My first attempt at writing “funny” erotica: The Succubus Fails to Seduce

The story with better formatting can be found here. A fun, short story I wrote. Not very long, but enough that I thought it should be shared! Thank you for reading. Let me know what you thought!

The succubus harumphed, her lip sticking out in an adorable pout. Inside the circle, she crossed her arms, sticking out a hip to bump the invisible barriers holding her in place. She scowled at the rugged, leather-clad man opposite her. He leafed through a book, squinting in a vain attempt to read the faded, yellow pages, slowly, gingerly turning them between his rough, tanned fingers. One of them cracked, crumbling into powder. He swore, then finally turned to her.

“Damn you, Brismée of Hell,” he snarled, slamming the ancient tome onto the table. A cloud of dust billowed over the chamber. His beady eyes bored daggers into the red-skinned demoness. Nonchalant, she flipped her hair over her shoulder with a flick of her wrist. The raven locks tumbled down her back as she laughed, the light music of her voice a stark contrast to her horns and long, thin tail.

“Oh, darling. You can’t damn a demon. We already are. You don’t want to send me back to Hell, do you?” She ran her hands down her breasts, staring at the Hunter out of the corner of her eye. Brismée sighed seductively, arching her breasts forward and adding an ever-so-slight swoon. Over the top? Perhaps. But this is a tough one. “You want to keep me here with you…”

The man raised one black eyebrow, chuckling drily. “I’ll fuck you after Hell freezes over. That a fair deal, girlie?” He rolled his eyes and turned back to the stack of books on his table, running a hand over the spines. He muttered titles to himself. “The Divine Comedy, no… Paradise Lost, no… A Thousand and One Demons You Must Banish Before Damnation…why in Heaven’s name did I buy that one?”

Brismée held up a languid hand to examine her fingernails. As always, they were blood-red and sharpened to lethal points, ready to rip off a cock in the middle of a handjob, if need be. She giggled at the thought, stopping obediently when the Demon Hunter shot her a sharp glare over the stack of books.

“Oh, I see,” she simpered. “You’re a man who likes his women obedient. Is this better?” She held up her hands, standing like a man crucified. A ball gag materialized in her mouth, black against her crimson lips. A twisted iron cross appeared, wrapped around her arms and legs, engraved with carvings of countless carnal pleasures. She smiled around the gag. This’ll get his attention.

The damn pious fool didn’t even bother to look up! He grunted in acknowledgment, giving a barely perceptible shrug of his shoulders. He leafed through another book, mouthing archaic Latin. Brismée snorted and disintegrated the bondage gear.

“What is it with you Demon Hunters? You’re always looking for another way to do things, when you know there’s a simple way to banish gals like me.” He spared her a second’s glance before returning to his book. She growled, pink eyes half-lidded.

“Come on now, boy. You know you want me…and that you have to want me to get me to stop bugging you. Only way to banish a succubus to Hell is to get her to cum.” He raised an eyebrow, but kept reading. Of course. She changed tactics.

“It’s so hard for a demoness like me to live in Hell. They don’t care about my pleasure there…just their own. Demons are such lustful, loathsome creatures!” she wailed, wringing her hands.

He smirked. “Yes, yes they are.” He set the book aside, picking up yet another one from the stack. Brismée smacked her hand to her forehead, yelping as her nails pierced her scalp. Ow. She shook herself, then got down on her knees, folding her wings behind her. By all appearances she was a young woman begging for salvation. Minus the nudity, the nipple piercings, the tail, the wings, the red skin, and the pink eyes, of course.

“Please don’t send me back, oh great and noble demon hunter! You ‘serve the innocent, protect the weak, and uphold God’s justice,’ right?” He nodded slowly, watching her over the cover of Managing Demons: A Hundred Ways to Deal with the Devil Through Common Household Chemicals. “Well, would you believe me if I told you I was innocent?” She cut him off before he could reply.

