Scientific Report on Human Breeding Activity: Specimen (B) Overview


A strong, fit female specimen of 22 years with an attractive, aesthetic face as well as a physically desirable body. The skin is a light brown tone. Her face has very plump cheeks and lips with big eyes which are a deep brown colour. There is a small number of freckles which dot her forehead and cheeks. She has dark brown hair which is parted in the middle and reaches her upper back.

Standing at 5ft4 and weighing in at 75kg, she cuts a strong impression of a female body. Her hips are rather wide with a narrow waist, fostering her status as an ideal specimen for these observations. Her breasts are large and full, measured to DD cup size with well formed pink nipples. From the back we are immediately impressed with huge gluteus maximus, medius and minimus muscles which stand atop thick hamstring muscles.

The sex organs are well formed with a delicate curtain of labia minora within puffy, peach labia majora. When aroused the clitoris is half exposed due to swelling and the vaginal opening dilates, parting the labia minora and displaying a fleshy orifice with moist interior.

Blood tests revealed heightened levels of estrogen in this specimen, which increase during certain periods of the menstrual cycle. Other tests revealed a deep level of flexibility including muscular and sinuous flexibility along with an astounding VO2 max (above the level for the male specimen).

Preliminary psych evaluations reveal a high sex drive with an increased desire to breed during the ovulation period.
