We Went to Mexico, Can’t Imagine We Would Have Any Fun [MF 40’s] [Public] [Creampie]

It had been a couple years since we’d been to Mexico. The stress of work and life. The pressure of the pandemic pushing us to the bitter end. We hadn’t had a vacation in so long. We both just needed the relief. Our sex life was non existent. A quick fuck on a Saturday morning every once in a while, maybe once or twice a month. I’m always horny and never could get over the fact we didn’t have enough intimacy.

I just know that when we go on vacation the inner slut comes out. Boy do I need that inner slut to help with some of my urges. I need to feel the pulse of your pussy when you cum. I need to feel the need for me to cum inside you. I know you want it. I need it even more.

We are on our way to the airport. It’s early as hell and I hope we’ve got everything packed. I tried to think of everything, from sexy clothing to toys. Being in a different country with nobody around that knows us gives us so many opportunities to try things we wouldn’t normally try.

We board the plane and find our seats. The plane is fairly full, however we lucked out getting the left row all to ourselves. You like the window seat, I prefer the aisle for the leg room. You wearing your typical travel attire of leggings and a hoodie, me in shorts and a t shirt. After he plane took off you put your legs across the seat between us, resting your leg in my lap. You’re watching your iPad. The people across the aisle are sleeping. It’s dark in the plane. I slowly rub your calf, feeling the muscles on the back relax as I rub and massage. Running my finger tips up to the legging clad back of your knee. Lightly teasing as I draw circles from your knee to your calf. I push back up to your knee again, I tease just behind your knee cap, this gets your attention away from your iPad for a second. You make eye contact with me and grin. Reaching down to your bag you grab your other sweater and throw it over your legs. Covering from your groin down to just below your knee. You make eye contact with me and wink. I give you a knowing smile and trace circles up to your mid thigh. I notice as I get high up your leg. You slightly spread your leg and twist it slightly so I can get further to the inside of your thigh.

I trace back down to your knee, drawing circles to the inside of your knee, circling that bone that juts out. With my right hand I squeeze your ankle and apply pressure just below your calf. I know you love it when I slightly squeeze. This gets me the result I wanted, you exhale and shut your eyes for a second. My left hand sliding back up your thigh. My index finger leading the way. I can start to feel your body heat as I arrive at the point where your upper thigh meets your groin. You have one leg on the floor, supporting you, the other is in my lap. I squeeze your inner thigh and tease the crease where your thigh joins your groin. Sliding my finger up and down the crease. I let the back of my pinky and ring finger finger scrape against your pussy as I trace back up. I feel you flex and thrust your hips to meet my touch. I bend my pink so the nail is pointed directly toward your clit. Applying a slight amount of pressure and dragging it down. I can already feel moisture building and collecting in the material of your leggings. With my index finger teasing the crease between your pussy and thigh and the back of my ring and pinky finger I drag them back up to your clit. I can definitely feel the moisture now.

I draw my hand out from under the sweater and smell the back of my fingers. God I love the smell of your arousal. My cock is throbbing inside my shorts at the thought of what I’m about to do.

Sliding my hand back under the sweater I feel for the seam of your leggings. It’s right next to your pussy. You’re probably going to kill me for what I do next. I find the slight tear I thought I felt earlier and I stick my finger in it stretching the material until it tears more. You look at me surprised. You’re going to have to go through security with a hole in your leggings, but it’s for a good cause.

I make the hole big enough to comfortably get three fingers in. I feel for the elastic of your panties and pull it away and to the side exposing your pussy to my fingers. You’re wet. More so than I’ve seen in a while. The angle is still off but I will do my best to make you cum. I drag the back of my fingers between your lips up to your clit. I cannot believe how wet you are. I think the torn leggings turned you on you naughty little slut. As I apply pressure to your clit, I hear you suck in a breath. You’re trying your best to be quiet. You also unconsciously open your leg a tad more. Turning my hand to a somewhat weird angle I push my index finger into your opening. I slip it just inside you feeling on the upside of your opening for your gspot. When I find it I push slightly on it as I move my index finger back and forth over the top of it. Experience tells me this drives you wild. I look up and make eye contact with you. Your cheeks are flushed your eyes look needy. You bite your bottom lip, a move you do a lot when you’re turned on. I push my finger in just a bit more and pull back running right over the ridge just inside your vagina. I can’t wait to taste my finger after I get you off. My thumb is on the outside of your legging but able to access your clit. I put the tip of my thumb on top of your clit and push slightly as I make small circles. This to go along with my index finger inside you does exactly as it was intended. You shut your eyes and tremble, pulling your iPad up to your forehead. I look at the passengers across the aisle, they seem to be sleeping. I double down my effort moving my thumb a bit more erratically but continuing to rub the ridge on the top side of your vagina. Your leg on the floor is shaking. I feel you clench. I hold my thumb in place but maintain pressure on your clit. I feel it throb and as your vagina clenches on my finger. You’re so tight and so wet. Your leg in my lap extends and locks as I hear you try to be subtle about your breathing but to no avail. If anyone is paying attention they’ll know you’re cumming like the good little slut you are. I pull my index finger out drag it between your lips up to your clit. You jump and clench your thighs together. The stimulation is too much.

