Lexi Reverts to Her Bratty Ways [45M19F][Spanking][Squirting][Step-Daughter]

What a whirlwind the last 24-hour period had been. From having my wife pretty much ignore me for nearly a year to having her take advantage of me while I slept. Lexi being a grade A brat from the time I met her to her obeying my every demand. Honestly I had forgotten the physical toll sex took on the body, not to mention age just catching up with me. I mean I run regularly and keep in overall good shape, but I haven’t used my abs like that in quite some time. So after getting dressed for work that morning, I had been constantly stretching my abs to release some of the lactic acid that was still lingering.

When I walked into the kitchen to get a quick on the go breakfast before I headed out to work, I spotted Lexi bending over the counter in her black sports bra and white yoga pants, and no panties just as she had been the night before. Her hands were wrapped around a steaming mug of coffee. As I walked behind her, my hands still in the air from stretching my abs, one came down hard and fast, making an echoing clap as hand met cheek.

Lexi’s response was not what I had expected. She turned on me quickly and had an expression of real anger. “That is not cool, Thomas.”

Thomas? What happened to all those Daddy’s she was throwing out yesterday? And was she really mad now. Well, whatever, I had places to be and didn’t want to ruin the good mood I was in with dealing with her right now. So I gave her a shrug and a smirk and made my way to the pantry to grab a granola bar. I, then waved that granola bar over my head as I walked away from her and headed to the garage.

The day at work was great. No phone calls to come home early to clean a mess and I got my inbox cleared in no time. I decided to call it an early day and get in a little ab workout, if Lex was still at home lounging about. I packed all my stuff and headed home.

Once I got home I threw my work things in their place and went to check Lexi’s room to see if she was around. Sure enough, she was there, lying on her bed in front of her laptop and by the looks of it hadn’t left the house all day or her room for long anyways. She was still in the same white yoga pants and black sports bra. She must not have heard me as I crossed her room’s threshold because she didn’t move an inch.

As I got closer, I saw buds in her ear and figured that must be the reason. So I slid my hand on her calf and even before I got to her knee, she jumped and turned to me. She slammed her laptop closed and took out her earbud and gave me a scathing look. The same look that she would give me almost everyday for just talking to her before she finally left for college. I must admit I was taken aback for a moment, but then my anger pushed that emotion away quickly.

“What’s the bitch face for?” I said in a low growl.

“Fuck you, Thomas. Get the fuck out of my room. If you think that you can just come in here anytime you want, then you better think twice.” She all but snarled.

“Who, the fuck, do you think you are? Nothing in this house is yours.”

At that she got up off the bed and got up into my face. Her arms curled in front of her, palms out and I attempted to shove me out of her room. But leverage was not on her side. I didn’t budge an inch and that seemed to make her angrier and slaps and punches rained down on my chest. Her head shook wildly from left to right and she began screaming, “Get the fuck out. Get the fuck out. Get the fuck out.”

I seized her wrists and held them above her head. She calmed for a bit and hung her head. Then her shoulders started to bounce and I could hear soft sniffling and low short breaths.

“I was supposed to be the only one. Not that bitch.” She said in a low voice, still her head draped down.

Well, I guess she heard her mother and me that morning. I rolled my eyes and let out a sigh, just lamenting the ridiculousness of it all. I mean Anna was my wife, why couldn’t I fuck her. And that morning was not my idea either, though that’s not to say I didn’t enjoy it.

“If you’re talking about this morning, then that’s on you.” I said in an even tone trying to tamper my anger.

“WHAT! You sticking your dick in that bitch of a woman is my fault.” She looked up with pure unadultered fury in her eyes, and not a single tear in sight.

I squeezed my fingers around her wrists tighter and brought them above her head and pushed back as I took step into her and leaned forward pushing her back onto the bed. I pressed my hips into her pinning her lower half and gathered both her wrists under one hand. She bucked a few times but she didn’t have the strength nor did she put all that much effort into it. My face hovered above hers and I felt my cheeks ache in a huge grin.

