the punishment you want to give me”, She said, brave.
“Valerie”, He sighed and shook his head, “What is this you’re doing? Are you just going to keep playing me like a pawn in some game of chess?”
“Azure, what-”
He didn’t let her finish, suddenly all enraged again, “I’m so fucking sick of this! I’m madly in love with you, and I honestly don’t understand why. You’re nothing but awful to me, leading me on any chance you get but refusing to commit to me. I’m not looking to spend one night with you, not one month, not even a year. I want you forever… for as long as I walk on this earth at least.”
She could see tears in his eyes, her own were burning too.
“That’s why I can’t do this anymore. You keep on hurting me, I’ll be in pieces before we know it”, He whined and turned around, “Please, leave me alone. Leave before I’m too weak to say no.”
He went to leave with a swift step into the night, wiping his face with his sleeve. Valerie was not about to let him do so.
“Azure!” She shouted angrily and hated how it made tears spill on her cheeks. “Stop! Hear me out!”
He stopped dead in his tracks, but he didn’t turn around.
Valerie used what might be her last chance to ever talk to him, “I’m not leading you on. Not anymore. I want to be honest, I was scared. I was scared shitless to let myself be vulnerable again. I lost everyone I ever loved, and I swore I’d never let it happen again. It was so very stupid of me to think I’d achieve that by driving everyone away. Because…” She sobbed, “Because if you leave now, and if I leave… I’d lose someone I love. I don’t want to let that happen. I don’t want to hurt you anymore.”
Azure remained silent, but turned around and stared Valerie down with an unreadable expression.
She kept talking, “That’s why I’m saying these things… If you need to hurt me so we can be fine again, then so be it. Scream at me, bite me, hate me if you need to, but please don’t make me leave. I’m ready to accept everything else.”
“Is that so?” He said with a grin, his eyes suddenly seeming less empty than before, “Then we have a long few nights ahead of us.”
Valerie was taken aback by his sudden nonchalance and tried not to let him know her fear, that her body felt hot and cold from the nervousness. He was putting up another wall, she was sure. Another mask to hide away his true feelings about her confession. She wasn’t sure what he thought, but he didn’t seem to want to leave anymore. Not alone, anyway.
Azure didn’t say another word. He grabbed her hand and took off to his hut. Even though he was still hurt and confused, her words had filled him with hope that they could be more, better together. And he couldn’t help but think about how beautiful she looked at night. It took him a lot to not tear her clothes off right then and there, just to see how her porcelain skin would look in the moonlight.
Once they arrived, he didn’t last much longer. He dragged her into his house. They didn’t even make it to bed. Azure caught Valerie in his arms, kissing her longingly while removing her shirt. She was so surprised by this side of him that she never encountered before. When she slept with him the last time, he was loving and careful. Now he just showed his lust alongside the hatred he had for her. She couldn’t help but feel scared. What would this lead to? Had he lost any care for her wellbeing? She knew she could stop him if she wanted to. Did she want to? Yes, she was scared of his roughness, but the longing ache in her core needed to be satisfied. She felt the same hunger for him, and she wanted it to be quenched. So she gave in.
She tore off his top as well and dug her nails into the bare skin of his back, kissing him once more.
He groaned and pulled her hair hard. The sting in her scalp made her gasp which brought a grin to his face as he pulled away to take in her shirtless appearance. The bite mark on her neck was very prominent on the milky white skin, and Azure decided it should not remain alone. He cupped her breast and wondered what sorts of things he could do to her. The thought made him even more heated, so he held her tightly.
“I’m scared, Valerie”, He said and kissed her collarbone.
“Why?” She asked, honestly surprised.
“I love you, and I want you, but I don’t know where love ends and hate begins. I want to be in control, but…” He stroked her side, moving down until he arrived right over her clit, pushing his thumb against it through the fabric of her pants. “I might not be able to stop myself. I might hurt you. Seriously. If you don’t want this, go now”, He managed to say, although letting her leave was the last thing he wanted.
