Naughty road trip.

One day hubby got a call from a friend, who was needing a favor.  He had won a bid on a large saltwater tank and was needing a way to go and pick it up.   It was going to be a couple hour drive to get it so he asked me (who at the time still lived at home with my parents and we had only been together for a few months)  if I would like to ride with them.  After thinking about it, I said yes, I would go.  So hubbys friend shows up at his house and they leave . He hadn’t mentioned to him that he was going to pick me up, but he did notice a black plastic bag hubby had brought. After a few minutes, his friend asked what was in the bag. All hubby told him was he would find out soon enough.  About 15 min later, he pulled up to my house and I came running out, and climbed into the back seat.  As soon as we were off the road I lived on, he reached and got the bag and handed it to me.  I opened it up to find a wireless remote egg inside, and looked up at him with a puzzled look on my face.  So he then told me to put it in, which I replied back ” Really” and then he said “I told you to, didn’t I”.  With that I did as I had been told and inserted the egg into my  now wet pussy.  So as we drove down the road hubby kept turning it on and off with the wireless remote all the way to where we were heading.  So we got the tank  loaded up.  As I was fixing to climb back into the back seat, hubby told me no, to ride home up front with them. I climbed in the middle of them and we headed back towards the interstate to home.  After a few min. Hubby looked over at me and told me to remove my jeans, I looked at him and said “Really, but I am not wearing any panties’ ‘.  Hubby replied Yes,  so I did as I had been told and removed my jeans.  Once I had them off, hubby began to rub on my legs and inner thigh.  At this point his friend is trying his best not to look at my half naked body and hubby rubbing on my inner thigh.  After a few min. Hubby then told me to take off her shirt, and that he wanted to see my naked body.  I did as I was told and removed my shirt and bra. Hubby  started rubbing on my pussy.  At this point hubbys friend is staring so hubby leaned over and whispered for me to take his hand and put it on my breast.  So I placed his hand on my breast and he began to rub them.  So I sat there naked while they both rubbed all over me.  After a few min. Hubby told me he wanted me to have a dick in each hand while they rubbed on me, so I took out thier dicks and jacked them both while they rubbed and kissed on me.  Hubby then leaned over and told me to climb on his friend and ride him.  I was shocked and asked “are you sure” and he assured me by telling me “yes, let him cum inside you”.  So I sat down on him ( my back was against the dash, my knees against the back of the seat) and began to grind him, he leaned forward, kissing and nibbling on my nipples until he blew his load filling me up.  As soon as he went I climbed off and started giving hubby a blowjob while he drove.  Once he had gone I just laid back while they rubbed on my naked body until we got home.         


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