A Change of Pace Pt2 [FF][MFF]

Part 2

I woke, a soft morning light peered around the curtains. I looked at the bedside digital clock and saw nothing. Of course, fuck it! I wasn’t in my bed, I was in her’s, Kim’s. Memories flooded back, orgasm after orgasm, the taste of her pussy, her kisses, everything, and I felt so relaxed and satiated.

I rolled over, saw that she wasn’t there, looking up, I saw the clock, 9:37am! Fuck me! I don’t sleep this late ever! Well, not before now, then it was well after 4am the last time she made me cum. I touched my pussy and for whatever reason, it wasn’t sore, like it is sometimes the morning after a good fuck.

I didn’t feel like I wanted a pee, we had peed a little earlier, like 5:30 or so, but had nothing to drink. I got out of bed, quickly dressing, brushed my hair, used my breath freshener, hoped I didn’t smell of cum, and quietly opened the bedroom door. Moving down the hallway, I could hear the sound of voices coming from somewhere ahead.

From what I remembered of the layout of this place, the kitchen was essentially in the middle of the house, with lounge, dining room, each side and bedrooms behind it. Amenities, bathroom, laundry, and that were all off to one side of the hallway leading to the bedrooms. The front door opened to a short hallway, a wet area, that led to the lounge.

“-love her daddy.” I heard Kim say.

“Yes, I’m sure you’re right,” her dad replied.

“She has the cutest little pussy and really nice tits even if they are smaller than mine.” What the fuck? She’s telling her dad about me? “And she tastes really nice!” You gotta be fucking joking. “Yes, I know your dick would like to get better acquainted with her, I can see that. You are so hard right now!”

“Yes, the thought of both of you, I can’t help it!” he said. “You think she would be okay with us?”

“Yeah, if we introduced it the right way. Daddy, she’s perfect, perhaps we can even introduce her to the Club and the Priestess.” I heard a small moan, a deep moan, his moan, not hers, “I love the feel of your dick daddy, when it’s hard.” A response was muttered, “And after she goes home, I want it in me.”

“Yes baby, I’m going to fuck you senseless.” Well, that didn’t leave any room for doubt.

I crept quietly back to Kim’s room and made a noise opening the door, walked back to the kitchen area. I tried to appear like I hadn’t heard anything. When I got there, Kim was making a coffee, her dad was sitting at the table and there was a chair pulled out that Kim had obviously been using. Both were in robes and I could see that Kim’s was light and sheer, she wasn’t wearing anything under it. Her dad had a blue toweling robe on, but I suspect he too wasn’t wearing anything under it either.

How did I feel about what I heard? I’m a slut, what can I say?

Kim looked at me and smiled, her dad, looked up from his morning paper and nodded, his face a careful blank. “I’m just making coffee, would you like one?” Kim asked. I nodded and said, “Good morning, darling,” then looking at dad, I smiled and repeated what I just said. His eyebrows raised at the ‘darling’, but he responded.

“I want to make it clear, young lady,” he said, “This will not impede or impinge on your work at all. As I said, you’re both adults, and who am I to judge?”

I took a breath, then went in on full slut attack mode, “Who indeed? But you don’t have to wait for me to go to fuck your daughter, sir!” The look on both their faces was pure shock, Kim fumbled her cup and his jaw dropped.”A threesome would be wonderful,” I continued, “But, later, I need a heart starter and some dick if you got them?” Their faces were still dumbfounded so I added, “And excuse me for a moment while I undress.”

I quickly stripped, and Kim recovered first, “Honey with your dick?” she asked.

“Plain will do, thank you, but I can’t see what it is we are going to be bouncing on.”

“Oh, you will,” Kim replied as her gown slipped to the floor. I threw my clothes over the breakfast bar while J-, Kim’s dad, was still looking surprised. “Come on daddy, robe off, please.” Kim went back to making me a cup of coffee.

Kim’s dad, my boss, is in his late 40s, a widower, he’s tall, 6 foot and a bit, fit, a wirey build, greying hair, but not an old late 40s. He stood and shouldered his bathrobe off. His cock was fully erect, a good 6.5″ long, (about 17cm) and not real thick, but certainly not thin. I looked at him, looked at his dick and asked if I could suck it before my coffee.

He nodded, not trusting his voice I think. I took his dick in hand, caressing it, feeling that soft/hard exciting feel of a man, “Mmm, feels nice,” I commented then got on my knees, without letting go of it and guided it into my mouth. I love the feel of a dick sliding over my lips, the intrusion of a knob into my mouth. I carefully cupped his balls, pulled them slightly as I bobbed my head along his shaft.

I used my tongue to caress the frenulum as I took more and more of it into my mouth. I can’t deep throat, but using my tongue, I can usually elicit a pretty good response from the owner of the dick. J- was no different, he “Oooohed” in the right places and gasped as I gently ran my lips over the coronal ridge, then back in again to caress his frenulum with my tongue. I kept that up for a few minutes, then Kim said, “Wow, getting jealous! Coffee’s ready.”