Valerie moaned lightly and bucked her hips into him, shaking her head, “I’m not going to hold you back. Like I said, I can take whatever you throw at me.”
Azure let out a shaky groan and pressed her against him, his hands tentatively resting on her hips. She could feel his arousal, his erection was pressing against her lower abdomen. “Do you have any idea what you’re getting into?”
“I know you,” She said with confidence.
“You don’t”, He chuckled, “You don’t know what you turned me into.”
“Then show me,” she demanded and rocked her hips against his, “Show me how much you hate me.”
“I can’t even begin to tell you how desperate that makes you sound”, Azure breathed against the skin between her collarbones. He then pulled away and stared at the woman. Valerie didn’t avoid his gaze. He could see her eyes stray from his when she once again followed the line of the jagged cut down the right side of his face. Anger bubbled inside Azure. Was that all he could be now? Crippled and disfigured? The compassion in her eyes made him sick to his stomach. He didn’t want her empathy.
Valerie was entirely oblivious to the storm brewing within Azure as he continued to stubbornly stare at her. She lifted a shaky hand to his cheek to touch his fresh scar. She could only do so much as graze his skin when he grabbed her wrist. His grip was iron and Valerie gasped in surprise.
“Don’t,” he growled, “touch me.”
He grabbed Valerie by her shoulders and forced her around, holding her wrists together behind her back with one hand. Valerie could only register the table in front of her for a split second before his other hand was between her shoulder blades and forced her down. She groaned in pain when she collided with the hard surface and Azure’s hand shifted to the back of her head. He gripped another handful of her hair, at the same time forcing her cheeck roughly into the table.
Valerie could hear his labored breaths as he worked to contain his anger. The hand holding her wrists together moved away and instead went to her belt, quickly pulling down her pants. She was now completely bare before him and felt exposed, her light skin reflecting the moonlight, almost making her seem to glow. The arousal, excitement, fear, even, were upsetting her insides, organs churning, her face red from the embarrassment.
Azure had little care for her feelings at the moment. He had praised her so many times. Her beautiful features, her strong will, her dark curls that framed her face and brought out her wonderful green eyes… Azure forced the thoughts away and pushed her down harder, eliciting another pained groan from her. She fought against him and tried to get back up, but he had too much weight on the hand restraining her head. Valerie sought to hide her bareness somehow, but Azure forced her thighs apart, caressing the round of her ass in the process, only to suddenly raise his hand and bring it down with a slap.
“That was for trying to resist,” he growled.
Valerie whimpered.
This made Azure strike a softer tone, but to her, his words were sharp, “Oh Valerie. You ought to be able to take this if you want to make it through the night. I’m only getting started.”
His hand neared the soft lips between her legs, and it wasn’t long until his thumb was on her sex. He pushed it between the slick folds of her cunt and moved it up and down for a bit, purposely letting her wait, then he inserted the full length of his middle and index fingers into her. A giggle left his throat when her muscles contracted around them, and he leaned down to whisper in her ear, “Be honest with me – are you enjoying this?”
Valerie didn’t answer immediately, which wore his patience thin. He dug his teeth into her skin a second time, closer to her right shoulder this time, simultaneously curling his fingers inside her, seemingly hitting a sensitive spot.
“Do you like being at my mercy like this? Having me do whatever I want to you?”
Again the pads of his fingers hit her soft spot and she moaned something sounding like yes, which made Azure grin once more, “Good to know you’re just as sick and twisted as me.”
Valerie shut her eyes tightly, but she could not lie. As much as the pain upset her and made her want to flee, it heightened her senses incredibly. She was so aware of him slowly pumping his fingers inside her, she could barely resist grinding against his hand. She just wanted more. Wanted this to end, one way or the other, and to finally find relief. All that counted was that she had him back, and she wanted him.