I pull my hand out from your lap, see your cum on my fingers, make eye contact with you and give you a devilish smile as I clean your cum from my fingers. You grab my hand and pull my fingers to your mouth to get anything I missed. I wonder what other fun activities we can have on this trip?

Continued in Comments.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/10yr2x4/we_went_to_mexico_cant_imagine_we_would_have_any


  1. The trip through immigration and security was somewhat uneventful. You took your hoodie off and wrapped it around your waist. Not that anyone could see the hole I ripped in your leggings but you must’ve felt less self conscious. We collected our bags and went out to find our transportation. We flew into Cancun but the resort is in Playa Del Carmen. It’s a good hour ride from the airport.

    After meeting with the driver, he threw our things in the van, we jumped in the back row with one row separating us from the driver. We were on our way. Snuggled up in the back of the van, it was a private ride so it was just the two of us. The bench seat was large but I sat close to you thinking I could play with the convenient hole I made in your leggings. You had other plans. I was talking to the driver about our plans and what we should maybe see. You were rubbing my muscled thigh. I sensed your plan and leaned back spreading my legs slightly. You took the cue and slid your hand higher up my thigh. I was trying to focus on the drivers conversation but was having difficulties as your palm slid over the length of my quickly hardening cock.

    I felt you squeeze the base then slide your palm up pushing my cock into my thigh with pressure. You reached further between my legs cupping my balls. This made me take a quick intake of air. I wondered if the driver noticed. I’m a sucker for your fingers on my balls even through my shorts. Your cupping and tickling turned into a tighter grip as you slid your palm back up towards the head. As you pressed on the tip a wet spot formed on my shorts where my precum was drooling out of my cock. You’ve always told me you thought it was sexy that I don’t wear underwear. It’s just too constricting for me. It certainly was coming in handy now. I felt you slide the zipper of my shorts down. You had to be quiet as we weren’t conversing with the driver now. It was silent in the van. I asked the driver to turn on some music. He did and this helped to drown out any moans you were going to get from me. I felt you try to pull my cock out through the zipper, I was so hard there wasn’t any way you could make it happen. You deftly with one hand undid the button on my shorts opening them up so my cock could flop out.

    I couldn’t believe how naughty you were being. Vacation definitely brings out the little slut in you. I love that little slut. I looked down just in time to see you smearing the precum all over my swollen head. I was so sensitive. You slid your hand down pressing your palm into my shaft which pushed my hot cock against my stomach. Seeing my fat cock under your wrist and forearm as you slid your fingers further down cupping my balls without the interference of my shorts. They were already pulled tight to my body slightly pulsing. I was so turned on I wanted to fuck you right there in the van. I was having a hard time keeping my hands to myself. The driver and I would make eye contact in the rear view mirror every once in a while. He couldn’t see you but I think he may have known you were being naughty.

    You started to stroke me, up and down my shaft your hand went. Your painted white finger nails on your long delicate fingers wrapped around my cock was driving me wild. You know I have a thing for sexy fingers with painted nails stroking my cock. I slid down the seat a little enabling me to thrust my hips up towards your hand. You were stroking me at a pretty good pace by now. I could feel the buildup happening. Every once in a while you’d slow down and firmly grab just under the head of my cock. This took the heat back down. You knew exactly what you were doing.

    After the second or third time I lost track of you edging me up only to stall and start over. We pulled up to the entrance to our resort. The driver checked in with security at the gate. While he was talking you leaned over and kissed me whispering in my ear “I hope you built up a lot of cum, I’m going to drain your balls when we get to the room”. As you said this you pushed my hard drooling cock inside my shorts, pulling the waist band over my cock compressing the head against my abdomen. You pulled the zipper up. We’re on vacation.

    As we pulled up in front of the resort, I adjusted my shorts. My cock was so hard it could drive a nail. I had it trapped between my stomach and the band on my shorts. It was leaking precum which I couldn’t do much about.

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