I let J-‘s cock out of my mouth and kissed the knob. I stood and said, “Tastey breakfast too.” I smiled, and reached for the coffee mug Kim had planted on the table. J- sat down again and seemed somewhat bemused. “Can I sit on your lap so you can play with me while I have my coffee?” I asked.

“Yes, of course, I would love to play with you.” I knew he would, that look of pure lust that had come over him was a familiar look.

He sat back in his chair and I carefully sat down on his lap, making sure I didn’t damage his dick. I slid backwards a little, with my legs straddling his, feeling his prong being caught between the top of my ass crack and his stomach. He flicked my long hair over a shoulder and with one hand, reached around me and took hold of a tit. His other hand made its way to the inside if a thigh where he caressed it then ran his fingers genlty over my pussy. I opened my legs a little further to accommodate his exploration of me.

“Make yourself at home,” Kim laughed, “Play with my toys as well.”

“Oh thank you! But by the feel of that cock, I think there’s more than enough to go round.” We both laughed.

“More than you know!” Kim responded, “I never knew you were such a slut though.”

“Oh yes,” I replied, “I love dick, anytime, anywhere, either end, I don’t care.”

“Jeez, there’s a song in there.” We laughed.

“So tell me,” I said, “Daddy/daughter?”

I felt J- freeze, and while I wasn’t watching his face, I knew he sent a signal to Kim. “Oh daddy, she knows.” She looked at me, “My mom died in a car accident when I was 15.” I knew that, knew it was a while ago, so I just nodded. “We were both hurt so badly. We had no time to get used to the idea she was gone, to properly grieve, when the demands of dad’s life made him look outwards again. But there was an intense sadness in him that no-one other than me saw.

“I had it too. At school I was just this kid who’s mom was stupid enough to kill herself in a car. Police investigations showed that the truck wasn’t responsible, mom got it wrong and paid the price. That made it worse. I got up one night and I went past dad’s bedroom and heard him crying. I couldn’t ignore that so went in to comfort him. I needed comfort too.

“I was pretty simple in my thinking, just felt that I could make him happy by us having sex. It took a while and some deliberate provocation-” “A lot” J- interjected. “Okay, a lot of provocation by me, but it finally worked.” I felt my blood pressure rise as these rather skillful fingers caressed my clit and a shiver ran down my spine to my cunt when he kissed the base of my neck. Fuck, I was going to enjoy this.

“The first time we had sex, it was really special, like something that had been holding us back was broken. Now, we can explore sex in any number of ways.”

“Like a bit of Harry Potter then?” Kim looked mystified, “A priestess?” I prodded.

“Oh no, no, nothing like that,” she laughed. “You overheard then?”

“Yes, sorry, i wasn’t meaning to eavesdrop, but I didn’t think it would be polite to just break in at that point.” I tensed as I could feel two fingers slide into my pussy. “And I might have missed out on some delicious fingering.”

“There’s a club, of sorts, very private, very exclusive. Mainly for people with some fetishes and particular preferences that society may frown upon,” J- said, but he didn’t allow it to interfere with his finger fucking of me.

“Other daddy-daughter couples?”

“Oh yes, other incestuous pairings, bondage, both homo- and heterosexuals, doms and subs. All sorts. As we’re in Seattle, we welcome family members who meet the legal age of consent but no-one else under 18 though. We’re always willing to recruit new members, but mostly girls, friends of members, some relatives, and some guys. Discretion is the first key, if they are not discreet, they do not even learn about our club, so I really hope you are discreet, Julia.”

I nodded, “And the head of this club is the Priestess?”

“No, not at all. She is a young lady who is employed by the club to fulfill a number of functions. She is a very, very special lady, one who meets the needs of all our members. She is a sub, or a dom, when needed, she is a friend to all. One of the founding members, a woman, a dom, died unexpectedly, shook everyone apparently. Her sub- husband was lost, much like I was, but even more so. It was a difficult situation in which the Priestess stepped in and went to live with the husband until he was ready to face the world again. Healed the rift between him and his son. This happened before we joined, and I certainly could have used her compassion. If you get to meet her, then you’ll learn more about her and the role she plays.”

“Oh,” I gasped, “That’s very nice, would you mind if I turned around?”

Kim laughed, “Go for it!” she said.

“I would love that dick in me right now!” He let go of me so I stood, spun around to see his cock upright, I reached out and took hold of it then stepped forward to lower myself on in. Fuck, that felt really nice going in, filling my pussy. Loving it! I felt a soft pair of hands grab my ass, then one slid between the cheeks and ran across my asshole, sending a real wave of pleasure into my cunt.

“No cumming daddy, I want your dick too!”

“Okay baby, you’ll get it.”