Azure could hear Valerie’s heavy breathing, and to torment her even more, he suddenly withdrew his fingers. “Look at you,” he said, inspecting his fingers that were covered in her wetness, “So wet for me. So pathetic.”
His taunts made her cheeks flush.
“Don’t talk to me like that, you prick,” She hissed.
Azure remained silent and Valerie was very surprised when his hand and the pressure on her head vanished. She tried to turn to get a look at him, but all she could see were stars. He had lifted his hand and slapped her with the back of it. Hard. Valerie’s head dropped back onto the table, tears in her eyes, as she tried to understand what had just happened.
“Watch your mouth,” She heard his voice through the haze. He gathered her wrists again and roughly pulled them behind her back once more. A sharp pain started burning in her shoulders. Her whimpers were music to his ears.
He lowered his head down to her ear, simultaneously pressing his pelvis against her ass. She could feel the heat and hardness from his arousal against her pussy and despite the pain could only think how badly she wanted him inside her right now.
Azur placed a kiss on her cheek where a tear had fallen and whispered into her ear, “Now I’m really done playing nice.”
The pressure of Azure’s torso against her back faded as he stood back upright.
Dread. Valerie’s heart wanted to burst out of her chest at these words. Desire burned under her skin, and she swore she was shaking just thinking about what he might do next.
He placed his fingertips on her shoulder. Surprisingly, his touch was gentle, and it felt light as a feather as he moved his unoccupied hand down the right side of her body. He moved past her hips, giving her ass a tight squeeze which made Valerie’s breath catch in her throat.
“Let’s try this again, shall we?” He said, almost sounding gleeful, all the opposite to Valerie.
Her body suddenly convulsed because he roughly forced his fingers into her again. Her walls clamped down around the digits and a raspy moan left her throat. He slowly pumped his fingers in and out of her, each time forcing them further in and exploring her insides. Valerie started to get used to the sensation and caught herself hoping he’d hit the spot from earlier again, but it was as if he was avoiding it on purpose, building her anticipation. His thumb moved up and down her slit, always circling just around her clit, not giving Valerie the pleasure she desired. Her body felt like it was on fire, and her breaths were short and coming quickly as her patience thinned. She wished he would pick up the pace, but he knew just how to torture her. Finally his fingers curled against the raised flesh inside her, just once, and she moaned out.
“You’re impatient. Is this what you want?” He asked, his own want dripping from his voice like honey.
Valerie bit the inside of her cheek and didn’t answer him. He withdrew his fingers. Valerie hated how empty she felt without them.
Azure let go of her wrists and flipped her onto her back. Now she could see him in the dim light of the moon. His face was dark with lust and he eyed her like prey through stray locks of his brown hair. Appropriately, she felt like a bunny cornered by a hungry wolf under his gaze and averted her eyes.
Azur leaned in and grabbed her chin with one hand. “Look at me,” He commanded. His face was too close now. Nowhere else for Valerie to look other than into his eyes – one blue, the other gray – under his furrowed eyebrows. She knew the blush on her cheeks was probably creeping all the way down her neck now.
Azure forced her lips apart with his other hand, the one covered in her wetness, and shoved the fingers into her mouth which had been up her pussy mere moments ago. Val could taste her own juices as he pushed the pads of his fingers against her tongue. Azure groaned and his eyes were hazy when she swirled her tongue around to clean his digits. She felt his cock pulsating through the fabric of his pants which was pushed up against her sensitive sex. She could tell how he hungered for her and wondered how he managed to compose himself at all.
He withdrew his fingers from her mouth and replaced them with his lips in a hungry kiss. His tongue parted her lips and he curiously pressed it against her own. Valerie breathed heavily through her nose and moaned into Azure’s mouth. He tore his lips from hers and went to stand upright again. This gave Valerie an opportunity to take in his shirtless appearance. His lean and toned body, his skin the color of caramel with the many scars standing out in a ghostly white. It was a body shaped by a hard life. Valerie caught herself wondering what it had gone through to be so rigid and show this many blemishes at his young age, when he dropped his pants. Immediately her eyes went wide and were drawn to his cock, hard and red as it pointed up to his navel. She could see the precum glistening on its silky head and her hand twitched in the urge to reach out. She wanted to touch him, feel him, taste him. But she didn’t know if he’d want her to, if he’d even allow her to move from her compromising position.
