The Monster Keeper: The Orc [F/orc] [monster fucking] [non-con] [fantasy] [breeding]

>All characters are 18+.

There would be war, and war called for monsters.

Luckily, monsters were the Keeper’s business.

The large man sighed, shuffling his ledgers and contracts over his desk. Demand was simply too high for his pedigreed beasts, and although he was on track to make a record profit this season, still he risked losing precious clients. One thing was certain: he needed more nubile, healthy wombs for monster young.

There was his precious apprentice, but she was set to bear her third litter of pups with the direwolf and would need time to recover afterwards. Besides, she had grown attached to the snarling beast and was unlikely to take kindly to the offer of another mate. The slave girl he had purchased a season back was equally occupied, keeping the tempermental sea-beast satiated while feeding his young. There was a time when he had thought two wombs would be plenty, and yet his business had been growing steadily.

In a stormy mood, the Keeper gathered his wool cloak around his shoulders and rode into one of the nearby villages. At the rowdy tavern, he sulked into his ale until he spotted the tavern wench across the room. She flirted with her customer, her generous figure on display as she bent over the table. The sight of her full, rounded breasts trussed in her tight bodice made him shift in his seat.

“You new here, girl?” The Keeper asked when he waved her over for a refill.

“Yes, sir, arrived in town last week.” Her smile was bright and friendly. The Keeper didn’t miss how her eyes roved over him – this one was unlike his other two wards, a woman who had experience with men and what they expected.

He made his offer without hesitation. “I’ll pay you triple what you make here.”

Not an hour later back at his ranch, she fucked the Keeper, unafraid of his thick cock. She was eager and didn’t falter, even as the Keeper dug his calloused fingers into her thick thighs and pulled her chestnut hair, her cries echoing in his humble home. The Keeper came across her chest, which made her laugh in a way that stirred his heart for the first time in a long time.

He almost felt bad when he knocked her over the head and dragged her limp body down to the barn.

The Keeper had purchased the orc as a youngling from a passing trader, and the beast had grown larger and more fearsome than the Keeper had expected. Taller than any human man, with rippled muscles underneath its thick skin and two curled tusks parting its blue-gray lips, the beast had lived in a large pit lined with stone. The Keeper had heard that many orc tribes dwelled underground, and the beast had seemed content in the dank darkness of its cell.

As the Keeper lowered the wench into the pit, golden eyes caught the little light that reached the far, deeper side of the hole. She began to stir not long after, as if sensing danger.

“I said I’d pay you triple.”

The wench’s head snapped upwards. Her eyes were wide as she glanced between the Keeper and darkness of the pit. “Please, sir – I didn’t -”

“And I’ll honour that.” The Keeper folded his hands on the stone wall. “If you enjoy the work and stay, I’ll double it. And I suspect you might. I think you long suspected you’d be better at serving beds than tables, am I wrong girl?”

Even though her lip trembled in fear, the Keeper could see the truth of it in her eyes.
The enormous shape in the darkness shifted and rose. The orc stepped into the faint light towards the wench. With a cry of fear, she shied away, pressing her back against the stone wall.

“He’s just like any other man. He has his wants, his needs. Right now, he needs you.”

As the orc stalked towards her, his erection had unfurled itself from between its legs, blue-hued and as thick as the Keeper’s wrist. With a less experienced woman, the Keeper might have worried, but the Keeper himself was not small in size and he had seen the tavern wench’s abilities firsthand. She could handle him.

She certainly didn’t think so. Turning away from the approaching beast, the wench’s fingers scrambled for purchase against the pit’s stone walls, and the Keeper saw the flash of hope in her eyes. The fleeting thought that perhaps she could climb out, that she could be free of this nightmare.

He saw the expression on her face when the orc’s meaty hands closed around her waist, when that hope faded. The beast plucked her off the wall, holding her aloft like she was a straw doll, thumbs just below her round breasts. As her hands slapped and scratched at the orc, the beast rumbled low in his chest.