This was so fucking filthy, me fucking my boss, his daughter fingering my asshole, demanding him not to cum inside me and to fuck her too! This was a sexual adventure I had never considered even fantasizing about! Yet it was happening as I was bouncing on a dick! My clit was rubbing against his pubes, as I squashed it on bouncing off his lap. The spasms of ecstasy started radiating from my clit, and I wasn’t going to last long. Waves of pleasure swept over me, that big dick and finger giving me a pleasure stronger than I thought it would have been as I orgasmed. I just about collapsed on J-‘s lap, my breath taken away by the intensity of that cum.

I got my breath back, kissed J- and changed places with Kim. She climbed onto daddy’s prick and started pumping him while I played with his balls with one hand and her asshole with the other. They kept this up for a while then Kim let out a series of low moans, while J- started gasping. I felt his ball sack tighten and knew he was going to shoot.

“I’m gonna cum!” he cried.

“Yes!’ Kim relied, “Fill my pussy you daughter fucker! Fill me up!”

His balls spasmed once as he grunted his first shot into her, then a second and a third. All I could do was the gently rub my hand over his balls and her asshole. I must admit to being a little envious, I like the feel of a man cumming in me- maybe later. For the moment, I had something else I wanted to do.

I stood up behind Kim and reach around her to play with her tits. I kissed her shoulder, her neck, the side of her face. She turned to look at me and I kissed her lips. When we broke, I told her to get off daddy, and let me clean his dick. “When, I’ve done that, I’m going to clean your pussy.” Okay, a bit wild for me, I’ve had a guy’s cock in my mouth after he’s shot over my tits, but I’ve never done a full clean up before, and I certainly never eaten a cream pie. Kim moved, and got out of the way.

Daddy’s prick was going down, it was glistening in the light, I reached for it to hold it up, two fingers at the base then lowered myself to my knees right in front of him. I could see little gobs of silvery semen bubbling out of the eye of his dick. Leaning forward, I ran my tongue up the side of his cock, then over the knob and lowered my head, taking his dick into my mouth. I lapped at it again, taking as much of it in as I could. I sucked my cheeks in and slowly raised my head, wiping as much of his cum off the stalk as I could get. Salty, and not all that tasty, unfortunately. Needs some sweet fruits in his diet I would think, melons, stone fruits. Still, not as bad as some. I drew as much of the cum from around his eye and swallowed it, I did this several times, enjoying the commentary of his gasps as I cleaned his dick. Lifting off, I looked up at Kim, “Your turn.”

She had stood there, watching me. A mixture of his semen and her cum was oozing down her legs. I moved, still on my knees, guided her to place her ass on the dining table. I licked up the inside of one thigh, then down the other, repeating this a couple of times, gathering a lot of the slimy goo. Each time I swapped thighs, I ran my tongue over her pussy, catching the surface moisture as best I could, listening for the gasps and moans of my lover as I tongued her.

When satisfied I had cleaned the liquids of her thighs, I started to focus on her pussy. Her labia lips were swollen, pushing outward, revealing all their pink insides, also covered with a sheen of mixed juices. I put my mouth over her vulva, and used my tongue to scoop into her pussy, then sucked a little to draw as much juice from her as I could get. Kim was loving it, the way her thighs clenched my head, her hands were pulling my mouth onto herself. She moaned, loudly, so loudly I could feel it in the shivering of her thighs.

Kim started to pump her pussy onto my mouth. Fuck! I was going to make her cum again! Loving it! Kim squealed and pushed her pussy as hard as she could onto my mouth, and I was rewarded with a pulse of juice, ejected from her pussy by her orgasm, into my eagerly awaiting mouth. Yum, that was much more tasty than just her father, a good mixture.

That was last night and this morning. The afternoon was even more sexy and fulfilling in unexpected ways. I got home a little while ago and it’s now after 8pm, and I am completely fucked out. I must have had at least six orgasms between the time i woke to the time I left, unbelievable. They both used me in the best possible way. Naked all day, bent over the bed getting fucked while eating a pussy is a really nice hobby, something I want to do again, next weekend, before Kim goes back to college. Having his dick in my mouth while getting eaten out by Kim was a lot of fun. At one point, daddy had us both on the edge of the bed, our asses in the air, fucking us both, dick and fingers, then swapped, so we had either one going on.

J- needed to catch his breath so Kim and I just went at it. We had a sixty-niner on the bed while he watched. I loved performing for him, he is such a nice guy. This wasn’t the boss ordering me to suck his dick, this was a guy who wanted to make me cum, and he did. I told him that he has to call me in his office and I was gong to blow him

One of the conversations we had was about this Priestess and this club. I must admit, I’m intrigued. J- said I was known to a couple of other members, but refused any further details. He would talk to them and if they liked me, I could be invited to one of their get togethers. Kim urged me to go, she said it was just heaven, men, women, toys, and so much pleasure. The side benefit being that if I really needed anything, support in any way, the Priestess was there for me. We shall see.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/10j0kvo/a_change_of_pace_pt2_ffmff