The thing that goes hump in the night [werewolf] [breeding] [dubcon] [cumflation] [romance]

(Hey! Long time lurker, never posted. I didn’t even plan to write this much. I hope you enjoy)

I knew the monster you could be. I never thought I’d experience it

I lay with you spooning me in our bed. Your arms around me. Our backs to the window of our bedroom. The blackout curtains pulled tightly across as this was not a safe night for you. Neither of us heard the curtain fall. I was so wrapped up in your arms I didn’t see the soft blue light of moon coating the room. I felt it. I felt your bulge press gently to my cheeks. I stir and smile, knowing you were awake. Playfully, I push my rump back onto you, letting you know I was happy to spend sometime to have some fun before we fell back asleep. You were unusually quiet. Warmer too. I gently position my leg to give you better access to my enterance. If you didn’t want to use your words tonight I didn’t mind.

You slid in slow and powerful, almost pushing me up with your body. You seemed bigger too. I could almost imagine it was still growing as you moved with each pivot. It felt bigger? I must just be too tired to be adjusted. I just swear it wasn’t so thick. The growl should have been my next warning, but not unheard of in my ears when we got really into it after a long day by the beach. I felt so warm in your arms and it felt so right to spend the night with your cock gently exploring me the way you were. I tried to turn, but you held me. It wasn’t aggressive or a tight grip, just enough that I knew I wouldn’t be able to if I pushed more. You held me with such rigid strength, not wanting to let me move from this position, not letting me leave…

The growling grew. So much more than I’d expect from a man who just stirred from slumber for a playful bit of ass. “Babe? Is everything okay?” I ask but get no reply. The sound of my voice did get a reaction from your other head as it pulsed at the first of my words. It was feeling bigger. It was getting bigger. I was sure of it. Your arms around me too. The skin felt so tight over your girthy forearms, the weight of them and your thick fingers squeezing my plump breast gently was more than you normally were. I open my eyes to see the blue light casting shadows along the wall opposite the window. The shape was so much larger than the broad shouldered man I knew.

I realize what was happening but do not want to panic. “Babe? Are you… the window.” I say as I slowly try to pull away. I can’t even turn my head to face you. A strong hand gently holding my face. So constricted by your grasp. I wanted to see you, your face, your body. The only image I had of you was what I knew from the evening before, and the vague idea of the transformation I felt pressing on my petite frame.

Your leg moves to overlap both of mine. The weight alone paralyzing me the same way the rest of your grasp was. I shutter anxiously. I knew you would’t hurt me. This didn’t feel like you though. Burying your head into the back of my neck, your arms wrap around me. The one on top of me pinning my arms to my sides. The one below reaching across my shoulders and gripping my breast. For all the strengtb you held, it was just what was enough. You knew my body. You knew my capabilities, and how little I had to offer if I put up any more resistance.

The thrusting continued. The warm wet rhythm nudging my deepest parts. Still growing ever so thicker. A new feeling emerging, or rather entering. The base of your shaft inflating much more than the rest. The bulbous sprout driving deeper into me. I realize my mistake of not taking this more serious sooner. My instincts should have overcome my fear but it was only hindsight.

“Baby please!” My voice more than a whisper now. “Pull out! You aren’t thinki…” a hand comes to my mouth, putting pressure on my cheeks as your whole body wraps every so tighter around me, driving your girth inside with more effort. The knot you had grown to full in my rape snuggly taking hold in me.

I squirm but my movement is no more than an inch in any direction. I squirm more. Its met with more pressure tightening around me. I kick. Your legs tangle and thread my own. My body and yours brought to an absolute rigid mound in the cool glowing night.

You had successfully rutted me. I would be foolish to not expect the next step. You tense up and a low groan enters my ears as your cock swells. The built up pressure does not last more than a few moments before the first of your seed enters me. I give my last strained bit of energy to remain defeated as you swell again.

This was not the typical pulses of cum a man would have. There was no quick jet of seed. No, it built for seconds. 3…4…5 *squirt* 3…4…5 *squirt* 3…4…5…..6… *squirrrrrt*

I didn’t need to see it. I felt exactly how it was. Not the wet, soupy spunk. This was thicker than custard. The only flow, the only movement it had was when the next batch pushed the last deeper.

I tear up. The only movement I was granted was that of my eyes. 3…4…5 *squirt*.

It didn’t end. I felt so full, it was painful after the 11th or 12th. Then you finally moved.

Still holding my mouth and my arms, you roll onto your back, taking your dangling cock warming onto your chest. For a moment, my legs were free. I made no effort to even lift them. There was no point. Even with inhuman strength to break your grasp I would never best the knot. Still, you took the time to kick my legs apart and pin them below your own in a tangle.

You kept swelling, and swelling. I counted it out. I counted as I felt your cock shaking and straining. 6…7…8…9…10… *squirrrrrttt*

You groan in pleasure. It tore me apart to know you were purposefully holding out to make it feel even better for you.

Slow and forcefully, you turn my head to the wall. My eyes wander to the part I knew must be me. The top of the mound. The distended belly pushed high in the air.


You wanted me to watch.


You wanted me to see what it did to me.



The swollen top of the shadow pushed higher.

You held my head there to watch it for what seemed like hours but could have only been minutes. You let go of my body and drift to sleep in the moonlight while your cock was still awake and working. I stayed awake. Watching, counting. Only the seconds it took between releases.

The cold room now the only thing touching my breast and belly. I missed the feeling of you.

4…5…6… *squirt*

I missed the possessive need you had over me.

3…4…5… *squirt*

I hated the silence I was forced to endure. I wanted to hear you so desperate to have me.

2…3…4… *squirt*

I wanted to be wanted


My heart beats were all I had left. I stare at the ceiling. My belly edging to be in view. I softly rest my hands on it. Before I sleep… “I love you”.


1 comment

  1. Wow, this is incredible. Your description and use of the timing is perfect. It might be one of my favorite eroticas if I’m being honest. Hope to see you write more!

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