Sandra’s Second Training Session

Link to the first one here :) [](

Sandra woke up shivering and aching, the memories of her time with Drake still fresh in her mind. She got dressed to go to work, but before she knew it, she was back in Drake’s shop. It was as if her subconscious had taken her there without her even noticing. Drake was waiting for her, a wicked grin on his face. “Good morning, my dear,” he said. “Did you miss me?” Sandra shook her head, but deep down, she knew that she had. She was addicted to the pleasure, to the submission, to the power that Drake held over her. And she knew that she would never be able to escape his grasp, no matter how hard she tried. She was his slave, his pet, his plaything, his possession. And she loved every second of it.

Drake knew that Sandra was addicted to pleasure and submission, but he also knew that there was still much more for her to learn. He tied her to a chair, attaching a pulsing vibrator to her clitoris and ramming a butt plug into her ass. He left her there for a couple of hours, watching as she screamed and writhed in pleasure and pain. Sandra tried to stop herself from cumming, but she was addicted, and she couldn’t stop, no matter how much it hurt. Eventually, her eyes went blank, her brain stopped functioning, and she went cum-drunk into a sexual trance. Drake watched as she lost herself to pleasure, her body convulsing as she came over and over again. And he knew, in that moment, that she was ready for the next stage of her training. He would teach her that a cock-slave doesn’t care about the cock, that it’s not the source of pleasure, but rather the pleasure is in the submission, the power exchange, and the complete surrender of the self. And he knew that Sandra was ready for this lesson, ready to give herself over completely.

Drake attached a leash to Sandra’s neck and led her, naked, to a bar in the ugly part of town. He bent her over a stool and tied her leash to the bottom of the bar. He sat down and asked the bartender for a Guinness, leaving Sandra there to wait. It wasn’t long before a queue of men began to form, all eager to fuck her pussy and ass. At least two dozen men took their turn with her, using her body for their pleasure. Sandra moaned and screamed, her body writhing with pleasure and pain as they fucked her, but Drake just watched, his eyes cold and calculating. He was teaching her a lesson, showing her what it meant to be a slave, to be completely at the mercy of others. And Sandra knew, in that moment, that she would do anything he asked, no matter what.

Sandra had been fucked by every man in the bar, her body used and abused for their pleasure. They had all cum inside her ass, pussy, and mouth, but after being fucked over 50 times, she still hadn’t come. She was confused, frustrated, and so incredibly horny that it hurt. She couldn’t understand how she could be so desperate for pleasure, so addicted to the submission and pain that Drake had taught her. Her mind couldn’t do anything other than plead for more, to be used more, to be fucked more. And as Drake watched her, he knew that she was ready for the final lesson. He would show her that pleasure didn’t come from the cock, but rather from the mind, from the complete submission of the self. He untied her from the bar and led her back to his shop, his hands moving over her body with a practiced ease.

“Are you ready to come, my dear?” Drake asked, his voice low and dangerous.

“Yes, please, let me come,” Sandra begged, her body writhing with need.

“You have to beg for it, slave,” Drake said, his hand moving over her body.

“Please, Master, let me come,” Sandra pleaded, her eyes pleading for release.

“What are you willing to do to come, slave?” Drake asked, a wicked grin on his face.

“Anything, Master, anything to come,” Sandra said, her body on fire with need.

“Then beg for it, slave,” Drake said, his hand moving faster over her body.

“Please, Master, I need to come, I can’t take it anymore,” Sandra begged, her voice breaking with need.

“You’re not begging hard enough, slave,” Drake said, his eyes cold and calculating.

“Please, Master, I’ll do anything, just let me come,” Sandra pleaded, her eyes wide with desperation.

“Are you ready to give yourself completely to me, slave?” Drake asked, his hand moving over her clit.

“Yes, Master, anything to come, please,” Sandra said, her body on the brink of release.

“Then say it, slave,” Drake said, his voice low and commanding.

“I belong to you, Master, completely and entirely,” Sandra said, her voice filled with need.

“Louder, slave,” Drake said, his hand moving faster over her clit.

“I belong to you, Master, completely and entirely,” Sandra cried, her body on the verge of exploding.

“That’s better, slave,” Drake said, his hand moving faster and faster.

“Please, Master, I need to come, I can’t take it anymore,” Sandra begged, her body on fire with need.

“Then come for me, slave,” Drake said, his voice dark and commanding.

And with that, Sandra let out a scream of pleasure as she came, her body shaking with the force of it, and she felt something she didn’t expect… she felt peace.

Sandra put herself in position on Drake’s $5 Gloryhole Stand, feeling peaceful and content. She was happy knowing her place and role in the world. She was a cock-slave, a plaything for sex, and she knew this was where she belonged. She finally felt happy. As she sucked cock the rest of the day, she did so with a smile on her face, enjoying every moment of it. She knew she was finally free, free to give in to her desires and be who she truly was.