“Little Lexi, you should be a little more open with your true feelings. All you needed to do was ask for what you really wanted. No need to act like a little brat to get what you want.”

“This isn’t…” She tried to say but my hand was already reaching down between us, finding plump pussy lips. My middle finger slide between them while my ring and index sandwiched her lips between my fingers. I could feel she already had a wet spot and was only growing. The more I rubbed the quicker her moans began to escape her lips.

I pulled my fingers up from between us and shoved them into her open mouth. “See, you’re already soaking through these pants.”

Though her head was held firmly in place between upraised arms, she bobbed it taking the entirety of my fingers in her mouth. Her eyes closed and she sucked harder, and I knew she wished it was my cock, which would be the case soon enough but first there were things that needed to be taken care of.

“Now what do you say?”


“Sorry, what?”

“Sorry, Daddy.”

“You’re still a little naïve, but not to worry Daddy is here to give you what you need. However before that, a lesson must be taught. This type of behavior cannot go unpunished.”

I pulled my fingers from her mouth and slid it under her waist. I twisted my body so that I was seated on the bed and pulled her with me so that she was face down across my lap. I raised a hand high in the air and brought it down across one cheek. A sudden squeal echoed through the tiny bedroom as her head popped up in reaction to the pain.

“No, that’s much too soft. These pants are much too in the way.” And I dug fingertips into the fabric along the crack of her ass. Once I felt I had a good hold of the fabric I pulled apart my arms hard, loving the sound of the fabric ripping. Her ass laid bare in front of me, slightly pink on the one cheek I spanked and two or three bright red scratch marks from where I ripped open her pants.

I slid my hand between torn fabric and her thighs, and I could instantly feel the heat and humidity emanating from her pussy. My fingers glided across the slick smooth surface of her plump lips and my fingers were vacuumed in them at the slight pressure. I slid two fingers in and out, enjoying the sight of my glistening fingers. I skipped the nice and slow phase of it all and slid my fingers through her lips fast and hard. At the first sound of Lexi’s moans, I pulled my fingers from her and raised my hand hand, slamming it down on one of her cheeks. The mixture of splattering of my wet fingers and dry smack of my dry palm making impact was like music to my ears.

Again, I slammed down on the other cheek, each time a loud squeal followed. So, I reached with my other hand and pulled on a handful of hair, yanking her head so that eyes were up at the ceiling. I leaned in toward her head and said, “Shhh. We’re supposed to be practicing being quiet now. Unless you want Anna to take your place in the morning again.”

I felt the tension of her hair in my hands as she attempted to nod, but not a peep left her lips. “Good girl. Now let’s continue.”

My hand slid back between her thighs and straight to her clit. At first, I moved my fingers slowly in exploration trying to find just the right spot. As soon as I could hear her breathing quicken, I knew where to apply the pressure. Her hand shot out to grab the side of the bed as her body writhed on my lap. Muffled moans grew louder as her breath pushed hard through her nose. I increased the rhythm of my fingers on her clit knowing she couldn’t hold it in for much longer.

Within seconds, Lexi was moaning out loud. Sound echoing throughout her small bedroom and I wanted to give her another spank but her quivering body only made my fingers go faster. Then as if a dam had broken, I felt hot liquid gush against my hand and forearm and she let out a loud guttural moan of pleasure. Still my hand kept up the pressure.

“Daddy! Daddy! Daddy!” she yelled over and over again. Her ass bucked in the air and my hand let go of her hair instantly and pressed down on her ass holding her in place. Then a second wave of hot liquid shot out of her and she screamed even louder than before. Only then I let up and raised both of my hands into the air brought them down with a thundering smack.

When I lifted my hands from her ass I could see two bright raised handprints on each cheek beginning to form. I traced my wet fingers around raised skin admiring my handiwork. Then I began massaging a cheek in each hand, squeezing and spreading. Then the sight of her tight asshole came into view and thoughts of that morning sprang to mind, wondering who’s grip was tighter, Lexi’s or Anna’s.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/10l4b53/lexi_reverts_to_her_bratty_ways


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