The Summer before College [18+ female adolescents explore sex, voyeurism, caught masturbating, girl on girl, dominant male, bi threesome]

[Note: written for a new friend; I hope you enjoy]

Sarah angled her body toward the plastic toy on the bottom of the pool, then shot towards it with a powerful stroke from her young, tanned body. She reached out a hand, grabbed the torpedo-shaped toy before rolling onto her back and kicking for the surface. Head back, eyes, closed, her face broke through, her hair streaming the chlorinated pool water as the hot sun warmed her cute face. She tossed the torpedo dart to the other end of the pool, where some of the guys and girls in her friend group were playing a made-up game. With her eyes still closed, she lay back on the water, inhaling deeply as her bikini-clad breasts rose above the surface of her water and she floated on her back. She was savoring the summer freedom to bask in the sun.
An idle thought crossed her mind as she felt the sun’s warmth seep through the fabric of her bikini top: the guys would be looking. Her breasts weren’t the biggest, but they were firm and shapely. She wished they were a little bigger, like her friend Erin’s. Erin was an inch taller than Sarah, but her long, tight body and full adolescent breasts drew a lot of attention from guys. No. Sarah stopped that thought. They get a lot of attention from me. Sarah felt her nipples harden. Oh, god, what am I thinking?
She felt the water near her head rippling; someone was about, but she kept her eyes closed. She saw Erin’s smile in her mind, but in her mind her eyes were moving, down to the gold V of Erin’s little heart necklace, down to where the full swell of her breasts, deliciously squeezed into that white bikini top played with Sarah’s imagination. She had seen them once, walking into the locker room barefoot, looking up just in time to see a naked Sarah with her leg raised to the bench, her breasts jiggling as she dried her leg. The heat that burned through Sarah had stunned her, made her retreat quickly and quietly. Erin’s AirPods had saved her. She remembered that furious blush on her cheeks, remembered willing it to go away. Fuck. Her breathing had grown all breathy, too. She had taken two slow, deep breaths, managed to whistle a Bieber song, and entered the locker room again as though nothing had happened. Erin looked up and smiled, now standing wrapped in her towel, completely concealed except where the towel ended on her legs. “Hey, S!” Erin said cheerfully, turning away to pack up her stuff in the duffle on the floor. Erin bent over, and Sarah felt the burning blush return as her eyes went straight to where the towel, pulled up by Erin’s movements, had exposed the place where Erin’s tanned butt cheeks met her long lean legs. Her eyes had been drawn to the pale, untanned skin between those cheeks Omg, am I looking at her …? Erin had straightened and turned, stopping Sarah mid-thought, and held up her clothes. “I’m off to change. Wanna go get one of those frozen strawberry smoothies?”
Sarah felt the water ripple again as the memory of Erin’s nakedness dissolved. Hands grabbed her hips from below, tickling her, and she gulped in a mouth of water as she sank, trying to get away from her assailant. But her assailant was trying to bring her to the surface: the tickling stopped, arms wrapped around her waist, and as the two rose, Sarah felt two breasts press against her back. “Omigod, Sarah! I didn’t mean to drown you! I’m so sorry!” Erin’s voice came through the blur of pool water and sparkling sunlight as the two hands moved toward the shallow end of the pool, Sarah coughing out the water. As her feet found purchase on the bottom of the pool, Sarah managed a laugh. “You just murdered a glorious daydream, Erin,” she accused, grinning at her friend beneath her own wet, dark blonde hair. Concerned eyes looked wide at Sarah from her friend’s pretty face, framed in its own darker hair. Mischief replaced the concern, and Erin turned to eye the boys at the other end of the pool. “Which one, S?” she asked playfully. “I saw how Jackson was eyeing you when you were floating on your back!” Sarah fought down a white-hot blush, but she was thinking of the brief touch of Erin’s breasts on her back through that white bikini top. Erin saw the blush. “Oooooooo, I’m so right! It was Jackson!” she said triumphantly. Sarah turned away her face from the sun, still blinking chlorine water from her eyes. Her eyes came to rest on Erin’s tanned tummy, on those perfect hips, on that tiny little bikini bottom with the parallel stripes that covered something Sarah knew in that instant she wished she could see. “Oh, stop it, Erin! No, it wasn’t Jackson!” She looked at her friend, so hot and so unaware of how hot she was. She drew her face into a playful pout. “Can you keep a secret, Erin?”
“Yes! Oh, yes! Please!”
“Well, so can I!” said Sarah triumphantly, reaching the ladder a half-second before her friend, but not fast enough to escape Erin’s perfectly placed slap on her ass.
