GF (19) signed up to be a guide.

/> Was a in college with gf (really cute, slim brunette girl with glasses)

She was a bit of an introvert, so to get out a bit, she decided it would be fun to do this international student guide/buddy program they had at our college in the last semester of the year.

When the students arrived it was late spring. She went and met her buddy and said he was a really nice Black guy from Africa who had been living in Europe.

She took him out on a trip a few days later to show him around and bring him to this to this cool hiking trail that leads to the beach.

When she got back she said they had a good time and that he was even making a video log to show his friends and family back home.

The next day I get out of class a bit early. So I go back to my dorm and open up my laptop and look at Facebook. While I’m looking at the feed I see the video from the trip pop up so I click the link and start watching.

It shows her introducing herself and then talking about where they were going as she drives the car and they chat.

It shows different shots of the trip and hike and they take turns using the camera.

It cuts to them making it to the beach and it’s a bright sunny day with some people walking around on it. He says “Wooow, it looks so nice!” As they walk out on the sand he asks “Are you ready to swim?”

She says “Oh, I didn’t think you wanted to swim.” He says “Ah, yes let’s do it”.

I chuckle to myself thinking I’m about to see my Gf swimming in her underwear.

Sure enough, the next scene is her on the beach stripping down to her bra and panties. As she’s waiting in her underwear he asks ”Are you coming?”

She nods and he says “Ok, get naked and we will go.”

After a few seconds of thinking, to my surprise, she pulls off her bra as her pink nippled boobs pop out and then pulls down her panties and you can see her pussy. She smiles and waves hello to his friends in Africa.

He sees she is a bit shy though and covering her crotch so he says “Don’t worry. You are very pretty and your vagina looks very good, no need to hide!”

Realizing the compliment, she says it’s just her first time skinny dipping and let’s her hand down.

He gives another guy on the beach his camera. And it shows them running naked into the water with her pale butt contrasting his dark skin.

The next 2 minutes of the video is of them in the ocean. Because she only went in up to her knees, there were a lot of nude shots of her, especially as she ran away from waves and her perky boobies were bouncing around. The was even a shot where she bent over to pick something up and you could see her butthole and pussy from behind.

You could tell the cameraman was enjoying it because he would zoom in on her occasionally. However, you only ever see the dudes ass because he had swam all the way in.

The video wraps up with them getting dressed and hiking out then a few shots of them eating dinner a restaurant later.

I actually thought the video was cute but I just couldn’t believe it was on facebook.

Everyone on Facebook saw it and were commenting up a storm. This was before automatic content takedowns so you had to wait for someone to review it first, so it just stayed up even though people were reporting it.

Some people were incensed by seeing her naked, whereas the dudes family didn’t understand at all and was just commenting that she was a nice girl and seemed like they wanted him to date her.

It was up for several hours and went semi viral.

By the time she got back the link had been taken down from Facebook but YouTube had allowed it to stay up.

I told her about it and we watched it together. She said she thought it wouldn’t be a big deal if he showed some of his friends all the way in Africa her naked video, but wasn’t expecting him to post it on Facebook. Turns out he was also doing it for a school project.

She decided to say fuck it and just leave it up, since everyone she knew had already seen it.

She said she didn’t want to make him feel bad and side with the people bashing him about it because in his culture nudity is not a big deal.

Because it was also posted on a school page people actually reported him to the school for it.

They reviewed the video and after talking to her about it they decided they didn’t care and wanted to respect cultural differences.

To shut up the complainers, they actually took a stand and published their skinny dipping video on the main school website while celebrating cultural diversity.

Everyone on campus was talking about her naked video for a week and she became a mini celebrity for a while. Even though she was a bit embarrassed first about some people joking about they way her boobs kept flopping around in the video, everyone was nice to her and she ended up enjoying the attention, even flashing her boobs for some people asking for a picture with her.

A year later YouTube changed their policy and took it down maybe because you could see too much pussy, I don’t know, but by that time it was already viewed thousands of times.
