Car park

Eastwood Sydney Australia

20-year recollection.

The lady in the car next to me was probably on her lunchtime and reading a newspaper. There was no porn on a screen back then. The sexiest easy on the eye material was advertising material or pictures of attractive people on the socialite pages.The paper was propped up on the steering wheel covering her lap.

When I parked next to her, I could tell she was watching me.

I could sort of feel it. The glance that’s not a glance.

Because of this feeling, as I got out of the car, I took my time, fumbled around, and checking my stuff just so I could check her out a bit without staring directly.

I got the impression of a 35ish, female, solid bumps uptop, un revealing work wear.

I noticed the article clear as day, propped up on the steering wheel as I got out of my car. What she was reading was titled ” the male condition.” it was a large title across the top of two pages.
I think that was as sexy as it got back then for women wanting porn, short of going to an adult store.

I noticed her hand was under the paper but not moving, unnaturally frozen .

A style of dress back then was pleated but splt in front of the right leg with about 10CM overlapping material. A bit like a tennis skirt.

I was sure that she had slipped her hand through the split and was masturbating to the article.

How could I tell? Men can tell when a woman is flushed just with a glance.

Back then, I could go hard in less than 2.5 seconds at the slightest erotic thought.

Well, thinking she was fingering herself was what I considered erotic.

The male condition l thought, I’ll show you the male condition. 🙂

My mind was racing, and I let my dick bulk out but not fully stiffen.
I was wearing a t shirt, jeans, and work boots, and I knew I was showing off a decent sized bulge.

I locked my car.

I played it cool (or so I thought at the time). I never looked at her directly, and casually, as I could, I walked past the front of her car.

I knew that she was watching. I could tell her eyes were hungrily following me. I could feel her eyes on my bulge, so I reached down with my hand to my semi engorged crotch and casually grabbed my bulge, and with a lifting motion, I went about rearranging the the toolbox.
(Sort of moving things around to get comfortable as guys do after getting out of the car, generally done surreptitiously) and went on my way.

I know she was watching intently. I think that she knew that I knew what she was doing.

Hopefully, I gave her a little thrill (I didn’t want to creep her out) and walked off to do my errands.

When I returned about 30 minutes later her car was still there. She was nowhere to be seen. I noticed she had left the door window down but had locked the door knob.

I think I must have made an impression and flustered her.

Anyway, I wound up the window and relocked it for her and hoped I had made her day.

I often fantasised that I should have gone to her side window and said something like, I can help you with the male condition and reached in and fingered her until she came or perhaps tried to initiate something or thought to leave her a message.

If the lady is out there, it was a pleasant random encounter.

Thank you

Car park and number plate withheld. 😉