At the smoothie shop where they sat, Sarah found herself staring absentmindedly at her friend’s straw, which Erin was rolling between her fingers. Her eyes followed the straw up to her friend’s lips, and she saw that Erin was rolling the straw around on her lips with her tongue. Sarah felt her cheeks warm again, and she glanced up at Erin’s eyes, only to find them looking straight into her own. The blush deepened.
“What’s up, S?” Asked Erin seriously. “You seem so distracted today. I’m sorry I teased you about Jackson, but he is sooooo cute! Hot, too, ya know? He has that sleepy hotness about him, so nice and friendly everyday, but you just know that he must fuck like a beast from that quiet air of confidence.” Erin’s eyes were glowing with mischief.
“Erin, oh my god! You’re awful!” Sarah’s voice was louder than she intended, rising to mask the blush she felt when her friend talked about sex. “You would know! That’s exactly how Jake is with you! Does he f—“ she stopped herself, not believing that she had gone there, but it was now Erin’s turn to blush. Sarah’s eyes widened, and her jaw dropped.
“Not like a beast, no,” she said softly. Erin looked up at her friend, the blush still blooming on her face, but secure enough in their friendship to go on. “Jake is really tender and sweet, but…” She paused. “I think he’s just watched too much porn, S. It’s like he is trying to play some role, but once he is actually inside me, it’s over pretty soon. I think I overwhelm him, you know? Big boobs and all.” She laughed at herself. “You’d know what I mean immediately if you saw us.”
Sarah was listening, but she saw the two of them very clearly in her mind as Erin spoke, and Erin’s last comment caught her completely off guard and she quickly tried to avert her eyes, staring at the table to mask her reaction. She was too slow. “Omigod, S! Your face! If I didn’t know you better I’d think that your dirty little mind just took my comment literally!” Goddamn, the air conditioning, raged Sarah as she felt her nipples harden against her will. “S …” began Erin. Her hands reached out and caught Sarah’s across the table. Sarah could feel her friend’s gaze as she stared at the pattern of plastic particles crushed into the surface of the smoothie shop table.
Sarah looked up when she felt she had to. Erin’s eyes were kind, loving, and empathetic. Then a sly smile began to curl in the corner of her mouth. “S, let’s make it happen!” she said abruptly.
Sarah tried to say something, but she was at a loss for words. *What?* Erin squeezed her hands, and Sarah felt a growing excitement in Erin, the sort that led to mischief and the two of them usually getting into some sort of trouble. “I’m going to smuggle you in.” It dawned on Sarah just what her crazy friend might mean.
“But …” she said.
“Hush! Oh, I love the idea! S, I need your opinion. Am I just crazy wrong about Jake? Yes, he’s sweet and all, but he has a little swagger, too, especially when he is with his friends. I know he has told them we’re having sex now. I catch their glances, how they eye my body. Sarah, pleeeeease!” Erin had felt Sarah draw away in what she thought was distaste, but it as only because Sarah felt her hands growing damp in Erin’s soft hands as her friend spun out her wild plan. “It’s perfect because I know he lied when he said he hadn’t told anyone. The next day all his guy friends were grinning at me. What better way for me to share with my best friend than by having you watch Mr. Big Dick strut his stuff in person?”
Sarah had not said a word, fretting about first her hands, then the warmth she felt return to her loins as Erin gushed about her plan. Suddenly, Erin grew serious. “It wouldn’t bother you to see me doing that, would it, S? I mean, I know we’ve seen each other naked in the locker room over the years. If it would, of course, you don’t have to say yes.”
“Oh, no,” Sarah answered. “It’s not that.” At all, her mind added. “It’s just …”

“Good!” Erin grinned, thrilled with her plan. “He’ll never know, but whenever one of his grinning little shit-faced friends smiles at me like he knows something, I can smile right back because I know something even better!” She grabbed Sarah’s hands again, newly animated. “Tonight! He’s coming over for a movie because my parents will be out with friends for some progressive dinner thing. Like they go from house to house for every course of the dinner. You come home with me and I’ll stash you somewhere! You can see what you think about Jake. Once he’s gone, you can stay for the night. Mom and Dad won’t care. They love you!”
When the doorbell rang hours later, a breathless Sarah found herself scrambling to hide behind a folding oriental screen in Erin’s parents’ bedroom, a spacious suite of walk-in closets, a sumptuous bathroom, and a huge main bedroom with a king-sized bed. She listened as Erin opened the front door and heard the chatter of two voices. The screen was in the corner of the bedroom, half-concealed by a sizable ficus tree that was Erin’s mom’s pride and joy. Erin had dragged a stool behind the screen to give her friend a place to sit while the evening unfolded. “It won’t take long. He’ll want to watch a horror movie so that I’ll cuddle with him, and the moment the first set of boobs appears on the screen, he’ll start trying to get in my pants.” Erin laughed. “You’ll see!”