He chuckled, amused upon watching her conflicting feelings while she was still sprawled out on the table.
“Go on,” he purred.
In an instant, Valerie was up and gliding off the table, sinking onto her knees before him. The rise and fall of Azure’s chest went quicker when she looked up to him with eager eyes, part of her face obscured by his dick. It was a sight he’d never tire of, excitement ringing loud in his ears.
Valerie tore her eyes off his face and instead regarded his cock before her. She wrapped her hands around the base and it twitched against them. Azure felt hot and impatient and couldn’t stifle a sigh when Val placed a soft kiss on the tip of his dick, licking the precum off her lips and then his slit. She parted her lips and took him inside her mouth, just the tip at first, its skin soft against the inside of her cheek. Azure sharply sucked in a breath and his eyes fluttered close. Valerie relaxed her jaw and took in more of his cock, tightening her lips around it as she pulled her head back again. The pace was excruciatingly slow. Valerie loved how good she could make him feel. Her hand slipped between her legs and she started feeling her wetness, spreading it around her clit. She circled her fingers, as she’d done countless times in lonelier nights, and moaned against him. Azure looked down and met her gaze, reaching out to caress her cheek as she moved her mouth on his dick.
“You’re doing so well,” he praised, his hand moving to the back of her head to encourage her motions. Or so she thought. She hummed, pleased, but then gagged when Azure forced his cock deep into her throat. Startled, Valerie dug her nails into his thighs. Almost immediately, she felt tears rise in her eyes, Azure thrusting into her mouth again and again ruthlessly. He brought himself close to his release, movements becoming irregular and breathing erratically.
“You do this so well I’m beginning to believe that’s all you’re good for!” He taunted. “Am I right?”
Had Valerie not been preoccupied with keeping her gagging in check, she was sure she would be sobbing. Never before had she been talked to like this, never had she felt lesser. But at the same time, she was content. Or not hating it, at least.
Azure grabbed a fistful of her hair and pulled her off his cock. Valerie’s throat felt sore and she greedily sucked in air.
“Am I right?” Azure repeated softly. “You’re a little whore, and you like it, no?”
Valerie nodded weakly.
“Let me hear you say it”, Azure whispered and lifted her to her feet, caressing the small of her back and giving her round ass a squeeze.
“Yes”, Valerie said quietly.
“Yes what?” Azure wrapped his arms around her and she leaned into him, speaking into his ear.
“Yes, I like it. I belong to you and wouldn’t have it any other way.”
“Good,” Azure sounded ecstatic, “Good. Then be a good girl and lay back down on the table for me.”
She nodded. Azure pulled her in for another kiss before releasing his hold on her. Valerie awkwardly stalked to the table, heart beating hard in her chest. She knew he was waiting. Impatient. It was as if he was breathing down her neck. Valerie bent over and laid her upper body back on the table. Azure stepped behind her. For another moment, he marveled at her form, so complete, so perfect, so enticing.
“You make me a madman, Valerie,” he said. She felt his skin against the back of her thighs. He was right there, so close. Valerie wished she could see him
Without another word, Azure aligned himself with Valerie’s sex and pushed himself into her to the hilt with a long stroke. Valerie forgot to breathe. The sensation was blissful, he stretched her out wonderfully.
“Oh,” he groaned. His hands found her hips and he gripped them tightly.
“You’re incredible.” He began to move within her, slowly, drawing out each stroke to savor the texture of her insides against his cock. Her muscles flexed with every outward stroke he made, constricting around him as if she didn’t want him to ever withdraw.
