Take a seat

About to head home from a tiring day you want nothing more than to just de-stress and take a load off your mind. Youve had this energy bubbling inside you for a while now. An urge to not have to worry and feel out of control and let someone else see to your needs. To hand over your control to another.

After a few messages youve got something in the works. A new flame, eager and promising.

You arrange to meet at his place. A short detour on your way home. One that should give you the satisfaction you crave this evening. Thinking about all the possible scenarios youve just arranged has you all a fluster as you find yourself becoming increasingly aware of the seatbelt pressing your nipple and the feel of leather seat on your skin as your skirt rides up.

You arrive, and are outside the door eagerly awaiting what lies on the other side. The door swings open and there he is, your new, exiting play thing. Only its he who has that look in his eye. He invites you in, leading you from the hallway to the kitchen, pouring you a glass of wine, listening to you tell him about your day and this feeling youve been talking about lately. He is well aware of what you speak and says he may have just the thing.

Stepping forward with hands to your hips he pulls you close, taking the wine from your hand and placing it on the counter top, lips press to yours. The mix of good wine and his essence is inviting and dances across your palette. Moving his kisses along your neck and down to your collar, hands feeling you, pulling you closer. Unbuttoning your shirt he smiles at your stunning breasts and admires your cute bra you keep for just such an occasion. With your shirt now off your shoulder he returns to your collar and neck, tasting you.

Shirt barely hanging on, a swft manouver and soon your bra falls to one side, his kisses now across your chest, moving down, hands reaching upward, cupping and focusing his attention to your nipples he plays, a lick, a suck and a tease of teeth send sensations throughout your body, down your spine. After some needed attention he returns to your lips and kisses you deeply. Drawing back with a heavy gasp for air he lifts you up onto the counter and moves your legs apart, planting kiss after kiss on your thigh alternating sides getting closer and closer placing his lips against the Fabric of your underwear a long slow paused drawn out kiss ending with a slight Flick of the tongue against the fabric you can’t help but run your fingers through his hair and pull him closer again one hand wrapped around your thigh my fingers digging into soft flesh the other hand pulling your underwear to one side granting him access to you. Again his lips press to you, only this time you feel the heat of his breath hotter than ever as his tongue presses against you, he has been craving your taste.

With eagerness and unrelenting desire to see you satisfied it’s tongue moves from side to side pressing further in moving finding your rhythm and exploiting it for his own devilish desires. You threw your head back in ecstasy as you let him eat his fill. Pushing you closer and closer climaxing already he then stops and looks up at you with a lustful smile.

Pulling you from the counter he leads you off to a side room, a den of sorts, a few sofas and an arm chair face an entertainment centre on on wall. entering you see a space has been cleared and a single thin framed wicker chair sits under the light. A table to one side has a arrangement of various thicknesses of ropes and restraints arranged neatly. He does listen.

Instruct you to remove your clothing and please take a seat.
Youre not ready for the shock of cold wicker on skin as you adjust yourself and place your hands behind your back.

He remarks your eagerness and begins to run his hand over the slection of ropes. Settling for a decent gauge to secure you to this chair. And swift work he makes of it to. Having your arms secured together the wrists and then elbows secured firmly to the back of the chair itself. Now positioning himself between your legs and fastening your ankles to the front legs of this thin framed chair he stands back and admires his work so far.

This is what you wanted isn’t it to feel not in control but to have someone take control of you you not to feel helpless but to feel desired like a prize or trophy.

Staying down between your legs he puts hands on your knees and slowly walks his fingers to your hips taking position and resuming for his second course of you. Tongue curled around your clit slow circles drawn and light flicks across you you before for pushing his tongue deep into you and tasting your essence once again. He devours you for his own pleasure. You wriggle and pull on your restraints but they dont budge. Just enough give to make you feel like youre having an effect. But alas you are at his mercy.

He paws at your body, squeezing, fingers pressing, slapping at your thighs when you clench up hard, he jokes about tying your knees to the back legs to stop you squeezing up in pleasure. You feel a wave rush through you as a sudden new sensation washes over you and the distinct hum of a wand in action now pressed to you, seated under you as he continues to suck at your clit with such passion, the sensations alone force you to convulse in the chair unintentionally and rock backwards. He does not notice and presses on, you try to warn him be he is lost and cannot hear from his ears muffled by your squeezing thighs, a second wave more intense than the last surges again and pushes you close to climax as you kick out, sending the back legs of the chain into distress, you hear the sound of snapping wicker as the back legs give way and send you both crashing to the floor.

Still bound to the chair are you look around and to see if any other damage has been done. None. How fortunate. You are still bound, arms and feet however now on your side, broken chair beneath you. He looks down at you with lust and you see the primal eyes of a beast that has found is quarry. He reaches down to you you assume to release you from your bindings and move on with the evening but no. His hands move to the brokenegs of the chair and violently finish the job. Tearing them from under you and giving himself room to manoeuvre. You feel a rush of wind as he tears the remains of the seat of the wicker chair away, exposing your sweet sex. You see that look in his eyes again as he takes out his throbbing member and presses the tip to your soaking lips now accessible from below.

In an instant he is inside you, deep, pushing. You can only stare up at him wide eyes as you take him into you. Loving every thrust of his body. Feeling his primal urge take over. You can’t help it, the adrenaline from the fall and this sensation has you cumming in no time. You ride the waves of ecstasy as they crash into you and over you like a violent storm at sea.

His breaths are heavy, his pace quicker, you feel him building his own release. Sweat drips from him as he thrusts powerfully into you. Still bound to this broken chair, you tell him not to stop until he is satisfied. He needs no encouragement. He is ready. Your body quivering from the experience. Your returned gaze of lust and desire push him to dig deep and release. It is hot, so hot inside you as he unleashes deep in you, but he continues to pump for more. This overstimulation sends you both into exhaustion as he is able to lift himself up to his knees. Untie your bonds, and lay on the floor beside you, brushing the hair from your face, checking you for any signs of concussion possibly? Who knows, you can only stare into his eyes and see those same eyes that cought your attention the first time you met. Eyes that make you melt. Eyes that as youve just demonstrated are trustworthy and allow you to hand over an element of contol you desired.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/10nmn9t/take_a_seat