“It’s best not to struggle, girl. You wouldn’t like to see him angry.”

She didn’t seem to hear him or didn’t care to listen, her screams echoing off the pit’s walls. The beast turned her in his grip until she faced him, holding her face level with his own. He seemed to examine her for a moment, his dark gaze watching the young woman kick futility in his grasp. Positioning her above the thick head of his cock, the orc rubbed himself in between her thighs.

The beast was preparing her for their mating, and it was working, evident by the glimmering slickness across the orkin’s blunt tip. Still, the wench continued to scream for her freedom.

It wouldn’t be long now, the Keeper thought. Not long at all.

The Keeper knew that he could leave now, perhaps go make himself a pot of tea and rest his feet, and the inevitable would happen. Still, he was a professional, and he preferred to ensure his product would be achieved.

The Keeper liked to watch.

He had long thought of it as ensuring that the deed was done, that his two assets were becoming three (or more), but he had long ago embraced the ember that burned in his gut each time he watched one of his beasts fill a mate with its young. With a hand down his trousers and encircling his thick shaft, the Keeper stroked himself as he gazed into the pit.

The wench’s protests ceased with a strangled moan, and the Keeper knew the orc was inside her. Redoubling her fight, the wrench tried to kick against his tree-trunk-like thighs, but the monster didn’t seem to notice as his yellow eyes rolled in their sockets.

With her face turned outward, the Keeper had a perfect view as the wench’s emotions faded from horror to rapturous ecstasy, as she sank lower and lower on the orc’s cock.

When the beast had fully impaled the wench, her dangling toes brushed against the pit’s bottom. The monster’s broad chest rising and falling rapidly with ragged breaths. Despite its nature and need to breed, it appeared to be savoring the moment.

“Oh gods, *oh gods*.” The Keeper heard her gasp.

The orc lifted her along his length, the veined shaft glistening until she was barely upon him, and then slid her down again. With each downward journey, the wench’s cries grew more plaintive and desperate, nails digging into to the orc’s wrists. Harder then, as her body bounced and slapped against the beast’s, the cries of monster and woman rising in twain from the pit.

The Keeper’s hand matched their pace, pleasure unfurling in his gut like a flower.

The wench came with a violent shudder, her whimpers and gasps rising to a peak. The orc seemed to delight in it, redoubling its efforts. Her body bounced as the creature used her like a toy, her breasts bouncing, long hair flying.

The orc rutted into her with a primal urge, white foam on the corners of his blue lips. With a roar, the beast buried himself inside the woman to the hilt – and seeded her.

The wench’s eyes rolled in their sockets, undoubtedly feeling each thick rope of hot orkin seed as it drenched her innards. The pale curve of her belly bulged, as if she had eaten a large meal, and the Keeper saw the excess cum slide down her quivering thighs to drip from her toes. As the beast shifted its stance, he could see two heavy green balls tightening and pulsing with each release.

The Keeper came, his vision narrowing. He splattered against the side of the stone wall, gasping for breath. When he returned to his senses, the Keeper peered down into the pit.

The beast was sprawled on his back, chest rising and falling in exhaustion. It held the woman to its chest with a hand across her back, like a child clinging to their favourite toy. Her legs were spread over its hips, the creamy fluid leaking steadily from within her. The orc’s cock had deflated somewhat, but still half-engorged as nudged against the inside of her thigh.

The wench’s head lifted weakly against the beast’s chest until her gaze met the Keeper’s. There was perhaps a trace of hatred there, but she was too far gone for the Keeper to be sure.

Orc kind were well-known for their fertility, and the Keeper had little doubt that the tavern wench would begin to show within weeks. Still, he was a firm believer that a bond between beast and mother was critical to a healthy pregnancy. He would leave her in there, undoubtedly to be filled at least twice more in the coming hours.

Tucking himself into his trousers, the Keeper began to whistle, thinking about a cup of tea before he returned to his paperwork.


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