The Toy [Submission][Threesome]

She gets off the elevator and her heart starts racing. She’s never done this before, hell she’s never done ANY of this before. What is going to happen? Can she go through with it at all she thinks. Her mind is racing but almost just as fast, her legs are defying her brain, her pussy is overriding her brain and forcing her legs forward toward room 712.

She arrives at the door and takes a moment to collect herself. She knows entering through this door, she submitting to them, to them BOTH. She inhales deep and knocks. She hears footsteps and then the clink of the lock being opened. There he is, so large and just as handsome as she has seen over these months online. He smiles at her and it puts her mind at ease. As she’s about to walk in he puts his hand up…. “Just so we’re clear, when you cross that threshold, you are now owned by us, you understand this, correct?”

Her mind gets a little spacey, but her legs are getting wobbly and her cunt more and more damp. “Yes sir” she stammers.

“You will refer to me as either Daddy or Sir and her as Mistress, understood?” She now sees Mistress has walked up behind him and put a hand oh his shoulder. She’s beaming, all the anticipation and buildup is showing on her face.

“Yes, Daddy, I do.” Daddy reaches out his hand and leads her inside. They share a tight embrace and then he pulls back and plants his lips on hers.

She thinks to herself, “OMFG this is exactly as good as I thought it’d be!” She feels an extra set of hands on her shoulders and is now sandwiched between them. Her body is practically short circuiting.

“Daddy” says Mistress, “May I have a turn now?” Without a word their little toy is spun around slowly to face Mistress. This is it the moment of truth. They’d been speaking for months but, this was her first time doing anything with a woman, this will be her first threesome, but again her body is seemingly being led by her electrified pussy, leans in and they lock lips.

The jitters of kissing another woman slowly subside and pure lust begins to take over as she moans into her Mistress’ mouth. She then feels his hands on her shoulders and then his lips hit her neck, she quite literally stumbles a bit, she’s never felt such an overload of stimulation. Just then she feels Mistress pull away. She steps back and sits in a chair and he’s standing in front of her.

He gets behind her and his hand go under her shirt, gripping her large heaving tits and he locks back onto her neck, she’s in heaven. Her shirt is lifted over her head, the black lacy bra she’s wearing also quickly removed. Now she’s standing wearing only her leggings and the matching black pair of panties. The leggings are next to be removed and now she’s standing in front of her owner almost fully naked. Her wetness is multiplying exponentially. That’s when sire speaks.

“You, Toy, are beneath us, you’re here to serve us, but your Mistress, serves me. Mistress, stand up and disrobe, now.”

She practically jumped out of the chair and off came her dress, she was wearing nothing underneath except… “Show her.” Mistress bends over revealing a shiny jeweled plug. Daddy take his hand and wraps it around Toy’s throat and pushes her against a wall, her head knocks into it a little but before she has time to exclaim he kisses her deeply, one hand around her throat then almost with no resistance, two fingers up her slit. She is writhing against his hand as he diddles her. He take the hand of her throat momentarily to snap his fingers. Mistress walks over and he points to the ground. Like an obedient sub, she kneels. He takes the fingers out of her opening, soaked with her juice.

“Open” he says to the Toy. Both fingers enter her mouth, it tastes sweet. He kisses her on the mouth again and steps back.

Looking down at Mistress: “You’re going to make our new friend feel welcome, now.” “Yes Daddy.” Her mouth clamps down on Toy’s pussy. Toy moans, wildly.

“I want you to fuck her mouth and cum on her face. I want you to use her but understand, when we’re done, she’s going to get her payback, I promise you. She owns you, but I own her.”

“YESSS Daddy! Thank you!” She screams. Toy places her hands on the back of Mistress’ head as she’s working her tongue on her clit. Daddy leans in and whispers “It fucking feels good, doesn’t it? Her mouth is magic.” “OMG YES DADDYYYYY!” His lips graze her neck and he locks onto a nipple and that sets her over the edge, Toy grips her Mistress’ head and thrusts and screams, “OMG I’M CUMMMMINGGGGGG!” Daddy keeps his mouth firmly on her nipple and a hand on her throat, squeezing harder as she cums. She would have fallen over if not being held against the wall.

Daddy pulls Mistress up by her hair and brings the ladies face to face. Mistress is a good few inches taller and stands over her toy. Toy immediately goes in for a kiss, the ladies’ tongues dancing a sexual mambo in each others mouths. The women, sharing the flood of Toy’s juices that just left her opening moments before.

Daddy pulls them apart. “I hope you enjoyed that, Toy. Like I said, she’s going to get her payback.” “I can’t wait Daddy!” They make their way to the bed and the ladies embrace and kiss once more, being led but Mistress. They hear him remove his belt.

“Toy, I promise you, this is going to hurt.”

She had no idea what lay in store this night, but she wants every single second of it.


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