What Sarah had already seen was Erin get ready for Jake. The call for a towel had come as soon as she heard Erin’s shower go off. She had stepped into the thick, moist air of the bathroom, seeing Erin’s beautiful naked body standing in the glow from the shower light. As Erin’s dried off, Sarah recalled the time in the locker when she had seen her dry off, and bit her lip to stifle the feeling flowing through her body now.
“Hey, S. Help a pal? Now that everything is all warm and soft?” Erin held a can of shaving soap and a razor in her hands. Wordlessly, Sarah complied. Erin was so matter-of-fact about it all, but Sarah’s hand had trembled as she lathered the tender skin, carefully shaving Erin’s soft skin smooth, leaving a neat little triangular patch of downy hair above Erin’s soap-covered pussy. Yes, pussy, because somehow she had seen what she had wondered about for so long, seen it inches from her face.
She had watched her friend apply scented lotion to her naked body. Erin’s breasts, unceremoniously lotioned, flopped about in a casual way that made Sarah clench her thighs together. The choice of lingerie had taken half the afternoon. “Pink,” Sarah had said, and she watched Erin put on the lacy Victoria’s Secret bra and the matching thong. The top, equally carefully chosen, was loose-fitting and super casual, but it gaped opened in revealing fashion when Erin moved in a certain way. The shorts were nothing special, but they were comfy and loose fitting, too, offering a chance to catch a flash of underwear if the angle was right.
Sarah mounted the stool, peering through the crack between the wooden screen panels and saw all of the king-sized bed before her, bathed in a glow of soft light that Erin had checked to make sure Sarah would be able to see.
“We can use my parent’s room,” Erin was telling Jake, “it has the best TV and sound system. What do you want to watch?” The couple appeared in the doorway, Erin so casually hot that Sarah held her breath; Jake dressed like any other day.
“How about that new horror film that just came out, baby? What was it called? X, I think?” Jake asked. His “baby” sounded a little unnatural, and Sarah smiled. Yes, she could already see what Erin had meant.
“Sure, babe!” Said Erin, walking past the wooden screen that hid Sarah, grinning and winking at her, as if to say I told you so! as she went to grab the remotes from the console beneath the TV.
The movie started, and Erin and Jake climbed onto the bed, sitting against the headboard. Jake draped his arm around Erin’s shoulders in a way that made Sarah smile. There was no way that was comfortable, sitting as he was. His mind was already on his next move. The movie was something about a group of actors making a porno in some godforsaken location. Sarah listened to the dialogue about wannabes hoping to make it big for a while, watched the light from the TV cast its colored ghosts on the wall of the cavernous room. Sarah watched her friend, the flashes of light falling on her as if dancing on her beauty.
Erin was right again: a sex scene played on the screen, and Jake’s arm pulled Erin close. He leaned in to kiss her, and Erin reached a hand to his face, cradling it gently while she gave him a deep and soulful kiss. Sarah’s hand slipped down between her own legs, pressing into her flesh as she let out a slow and carefully regulated breath.
Jake already had his hands on Erin’s breasts, groping them like soft foam balls or something. He had scarcely been squeezing them for a minute or two when he reached beneath her shirt. She stopped him, pushing away his hands, kissing him again as she moved to face him from her knees. Erin picked a spot where Sarah could see both Erin’s own actions and Jake’s reactions, too. She reached under her shirt, slowly undoing her bra, slipping her arms into its straps until she pulled it out from under her shirt and tossed the wisp of lacy pink to Jake, who awkwardly caught it. His eyes were glued to Erin’s body, and Sarah suddenly noticed that his dick was straining against the fabric of his shorts. She suppressed a quiet giggle.
What Erin did next, though, made Sarah shudder with a pang of desire. She arched her back and pulled that loose top over her head ever so slowly. Sarah saw the bulge of the side of her breasts as she tossed the shirt to Jake, too, and watched in awe as she stood and unbuttoned her shorts, swaying to the song that was playing in the background of the film. She wriggled her hips, letting her shorts slide down her long, tanned legs, and then bent over to pull them off of her ankle and foot. Her breasts dangled divinely in the air, full, magnificent, so touchable, now with hard nipples. Erin stood after tossing these, too, to Jake. Sarah’s eyes ran from her friend’s ankles up her lovely legs to her firm ass, its firm cheeks defined by a sliver of pink lace between them. Erin turned to face the screen, a wicked smile on her face, she leaned over, letting her hair fall, letting her breasts dangle in front of Sarah’s hungry eyes as she began to shimmy out of her thong. So it was that Sarah, not Jake, first saw Erin’s newly trimmed, smooth pussy in the dancing light of the TV. Sarah found her fingers within her own waistband, beneath her own underwear, rubbing her clit slowly and softly, absolutely torn by the need to rub it fast and the need to keep totally silent.