Azure’s face felt hot, in fact, his whole body was hot, buzzing with longing. His pace quickened alongside his breathing, air leaving his chest in sharp bursts. Valerie lost control over her voicebox when he accelerated. Moaning, whining, whimpering, crying out his name when he hit her cervix in a particularly intense stroke. Adrenaline rushed along under her skin, pleasure bubbling, climax coiling slowly but surely into a tighter knot within her lower abdomen.
Azure grabbed the edge of the table on both sides next to her head and leaned into her. thrusting into her roughly now. Every time his thighs collided with her backside, she could hear the smack of skin on skin, and when he pushed her forwards, the edge of the table dug into the soft flesh of her legs. She was sure it would bruise, but she couldn’t care less. Her mouth hung open, drool leaving the corner of her mouth and gluing hairs to her flushed cheeks.
By leaning over her, Azure had entered her field of vision, and she stared up at him. His brows were drawn together tightly, sweat beading on his forehead, lips parted. It was a phenomenal sight. In between her own sounds of pleasure, Valerie could hear him moan, snarl, groan.
“M-More,” Valerie pleaded, voice hitching when Azure’s hips snapped to hers yet again and forced the air out of her lungs.
“You want more?” He repeated boldly, “Then take it. Take it all.”
Valerie nodded. He freed one of his hands and wrapped it around her neck, squeezing its sides and forcing her to crane her head back and lift her upper body off the table. She let out a loud gargled moan. Azure sped up until Valerie was sure he couldn’t go any faster. He pulled her into a more upright position, and with space between her and the table now, his other hand wrapped around her lower body, finding the swollen bud of her clitoris, pushing against it, then drawing circles on it. It was bliss. Valerie broke, her orgasm crashing into her like a tidal wave, rocking her entire body.
“Azure!” She cried and spasmed, falling into his arms after the contraction subsided, her core pulsating in an echo of her climax. She willed her muscles to contract to draw it out, which in turn sent Azure spiraling.
He pushed her back down and moaned her name, his mouth close enough to her ear so she could make out the undertones of desperation and subsequent relief in his voice. It sent a shiver down her heavily panting form.
Azure withdrew his cock from her and came, burying his teeth into the skin of her shoulder, his seed hot on Valerie’s back, pooling in the dip between her ass and shoulder blades. He groaned, releasing her skin where he had left another bruise, and pressed himself against her so she could feel his member twitch and pump his cum onto her skin.
His breaths were as ragged and deep as hers, and for a while that was all that could be heard. It was quiet enough that Valerie could make out the peaceful sounds of the night; the bubbling of far away waves against the shore, wind rustling in the palm trees and insects singing their love songs in the everlasting summer of the Caribbean.
“Wait”, Azure then whispered and stepped away from Valerie. He was somewhere behind her and she felt too weak to move, anyways, so it came as a surprise when she felt soft fabric against the inside of her thigh. Azure took special care in wiping away what remained of her fluids, then moving to her back to clean up his cum. It felt comforting, and Valerie rested her head on the table, dangling her hands off it with closed eyes.
“Thank you,” she whispered when he was done.
“Come,” Azure instructed and kissed her shoulder, helping her on her feet. He looked at her tired eyes and wiped sticky hair from her face, pulling her into a tight embrace.
“Did I hurt you? I’m sorry,” he whispered, now back to his usual, more considerate demeanor.
“Don’t be,” she replied and hooked her arms around his neck, grateful for the stability of his body. She wasn’t sure if she could support her own weight right now.
He nibbled on her earlobe. “I love you. Come, rest.”
With that, he guided her to the blankets and cushions on the floor that served as her bedding. He laid down and pulled her head against his chest, intermingling his legs with her own. Valerie felt very heavy, her body bruised in more places than she could count. She’d worry about that tomorrow, she decided. Sleep first.
“I love you,” Azure whispered once more, and he sounded so broken that Valerie felt infinitely sad falling asleep, but she was already too far gone to keep herself awake.