“That was rhetorical. But I am! I was a human once, like you.” Brismée drew her shoulders together and hunched over–it had two effects: making her look smaller and pushing her breasts together. “But then I made a deal with Satan to save my son’s life! I didn’t have a choice! He tricked me!” “

Please, sir,” she whispered. She was hushed now, pious, the very image of a repentant sinner. “Free me from my curse so that I can atone for my sins and earn my salvation! Please!”

She kept begging. “If you send me back, they’ll make me their whore again! That’s a succubus’ job in Hell! Getting fucked raw, all day, every day! Did you know some demons have cocks with spikes on them? I can’t do that anymore!”

He didn’t acknowledge her. Period. He kept turning his pages, reading his books. She got to her feet and glared at him, resting a crooked arm against her head and leaning on the circle’s barrier. Her breasts swung pendulously as she sighed. For a few minutes the only sound in the chamber was the crackling of the torches.

Then she stood straight, running her hands down her breasts. Brismée, watching him in her peripheral vision, ever-so-slowly lifted her left breast to her mouth, running her forked tongue over the nipple. Despite herself, she shuddered. That felt good.

She licked her nipple again, then bit it. Arching her back, she sighed, stretching her arms over her head. She let her breasts do the talking, swaying as she squatted in the center of the circle. They jiggled as she slid a hand over her thighs, her tail swishing.

As always, she was soaking wet, and she made sure he knew it. Moans filled the chamber, accompanied by soft, wet splashes as her fingers worked in. Stopping only to shudder and take the occasional swallow of air, Brismée went to work on herself, fingering her sensitive clit, her soft crimson lips. Her tail looped around itself and plunged into her ass, making her moan louder.

How is he doing that!? The Demon Hunter was still absorbed in his books, and when he walked around the table, his pants were completely flat. No bulge. There’s no such thing as a man who can resist me…whether he likes it or not. She conjured a dildo and slipped it into herself, groaning and closing her eyes.

She worked the dildo furiously, thrusting deep and pulling out, giving the head a quick lick before pushing back in. The stone floor ran dark with her juices, her hands sticky and soaking wet. Brismée lay on her back, spreading her legs wide, giving the Hunter a delectable view of her nethers. They were shaven, pink, and soaked, filled with the thick dildo.

She rested her feet against the circle’s barriers and expanded the dildo, adding a suction cup. With a flourish, she slapped it to the invisible wall and slid herself onto it, groaning. Brismée’s hands pushed forward against the opposite side, fucking herself, faster and faster.

She wasn’t acting anymore– she really was enjoying this. Brismée summoned a second dildo, deftly sliding into it her throat. Just another advantage of being a succubus–no gag reflex. She worked herself between the two dildos, spitroasted, letting her muffled moans escape around the “cock” in her mouth.

It didn’t take long for her to orgasm. Something deep inside her lurched, throwing off her rhythm. Brismée clenched around both dildos, instinctively sucking and tensing her entire body. She screamed, pulling herself from both, writhing and moaning like a melodramatic whore. After it passed, she opened her eyes.

He was standing over her, grim and stoic. Without a word, he turned a page in his book, chanting in Latin. No…no, he didn’t! I burned that spellbook myself! Brismée screeched, tendons bulging in her neck, eyes flaring. She reached for him, talons sparking against the barriers.

“HOW!?” she screamed. Brismée howled as a portal opened beneath her, the hellscape inside growing more opaque with every passing second. Smoke and the carnal howling of a thousand demons circled up from the pit.

“HOW do you resist me!?” the succubus roared as he snapped the book shut. “I AM DESIRE! How can you stand against the power of a succubus–the perfect woman!?”

The chamber dissolved, the torchlight running like oil on water. Lecherous shapes coalesced around her, reaching for her, hungry for her. Brismée swallowed as his words reached her, flat and toneless.

“I’m gay.”



  1. >“Damn you, Brismée of Hell! What? Oh, I thought someone said my name. Never mind.

  2. I’m working on it. Not yet, but one of these days I plan to be. I’m glad you liked it!

  3. Hey, that was great. It actually turned me on more than "serious" erotica.

  4. Thank you! I’m thrilled that it worked for you–it was a lot of fun to write.

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