Jake was on his elbows, rushing to get out of his pants and underwear. His hard and surprisingly fat dick popped out of his boxers like it was spring-loaded. Sarah watched, growingly increasingly aroused. Erin pulled off her thong, kneeling again to face Jake, and brushed his dick with her thong before tossing it on Jake’s face. Sarah leaned forward as Erin dropped to her knees, positioning herself at the side of Jake as she stretched out a hand to wrap around his dick. Jake moaned as she squeezed him, and his breath was ragged by the time Erin lowered her head to his cock.
Sarah watched as her friend’s mouth closed around the head of Jake’s dick, watched as his legs stiffened when she lifted her mouth and her tongue curled around the head. Her eyes were drawn to Erin’s naked ass, rising behind her as she sucked on Jake’s dick. When Erin lifted her head next, the movie light caught the glistening cock in Erin’s lovely hand and Erin’s breasts swaying in the air. Jake was moving, and Sarah thought she made out a crystal clear drop of liquid seep from his cock head as he got to his knees.
Erin lay back on the pillows, her breasts firm and full, nipples, aroused, and she spread her thighs for her boyfriend. Sarah, gazing behind the screen, felt as though she spread them for her. Her finger sank into her own tight wetness, and her eyes closed as she felt pleasure roll pulse through her body. Her finger’s pace increased, er hushed breathing grew more ragged. The palm of her hand rubbed against her clit, and she felt light-headed, felt like the screen was hitting her head, like it was crashing to the floor. She opened her eyes to see Jake and Erin staring at her, Erin stifling hysterical laughter, and Jake stunned. Sarah’s had stopped, and she pulled it from her waistband. She was trembling.
Jake was on his feet, somehow transformed from awkward lover to furious young man. His hard cock was still standing rigid from his body. “What the fuck, Sarah!” His eyes whipped back to Erin. “Did you know she was there?” Erin giggled.
“Jake, you’re damn hot when you get angry. Yes, baby. I did know. I invited her.” Erin looked at her boyfriend’s angry face in unruffled defiance. “Are you going to tell that to your friends, too?”
Jake’s face reddened. Both girls could see him weighing his options, but he soon settled on one. “No. No, I’m not. Because Sarah is going to for something for me. And then no one will have a reason to run her damn mouth about this!” His words caused Erin to draw back in surprise, but Sarah felt her body grow limp as it repsonded to his commanding voice. “What the fuck, babe,” murmured Erin, approvingly, “where did this fire come from?”
“Come here,” Jake ordered Sarah. For a moment time seemed to stop as all three waited to see what would happen. Then Sarah obeyed, her whole body warm with embarrassment and, yes, desire. *What am I doing?* she wondered. She stood before Jake, head down, suddenly realizing that her eyes were fastened on his hard dick, thick and still slightly wet from her best friend’s mouth.
“Strip.” This time there was no momentary suspension of time. She did as she was told. Like a zombie, she removed her clothes, placing each piece in a neat pile on the floor. As she stepped out of her panties, Erin found her voice. “Holy shit, S! You’re a hottie! Look at those perky li’l boobs and those hot tan lines! You look amazing wearing just your tummy piercing!” Sarah blushed.
Jake turned to Erin, grabbing her ankles and pulling her until she sat on the edge of the bed. Erin found herself increasingly turned on by this new, dominant side of her boyfriend, and when he pulled her head to his dick, she winked at Sarah and started sucking him in earnest. His cock was thicker, somehow more worthy of her attention than it had been before. As she probed her tongue in its tip, securing some precum, it dawned on her that the old Jake she’d known would have cum by now.
“Lick her,” ordered Jake, pointing to Erin’s spread thighs. Sarah hesitated for a moment. “Do you want to be known as the girl who sneaks into her friends’ rooms to watch them fuck?”
Sarah was shaking. She moved toward the couple, kneeling in from of them both, watching Erin take more and more of Jake’s thick shaft in her mouth. It made her gag, and her saliva slipped out around his shaft, but Sarah could tell her friend was loving what she was doing. Turning to her friend’s thighs, Sarah inched forward until she caught the scent of the lotion she’d seen Erin rub into her flesh, an elusive floral and herbal scent. Her head drew closer to Erin’s bare flesh. A warmer, slightly muskier scent rose that made Sarah’s own juices flow. She reached out her tongue to find warm flesh, impossibly soft under her tongue. Her tongue sank between the fleshy lips, sank into a warmth Sarah had often imagined, and between her trembling thighs slid down a pearl of her own pussy juice.
To be continued in Part II.



  1. I admit that I find this very erotic, if a little fantastic in parts, but that’s the fun of erotic fiction, isn’t it? It can give voice to hidden desires and taboo fantasies, arousing us along the way. If this is close to your friend’s idea for the story, I like how your friend thinks!

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